Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Do I Know? ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(Five Months Later)
As the months crawled by the tension between Cornilia and Dana grew thicker than pea soup. Most of the girls did not like Dana since most of them knew how she was, but Cornilia dispised her. The guys saw through her nice act as well, but Gactive had a little thing for her. He always seemed to be around her, trying to get closer to her, but she didn't want to have anything to do with him. He was a second class soldier and even if she was a third class, she still did not think that getting with him would benefit her as much as getting with the Prince would. She did allow him to hang around her though because no one wanted anything to do with her and it helped her ego to have him fawn over her.
"Dana?" Gactive said as he sat down next to her on her bed. Cornilia was out hanging with the other girls so Dana sat alone on her bed thinking of ways to trick the Prince into being with her. "We are landing soon, so you need to get ready. I will stay with you on the purge, but you must not let them see you doing nothing or that bitch Cornilia will have you made into a whore or killed." Dana shuddered at the thought of becoming a concubine. She would not allow the low class warriors near her perfect body.
"Alright, Tive," she said, calling him by his pet name. He stood up and headed for his room to prepare as well before the purge of the next planet. Dana shut the door after him as she pulled on her armor before plopping back on the bed. This was gonna suck if she could not get to the Prince before the end of the three years.

Bulma frowned as Vegeta walked by her. She hated that guy, I mean she had only known him for half a year, but she knew that she hated him. He acted like he was better than her and the rest of the crew and he went out of his way to piss her off, even if it was about little things. Just the other day he has made a comment about her cooking.
"Woman," a gruff voice said from behind her as she closed the stove on the rather large roast she was cooking. She turned to face the voice knowing esactly who it was before she saw his face.
"What Vegeta?" she asked, obviously agrivated.
"Your cooking stinks." Bulma frowned at the insult. "That thing that you called Macaroni and cheese tasted like soggy glue." Her eyebrows linked together as her frown deepened.
"Well, maybe you should cook, I mean if it tastes so bad, maybe you should make your own food," Bulma said, her frown becoming a smirk. "Oh, but I forgot. You ARE a Prince and they don't know how to do anything but tell others what to do. You probably don't even know how to wipe your own ass." Maggie came up next to her and began to laugh with Bulma at the look on Vegeta's face. She didn't mean any disrespect, but I mean he looked like a tomatoe about to explode. Vegeta turned around and stalked off toward the training room. He grabbed Kakarot on his way out of the room.
"He was soooo pissed," Maggie said with a snigger. "I've never seen anyone so angry." Bulma shrugged her small shoulders.
"He shouldn't have dissed my food. I mean if you're gonna dish it out then learn to do it right."
End of Flashback
Vegeta had left her alone for the rest of the day, but her cousin had filled her in on what he had said. Kakarot had told her that Vegeta was beyond pissed. Bulma shrugged her shoulders and told him that it was no concern to her what Prince Asshole felt. She headed for her room to wait for planet fall, wanting to be away from the peevy Prince. Thirty minutes later they made landed.

(One year later)
Bulma looked out the window, boredom etched across her face. They had purged a total of three planets since they had left Vegeta-sei and she was growing tired of flying around in space doing nothing. Maggie entered their room a few minutes later.
"Hey, B, you wanna train? Vegeta said that we will be purging another planet in two week, but that this one is supposed to be full of warriors so I thought maybe we could train to get ready for them." Bulma nodded, her ponytail bobbing behind her.
"I guess. Hey, do you think that we can get Jones and Dato to spare with us?" Bulma asked as they grabbed their training armor and headed for the door. Maggie shrugged.
"I don't see why not," she said as they walked down the hall toward the two boys' room. " I mean Jones has such a crush on you."
"He does not!" Bulma protested. "He hasn't even like tried to make a move on me."
"You were seven," Maggie explained, "Now you are eight. I think he's just waiting until you are a little older." Bulma frowned. She hated guys like that. She was old enough to have a boyfriend whenever she wanted. If he saw her as a little kid then he was not the guy for her. She said nothing as Maggie knocked on the boys' door. Dato answered it in nothing but some boxers, his eyes half lidded. "Hey, Dato, did we wake you?" the boy nodded. "We just wanted to know if you guys wanted to spar with us?" Dato nodded again.
"Yeah, sure, just let me get ready and we'll meet you in the training room in about ten minutes." Maggie nodded before Dato closed the door. Both girls headed toward the training room. It was almost ten in the morning and the ship was quiet. This was weird because usually you could hear talking comeing from the training room or from the kitchen or even a TV on in one of the rooms by now, but not today.
"I wonder why he was so tired," Bulma said quietly. "He is usually real perky in the morning. Him and Jones are usually already up watching TV by nine." Maggie nodded, her brow furrowed in concentrationn.
"Yeah, I mean all the guys are either watching TV by nine or training. I don't even hear either of the girls up and bitching."
"Yeah, Cornilia is usually after Dana to get up and go train, but I don't even hear that," Bulma said as they approached the training room.

(In Vegeta/Kakarot's Room)
"Kakarot!" a voice yelled. "Kakarot!"
Kakarot cracked an eye open only to stare into two angry onyx eyes.
"Kakarot!" the voice said angrily, "Wake your dumb ass up!" Kakarot blinked before realizing who he was looking at.
"Vegeta?" The face moved away from him to reveal that it was in fact Vegeta.
"Yes, idiot. We were supposed to get up and train this morning and I had to spend like the last hour trying to wake you up." Kakarot sat up, blinking his glazed eyes before trying to rub the sleep out of them.
"Vegeta, we just trained with the other guys last night from noon until midnight. I need at least ten hours of sleep after going that long. Don't you take a day off? You're as bad as my cou-" Vegeta growled a warning as he grabbed him by his black hair.
"You had better not say what I think that you were going to say," he said pulling the other Sayian closer to him. "I am in no way like your bitchy cousin." Kakarot frowned pulling away from Vegeta and standing up.
"She is not a bitch!" he said defensivly. "She can be bossy and loud, but she is not a bitch. Take that back!" Vegeta shook his head.
"Make me!" Kakarot grabbed his training armor and followed Vegeta to the training room where the others were already fighting.

(Training Room)
Bulma ran at Dato fazing in and out. Maggie and Jones watched as the two of them blocked and kicked, trying to land a hit while the other tried to prevent it from happening. They didn't look up as Kakarot and Vegeta entered the room. They watched as Vegeta and Kakarot began to spar while both boys screamed insults. This caused Bulma to become distracted by the fight. Kakarot never yelled at anyone unless they said something about someone he cared about. Dato landed a punch on her left cheek knocking her into the wall. Dato imediatly ran over to her realizing that she had not been paying attention.
"Bulma!" he called as he reached her. "Are you okay? I didn't realize that you weren't paying attention." Bulma looked at him, blood dripped from her lip as she smiled.
"I'm okay. I should have been paying attention, but my cousin is mad and he never gets mad." They both looked over at Kakarot and Vegeta as they fought.
"I'm serious, take back what you said!" Vegeta shook his head as he blocked a kick to his stomach and punched Kakarot in the face. Kakarot didn't even flinch before he began to punch Vegeta again.
"You haven't made me yet. If you can hit me, then I will take it back. I mean you know that she is a bitch," Vegeta said still taunting the young Sayian in front of him. Kakarot fazed away and Vegeta turned around exspecting him to be there, but when he wasn't Vegeta turned back to the front. The kid didn't reappear for more than two seconds so Vegeta called out, "Don't be a chicken boy! Come on out and fight!" Seconds later Kakarot appeared above him and knocked him down before pummeling him into the ground. Vegeta came back at him, both of them intent on beating the other. Bulma finally got up and entered into the fight. She knocked Kakarot out of the fight and was left with Vegeta to fight. They glared at eachother their hate reflecting in their eyes along with something niether of them noticed. Bulma was thown back when one of his kicks landed, but she flew back into the fray and managed to land an uppercut to his chin. They continued to fight for thirty more minuted before they stopped to catch their breath.
"You're pretty good," Bulma gasped out as she struggled for breath. "I haven't had a good fight like that in like forever." Vegeta nodded.
"Some with you. No one has ever given me their all. We should spar more often." Bulma stood straight up and smirked.
"I'll think about it," she said as she exited the room, followed by Maggie, Dato, and Jones. Vegeta turned to Kakarot.
"I take back what I said. She isn't a bitch." Kakarot smiled.

(One week later)
Bulma had agreed to spar with Vegeta two days later, but only because she needed the experience that he had. The sparred on a daily basis, staying up to nearly midnight every night and getting up a nine every morning. This morning wasn't any different.
"So, Vegeta, when are you going to teach me some of your moves?" Vegeta smirked.
"One of these days," was his simple reply. "Maybe next week before our purge." Bulma smiled. "You need to teach me some of your moves like that instant transportation that Kakarot was telling me about."
"It's just like fazing. I mean except that it can go for longer distances."
"And that you can't feel that person's 'ki' signiture," Vegeta stated. Bulma nodded.
"That too. I'll teach it to you if you teach me Big Bang." Bulma reached for his hand which he placed in hers.