Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Do I Know? ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(Next Day)
Vegeta got up early at five and feeling like something was wrong. He got dressed and headed for the training room. Upon entering the room he noticed the blue haired creature laying limply on the ground.
"Woman," Vegeta called as he headed for her body. "Are you okay?" he asked bending down to pick her up. One blue eye opened and looked up at him.
"V-Vegeta," she murmured opening her other eye.
"Hush, I'm going to take you to the rejuvenation tank." He carried her out of the room, while she hung onto his arms. Vegeta put her in the tank next to the one that contained Dana. After setting it for a couple of hours he turned to look at Dana. Her wounds had healed pretty nice, but that mattered little to him. He wished that Bulma had been allowed to kill her, but he knew that she would receive a far worse punishment at the royal harem. He turned and headed for the door, looking back once at Bulma he left the room.

Bulma awoke two and a half hours later, her vision fogged by the blue liquid. She knew she would have to wait for the liquid to disperse before she got out. A few minutes later the liquid drained and she stepped out into the cold room. She was still in her torn spandex from the night before and now she was soaking wet. She turned toward the door and headed out into the main hallway toward her room where she laid down on her bed. Soon sleep over came her and she passed out.

Vegeta punched and kicked at Kakarot who fazed in and out, trying to hit the Prince with one of his hits. They had another ten hours before planet fall and they had to be at their best so everyone trained until five hours were left until planet fall before sleeping for three hours after that. Bulma had joined them a few hours before and now they were all headed for the kitchen now that there was less than two hours until planet fall. Bulma cooked up a great feast telling them it was like the Last Supper.
"What is the Last Supper?" Maggie asked. Bulma sat down a large hunk of meat before setting down at the head of the table.
"Well, in America, on Earth, most people believed in a Higher Being called God, like you guys have the Great Ozzuru(I don't know how that is spelled). God had a son who before he was to be killed had a final meal called the Last Supper. I know that there is a fifty-fifty chance that we could win I would just like to have one more meal with you guys." Everyone lowered their heads, except Vegeta of course who snorted. "I would like to have a moment of silence before we eat so that anyone who wants to pray, may." Vegeta watched as everyone closed their eyes and actually began to pray. Sure he believed in the Great Ozzuru, but he wasn't gonna pray in front of his crew. After a few minutes of silence everyone began to eat.
"Well, nice of you to wait for me," a female voice said. Everyone looked up at the door where a wet Dana stood. "Ready to die?" she asked with contempt in her voice. Bulma stood up, her tail twitching in annoyance behind her. Instantly Dana's eyes went to her tail. "You're Sayian?" she gasped.
"I'm a half breed," Bulma said calmly. "Are you ready to live life in the harem?" Dana growled. "I hope you are because after we kill this fucker then we will be heading home to take you to your new home." Dana lunged at Bulma who grabbed her by her hair. "Now," Bulma said, her voice deathly calm and cold, "while we go and fight you will stay in the dungeon locked up nice and tight." Bulma threw Dana to Gactive who knocked the girl out before taking her out of the room to her temporary quarters. Bulma turned toward everyone else, her tail wrapping itself around her waist, and with the same calm voice she asked, "So, is everyone else ready for the big one?" Vegeta smirked in admiration. He could tell by looking in her eyes that she was afraid, but the rest of her body did not betray that.
"We're ready," Everyone said.
"Good," Bulma said turning toward the big window behind her. "Cause we're here." Everyone looked out the window at the purple planet. No one had ever gone to Planet Ice and had lived to tell about it. Everyone headed for their rooms and armored up. Ten minutes later they all stood at the ramp looking down at the purple terrain.

(One Hour Later on the Planet Ice)
"We haven't run into anyone yet," Cornilia said in frustration. "I hate when I am being set up and they don't have the decency to come out and fight." Just as she said that everyone heard a low voice laughing.
"You want to die that bad?" the male voice asked. Maggie looked around in fear.
"Show yourself!" Dato yelled into the trees. All the trees rustled around them before a large pink creature appeared before them. It had spikes that ran over its head and along its forearms. It had purple lips and purple under it's eyes. All in all Bulma thought that it looked like a big piece of gum. Bulma stepped forward toward the creature. Everyone got into their fighting stances as the creature stared to power up. Vegeta was the first to begin the fight. He managed to land quite a few punches on the blob's face and gut. The creature didn't have a chance and then his odds became lower as Kakarot jumped into the fray. While the crew watched the fight some other aliens came out from the bushes. There were ten or so of them. Most were green with antennas while others were purple with over sized heads.
"Well, good to know that we get to have fun as well," Cornilia said with a laugh.
"Yeah, I was beginning to think that we were only going to get to watch all the fun," Bulma said as she and Cornilia ran at the creatures. It took them a total of thirty minutes with the help of Dato and Maggie to demolish all the creatures. Bulma turned toward the fight between Vegeta, Kakarot and the pink thing. Vegeta and Kakarot were just finishing up with the creature. Right now they were just playing with it. "Hey!" she yelled at the two. "Either kill it or I will!" Both men stopped and looked at her. "I mean it!" she said when she saw them stop.
"Fine," Kakarot whined, "We'll kill it." With one blast Vegeta obliterated the pink creature.
"He'll kill you!" the thing screamed as he entered the next dimension. Vegeta and Kakarot joined the others as the continued through the forest. Bulma walked next to Vegeta while Kakarot waked behind next to Maggie, Gactive, and Dato.
"Vegeta," Bulma began, "Who is the guy that has the huge power level?" Vegeta turned toward her.
"His name is Frieza. He is the youngest of the Cold family. His father is King Cold and his brother is Cooler. The father died ten years ago and the older brother disappeared five years ago leaving Frieza to rule in his place. Frieza is the worst of the three. King Cold was a ruthless leader, but he knew his place and left us alone, but Frieza thinks that he is a God and takes all that he can. Cooler is quiet and no one knows much about him." Bulma frowned.
"So once we destroy Frieza we may have another to deal with?" Vegeta nodded.
"Maybe," Vegeta said uncertainly. "Cooler maybe more mellow. No one has seen him. They have no information on him since he was ten years of age."
"Oh," Bulma said as they grew closer to the end of the rather large forest. "Well, I wonder what Dana has to do with all this."
"Cornilia has no information on Dana. She just showed up like two years ago, but one thing is certain, she is ruthless and she is after me." Bulma looked at him in shock.
"She wants you? Why?"
"Power, what else is there?" Bulma stopped for a moment before continuing to follow him.
"Well, there is an heir. If she has an heir with you there is no way that she will be denied all that she wants. I mean Sayian law says that the first woman to produce an heir is queen right?" Vegeta nodded. "That way if you die she will continue to rule until she dies and even then her spawn will rule after that." Vegeta looked in awe at Bulma.
"How are you so smart?" Bulma smiled.
"Genes," she said simply. They continued to walk through the forest until they found the end which stopped at a large grey dome shaped building.
'Cause sometimes you just feel tired
You feel weak
As they grew closer to the building some more creatures came out of the shadows of the building. One particular creature with long, braided green hair came out. He was blue and very muscular.
And when you feel weak
You feel like you just want to give up
"Hi," the blue creature said. "My name is Zarbon. I was sent to kill the one called Bulma and her crew." Everyone looked in shock for a moment.
"How do you know my name?" Bulma asked in confusion. Zarbon smirked, his amazement hidden.
"I was told what your name was and to be expecting you, but I never expected such a beauty such as yourself." Bulma nearly gagged.
But you gotta search within you
You gotta find that inner strength
"You should join with me," Zarbon said, "I have never seen such a beautiful creature such as yourself. We could make beautiful babies." Vegeta frowned and stepped forward.
"That is my woman that you are proposing to creature. If you think that she will get with a thing such as yourself, you are sadly mistaken." Bulma looked at the Prince in awe.
And pull that shit out of you
And get that motivation not to give up and not be a quitter
Zarbon smirked.
"It was just as she confirmed. She said that you liked the low class human." Bulma growled.
"Iam a half breed," Bulma said proudly. "I am Sayian as well as human." Zarbon frowned. "I will kick your sorry ass!" Zarbon lower himself into his fighting stance. Bulma lunged first and managed to strike him in the gut first, blood flying all over her face. Vegeta watched as Bulma's blue eyes became grey blue like the day she beat Dana up. He knew that she would probably never remember what was about to happen.
No matter how bad you just want to fall on your face an collapse
Till I collapse I'm spilling these raps long as you're feeling'em
Zarbon's face twisted in pain as she punched his gut a few more times. Blood ran sideways on her face as she moved against the wind to move him across the skies. Zarbon straightened and began to punch back. Bulma dodged as Zarbon began to kick and punch in her direction. Suddenly she disappeared. Vegeta watched in anticipation, waiting for her to reappeared. Seconds later she appeared above his head. Zarbon continued to look around, not being able to sense her 'ki' he looked around wildly. Bulma made funny faces, mimicking his faces of shock and fear.
Till the day that I drop
You'll never say that I am not killing them
Bulma then put her hands together and came down on Zarbon's head. He flew down into the ground below him where Cornilia resumed Bulma's fight with the lizard. Zarbon blocked and punched as Cornilia weaved in and out. She managed to land a few hits as did Zarbon. Dato joined Cornilia in her fight, which did not bother Zarbon one bit. He was having fun with them, knowing something that they did not know.
Cause when I am not
Then I stop pinning them
Zarbon finally grew weary of playing and with one burst of power threw them away from him.
"Are you ready to battle the real me?" Zarbon asked looking up at Bulma, who still hovered over him. Bulma nodded, a smirk forming on her pretty lips.
"I was wondering when you were going to quit toying with me." Vegeta smirked at Bulma's attitude, which was so like his. Zarbon wiped the purple blood off his lip as his smirk broadened. Zarbon stretched his arms out as they bulged as did his legs. The gang watched with sick fascination as Zarbon's petite form grew twice it's size and his once feminine features became ugly and lizard like.
And I am not hip-hop
And I'm just not eminem
"You only saw the beauty before, now I present the beast!" Zarbon growled as he flew up into Bulma. His fist hit her square under her jaw, snapping her head back with a pop. Bulma's face registered pain and surprise before it contorted into anger. Vegeta flew up into the fray as the rest of the crew watched the three battle. With Bulma and Vegeta fighting together they managed to catch the lizard off guard. Within minutes Zarbon was bruised and broken, his once cocky features gone. They were replaced with fear and anger. Bulma smiled at Vegeta as they got on either side of Zarbon and began to power up. Zarbon frowned, but found himself unable to move.
Subliminal thoughts
When I'ma stop sending them
The golden lights meshed together, covering Zarbon in the warming light. He began to scream as the blasts touched his skin, causing his blue skin to blacken.
"Biggggggg," Vegeta and Bulma said in unison as the lights grew bigger. "Bannnngggggg!" They released the blasts into Zarbon. Zarbon's body began to disintegrate as the 'ki' blasts engulfed his body. Bulma and Vegeta were forced to close their eyes as the light grew white. A few seconds later the light faded and Zarbon's body was gone. Vegeta smirked at Bulma and she smiled back. They both seemed caught up in each others eyes that they did not notice the power level approach them.
Women are caught in webs
Spin'em and hauk venom
"Very nice," an effeminate voice said. Everyone turned to look at the owner of the voice. "No one has killed Zarbon before." A very small creature stood before them. It wore chest armor that was purple and brown to cover it's pink body. It had white on its forearms and legs with brown on them, like pads. It had a long pink tail with a purple tip that drug the ground behind it.
"Are you Frieza?" Bulma asked. The creature raised a brow under it's horns which protruded from a round white helmet that had a large purple ball in it.
"I guess I am a little more popular than I thought." Vegeta frowned in disgust. Frieza turned it's attention toward him. "So you are the Prince that she wants so bad. You look okay I guess." Vegeta growled as did Bulma which caused Frieza to look at her. "And you must be the bitch that she doesn't like. I must say for a human you are very pretty." Bulma gagged. What is with these creatures hitting on her?
Adrenaline shots of penicillin
Could not get the illing to stop
"For one thing, my name is Bulma and second off, that is disgusting," Bulma said floating closer to the creature. It frowned at her.
'How dare she say that! Doesn't she realize that I can kill her?' Frieza smirked. "You are going to be a fun one to break, little one."
"Let's just get this over with," Bulma growled. "I'm ready to kick your ass!" Bulma yelled as she and Vegeta flew toward Frieza. Immediately Frieza blasted them out of the sky.
Amoxacilin is just not real enough
The criminal cop killing hip-hop
Filling minimal swap to cop millions of PAC listeners
Vegeta came up first to blast Frieza back. His blast hit it's mark and caused the creature to fly back. Bulma came up behind it and began to blast several red 'ki' balls at him. Frieza's face registered pain for a full ten seconds as each blast hit before he fazed out. He hovered in the air for a moment.
"I guess that fifty thousand is not enough for you," Frieza said. "Maybe seventy thousand will be better for you!" A red aura flickered around Frieza's small body as it's fists began to grow and it's legs as well. Frieza let out a unearthly howl as he nearly doubled in size. Not much had changed besides that. It came at full force at them, but fazed out as it reached them. Seconds later a scream filled the air. Bulma and Vegeta turned to look down at their crew. Frieza had put one of it's horn's through Gactive. Blood rippled down his armor as Frieza pushed it's black horn in farther.
You're coming with me
Feel or not
You're gonna fear it like I showed you
The spirit of God lives in us
Gactive put his hands around the horn and broke it in two before passing out from the pain. Frieza cried out as the horn dropped from Gactive's bloodied hands. It flung his limp body away from him, causing blood to fly onto the faces of Maggie, Cornilia, and Dato, who stood with shock on their faces.
"Stupid bastard," Frieza cursed before blasting Gactive into the next dimension. Dato ran into Frieza as he powered up. He knocked the creature into the ground before shoving his hand into it's face. The blue light started to melt the white helmet around his face making Frieza scream. Dato let go of the blast and flew back as the hole around Frieza's body grew deeper and blue with the light from the blast.
You hear it alot
Lyrics that shock
Is it a miracle or am I a product of pop fizzing up
Vegeta and Kakarot flew into the crater and began to fire off blasts of yellow light. Bulma and Maggie joined him seconds later, followed by Dato and Cornilia. They continued to do this for a full minute before a huge blast forced them away from the crater. When the dust cleared a very pissed off Frieza emerged. His armor on his legs, arms and chest were broken off or chipped and cracked. Frieza didn't move from his spot, instead he just stared at them with hatred very evident in his eyes. Then he hunched over as two, two foot long spikes came out of his shoulder blades and his head grew longer. His face looked smashed and more reptilian than before. His shoulder pads became longer and his body grew a couple of more feet.
For shizzle my wizzle
This is the plot
Listen up
Bulma turned toward the Kakarot.
"Get everyone out of here! We don't need any more blood shed!" Kakarot hesitated so Bulma pushed him. "I will be there soon, okay?" He nodded and quickly ran over to the rest of the crew.
"Bulma said to go back to the ship," he told Cornilia. "She said that we do not need any more blood shed." Cornilia nodded. She knew what Bulma and Vegeta were doing. Even if she didn't want to go, she would. She turned and grabbed Maggie, while Kakarot grabbed Dato and they all ran in the direction of the ship. Vegeta turned to look at Bulma and frowned.
"Go with them!" he yelled. Bulma shook her head. Vegeta let out an exasperated noise before he nodded his approval. "Fine, I knew that you wouldn't go anyway. I'm glad I have someone powerful like you to back me up!" Bulma smiled before they both turned their attention to Frieza.
You bizzles forgot that slizzle does not give a fuck
Frieza flew at them ready to kill them when both Vegeta and Bulma disappeared. Frieza smirked as he tried to find their 'ki' signatures with his scouter, but that smirk soon turned in a frown when there were no signatures in the area. For a brief second fear flashed into his eyes before he powered up, ready for the blast to come. Seconds later he was hit by one blast that knocked him into the white waters below him. It was followed by another one of greater magnitude. He flew out of his crater and flew at them with blasts ready. Bulma tried to dodge, but was unsuccessful as both blasts hit her square in the face. She was forced out of the air, leaving Vegeta to fight him. Vegeta held his left hand up in the air, powered up, and then released the basketball sized blast onto Frieza. It grew until it was the size of a football field and then it made contact. The yellow of the blast glistened off of Frieza's body as he held it back.
Till the roof comes off
Till the lights go out
Till my legs give out
Can't shut my mouth
The trail that held the blast in place ran all the way back to Vegeta who shot another blast through the trail. Bulma watched from the ground as Frieza's face contorted. The water around them began to wave slowly as Vegeta forced Frieza closer to the water below them. Frieza then shoved the blast back up the shocked face of Vegeta. Bulma powered up quickly and threw a small blast to counteract the first one. It exploded upon impact. Frieza'a body began to glow a light red as he began to transform again. His facade began to crack like an egg as his power pushed itself out.
Till the smoke clears out
And my high wears out
I'ma rip this shit until my bones collapse
Soon the pieces began to fall off of Frieza, both of them watching, waiting for the new Frieza to make it's appearance. A large white light filled the small vicinity as the rest of his body fell away. The new and final Frieza was small and compact. It was white with a small globe of purple on it's head, shoulders, legs, and stomache. It's purple lips pulled themselves into a smirk of pure cockiness as it's red eyes gleamed. It shot out at them, niether of them prepared for the speed of the new Frieza. Both were caught off guard and knocked into the ground. Frieza walked over to their hole where he blasted them. They both shot out at the same time, both after the same target. The battle went on for some hours. Vegeta now stood before Frieza, the top of his suit gone, as well as his armor. Bulma stood next to him, her cloths nearly as shreaded and her armor cracked to pieces.Till the roof comes off
Till the lights go out
Till my legs give out
Can't shut my mouth
Blood dripped down her lip and Vegeta had blood dripping down from his arm.
"I'm not supposed to kill you, Prince," Frieza said, "Why don't you just leave me and the girl alone so I can destroy her." Vegeta frowned.
"If you want to kill her then you have to go through me!" Vegeta said as he flew at him. Frieza shot out two blasts that split into four rings that hooked onto Vegeta's wrists and ankles.
"You will stay where you are and I will kill the girl," Frieza said as he turned his attention to Bulma. "You know, you look familiar." Bulma frowned. Vegeta listened intently as he struggled to free himself. Frieza moved closer to Bulma, who didn't budge. "Yes, I see him in you." Bulma looked confused.
"What are you talking about?" Frieza laughed.
"You are his spawn! Too bad he didn't get to see you!" Vegeta looked confused now. What was he talking about?
"You knew my father?" Bulma asked in disbelief.