Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Do I Know? ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The next couple of weeks were devoted to the young couple and their impending marriage. They had informed the King, Queen, and Radditz of their engagement, all of which were more than pleased. Bulma stood with Maggie in a bridal shop looking at all the dresses. Bulma had talked Vegeta into having a "joint" wedding so that both cultures would be included, Vegeta having agreed since he wanted her to be happy. Maggie decided on a dress for the bride maids to wear, Bulma agreeing since the dress was lavender and that being Bulma's favorite color. By the end of the month Bulma had everything set up. All that was left was to set up the banquet hall and the throne room for the wedding.

(Cooler's Ship)
The scarred man stood before Cooler, his eyes gleamed with mischief as he told his boss what he knew.
"So, they are finally gonna be married, but we can not let that happen," Cooler said with a small frown. "We can not let them mate or get married, it would ruin my plan of taking over the Ape Empire." The man nodded. "You must kill the monkey Prince!" Cooler demanded.
"What about the girl?" the man inquired. "I wouldn't mind a piece of that if you don't already have plans for her." Cooler looked down at the younger man, a glint appeared in his eyes as well.
"You may have your fun with her, but when you are done bring her to me. I wouldn't mind a little human fun as well." The man nodded before heading toward his ship, unknowing that a little Sayian woman was watching the pair and decided that even though she hated the Sayian race, she didn't want to be a whore on Cooler's little planet. She slunk behind the human as he boarded his ship, following him aboard before the door shut.

(Planet Vegeta-sei)
Bulma wondered down the halls looking for their new room. After the announcement to their parents the King and King had decided to give them a new room, but Bulma was having a hard problem finding the new room.
"Damn," she cursed as she came back to the hall she started at. "I should have had him escort me," she mumbled to herself. She turned around, but realized that she was COMPLETELY lost! "Oh, no!" she cried as she sat down. 'Powerful halfbreed and I can't even find my room,' Bulma thought to herself with anger. Suddenly her ears perked up as she heard footsteps. They sounded far away, but maybe the person could help her. Soon the walking stopped though and after waiting for what seemed like forever she realized they were gone, whoever they were. 'That's odd,' she thought to herself. 'They just disappeared, but there was no door opening or closing.' Something told her that something was wrong here. She stood up and began to concentrate on Vegeta's 'ki' signature. "Vegeta!" she called telepathically. "Vegeta! I'm lost in the palace and there is something not right here!" When she received no immediate reply Bulma became frustrated, but before she could get really angry a voice called to her.
"Onna? What do you mean lost?" the voice childed her. "and what do you mean not right?" Bulma frowned.
"I sat down for a minute to think and then I heard some footsteps, but as soon as I heard them, they stopped."
"So... People stop walking Onna!"
Vegeta said sarcastically. This made Bulma angrier.
"I know this Veggie! There was no opening of a door or closing of one! The footsteps just stopped!" No answer. "Veggie, I am serious! My Sayian instincts say that something is wrong and my human instincts are MAJOR freaked out!"
"I will find you in a moment,"
Vegeta promised. Bulma smiled as she sat down once again.
"Thank you Veggie-chan!" she said happily. Bulma had been so preoccupied with her conversation with Vegeta that she had not seen the shadowed figure creep up behind her before it was too late. She felt the sudden brush of air before all went black.

Vegeta headed down the long corridor with a smirk on his lips.
'Silly Onna,' he thought to himself. 'Getting herself lost in her new home.' Vegeta followed her 'ki' signature as he headed for his Onna, but stopped short as her 'ki' level dropped and disappeared. "What the fuck?!" Vegeta growled as he moved quickly to the spot she had last been. He looked around and began to search for her energy. Coming up empty he turned to his mind. "Onna! Onna! Are you okay?!" After calling her a few more times with no answer to any of them he began to feel around for any unfamiliar 'ki's in the area. It took him a moment, but he locked onto two of them. One was in the loading bays and the other was headed in that direction.

(Loading Bay)
The scar-faced man ran quickly to his ship, an unconscious Bulma thrown over his left shoulder.
'That was sooo easy,' he thought to himself. 'Her Prince so preoccupied with training and her so lost and deep in thought.' He glanced over at the unconscious girl. 'It will be fun to bed you,' the man thought with a smile as he saw his ship grow closer.
"STOP!!" a gruff voice called, causing him to pause to look at who it belonged to. Kakarot stood three behind him, an angry look on his face. "Leave my cousin alone!" he demanded. The man smirked evilly.
'Just what I needed. A plaything,' he thought before setting the girl on the floor. "How did you know that I was here?" he inquired.
"A little bird told me!" the Sayian yelled. The man frowned. "Who are you?"
"My name is Yamcha!" he said proudly. "You will be a good workout!" Kakarot frowned as he crouched into a fighting stance.
"Bring it on!" he called. "You won't even be a challenge!" This caused Yamcha to growl in anger as he powered up. Neither man saw Vegeta enter the room, rage evident on his face as he saw his future mate laying motionless on the floor. Before anyone could react Vegeta powered up to Super Sayian. Yamcha's attention was turned to the now golden Sayian. His anger turned to fear as the power of the new Sayian entered his scouter.
Cut my life into piecesThis is my last resortSuffocation, no breathingDon't give a fuck if I cut my arms bleedingThis is my last resort...
"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Vegeta growled as he took a large step toward the now stalk still Yamcha. Vegeta moved quickly as Yamcha gained his barrings. Yamcha turned to grab the unconscious woman, but Vegeta grabbed him by his neck, his angry face inches from his own.
Cut my life into piecesI've reached my last resortSuffocation, no breathingDon't give a fuck if I cut my arms bleedingDo you even care if I die bleedingWould it be wrong, would it be rightIf I took my life tonightChance are that I mightMutilation out of sightAnd I'm contemplating suicide
"Don't you know what happens when you touch something precious to a Sayian?" Yamcha's eyes teared up as fear of his oncoming death filled his heart. Vegeta's fist tightened around his neck. "Who sent you?" he growled.
"H-He would kill me," Yamcha said quietly.
"I will kill you now, so either way you are dead, but I will make it quicker and less pain filled if you tell me who sent your worthless ass to TOUCH my Onna!" Yamcha felt liquid trickle down his legs as he pissed himself. Vegeta's nose wrinkled as the scent hit his nose, before smirking. "Look Kakarot! He soiled himself." Yamcha listened as both Sayian's laughed at him.
Cause I'm losing my sight, losing my mindWish somebody would tell me I'm fineLosing my sight, losing my mindWish somebody would tell me I'm Fine
Anger welled up inside, but was quickly diminished as Vegeta put his fist though Yamcha's stomach. Blood flew out his back as Vegeta's fist exited out the back. When Vegeta retracted his hand it was covered in blood and in his fist was Yamcha's spleen. "Tell me or I will take out each and every one of your organs one by one," the Sayian threatened. Yamcha frowned down at him, trying to act tough, which was hard when all the pain he was in.
I never realized I was spread too thinTill it was too late and I was empty withinHungry, feeding on chaos and living in sinDownward spiral, where do I beginIt all started when I lost my motherNo love for myself and no love for anotherSearching to find a love upon a higher levelFinding nothing but questions and devils
"Alright, you want to act tough." Vegeta smirked as his fist entered Yamcha's stomach and pulled out his intestines. Yamcha watched as the Vegeta's eyes gleamed with blood lust as he pulled his intestine out onto the floor. Blood pooled below his body along with his intestines, finally Yamcha gave in.
"It's Cooler! He wants you dead so that he can take over your kingdom! The girl was to be a whore on his planet!" Vegeta's frown deepened as the information sunk in. In the blink of an eye Vegeta blew the other man away, giving him a less painful death.
"I guess that means we owe Cooler a visit, but no one knows where the bastard is," Vegeta growled in annoyance and frustration.
"I do!" a familiar voice piped up.