Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Past and the Present Come Together ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

Wow, I shocked at how may reviews I have gotten and thank you for everyone that has reviewed. Please bear with me I am new this. Any help would be appreciated, especially with writing lemons, and action sequences.

The NC-17 warning is just a precaution. If you catch any inconsistencies in my story tell me and I will try to fix them.

Since I my updates will be slow I'm going to start a mailing list. If you want to be on it give me your email address.

And by the way if you can think of a better title for this fic tell me. I will pick the best and have you, the readers, pick the title. I can't draw. So if anyone is inspired by this fic (with your permission) I will put your drawing up, thank you.

Yes, I know this is a few days early, but I won't be here on Friday. I'm going home for Thanksgiving break, which means I have to leave my computer. *cries* Well anyway here is Chapter 2.



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I have trouble enough with English.

**************************Man I talk too much.********************************

Chapter 2

Past and the Present Come Together

*Somewhere on Earth*

Yamcha walked down a corridor into a plane white room. He walked up to the tank and looked at it in contempt. It was three times the size of a normal person and filled with a green gel that was the consistency of hair gel. You have the worst sense of timing you know that? I was having fun until you called." `Bulma I will finish what I have started.' He put his hand on the tank. "How long will I have to be in this fucking thing?"

From behind Yamcha a mysterious person spoke. "Too bad. You can play with your pet some other time. If we are to do this, it has to be now while everyone is distracted. You will be in the tank for one month. Don't give me that look. You won't remember a thing. You will be put into stasis while it changes you back. Now get your scrawny ass in there. You are wasting time, but before you do what did you do with the Briefs bitch?"

"I'm the older brother I should be giving the orders anyways I dealt with her. She won't interfere with our plans." Yamcha striped all of his clothing and floated to the top of the tank, opened it up, and then slowly lowered himself in. "This thing better not deform me or I will kick your ass."

"Shut up! This planet has made you soft." `Goku and his precious planet will be nothing more then dust.'

`They will get what is coming to them.' Yamcha's thoughts left him as the gel seeped into every pore and put him to sleep.


Vegeta couldn't keep his eyes off Bulma. For one good reason, she looked like shit. Sanctuary was the only place he could think of taking her. She felt safe there and it was far away from everything. It also was too far for her friends to sense her or him, unless he powered up to his max. `You've made me soft onna and for that I will never forgive you.' Vegeta couldn't help but smirk when he thought about the time she brought him there.

*Beginning of Flashback*

"So Vegeta what do you think of Sanctuary." Bulma stood in front of the house the two would be sharing for the next month. It was a yellow two-story dome house. "Everything we need is on the island."

It took all of her skills of persuasion to convince Vegeta to come with her. Basically, she promised him all the food he could eat and a massage any time he wanted one, but only if he trained for 6 hours a day. It was an offer Vegeta couldn't refuse. He would be treated like royalty.

"You brought me here to see this hell hole. We should have stayed at Capsule Corp. It's bigger and I don't see you for days when you are on vacation." Vegeta stood in his classic stance scowling and Bulma. `This better be worth it.'

"Not the house you dumb ass the island. I hope you like it because it is yours." Vegeta simply gave Bulma a confused look. "Not exactly yours, it's mine, no wait…"

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Onna you're babbling, start over from the beginning."

Bulma clenched her fists and stomped her left foot on the ground. "Don't treat me like a child Vegeta. What I meant to say is I bought this island when I was 18. Nothing has been changed except I added the house. The reason the house is so small is because I wanted it to fit in this clearing. Now when I say that the island is yours it will legally be yours when I die. I know how you get frustrated with having lots of people around and you like time to your self, so here." Bulma tossed Vegeta a key ring that had lots of vegetables on it. Bulma turned and giggled as she saw Vegeta's reaction to the key ring. To Bulma's surprise, Vegeta didn't rip the little veggies off the ring. "Don't worry, Veggie I plan on changing the locks to voice activated ones. So you will not have to keep that for very long." She turned around and headed towards the house.

"I am not amused onna, but thank you." Vegeta said as he took in his surroundings. He had to admit the place was beautiful. There was lots of exotic vegetation; he could hear the wild animals in the forest and a waterfall near by. The best part was they were the only two people on the island. `This could be interesting.' "Onna, who else knows about this island?"

"That's the best part Vege-chan, you and I are the only two people who know about this place. I usually come here when I am tired of dealing with everything. You know to keep me from killing someone." Bulma turned around and saw Vegeta with a grin on his face. `I hate that look, it makes him look sexy. Kuso, don't think like that Bulma. Bad Bulma. Get control of your-self. It's just Vegeta for kami sake. He is an arrogant, self-centered, asshole, with the body of a god. Shimatta!' "I know that look Vegeta, what are you up to?"

"Nothing onna. Show me the inside of the house" Vegeta proceeded to walk into the house. The inside was nothing fancy. It had no TV, phone, or much on any electronics that he could see.

Bulma walked into the house, sat on the couch, and put her hands over her face. "Kuso, Vegeta we have a small dilemma on our hands. I can't believe I forgot about it."

Vegeta stood in front of her. "Spit it out onna."

Bulma kept her hands over her face and said, "There's only one bed."

`This will be very interesting.' Vegeta quietly began to chuckle to him-self

*End of Flashback*

The sun was rising over the horizon when Vegeta got to the island. He could have gotten there sooner but he didn't want to cause her any more injuries than she already had. From what he could tell, she had at least four broken ribs. She fell asleep as soon as they left Capsule Corp.

Vegeta landed in front of the house and yelled his password. "Open the fucking door!" With the "magic words" said the robots inside activated and opened the door.

The robot opened the door and bowed. "Welcome back, Vegeta no Ouji." Vegeta walked in ignoring the robot, proceeded up to the bedroom. (AN: FYI, the down stairs is the living area and the up stairs is huge bedroom with a bathroom.) The top floor was split into two sections the bedroom and the bathroom. In the center of the bedroom was a king size bed. Behind the bed was an oak dresser; in front was a vanity, a closet on the left. Over the bed was an oval ski light and surprising that was all that was in the room.

He gently laid Bulma on the bed and shook her awake. "Onna wake up."

Bulma slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Vegeta." She just looked up at him in disbelief that he was there. "Where am I?" Her vice was barely a whisper. She could barely sit up. If she had been an average person, she would not be able to move at all. "Sanctuary." He moved behind her and began to unzip her dress. Bulma just sat there and stared at no place in particular.

Vegeta unzipped her dress halfway but stopped when he noticed the bruises on her back. They ranged in colors from light blue to black. As he looked closer, he could tell that there were bruises on top of bruises. `How long has this been going on and why didn't she tell me anything.' "What happened?"

All Vegeta got was silence. It took all of his will not to yell at her. The feelings he felt were foreign to him. Vegeta didn't handle feelings well, they made him angry and violent. `I don't care what Kakarott does, the weakling is dead.' He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Please don't tell anyone." Bulma's voice was barely a whisper. She refused to look at Vegeta or herself in the mirror. She just continued to stair into space. "Please." Vegeta just nodded.

It took Vegeta an hour to clean her up and dress her wounds. Not only did she have four broken ribs and the busted lip Vegeta had originally observed but also the rest of her ribs were bruised. Her ankle was severely sprained and she had cuts all over her body. Vegeta laid Bulma in bed, slipped in beside her wrapped his arms around her, `I will always keep you safe, onna.' and went to sleep.

****************************Awww how cute.**********************************

DG: So Vegeta, did you enjoy your quality time with Yamcha?

Vegeta: Yes I did. No one messes with my mate.

DG: Good.

Goku: Has anyone seen Yamcha?

DG: Have you looked in the corner?

Goku: There he is.

Goku walks over to Yamcha.

DG whispers to Vegeta: What did you do to Yamcha anyways?

Vegeta whispers in DG ear. DG faints. (You do not want to know what he said *shivers*)

See ya!

Wednesday, December 18, 2002