Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Confrontations ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

1. For those of you who want a lemon, one is coming soon. In fact, there will be exactly 2 lemons. So relax.

2. I will update about every two weeks.

3. jenai (divinetrustvv) I need you email address if you want to be on the mailing list.

4. If you want to be on my mailing list tell me in you review and give me you email address. If you don't want to review just email me. With the subject heading Mailing List.

5. I redid the first three chapters. I just added some stuff to them. It doesn't change the story. You can read them if you want.

Thank you for ready my rambling. ^___^



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I have trouble enough with English.

*********************************Story time!*********************************


Chapter 4

Goku sat at the kitchen table thinking. Normally he would be drooling over the food that Chichi had made but had been trying for the last forty minuets to lock on Bulma's ki but he couldn't. He wouldn't show it but he was worried. First Vegeta's ki nearly went Super Saiyajin on the other side of the Earth and now he couldn't find Bulma.

Goku looked at Piccolo who nodded in response. "Chichi will you call Bulma? I'm most likely overreacting." `This is around the time of the year she goes on vacation. Vegeta's just mad that she is not there fixing things that he has broken.'

"Sure, Goku what's wrong?" Chichi said as she put the last plate of Goku's lunch on the table. Chichi let the phone ring over twenty times before she hung up. "Goku I called the house, the lab and her personal number and I got no answer. The answering machine didn't even kick on. I got her voice mail when I called her cell and Yamcha's is not answering either. I'm starting to get worried."

Gohan looked across the table at his dad. "Dad was that Vegeta earlier?"

Goku sighed. "Yes it was Gohan. I think we should go check on Bulma, Vegeta, and Yamcha."

"Gohan go to Yamcha's house. Piccolo will you go to Capsule Corp? I'm going try to talk to Vegeta, but with the way his ki is right now, I think I am going to end up fighting him. When you are done I want you to come straight home." With that said all three warriors left for their predetermined destinations.


It had been an hour since he left the house and he had been flying the entire time and blowing things up along his path. He didn't know where he was going he just wanted to get far away from Bulma. He was drained physically and emotionally. He couldn't think the only thing he could do was fly. He had circled the Earth for the twentieth time when Goku materialized in front of him.

"VEGETA SLOW DOWN!! OHH SHHIIIITTT!" Goku braced himself for the hit. Vegeta and Goku both hit the Earth with a loud bang and left a crater the size of the Capsule Corp. dome.

"Kakarott, you brainless baka, what in the fucking hell do you think you are doing. You could have killed both of us." Vegeta got up, grabbed Goku by the shirt, and lifted him to eye level. "I should ripped you limb from limb for what you have done." When he was done, he dropped Goku unceremoniously on his butt.

"Man Vegeta why in the hell were you going so fast?" Goku stood up and dusted off his orange training gi. "You don't have to be so ruff either. Man Chi's going to have a fit when she sees my clothes. Wow Vegeta I like your clothes but aren't you co-"

"What do you want Kakarott? I am not in the mood for you foolishness." Vegeta stood in his usually pose. He had on a pair of snug jeans with boots and no shirt. (DG: Mmmm… Ignore me.)

"Oh yah." Goku's expression did a 180 and in a serious tone asked, "Where's Bulma? I can't feel her ki. If you did anything to her, I will personally kill you." `I know Trunks said not to interfere but I couldn't forgive myself if he did anything to her.'

"She is with me. I gave my word I wouldn't say anything." Vegeta turned around and began to walk away. He stopped when Goku firmly placed his hand on his shoulder. Vegeta visibly sighed. "She refuses to tell me anything. Although it is obvious what happened, but I want to know the specifics. Once I find out, I will raise my energy high enough for you to use that technique of yours, but not before, understood." Vegeta's curiosity got the better of him. "Why do you care anyways? You have your own family to worry about."

"Fine Vegeta, but remember what I have told you, if you hurt her I will personally kill you." Vegeta turned and faced Goku. "She is the closest thing I have to a sister, if not that then a mother. She is the first person I had ever met out side of my Grandpa, Gohan. She taught me about the world and took care of me. Well in her own way." Goku stared at him for a few seconds then smiled. `Oh man does he have it bad.' He took a few steps back, put two of his fingers to his forehead and left.

`Interesting.' Vegeta stood in the same spot for a few more seconds then left.


When Goku got back to his house, Gohan and Piccolo were waiting for him at the kitchen table. Chichi was doing the dishes. Half were in the drainer while the other half were in the trash broken. Goku transported right be hind her.

Goku unable to give up on a chance like this grabbed her hips. "Boo!"

"Ahh! Goku! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that? One of these days you will give me a heart attack." Chichi slapped her husband on the chest and gave a small laugh. "So what did you find out? Piccolo said it would be best to wait for you."

Gohan raised his hand enthusiastically. "I'll go first. Yamcha's place was deserted. The front door was unlocked and it looked like he hadn't been there for about a week or two. Also I smelled something funny." He scrunched up his nose as he said the last part.

"What do you mean?" Piccolo gave Gohan a confused look. "Yamcha always smelled funny." (DG: @.@ Piccolo told a joke!)

Goku held in his laugh. "No it wasn't Yamcha." Gohan thought about it for a second. "I'm not sure how to put this. It's as if I smelled it before but I can't quite put my finger on it. It is a person, but he is not a friend." Gohan looked at Piccolo. "What about you Mr. Piccolo?"

"My news isn't any better. Bulma's balcony window was broken and there was blood on a towel and on the on a wall in her room. Other then that everything looked undisturbed." Piccolo gave the towel he had been hiding in his shirt to Goku.

Goku smelled the towel. "It's Bulma's blood, but the towel is Vegeta's. It is covered in his scent." Goku frowned. `Things might be worse than I thought.' "Bulma is with Vegeta. All Vegeta said was that he couldn't say anything, but he has an idea about what happened. He wants to wait tell he has more information." Goku was worried and it showed. For the first time in his life, he couldn't help one of his friends.

Piccolo stood up and crossed his arms, "Goku, how do you know he didn't hurt her?" During his stay at Capsule Corp. Piccolo had developed a respect for the blue haired scientist. She showed him respect and was kind to him. On some level, he thought of her as a friend.

"No, Vegeta doesn't have a reason to hurt her. Anyway I don't think he has it in him hurt her." Goku sat at the table and put his head in his hands.

"Goku, what are we going to do?" Chichi kneeled next to her husband and gave him a hug.

Goku looked at her and said, "I don't know. All we can do now is wait."

********************************Chapter Done********************************

DG: Okay let's see. Yamcha is still rocking back and forth in the corner; Bulma is tied and gagged. Now you two.

DG glairs at Goku and Vegeta.

Goku: You said you wouldn't do any thing to us.

DG: No, I said that you wouldn't end up like Yamcha. I may be a little off, but I am not that sick.

Vegeta: What the hell is that suppose to mean?

DG: I am not even going to answer that. I think I will wait tell the next chapter to initiate your punishment. Muahahhahahah*cough* ahahahah.

Vegeta and Goku roll their eyes.

Review it you want to.

See ya!

December 18, 2002