Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Waterfall ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

Okay people. I know this is late but it couldn't be helped. Anyways I have an announcement to make. I am returning to school on Tuesday. This means two things. One I can update on time with the schedule I set up. Two I may not have time to write the other chapters. Sorry :( Also I know this chapter is short so don't flame me.

Vampire Goddess good luck with them.



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I have trouble enough with English.

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The Waterfall

Chapter 5

Vegeta's conversation with Goku had calmed him down enough not to blow everything in sight. When Vegeta returned to the island, he immediately when to the waterfall. It`s Vegeta's and Bulma's favorite spot on the island. Its twenty feet tall and it descended into a crystal clear pool that was thirty feet deep. It was nighttime and the reflection of the full moon on the water was breathtaking.

He had been trying to meditate in front of the waterfall for the past hour, but to no avail. Two things had been bothering him: 1. the moon. It's making him antsy and well, for lack of a better word, horny. 2. Bulma. What she said to him had actually hurt his feelings. Why didn't she come to him or Kakkarott? "Once I get my hands on that bastard I will rip him limb from limb. No one hurts what's mine and gets away with it." `Did I just say mine?' `FUCK! This is just fucking wonderful! I've fallen for the bitch!' Vegeta leaned over and looked at his refection in the water. "You have really gotten your self into it now, haven't you?" `I've fallen for a woman who hates me.'

Bulma watched Vegeta as he stared at him self in the water. She cried her self to sleep and woke up crying. `How could I have said that to him? From the moment we got here, he has done nothing but take care of me. I bet he hates me. Well here goes nothing; I just hope I can salvage our friendship.' She cleared her throat to get Vegeta's attention. "Hi Vegeta, I thought you might be here."

`Shit I didn't hear or sense her. She sounds like she has been crying.' Vegeta turned around but didn't say anything.

"You don't have to say anything. I am most likely the last person you want to see right now, but I have to say this." Bulma's voice was steady but her eyes told the truth. She wanted to cry. "I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean any of it. I was mad at Yamcha and myself for all the shit that has happened and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have." Tears were streaming down her face and she rapped her arms around herself. "I just hope we can still be friends." After those words were said, the floodgates opened. She was sobbing uncontrollably and her body was shaking. The combination of the sobs and the shaking were causing her sever pain. "Just please don't hate me."

Vegeta was dumb founded. Never in a million years did he ever think anyone would apologize to him let alone Bulma. `She thinks I have here. I though she hated me.' He shook his head, walked to her, and put his hands on her arms. "Apology accepted, and I don't hate you, onna. I think this will make you feel better." Vegeta popped a senzu (DG: I'm not sure about the spelling. Tell me if it is right.) bean in her mouth. "I threatened to cut off a limb similar to my tail. I don't think Yajirobe moved so fast in his life and that cat just stared at me."

Bulma was shocked. `He went to Kornin's and got me a senzu. "That was Korin he was most likely trying to read your mind to see why you were there." Bulma could feel the bean's magic working. She couldn't help but smile and gave Vegeta a hug. "Thank you Vegeta. I don't deserve a friend like you." And she started to cry again.

Vegeta stiffened from the contact then quickly relaxed. `Why are humans so touchy? I don't like her like this. She needs to get back to normal. I like the bitch onna better. If we were on Vejita-sai… That's it!' Vegeta pushed Bulma to arms length. "Quite crying onna. I've made a decision. I am going to train you. I don't want to hear any objections. Now you should get some sleep. You are going to have a long day tomorrow.

Bulma stood in shock as she watched Vegeta walk towards the house. Not from what he had said but from what she saw. "Um, Vegeta do you know that your tail has grown back.


Piccolo dropped out of his meditation and walked into Goku's house. He stood in front of Goku and crossed his arms. "Goku I was just contacted by Korin. He said that Vegeta threatened to remove Yajirobe's anatomy if he didn't give him a senzu bean. He also said that he couldn't read his mind; all he could get was a sense of protection from Vegeta. One more thing. Kami wants us to meet at the lookout tomorrow. He didn't say why."

Chichi clutched her husbands harm. "Do you think it has anything to do with Bulma, Vegeta, and Yamcha? I hope not."

Piccolo sighed, "Knowing our luck it has everything to do with them."

Goku looked from Chichi to Piccolo. "Come on guys relax. Look thinks could be worse."

Chichi gently placed Goku's face in her hands. "Goku honey, Yamcha is missing and Bulma is in the care of a homicidal maniac. We don't know where they are and only Kami knows what Vegeta is doing to her. HOW CAN THINGS GET ANY WORSE?!"

"Well…" Goku furrowed his brow and concentrated.

Piccolo and Chichi rolled their eyes. `This could be awhile.'

Goku's face lit up at the thought of an idea. "We could be out of food.

All Piccolo and Chichi could do was face vault.


Vegeta: You are so childish.

DG smiles at Vegeta: Thank you. Now for your punishment.

DG snaps her fingers and poof. Smoke fills the room.


DG: ^_^ Since Goku and Vegeta are getting use to their new styles we should bring out our audience.

Chichi, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, 17, 18, Marian, Krillin, Master Roshi, Piccolo, Chou-Tzu, and Tien walk in the room. All look at Vegeta and Goku: @.@

Vegeta and Goku are dressed in their wives clothing. (What they had on when Goku first met them.)

Krillin: Who are you? How did we get here? Where are Bulma and Yamcha? And why are you two wearing..?

DG: My name is Dragon Girl. I brought you here. Bulma is having a time out. (Points at Bulma tied, gagged to a chair that is facing the corner on the opposite side of the room.) Yamcha is in the opposite corner of Bulma trying to recover from the punishment Vegeta gave him. And those two are being punished for leaving me when Bulma was yelling at me. I am a very sensitive person you know.

All the Z senshi do a face vault.

DG: Review if you want.

See ya!