Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Morning Before Training ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

Here is another chapter. Warning this chapter contains a lemon, lime, what ever you call it. It's my first one so tell me what you think. Constructive flames are welcome.

Oh and Parents if you catch you kid reading this and you disapprove. Then pay more attention to them! It should not be Fan Fiction's job to watch out for your kids. IT IS YOUR JOB!

Well that's every thing.



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I'm too lazy to make up a Saiyajin language.

**********************Beware of talking penguins!*******************************

Chapter 6

Morning Before Training

Bulma had woken up two hours ago to Vegeta's hair in her face and couldn't get back to sleep. She was anxious, exited, and scared about Vegeta training her. She had seen time and time again what he did to him self. The question was what was he going to have her do? Bulma turned her head to look at Vegeta. His head was resting on her shoulder and he actually had a smile on his face. Not a smirk or a scowl but a real smile. `He looks so peaceful and harmless. If only he could stay asleep. He is less annoying this way.'

Bulma had to hold in a giggle at that thought. She didn't want to wake him up and have him start the training early. She froze as he started to stir and mumble to himself. Then with out warning he wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed. Bulma smirked. `Now I remember this.'


*Warning Lemon Scented Flashback*

*Soccer moms beware.*

*Little kids hide*

*I'm over reacting so I will stop*

Bulma walked to the capsule. Different colored blasts could be seen passing the windows. `That jackass.' She pounded the door as hard as she could. "Vegeta get the hell out of there. We had an agreement! No more than six hours of training. You've been in there for eight. You are supposed to be taking it easy, not killing yourself." She took a deep breath. `If he is going to act like a child then I will treat him as such.' "You have till the count of ten or I'll capsulate that thing with you in it."

Before she could begin counting, Vegeta swung the door open and smirk at her as she stared at him. All he was wearing was jean shorts and a pair of sneakers. He had to admit she did look beautiful in the muscle shirt and jeans she was wearing but not out loud. His pride wouldn't let him. Vegeta grabbed Bulma's chin and moved their faces till were millimeters a part. "Be careful what you say onna. I might take it the wrong way." She trembled as she felt his breath on her face. Vegeta could smell her arousal. It was driving him crazy. `Damn I just had to do that. I haven't been with a woman since before I came to this mud ball of a planet the first time. I need to get this lust out of my system. I have an idea.' He knew Bulma had been lusting after him. He heard her say his name while sleeping and the fact that he could arouse her with a look also helped. "Oh and by the way onna you are giving me a massage as soon as we get to the house."

Bulma's mouth moved but nothing came out. `That self centered son of a bitch. I could kill him.' After collecting herself, she smiled at Vegeta's back. "I don't think so. You broke our agreement. I don't have to do shit for you. In fact I think I will sun bath all day."

Vegeta stopped in his tracks and tuned around. `So she wants to play. I'll play.' He smirked and walked to Bulma. "Well onna if you don't, then I will not go along with the agreement we made earlier. You remember don't you? When we get back every time you give me a massage I let you sleep in." He knew he had her. The prince's smirk grew and he walked the rest of the way to the house laughing.

`I hate it when he smirks, it makes him look cute.' Bulma signed. She was defeated and she new it. Her shoulders slumped as she walked into the house. `It's not like I won't like it. He does have a great body. Damn it Bulma stop. You are going to get back with Yamcha. You don't need to be lusting after Vegeta.'

Vegeta was laying on the couch smiling. He was planning the next move to seduce Bulma. "Onna I've changed my mind I want a full body massage."

Bulma visibly palled. `Oh Kame kill me now.' "I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter do I."

Vegeta just shook his head.

"Fine let's get ready." Bulma smirked as they when up the stairs. She knew Vegeta was lusting after her. For the past week, she would wake up in the middle of the night to Vegeta poking her in the stomach and not with his fingers. `If I have to suffer so should he. I have the perfect idea too.'

Bulma when to her dresser and got an old white t-shirt with matching shorts then walked into the bathroom. She grabbed a towel from a cabinet and threw it a Vegeta. "Strip down and put this on monkey boy." Her giggles couldn't be contained when she heard him growl at her. The door was left open a crack to entice Vegeta.

Vegeta stripped him self of his shorts and underwear. He lounged on the bed and laid the towel over his groin. Leaning back, he looked in the crack that Bulma had left open. He watched as she took out various bottles from under the sink. "Onna what are you doing."

"Well if I'm going to give you a full body massage I might as well do it right." Bulma stood up and walked back into the room. Vegeta smirk faded from his face and his mouth hung open. Bulma's outfit looked a size too small. All of her curves stood out stretching the material to its limits. She walked in front of the bed and laid a towel on the floor. "Vegeta if you want me to give you a massage you need to lay on the towel."

Vegeta tied the towel around his waist and laid on the towel that was on the floor. He put his hands behind his head and crossed his feel. "Get started onna."

Bulma walked to the light, set it on its low setting, and put soothing music on. "You are suppose to relax remember. This is the best way I know how to relax someone." She sat at his feet and opened a bottle that she had. "This oil is designed to relax your muscles." After pouring some on her hands, she started to rub his feet.

Vegeta began to growl. `Damn it, she just started and I already want to jump her. That's it! I can't take it anymore! I have to have her now!' In a flash Vegeta had, Bulma pinned under him. "Onna I have something else in mind that we can do."

"Vegeta I will admit that I am attracted to you but I can't do this. I want to get back with Yamcha." Bulma's eyes fluttered as Vegeta's face came closer to hers.

"You are not with him now and he has cheated on you countless times. So what is the real problem? Vegeta rubbed the tip of his nose against her cheek.

"I've never had sex before happy!" Vegeta was shocked. "I kept Yamcha at bay by giving him hand jobs and you know. Bulma pointed down and blushed. "This might sound crazy but I didn't trust him enough. I still want to marry him though." The last sentence was mumbled, but Vegeta hear it.

"You are crazy onna." Vegeta captured Bulma's lips with his own. Their tongues stroked each other given them pleasures neither of them had, had time to relish in before with others. Bulma moaned as Vegeta's right hand caressed her breast. He rolled her nipple between his fingers while his other hand played with her lower blue curls. `Oh Kami, Yamcha never made me feel like this.' She spread her legs to allow Vegeta to get more comfortable.

Bulma took the initiative and reached under Vegeta's towel. She took hold of Vegeta's erect member, gently stroking it. Her hands skillfully massaged his base slowly making her way up to his tip. Vegeta groaned. Her touch set him on fire. The smell of her arousal was madding and they barely got started. Vegeta couldn't take it anymore he needed to be in her.

Bulma squeaked as Vegeta ripped her close off. To his surprise, she wasn't wearing any undergarments. "I see someone had the same idea I had. Are you ready onna?" She took a deep breath and nodded. In one quick thrust, Vegeta broke her barrier. Tears streamed down Bulma's face. Vegeta lightly kissed all over her face. "Do you want me to continue onna?" `Damn she is so tight.'

They looked into each other's eyes. They were filled with lust and a yearning to be touched. "Yes, I need this as bad as you do." She placed her hands on his face and gave him a lust filled kiss. He placed his elbows on either side of her head and slowly thrust into her. Soon Bulma's pain turned into pleasure and she matched her own thrusts with his. Their moans filled the room like a type of hypnotic song urging them to continue.

Vegeta's thrusts became too fast for Bulma. She wrapped her legs around his waist pushing her deeper into him. Vegeta could feel Bulma's nails tear deep into his back as her climax came closer. Her walls clenched around him as her orgasm hit her. His name was screamed loud enough for Kami to hear. Vegeta's thrust one last time and spilled his seed in her with a primal growl.

He fell limp on top of her. "That was amazing." Bulma said in between breaths. Vegeta chuckled. "We aren't done yet, onna." Threw out the night they pushed each other to new heights of ecstasy.

Vegeta buried his face in the nape of her neck. His arms wrapped around her. Bulma had one arm around his back the other in his unruly locks.* Bulma looked up. She could see the beginnings of the sunrise threw her ski light. Vegeta took this opportunity to break the silence. "You ever tell anyone about this onna and I will kill you."

Bulma laughed out loud. "Vegeta even if I did tell them do you really think they would believe me?" She turned her head and looked at Vegeta.

"You are right onna, but don't think this changes anything between us." Vegeta could feel his eyes droop. `I can't believe she has worn me out.'

Bulma smiled. "Maybe but I would like us to be friends." Bulma felt Vegeta stiffen.

Vegeta relaxed then snorted. "Friends. You want us to be friends. Fine. We are friends." He closed his eyes. `She is the only friend I have ever had. Maybe this won't be so bad. I'm getting to soft.' "I'm not going to treat you any differently then I already to onna."

Vegeta's last words weren't heard. Bulma had fallen asleep. [Goodnight Bulma.] `I am too fucking soft.'

*End of flash back*

*You can come out and play.*

Bulma smiled. It was all she could do. `That was the best time I have ever had, even if I took out the sex. We had a good time here.' She closed her eyes hopping to get to sleep but a furry appendage decided other wise. Vegeta's tail wrapped around her leg and began to tap the area behind her knee. Her most ticklish spot. Bulma tried her hardest not to laugh but she inevitably failed. When she laughed Vegeta jumped four feet off the bed.

He was hovering above her trying to figure out why she was laughing. "Onna what the hell is your problem?" All he got from her was laughter.

Bulma began to thrash around. "Stop please! I can't take it anymore! I'm going to pee in my pants! Vegeta for the love of Kami, remove your tail from my leg!"

Vegeta looked at her leg. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw his tail. There it was wrapped around her leg. He could feel his face blush. "Damn tail." Vegeta grabbed his tail and unwrapped it from her leg. "Don't do that again." He scolded his tail as if it was a small child. "Well onna since you are a wake we should begin our training. First, you will get dressed then make breakfast and after that, we will train"

Bulma's chest heaved up and down as she caught her breath. `And now it begins.'

***************************They will steal you mind*****************************

Okay so what do you think of my first lemon. I know it is not as graphic as some I've seen but I didn't want it to be too smutty.

*Well anyways, one scene was inspired by a pic by Darke Angelus. You can find it at http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkeside/img16.htm. I can't remember exactly what it is called but ask him/her before you take it. The girl in the pic kind of looks like Marron (Krillin's ex gfriend.) but it's Bulma.

Darke Angelus also has a great site I recommend checking it out. The address it http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkeside/home.htm .

Check out his other pics and fan fiction they are awesome.

DG: Another chapter done. I'm so happy. ^^ Are they ever going to get up?

Goku: How long do I have to wear this? It's chafing

Vegeta: Quit complaining Kakarott at least you are not wearing pink. Am I wearing a thong!?

DG: Really, let me see.


Goku: Guys I mean it's really hurting.

DG: Ewww. Mental image. The only way you are getting out of those clothes is if you apologize and you have to mean it.

Goku kneels on the floor: I'm really sorry. Please I'm starting to go numb in a few places.

Vegeta: You are pathetic.

DG: It's up to the people. Do you want me to change Goku's clothing?

Thursday, December 24, 2002