Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love? ❯ Training and Warnings ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Love?

By Dragon Girl

I would like to thank Windmage, Roshy, DBZ Lover, and Kirusuchinu Ransu for being the first four people to vote in the little poll I took. And Ransu the clothes I am talking about are the ones Bulma wore in the first episode of Dragonball. It looks like a female baseball player outfit. Follow this link for a pic of what is looks like. http://www.db-unlimited.net/images/img196.jpg. Now imagine Vegeta in that out fit.

Now if you want to talk to IM I use the email address dragon79072@hotmail.com. That is my primary address, but all fan fiction related email goes to dragon_girl_reply@hotmail.com. Long story made short. When I posted the teaser for what is love I nearly overflowed my email.

If you want to be on the mailing list just put your email address in the review and tell me to put you on or email me with the subject line mailing list. Also, I will be updating every other Friday.



Talking telepathically to another person

[Saiyajin language] I'm too lazy to make up a Saiyajin language.

******************************On with the story*******************************

Chapter 7

Training and Warnings

"I still think we should have brought Gohan with us." An irritated Piccolo said as he watched Goku eat as they flew to the Lookout. If the green man had a stomach, it would be doing summersaults in his throat. `He just ate a bug and didn't even notice. This is really getting disgusting.' He had no choice but to turn his head away from Goku.

Goku swallowed his last bit of food. "Mmmm that was good. I'm glad Chichi made those sandwiches for me. That hit the spot." He patted his stomach and look at Piccolo. "What's wrong? You look greener than normal." He gave is usual goofy smile.

Piccolo gritted his teeth and forced himself to look at Goku. Food was still plastered to his face despite the speed at which they were flying. `I'm glad his done. I thought I was going to lose it.' "Nothing Goku. I was just thinking we should concentrate on the task at hand. That's all."

Goku flew face up with his hands behind his head. "Why do you think I didn't let Gohan come? I don't want to get anyone involved unless we have too." He wouldn't tell anyone but Goku had been having nightmares since his conversation with Vegeta. There was a feeling that he couldn't shake, he new something bad was going to happen. `I'll deal with it when it happens, no use wasting energy worrying.'

The rest of the trip was done in complete silence. Goku was looking at the clouds they passed thinking of what kind of food they looked like. Piccolo was trying to figure out how to keep his temper in check, while they were at the lookout.

Kami was looking over the edge of the lookout smiling. He didn't respond when Piccolo and Goku landed behind him. `That boy does have it bad. They are perfect for each other.' "Tell me what you see."

Goku looked over the edge while Piccolo glared daggers at Kami. "All I see are a bunch of islands why?"

"No reason. Now for the reason I ask you here." He tuned and faced the two warriors. "I've been sensing an unusual energy on the earth. I don't know who it is but it is evil and very powerful. It seems to be growing everyday. Also I have reason to believe Yamcha is involved." Kami's face paled. "It started about a week ago. When Bulma…"

Goku tensed. "What about Bulma?"

Kami sighed. "I'm sorry. I cannot tell you but she is fine. Vegeta will protect her."

Piccolo didn't like this. "You know something old man. Tell us now!" He clenched his fist and was about to give Kami a piece of his mind but Goku stopped him.

He put his hand on Piccolo's shoulder. "Piccolo, Kami has his reasons for not telling us. He would never put Bulma in danger. You know that." Goku felt Piccolo relax and mumble fine. "Is there anything else you need to tell us Kami?"

Kami thought for a moment. "Nothing that I can think of at the moment. Just keep in mind that there is a possible evil on the Earth. I will not contact the others unless it is confirmed."

Goku smiled. "Well see you later Kami."


Bulma followed Vegeta outside to begin her training. `I wonder what we are going to do.' They walked threw the forest for about ten minutes until they reached a clearing. Vegeta reached into is pocked at pull out a capsule. He clicked the top then threw in on the ground. Bulma was surprised to Capsule Three. "Vegeta I thought you left that at Capsule Corp?"

Vegeta snorted. "I got it after I obtained the senzu bean. Now you will do exactly as I say. Is that understood?" Bulma nodded her head. "Good." They walked into the capsule. Bulma stayed near the doorway while Vegeta walked to the gravity console. He lifted his hand above it then dropped it. "I want to see what you are capable of before we start training."

Bulma raised an eyebrow. "How are you going to do that?"

Vegeta smirked. `This is going to be fun.' He walked to Bulma. "Simple I'm going to attack you and you will defend yourself."

Bulma's eyes widened. "What!? Hell no! I don't stand a chance against you." She tried to get out the door but it was locked. "Vegeta this is not funny."

"I won't even power up onna. You couldn't hurt me if you tried. Now stand across from me." Bulma did as Vegeta said. `That jackass I will teach him a lesson.' Vegeta ran at Bulma. He aimed a punch at her face. Bulma ducked under his punch, punched him in the stomach with her right hand knocking the air out of him. With her, left she gave him an uppercut to his jaw; he flew six feet before he hit the floor. `Let's see how he liked that.' Bulma waited few minutes but Vegeta didn't get up.

Vegeta lay on the ground with his eyes closed. He wasn't knocked out just shocked. `How the hell did she do that? I have never seen her move so fast.' Vegeta had actually felt the punches.

Bulma ran to Vegeta's side. "Vegeta I'm sorry. I didn't think those hits would actually hurt you. Please wake up." She felt like she was going to cry but didn't when Vegeta's tail wound itself around her wrist, the end was lying lazily in the palm of her hand. `Interesting. I wonder if his tail is like Goku's.' Her curiosity got the better of her. She gently stroked his tail. The tail's grip on her hand tightened around her hand. "Wow it is a lot softer than Goku's tail." `What the hell! I'm supposed to be helping Vegeta not playing with his tail.' She brought his tail to her face to get a closer examination of it, unaware to the fact that she was still petting his tail.

Vegeta tried his hardest not to show Bulma was affecting him. `Damn that feels good. Wait why the hell am I laying here? Because you like what she is doing. Now I'm talking to my self wonderful.' Vegeta opened his eyes and noticed Bulma wasn't even looking at him. Her attention was focused on his tail. She was petting it as she held it to her face trying to get a better look at it. "Onna let go of my tail. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to grab people? If you want a tail. You have to get one on your own." `Maybe I should tell her about a Saiyajin tails. No I let her figure it out for herself.' He smirked at her.

`Why does he have to do that? It makes him look cute.' Bulma glared at Vegeta. "I would let go but your tail seems to have developed a crush on me." She opened her hand. His tail clutched for dear life to the palm of her hand. That did it. Vegeta's face when two shades of red in one second and his tail puffed out. Bulma smirked at Vegeta "Very interesting. So your tail can express your emotion."

Vegeta ripped his tail from her hand, to the displeasure of his tail. He got off the floor and glared at Bulma as she stood up. "We are supposed to be training, onna. Not lying around." Bulma was going to talk back; instead, she gave him an innocent smile. "Onna where did you learn those moves?"

Bulma's smile left her face. `You have got to be kidding me.' She ran a hand threw her hair. "Vegeta. Think about it. I have known Goku for about 10 years. I've watched him and all my friends fight. Don't you think I would have picked a few things up by now?" She shook her head and rolled her eyes.

Vegeta nodded his head. "We need to continue onna. I want you to attack me this time. Move as fast as you can for as long as you can. Hit me with all your strength." He walked across the room and stood in a defensive stance. "That is if you can." A smirk was plastered on his face.

Bulma took a deep breath. `Wonderful.' She charged at Vegeta. "I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face!" Bulma threw a fury of punches at Vegeta's face that he easily blocked with one arm. She then kicked him as hard as she could in the stomach but Vegeta caught her ankle and lifted her off the floor. "Vegeta put me down now!" Bulma tried to kick his hand with her available foot but he his grip didn't loosen. She was covered in sweat and out of breath.

`She's better than I thought but she needs to push harder.' Vegeta shook his head. "Is that all you can do? You weakling. I've seen infants that hit harder than you." He casually threw Bulma across the room. She tried to land on her feet but stumbled and landed on her butt. "Get you fat ass of the floor!"

Bulma glared at Vegeta and punched the floor breaking the tiles on the floor. "DAMN YOU!" She charged at Vegeta and tackled him to the floor. Bulma pinned his arms under her legs while she continuously punched him in the face. All rational thought had left her. She was in a blind rage. All of her suppressed emotions were being released. Tears streamed down her face. "I hate you! You fucking bastard. I hope you burn in hell Yamcha!"

Vegeta pulled his arms out from under Bulma, sat up, and caught her wrists. "Onna Yamcha is not here!"

Bulma opened her eyes. She didn't even realize she had closed them. Vegeta's face was covered in blood. `Oh Kami what have I done?!' Bulma opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. All she could do was cry.

`What the hell am I supposed to do now.' Vegeta felt something wet touch his hands. Following the wet trail, he saw blood dripping off her knuckles. The echo of Bulma's sobs had becoming deafening. She was trying to speak but the all he could make out was "I'm sorry" and "How could I let him do it?" Vegeta pulled Bulma to his chest. "Let it out." `Damn Saiyajin instincts.' He lightly stroked her hair while she cried into his chest. Neither one knew how long they sat there, but where brought back to reality when Vegeta's stomach growled. Bulma's sob's turned into uncontrollable laughter.

Vegeta was confused. `First she's crying now laughing. I wish she would make up her mind.' He smiled as he watched her laugh. As her laughter died down Vegeta said the first think that popped into his head. "Are you done? I'm hungry." He gave Bulma an annoyed look.

Bulma wasn't fooled. She just smiled at Vegeta and patted his stomach. "I could tell. Do you want to go back to the house? I'll cook this time." She tried to stand up but Vegeta pulled her back onto his lap. "What's wrong?"

Vegeta stared into her blood shot eyes. `I should ask her.' He shook his head. `I can't.' "Nothing onna. It's just you better, cause I'm tired of cooking." Vegeta stood up and began to walk out side. `Damn why did I have to say that?' He expected to hear Bulma scream and bitch at him but nothing came. He looked back at her and saw her smiling at him. `Women. I will never understand them' All he could do was roll his eyes as she caught up with him.


Gohan laid on the ground with his hands behind his head lazily looking at the clouds. Icarus was zooming above him doing flips and loops tying to get him to laugh, but it wasn't working. He landed next to Gohan and nipped his shoulder. "I'm sorry boy. I'm not in the mood to play." Icarus laid his head on Gohan's chest and sighed. `Why didn't he take me with him? We were supposed to spend the day together. Just him and me. Damn it! He is always doing this!' Gohan slammed his fist into the ground, startling Icarus. "Sorry again." He petted Icarus on the head. "Why don't you go play with the animals in the forest? I'm not going to be fun."

"Yah, run along pest."

Gohan turned around. His eyes widened. Gohan snapped into a defensive stance. "No way! You're dead!"

The man circled Gohan and Icarus. "Where's your father boy? Did he leave you and that bitch of a mother, again?" He fazed behind Gohan before he could respond. With a quick strike to the back of his neck, the man knocked him out. The man reached down and grabbed Gohan by the back of his purple gi, ignoring Icarus's growls.

With his mouth, Icarus clamped onto Gohan's pant leg. He pulled as hard as he could but only managed to rip the cloth.

"Get away pest!" The man threw a tiny ki blast at the dragon's feet. Icarus jumped back and watched the man fly way. Icarus took to the air and flew as fast as he could to the Son residence.

********************************Poor Gohan!*********************************

DG: Well the people have spoken.

Goku: Really!

DG: Yes, well more like 9 people but I am going to go over the first four. Anyways the first vote I read was from Roshy

Vegeta: Only nine people! Hahaha.

DG death glare Vegeta: Vegeta I'm warning you.

Vegeta: …

Goku: You are going to drag this out aren't you?

DG smiles: Yes.

Vegeta: Quit complaining Kakarott.

DG: Both of you shut up and let me finish. Like I was saying Roshy vote for me to remove the out fit.

Goku: Yes!

DG: Roshy seems to be a fan of yours Goku because he/she wants me to leave you naked.

Goku: What!

Vegeta: Hell no and what do you mean by he/she?

DG: This is done over the internet moron. I don't know if Roshy is a guy or a girl (Please don't be offended.). Quit interrupting me, Vegeta, or I will get your biggest fans to come in here and look at your thong.

Vegeta: O.O

DG: The next two votes are from DBZ Lover and Windmage. They both want me to change your clothes. The last vote is from Kirusuchinu Ransu you are giving him/her a bad mental image. I agree. Now Goku.

DG snaps her fingers. Everyone appears in a courtroom DG is in the judge's chair.

Vegeta whispers to Goku: I think her power has gone to her head.

DG: The vote was 4 to 5. It is the opinion of this court that your apology is real and your punishment has been carried out.

DG snaps her fingers, Goku's clothes change back to his training gi.

Goku hugs himself: I'm never taking this off ever again.

DG: Okay he is scaring me. Like always review if you want to. See ya!

Vegeta: Hay! What about me?!

Tuesday, January 27, 2003