Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What's Simple Is True ❯ Sunny March Morning ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello everyone! This fic was previously uploaded here at fanfiction.net about 3 years or so ago. As I got into senior year of High School, I abandoned it, thinking that it was sloppy, messy and not going anywhere.
However, I just got my very own computer after 2 years! *does a happy dance* And also after getting back into DBZ fanfiction and reading many of the first stories I read all those years ago, I became inspired again and decided to salvage this fic. Thankfully, it was still at fanfiction.net and I have begun the revival process, lol. However, I decided to re-post this on Mediaminer.org since I'm probably going to put some kind of lemon in her somewhere.
Also, this is meant to be a comedy and stereotypical (Vegeta calling Bulma woman, Bulma's bad cooking, Goku's simplicity, ChiChi's temper, and on and on) since I do not really prefer dark and serious fics. Don't misunderstand me, there will be plenty of action and adventure, hehe!
So, enough of my ramblings. Please sit back and enjoy What's Simple Is True. And review!! ^_^
~*~ Chapter One: Sunny March Morning
Bulma awoke slowly on that unusual, fateful day in March. The warm sunlight melted away the snow that had gathered from the previous weeks blizzard and seeped in through the cracks in the curtains, spilling across her face.
Bulma opened her eyes and smiled. She had been driving everyone at the Capsule Corp. crazy for the past week with her ranting and raving about the damn snow and how sick she was of it. Oh well, what did that matter now? The sun was back!
She threw back the covers, leapt out of bed and pulled the curtains open, basking in the warm sunlight as it covered her whole body. She stood there for a few minutes, pure bliss mirrored on her face before she was snapped out of her happy place.
"Opps..." she groaned as she turned to look at the clock. "10:30am?!?!" Bulma yanked her robe off of the desk chair and shot out of her room, and down the stairs where she ran into the very thing that had caused her to flee her room.
"What have you been up to Woman?" the Saiyan No Ouji growled, gripping her shoulders as he gently set her back on her feet.
"I'm so sorry Veggie-chan! I slept in today. But I'm going to make you a big breakfast to make up for it!" Bulma chirped as she dusted herself off.
Vegeta visibly flinched at the use of his new nickname but released her with nothing more than a soft growl. He wasn't going to provoke her lest she change it back to Vegetablehead. Bulma smiled as he stepped aside to let her pass.
Vegeta wondered briefly why the woman was in such a good mood this morning but shrugged it off as his stomach roared in hunger. He followed Bulma into the kitchen, forgetting everything save his stomach, thinking being very hard for a Saiyan to do when he is hungry.
"Veggie-chan, what would you like for breakfast?"
"Food, baka." he growled.
"I know, but what kind of food?"
"Food that you humans classify as 'breakfast' food."
"What kind of breakfast food Vegetablehead?!" Bulma replied impatiently as she turned around to face the almighty prince, hands on her hips. Vegeta glared at her. After the use of that name he was not going to lighten up.
"Something edible."
Vegeta winced as her high-pitched yell hurt his sensitive Saiyan ears.
"Quiet Woman! Just make me food! I don't give a shit what in HFIL it is as long as it tastes better than your usual cooking!"
Bulma's deep blue eyes narrowed into an almost identical glare to the Saiyan No Ouji's.
"Now you listen here, you arrogant bastard," she yelled, poking him in the chest with the end of her wooden spoon. "...You're lucky that you have a beautiful woman like me to cook for you! Do you know how many guys would kill to be in your position?! You ought to be grateful! Now, shut up or go find your own breakfast!"
Bulma turned around in a huff, stomped over to the refrigerator, yanked the door open and began to search for something to make.
Neither could see the smile that graced the others lips.
Despite the harsh words said at the beginning their meal, Vegeta and Bulma enjoyed a rather nice breakfast together, actually talking. Neither knew it yet but each depended on those little arguments to keep them grounded. Ever since Bulma had caught Yamcha cheating on her, she had been drowning in loneliness. Vegeta, unknown to him, was suffering the same as it finally dawned on him that Vegeta-sei was gone and he would never, ever see it again.
Bulma set the cleaning bots on task to clean the massive amounts of dirty dishes from breakfast and decided to do something outside that day. She turned to see if Vegeta wanted to join her for a swim but turned around only to see his back as he exited the kitchen.
"Veggie-chan? Where are you going?" she purred sweetly, a plan already forming in her mind that would make the proud Saiyan No Ouji bend to her every whim.
"Training." He replied gruffly, slamming the door behind him. He then walked as quickly as he could to the gravity room, knowing what that sickly sweet tone of voice she was using meant. She wanted something. Well, he'd be damned if he gave in.
Bulma glared at the closed door. How dare he! Well, this was just one minor set back. Whether Vegeta liked it or not, he was going to spend the day swimming with her. She didn't think she could spend another day alone. She pulled open one of the many junk drawers in the kitchen and searched through it, grinning triumphantly when she came across the pair of wire cutters she was searching for. Perfect. Thank Kami she had very little ki so Vegeta wouldn't be able to sense her! She scooted out of the kitchen to sneak around the back of the GR and do her dirty work.
Usually upon entering the GR Vegeta would immediately turn it up to the highest setting and begin to beat the shit out of himself. But today, for some odd reason, he just couldn't do it. Something was holding him back. He shrugged it off and sat down cross-legged in the middle of the GR deciding that some meditation would be a good idea.
Green, yellow, red, blue...Bulma stifled a small giggle that threatened to escape her mouth as she placed the yellow wire into the wire cutters. One little snip and the lights in the GR would go out, leaving it pitch black inside. Bulma pushed down and quickly flung the wire cutters aside as she heard the outraged yelling from inside. She walked casually out from behind the GR, trying to look as innocent as possible.
"WOMAN!" Vegeta bellowed as he came stomping out of the GR, eyes narrow in his usual scowl.
"Yes Veggie-chan?" Bulma asked, blue eyes wide with innocence.
Vegeta raised and eyebrow and growled at her. "The GR is broken. Fix it."
"Now wait just a minute! You broke it again?!" Bulma shrieked, using all her self-control to keep from bursting into a fit of giggles.
"I didn't break it this time baka! I was just sitting there, minding my own damn business and the lights went out! It's not my fault that machine is a piece of shit!"
"Piece of shit? Well EX-cuse me your royal highness!" Bulma hissed, suddenly becoming very serious. No one, and I mean NO ONE insulted her or her father's creations. "We didn't have to build that for you, you know! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be half as strong as you are now! If anything, you should be down on your knees worshipping me!" She crossed her arms stubbornly and stared up into Vegeta's dark eyes, her own sparkling with anger.
Vegeta's left eyebrow twitched and Bulma took a step back wondering briefly if he was going to blast her to HFIL. Then, to her great surprise, he let out a booming laugh.
"Me? Bow down to you?! Bwahahaha! If anything, you should be the one down on your knees, kissing my boots! You're lucky I even let you live!"
Bulma bit her tongue to hold back the sharp retort that she was just dying to say. But she couldn't. She had realized during breakfast this morning that she liked Vegeta's company and didn't want to push him away. They had a strange friendship and she found herself enjoying it. She pinched the bridge of her nose and counted to ten slowly.
"I'll tell you what Vegeta. If you come swimming with me, I promise I will fix the GR tonight and have it running by morning."
Vegeta looked at her suspiciously, eyes narrowed. "In the foul water! It smells.” He growled, turning to leave. However he stopped, and turned to face her again. ”Will you be wearing a...what is it..."bikini"?"
"Of course." Bulma purred, batting her eyelashes.
Vegeta smirked. "Alright, lead the way."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Bulma put her hand over her forehead to block the sun that was shining brightly into her sapphire eyes as she watched Vegeta swim laps across the pool. 21...22...23...24...25...She counted, wanting to see how many laps he could complete without coming up for air. She smiled, remembering what she had done to get him out here with her. She had honored his request, putting on the skimpiest bikini she could find. She giggled every time she noticed Vegeta studying her from the corner of his eye. It seemed as though he was a man after all. Not that she ever doubted it mind you. The Saiyan No Ouji was the perfect example of a man. Nice, sculpted chest and abs, broad shoulders, firm ass...
"Woman, what was the point of getting me out here to swim with you if you aren't even swimming?" Vegeta snapped as he swam over and leaned on the side of the pool.
"Because the water's too cold Veggie-chan. Besides, I need to work on my tan, I'm white as a ghost."
Vegeta cocked an eyebrow in amusement. "You look just fine to me, Woman." He replied, smirking as he pulled himself out of the pool.
Bulma shot him a quizzical look as he advanced on her, dripping wet.
“Was that a compliment Vegeta?” Bulma asked in shock. When he didn't answer, she sat up and scooted back a little as he leaned over her, still smirking.
"Ve...Veggie? What are yoaaahHH!!!" Bulma shrieked as Vegeta swung her over his shoulder and started marching over to the pool. "VEGETA! This is a brand new bathing suit and I will NOT have you ruin it!" she screeched, pounding on his back with her tiny fists, hurting herself more than she was hurting him. Vegeta only chuckled as he held Bulma over the pool by her arms as she continued to spit insults and threats at him.
Vegeta's head snapped up suddenly and he stared into the sky, frowning. "Well Woman, I think it's time to shut you up. Kakarrot's on his way." He unceremoniously dropped her as she howled in protest and sat down in a lawn chair, smiling at the sudden silence, just as Goku arrived.
"Hi Vegeta! Where's Bulma?" Goku asked as he landed, grinning, one hand behind his head.
Vegeta pointed to the pool as Bulma heaved herself out, snarling and dripping wet. "You'll pay for that later Vegetablehead."
Vegeta flinched and Goku just looked back and forth between the two, confusion mirrored on his handsome face.
"So, why are you here baka?" Vegeta snarled, breaking the awkward silence.
"Oh! Well, I just wanted to know if you could feel that weird power in the sky."
Now it was Vegeta's turn to look confused. "Weird power? What the HFIL are you talking about, third class loser?"
Much to Vegeta's disgust, Goku grabbed Vegeta by his shoulders and spun him around, pointing off the west.
"That weird power."
Vegeta growled and shrugged Goku's hands off of his shoulders. He narrowed his eyes and concentrated on the area Goku had pointed in, irked that the baka would have noticed something before him.
And then it suddenly hit him. Vegeta jerked forward and looked around wildly. What was that power?! There was only one way it could be described. It was weird and felt...familiar. Vegeta had a feeling he had felt that power before but couldn't remember when or where. And then he realized something else. This power was heading straight for them.
Vegeta squinted his eyes and could just make out a tiny pinprick of light as it pelted across the sky.
"Oh shit! Get down! Get down Kakarott! It's headed this way!" Without even realizing it, Vegeta pulled Bulma off of her chair where she had been silently fuming and yanked her close to him, enveloping her small body in his strong arms.
"Vegeta! What do you think you are doing?! I'm still mad...!"
The rest of her words were cut off by a loud whistling sound as the 'weird power' broke through the earth's atmosphere and shot towards them. Seconds before impact, Vegeta realized that the object was a spaceship. And not just any space ship. A Saiyan space ship. Before he could alert Goku, he was knocked from his feet as the ship collided with the earth. He caught himself with his hands, careful not to crush Bulma beneath him, but also making sure he was covering her to keep her protected.
As soon as the dust settled, Vegeta stood up and cleaned himself off, leaving a surprised and wide-eyed Bulma staring up at him from the ground.
Vegeta strutted over to the Saiyan space pod without looking back at her just as Goku approached. The Saiyan No Ouji kicked the side, scowling as the door slowly swung open. He stepped back in surprise as a man stepped out.