Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What's Simple Is True ❯ Crowning Ceremony ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“And so my fellow council members, Veldock Osama is dead, and Vegeta Ouji is now our new King.”
Bardock finished his tale and sat back down at the large, square black marble table. He looked at the other council members seated around the table, studying each one. Daikon, Head of Vegeta-sei Defense, sat with his arms crossed, scowling at the tabletop. He looked as menacing as ever, the five silver earrings in each of his ears glinting in the low lamplight. Satsuma, Head of Agriculture, fat and round, his chubby cheeks a bright red as sweat slid down his face. Bardock could tell he was nervous; he kept wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. Medaka, Head of the Elite Guard, his brow furrowed in concentration as he thought on Bardock's words. And finally, Habu, Head of Foreign Relations. Bardock could almost see the steam shooting from his ears. Habu was Vegeta's second cousin, and next in line for the throne had Vegeta actually been dead. And now Bardock could see the anger etched on his face.
Habu stood suddenly, sending his heavy chair flying backwards with a crash.
“I will not stand for this! Vegeta left our planet when he was little more than a babe! He knows nothing of our affairs now! He will only ruin what we have accomplished since Frieza disappeared.”
Medaka jumped at Habu's angry words and stared at him in disbelief, as did Satsuma and Daikon.
“Now, now, Habu, we all know that you were looking forward to becoming King, but now Vegeta has returned home, and the throne is rightfully his, there is nothing you can do about that. Unless of course you want to challenge him.”
Satsuma snickered. They had all witnessed Vegeta's training session in the GR earlier and were awed by his power.
“He is the strongest among us and therefore the most fit to take the throne.”
Daikon replied gruffly.
“Now sit down, young one. You still need to learn to control your temper.”
Habu's eyes grew wide with fury at Medaka's rebuke. Bardock rushed in before Habu could fly off the handle.
“Come now, what Vegeta-sei needs now is a united council, not a divided one. We must teach Vegeta all he needs to know to be King.”
They all nodded in agreement, except for Habu, who's scowl only deepened.
“But first, we must discuss the Rendek-jin. What have you been able to accomplish with them, Habu?”
Habu took a deep breath as he turned and retrieved his chair, sitting down at the table once more.
“The Rendek-jin have offered us their technology in return for us not making their planet a part of our empire….”
Bulma wandered slowly down a dimly lit corridor, looking around in confusion. After returning to her room to change, she had decided to explore the palace, hoping to find perhaps a Science Room or something of the sort where she could learn about Saiyan technology. Instead, she had gotten herself hopelessly lost.
She rounded what she thought to be the last corner before the door to the room that she and Chi Chi shared, but was baffled when she found only a row of gold painted, unfamiliar looking doors. She sighed in frustration as she continued down the corridor, looking around at the patterns decorating the walls.
It seemed as though she had stumbled upon some sort of history of Vegeta-sei. She stopped, breath held in wonderment, as she leaned forward to study one panel. It was a beautifully painted picture of what looked like to be a Saiyan wedding. She admired the vivid colors splashed across the desolate grey walls, and slowly reached out a hand to touch the wall.
She nearly screamed from a mixture of surprise and fright as a large, gloved hand enclosed around her wrist from behind, but was stopped as the other clapped over her mouth.
"Shush Woman." Vegeta growled in her ear, his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin. He turned her around, removing his hands so he could hold her firmly by her shoulders. "What are you doing down here, baka?"
Bulma glared up at him, the blue fire in her eyes sparking to life as he talked to her in that high-and-mighty tone of his.
"I don't think that's any of your business!" she replied indignantly, struggling in his strong grip even though she knew she could never escape.
"I make it my business, Woman. I am the Saiyan Osama." He snarled, lifting her up so her eyes were leveled with his, smirking with pride at his new title. It infuriated Bulma.
"Fine, Vegetablehead! I got lost! Lost, lost, lost! There! Are you happy now?!"
Vegeta smirked. "You got lost? Miss Genius got lost? Oh, that's too funny."
Bulma didn't know how to react. She was suddenly lost in thought, being so close to the Saiyan Osama. His smell enveloped all her senses; a wonderfully sweet, pleasant smell that just screamed Vegeta. It seemed to calm her, and she let her eyes drift shut as she felt her mind becoming cloudy. All the fear that had been with her while she had been wandering alone had totally disappeared as soon as he had appeared. She sighed contentedly, a sound that did not go unnoticed by Vegeta.
"I thought you were training Vegeta?" Bulma asked, opening her eyes lazily and gazing at him.
"I...I couldn't concentrate." Vegeta lowered his eyes, wondering why he had admitted his problem to her. He set her down gently and turned away from him. Bulma noticed his attitude change and felt concern wash over her.
"Vegeta, what's wrong? You can tell me, you know. I'm always here if you need me." She whispered, placing a small hand on his back.
Bulma's words touched Vegeta more deeply than she would ever know, and more than he would ever admit.
"I...I..." Vegeta choked as he turned back to her, Bulma's tender gaze throwing him completely off balance.
Their eyes locked in a passionate gaze and they were content just to stare into the others eyes for a moment. Bulma wanted to wildly throw herself at Vegeta, but she couldn't find the courage to do so. He suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and crushed her body to his, covering her mouth with a searing kiss. Vegeta pulled away and put his arms hungrily around her, keeping her pushed up against him. She ran her small hands up his face, her sapphire eyes never leaving his onyx ones as she tangled her delicate fingers in his hair, pulling his mouth down to hers again, opening her mouth under his lips. He pressed her hard against him with hungry fingers and kissed her so hard that she felt the brand of it scalding red on her lips.
He felt his stomach drop as he remembered what had transpired earlier in the throne room with his father. If he had killed her, if he had lost her…
"Vegeta! Oujisama! Where is he? Oujisama!"
Vegeta's head jerked up and he growled. "Damn! Can't I even be left alone for one fucking minute?!"
Bulma groaned in protest as Vegeta's lips left hers. "'Geta, nnoo...just ignore them, they'll go away." She purred as she pushed him up against the wall behind him and began to cover his neck with kisses.
Vegeta moaned his assent as his hands began to slip beneath the thin fabric of her shirt.
"Shit! I can't find him anywhere! What the HFIL are we going to do? Bardock said for us to bring him to the Council Rom immediately! The Crowning Ceremony is scheduled to begin!"
Vegeta froze. "Shit."
"What?" Bulma asked, dragging her mouth across his shoulder and kissing his adam's apple.
"Kami! Tonight-swear it! Swear!" he kissed her so hard and with such passion, Bulma was sure that her lips would be bruised tomorrow. She couldn't speak. She could only nod, dazed, numb, her whole body screaming for the interrupted fulfillment, as she saw him rush away. She put her fingers to her lips and walked back to the medical center from the way she came.
~ * ~
Vegeta rounded the corner, following the guard's panicked voices. He really wanted to blow something up right now.
"I swear to Kami, all I need is a reason..." he muttered as the two guards came into view.
"Prince Vegeta! Bardock requests your presence in the Council Room. The Council has decided that you are fit to become Vegeta-sei's next King."
"Of course they have! Who else could they have chosen?”
Vegeta snarled, pushing his way past the guards and making his way to the Council Room.
When Vegeta was safely out of sight one of the guards turned to the other, holding up this hand to shield his mouth.
“I was hoping they would pick Habu.”
He whispered. The other nodded in agreement as the made their way to the Crowning Ceremony.
Vegeta kneeled in front of the massive throne of Vegeta-sei, ornately carved of granite. Bardock stood before him as Head of the Council of Vegeta-sei, holding an iron crown above Vegeta's head.
“And so, with consent of the council and the blessing of the people, so you, Prince Vegeta, are crowned King Vegeta, Ruler of Vegeta-sei.”
Bardock's voice boomed through the hall. Vegeta accepted the roar of approval that broke out at Bardock's final words and stood, the iron crown feeling impossibly heavy upon his brow. Isn't this what he wanted though? Isn't this all he had dreamed of since Frieza had lied to him about his planet being destroyed? And now his dream was coming true. But now it was finally dawning on him all of the responsibility that this crown upon his head meant.
Vegeta raised his chin defiantly, ready to take on whatever was thrown at him.
“I will be a great king!”
He whispered fiercely to himself, hands clenched in determination. He raised one hand and made a fist, signaling that the celebration could now begin. Cheers rose again as everyone began to celebrate. Vegeta noticed Bulma standing across the room standing with the gang of idiots, and made his way over to her.
“Well, are they ready or not?!”
Habu hissed into his communicator.
“Well, n-no sir! We had nnot anticipated that you would need them so soon!”
“And I had not anticipated that those fools in the council would reach a decision so quickly despite my protests! You will finished those ki-controlling devices now, or I not convince the council to let your planet remain uncontrolled by the Saiyan race!”
The Rendek-jin on the other end gulped loudly and started to reply, but Habu hurled his communicator across his private room, shattering it against the opposite wall. He could hear the Crowning celebrations mocking him from the palace. He stormed over to his balcony, violently slamming the windows shut.
“Enjoy it while you can, Vegeta.”
He sneered.
“Your glory will not last much longer.”
Oooh! What evil plot do I have in my head? What is Habu up to? What will happen to the gang next on Planet Vegeta-sei? You will find out more in the next chapter! I'm so proud of myself I got this out quick, but that is only because I had some major inspiration yesterday! So, please, REVIEW! I would love feedback ^_^