Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What's Simple Is True ❯ Welcome Home, Vegeta ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi all! Sorry it took me so long to update, life got kinda hectic! I finally edited this chapter so it was fit to post, lol. Also, you should know that this is the last full chapter of my old story that I will be posting, from now on I will be writing brand new chapters! Hoorah! But, on the downside, it may take longer for updates. Sorry. But school is over next month so I'll have more free time! So, enjoy and review! I love feedback! ^_^
Needless to say, the guards were stunned. Who would dare come and declare himself their Prince, when everyone knew that Frieza had killed the real Prince when he was a little boy?
"Nice try asshole. Now come out of there before I blast your puny ass to pieces."
Vegeta growled and stepped off the ship and into the sunlight.
"Third class bastards. I should kill you now for that disrespectful remark."
Vegeta laughed as the guards gasped and stepped back in surprise. He would make sure they paid later for that comment. They looked at each other, confused.
"He looks just like King Vegeta!" Dumb whispered to Dumber.
"Yeah, but everyone knows that Prince Vegeta was killed by Frieza."
"Right, but what should we do?"
"Let's take them to customs and see if we can get King Vegeta down here to check him out."
Dumber pointed his finger at Vegeta.
"You are coming with us to customs. If you really who you say you are-"
"You'll both be dead! I'm not going to fucking customs. I know what happens there. Now, you both will either get my father now, or I'll send you to HFIL."
As Vegeta had been making his nice little speech, Dumb had been looking him up and down. He did look an awful lot like the Saiyan King. What if he was telling the truth? But he couldn't be.....
"Heeeeeeey!" he drawled, pointing to Vegeta's waist. "You don't have a tail! You aren't a Saiyan!" he exclaimed, eyes narrowing viciously. "Why you lying piece of shit, we ought to blast you right now for that. In fact, I think we will."
The other guards face lit up and they advanced towards Vegeta grinning maliciously.
"'Geta, everything okay down there?" Bulma called nervously.
"Yeah, do you need my help Vegeta?" Goku snickered.
"Damn, why didn't you guys tell me we had landed?!" Bardock roared as he pushed through everyone and barged down the stairs. "Reio-ta! Arkati! Stop! It's Bardock!"
"Bardock?" they both asked.
"Yes, and you're making a horrible mistake! This is really our Prince Vegeta!"
They both looked at Vegeta, terror etched on their faces. Vegeta leered at them.
"Yes, and my face is the last you'll see before I blast you into another dimension!” Vegeta laughed as the guards took off into the air, fleeing for their lives. Vegeta raised his hand, palm pointed towards the coward's backs, and let an enormous ki blast loose. The sky erupted with multi-colored light and everything went silent. Bardock stared at Vegeta, mouth practically hitting the ground in awe.
"'GETA!" Bulma screeched, breaking the deafening silence as she stormed down the stairs. "What in HFIL did you just do?! I will NOT have you blowing this whole damn place up with your training! We just landed here and you're already-"
"Shut your mouth woman." Vegeta replied, cutting her off. "Come on bakas, we're going to the palace to meet my father."
"I will NOT shut up, Vegetablehead! I-what are you-aAaAaHhHhhh!" she shrieked as Vegeta threw her over his shoulder and shot into the air. "Vegeta, I swear to Kami if you don't at least hold me properly I will scream until your ears bleed!"
Vegeta winced and gently lifted her off his shoulder and cradled her in his arms. She shut her eyes tightly and hung on for dear life.
Chi Chi watched in horror as Vegeta slung her best friend over his and took off to Kami knows where.
"Goku?! Are you just going to let Vegeta throw Bulma around like that?! Who knows what he'll do to her! We have to go save her-"
"Chi, honey, calm down. Bulma's okay. Vegeta won't let anything happen to her."
"How do you know Goku? Vegeta could be killing her now for all we know!" Chi Chi ranted, shaking her finger at him.
"Don't worry Chi...I just know." Goku shrugged and picked Chi Chi up, holding her protectively in his arms. "Come on, let's go see the palace!" Goku shot into the air and concentrated on Vegeta's ki.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Gohan yelled as he took off after his parents.
Bardock stood there for a minute, wondering what the HFIL he had gotten himself into. He followed everyone else, thoughts turning to the King and what his reaction would be.
Bulma felt as though she was going to be sick. She hated flying more than anything else in the world. She didn't know why it scared her as much as it did. She clung tighter to Vegeta, burying her face in his chest. She took several deep breaths, willing herself to calm down. It wasn't like Vegeta was going to drop her. She knew he wouldn't. She didn't know how she knew, she just did. She trusted Vegeta, which was odd considering how much he had done that would make anybody despise him. The more she thought about it, the more she decided that they were connected in some special way.
Vegeta always made her feel special. It was the little things he did. Like earlier when she had jumped into bed with him. He had been affectionate to her. When he had tugged her hair, it felt as though something deep inside her had melted. But what did it mean? Yeah, he could be a real ass sometimes, but he wouldn't be Vegeta if he wasn't.
She knew she was attracted to the Saiyan Prince. HFIL, any female would be!
Bulma closed her eyes and relaxed, becoming more and more comfortable in Vegeta's strong grip. She quickly fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.
~ * ~
As Vegeta flew along, he thought about the woman cradled in his arms. After thinking long and hard about it, Vegeta realized that he was lusting after Bulma. How long had it been since he'd had a casual fuck? The last time must have been right before he came to earth searching for the Dragonballs. A long time, and his body was letting him know. He was a Prince of the Royal House of Vegeta-sei, damnit. He didn't need women.
But Kami, he needed Bulma. He looked down, noticing that she had fallen asleep in his arms. He brushed her aqua colored hair from her face and gripped her tighter.
~ * ~
King Vegeta Sr was worried.
Let's face it, he was not as strong as he used to be and wasn't getting any stronger. If his son, Vegeta Jr, had lived, Vegeta Jr would have killed him long ago and taken the throne.
"Damn Frieza! Damn his soul forever!" the King growled, pounding his fist on the metal table. The table barely cracked. He was pathetic. He had been ready long ago to leave this world and leave it in the hands of someone who was capable. But the problem was that there was no such person.
What was he going to do?
~ * ~
Vegeta touched down at the palace gates and looked up. This was it. All he had to do was walk in there and claim the throne. Which would be easy. Easy, easy, easy, easy.
"No one here can even go Super Saiyan." Vegeta reassured himself. Without even knowing it, he squeezed Bulma tighter as he talked to himself, continuing to stare at his childhood home.
"Eep!" she squeaked as her eyes fluttered open. "Veggie-chan, you're hurting me!"
Vegeta immediately loosed his hold on her. He looked down at her and set her gently on her feet, blushing.
"'Geta! Are you blushing?" Bulma giggled, pointing to his face.
"Of course not Woman! The Prince of all Saiyans does NOT blush!" Vegeta lowered his head and pushed the gates open, leaving Bulma behind.
Bulma smiled and waited for the others to arrive.
~ * ~
Vegeta strolled through the corridors of the palace, pleased that he seemed to remember his way around. The only thing that worried him was that he hadn't run into any guards yet. He shrugged it off, not too worried. Saiyan's rarely needed others to protect them. And seeing as how the Royal Family was the strongest of all Saiyans, why would they want to have guards hovering over them?
Vegeta turned another corner and found himself face to face with five very ugly and very smelly guards.
They blinked.
Vegeta growled. "Move!" he commanded.
They blinked. Twice. They were confused. This guy looked exactly like King Vegeta. But he didn't have the beard. What should they do?
"If you third class IDIOTS do not get out of my way right now, I'll blast you-" Vegeta smirked as the guards shot off in the opposite direction as fast as they could go.
Vegeta pushed to door open, admiring the hand carven designs he remembered worshipping as a child.
"Who dares disturb the King?! I though I specifically told you-"
"Hrmph. It's nice to see you too, Father." Vegeta sneered sarcastically.
~ * ~
Bulma shielded the sun from her eyes with her hand and looked up into the sky, searching for the others. Surely Vegeta hadn't flown that fast? She shivered, even though the sun beat hotly down on her. She didn't like being alone in a foreign place like this. It was so...bare. Where were all the Saiyans? She'd have to ask Vegeta later.
"Hey Bulma! Where's Vegeta?" Goku asked as he landed. He set Chi Chi down and walked towards her, puzzled. "Don't tell me he just left you out here on your own?"
"See!" Chi Chi snorted. "I told you he was no good."
"No, I wanted to stay out here. We kind of decided I would stay and he would go to the throne room to find his dad. I suppose he wanted to check him out first." Bulma shrugged.
Gohan and Bardock touched down as Bulma finished talking. Bardock had a look of absolute terror on his face.
"Vegeta already went in there?! Shit! We have to go stop him!" he urged, herding everyone towards the doors to the palace.
"What? Stop him from what?" Goku asked, looking puzzled.
"Son, Vegeta is going to try and claim the throne of Vegeta-sei. And we have to stop him because Vegeta is not ready to accept at this time! He has been away too long. Vegeta left Vegeta- sei when he was still a young child and he doesn't know how everything works and how to handle the kingdom."
“Oh great. We've gotta keep Vegeta from doing something stupid and prideful.”
Bulma grumbled as they disappeared inside the castle.
~ * ~
Veldock looked at his son, not daring to believe what he was seeing.
"Oh dear Kami, you're alive?!"
"Alive…and kicking, I might add." Vegeta smirked, crossing his arms arrogantly across his chest.
Veldock turned his scouter on and focused on his son's ki level. He flinched as it exploded. To Vegeta's surprise, his old man smiled.
"Kill me."
"Kill me. I order you to kill me."
"I will not, the Saiyan Ouji does not take orders from anyone except-"
"The Saiyan Osama. Now do it boy before I kill you."
Vegeta looked shocked. "YOU kill ME?! Don't make me laugh old man. Your sorry ass couldn't even bruise me."
Father and son stared at each other, growling ferociously until Veldock lunged at his son. Vegeta smirked and easily sidestepped his father's attack.
"Honestly old man, you'll have to do better than that if you want to-"
Veldock, Bardock, Goku, Vegeta and Gohan all clamped their hands over their ears.
"Ahhhh! Woman! How many times have I told you not to scream like that?!"
"Don't you dare talk to me like that Veggie-chan, I'm just trying to help you!"
"Causing me to go deaf is not going to help me-"
Vegeta watched in horror as his father grabbed Bulma around her throat and lifted her up off the ground.
"Wench, you do not speak to the Saiyan Ouji in such a tone. You deserve to die!" Veldock sneered, smiling as Bulma's face started to turn blue and she scratched helplessly at the King's hand.
Goku growled and powered up, ready to beat the shit out of Veldock, not caring that he was the Saiyan King. But he was beaten to it as Vegeta slammed into his father, sending the two crashing straight through the wall and sending Bulma sliding across the smooth marble floor.
"I will make you pay for that you old, ugly, bastard...!" Vegeta screamed in rage. Veldock's eyes widened in alarm as his son's eyes flashed teal for a split second.
"The Legendary..." were the last words he breathed before his world exploded and everything went black.
Bardock, Goku, Chi Chi and Gohan looked on, stunned. Vegeta ignored them all as he stumbled over to Bulma, his energy rushing out of him. He kneeled at Bulma's side and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly.
"Woman...woman, get up. Woma..." the last of Vegeta's energy finally left him and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he collapsed beside her.
Needless to say, Chi Chi went ballistic and passed out minutes later. Gohan panicked but, much to everyone's surprise, Goku remained calm. Bardock was shocked. His King was dead. And his 'dead' son had killed him. Oh Kami, how was he ever going to explain this to the other Saiyans?
~ * ~
* She stands alone on the beach, salty sea air whipping her aqua hair around her face, the last rays of the fading sunlight illuminating the lustrous strands, making it appear as though a halo hovers over her head. Her sad, bright blue eyes gaze out over the sea, drinking in the blue, violet, orange and crimson that is splashed across the sky as the sunsets. She turns as she hears the sound of sand crunching under boots. A smile lights her face as she looks into the passionate deep black eyes of her lover. His eyes, the only distinguishable feature she can make out on his otherwise blurred face. She has no doubt in her mind that they can see right through her to her soul. For some reason she can feel her heart pounding loudly in her ears, and wonders if he can hear it too. She feels his breath on her cheek and she starts to tremble. His chest is almost touching hers, his face is only inches from her own. She suddenly becomes incapable of thought. And although she cannot truly "see" his face, she knows he is her soul mate, the man she is meant to spend the rest of her life with. It's all in his breath taking onyx eyes. The liquid heat that had been slowly building in her center spread itself to her limbs in a single burst as he leans forward to kiss her. Her eyes drift shut as she waits with baited breath for his kiss. Then suddenly, the warmth is gone. She gasps in surprise and her eyes fly open in alarm, feeling as though she has been dunked into a pool of icy water, only to find nothing there. Absolute nothingness. Just black, cold, empty space. She cries out in alarm and panics when she can't even hear her own voice. She screams her delicate throat raw as the silent cries drift off into the void, never to be heard. She collapses to her knees and cries, powerful and silent sobs racking her small form. She feels lonely, so lonely. 'How can I believe in love when no could ever love me?' she asks herself in despair. *
Bulma's eyes shot open seconds later, and a shudder ran through her small body. "Where in HFIL am I?!" she tried to whisper. She was shocked once again as she realized she was floating in some kind of liquid filled tank.
Her sapphire eyes widened even more as she looked through the glass dome in front of her and studied the room. Her eyes fell on the back of some man rustling papers on a high metal counter top. She flinched as something beeped rather loudly and the man turned around. Bulma was a little surprised to see that it was Bardock.
"Hold on a moment Bulma and I'll get you out." Came Bardock's muffled voice. She nodded to show that she understood and waited patiently. She heard another loud beep and wondered if someone else could be in another one of these tanks.
She jerked suddenly as her last memories came rushing back to her. 'Oh Kami! He was going to kill me!' her mind screamed as the water drained from the tank. She struggled frantically at the bindings that held her but stopped when she felt Bardock's hand on her shoulder.
Bulma swung her head around and stared at Bardock. His breath immediately caught in his throat as her saw her panic filled eyes.
"Shh...Bulma, it's okay. He's dead." Bardock soothed, knowing instantly what had caused her panic. He wrapped a blanket around her nude form and steered her towards a bed.
"D...dead?" Bulma asked dumbly as she shook from cold.
"Yes. Vegeta...put him out of his misery." Bardock replied slowly, choosing his words carefully.
"H...he killed him?" Bulma asked, her teeth chattering uncontrollably. Bardock watched her, slightly amused at how fragile humans were. "Why?"
They both snapped their heads around as they abruptly heard glass break and shatter on the hard tile floor.
"Because I felt like it, baka woman." Vegeta growled as he stepped out of his now broken regeneration tank.
Bulma looked Vegeta up and down, blushed furiously and lowered her eyes. Vegeta couldn't help but smirk as he grabbed his training pants that were hanging on a nearby hook. He yanked them on and walked towards the door and growled when he felt Bardock's hand on his shoulder.
"Where are you going?" the older Saiyan demanded.
"As if that's any of your concern." Vegeta growled, yanking his arm out of Bardock's grip.
"You shouldn't train yet, my Prince." Bardock told him, now genuinely concerned. "You will only exhaust what little power you have regained while in the tank. You must wait."
Bulma watched Vegeta's face contort with anger as he yelled at Bardock, finding herself fascinated. She especially liked the way his black eyes sparkled with his emotions. She breathed in sharply as her dream hit her full force. 'Those eyes...!'
"What are you staring at woman?" Vegeta hissed, turning his glaring eyes on her.
"Nothing!" Bulma squeaked as she stood and rushed out of the room, feeling very flustered as she clutched the blanket tighter to her chest. Bardock raised his eyebrows, looking in Vegeta's direction.
Vegeta answered him with a growl as he stalked out of the Medical Lab and turned towards the GR.