Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What the diddly is going on? ❯ Stop saying Diddly all the time! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
From the files of Dark_Dasha By Dark_Dasha

A/N: This chapter is where Veggie suffers.

Chapter 2:

"VEGETA! HOME! NOW!!!" screamed Bulma, a scream that got the attention of everybody around them. "We're going, Vegeta, and that's final!"
"Fine, onna.But I am so diddly pissed off, and by the way, Madam Reese, I will find you and get you to diddly change me back" said Vegeta with venom in his voice.

*** *** ***

"But, woman, I need my diddly dinner!!!" said Vegeta.
"Listen, I am NOT in the mood to cook right now, and stop saying 'diddly' all the time, damn it! If you can't cuss, don't even try because you just piss me off even more.I still can't believe that you ruined the whole carnival. Did you HAVE to threaten that fortune teller?"
"Yes, diddly it, I did. It is all her fault! Now I can't diddly cuss and you won't diddly make me any food! Diddly it!!!"(A/N: Poor Vegeta. First, he gets cursed, then he can't cuss, and now Bulma won't give him any food. I am soo cruel.)
"Vegeta, where the hell do you think you're going?" asked Bulma as Vegeta was exiting the room.
"You'd better not go after that nice fortune teller woman"
"And why shouldn't I?"
"Because if you do, you'll get to sleep on the couch for a whole month."
"You know what, onna.I'm sick of you always threatening me with 'the couch'. I'll sleep on the diddly couch.You'll be missing out anyway." said Vegeta with a smirk." Now, I'm going training, and then I'm going to kick 'Madam Reese's' diddly if she doesn't take this diddly curse of me!!! You got a diddly problem with that? I didn't think so." Bulma just stood there with her mouth open as Vegeta went out the door, mumbling something that sounded a lot like 'diddly' under his breath.
' He's never stood up to me before.' thought Bulma. 'This curse thing must be really getting on his nerves.'

Vegeta quickly went to the gravity room trying not to look back at his mate's surprised face.' I've had it with this diddly crap.Just a mere hour of training, and then I'll cuss gain, or I'd better cause if I don't, diddly Madam Reese will have a slow and very, very, very painful death' though Vegeta.' How could she do that to me, a Sayain Prince?' Vegeta entered the gravity room and set it on 350x gravity. As he started training, he thought just how amazed Bulma must be at the fact that he didn't back down and he smirked to himself.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I'll make it up to ya and post up the next one if I get good reviews! If you want, you can email me. ~*~Dark Dasha~*~