Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Elevators ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bulma was now upstairs in the indoor pool at the University. She glanced down as her new muse performed the skit with the rest of his brothers. ChiChi kept giggling at her every time Bulma blushed. She was in heaven. She watched him fold his arms across his broad chest and smirk at his brothers while they rehearsed their lines. Then came the time for them to jump in the poolÉoh my. As they swam around and did their overly masculine version of synchronized swimming, Bulma practically drooled over him.
As he exited the pool with his brothers she watched his face, he was scowling It seemed that he was thinking of something. 'What could you be thinking of?' She pondered to herself.
Now it was Goku and his brothers' turn. As the boys were performing their equally over masculinized routine for the girls' sorority, ChiChi whispered into her friend's ear. "So, have you and mystery man talked?" Bulma laughed at her friend, she was always the pristine motherly one of the two. Not exactly, he seems unapproachable! Bulma looked down at the man and looked over his flame hair. He had his back towards her and my gods, he was impeccable; his taught olive skin stretched over his bunched muscles. With every move his muscles rolled under his skin. Each muscle ripped across his back as he folded his arms and listened to his brothers discuss amongst themselves in secret.
"Earth to BulmaÉ we need to get going!" ChiChi pulled her friend out of her trance and the two girls went to work cleaning the pool area.
An hour later the event was done and the girls finished cleaning the area around the indoor pool. Bulma and a group of other girls headed to the near by taco shop for lunch. One of them mentioned the name of the fraternity the mystery man was from was there. Waiting in line to order, Bulma's eyes scanned over the table of ten or so men. They all were eating a monstrous amount of food with a grace that Bulma did not think wasÊhumanlyÊpossible. Bulma admired how they all were strikingly similar. All of them were tan, muscular, and had a serious expression plastered to their face.
"Raditz, come here!" One of the girls yelled at a burly man with long hair. The tall man sauntered over and gave a leering smile towards the girls. Bulma suddenly felt naked as the table began paying attention to the girls. Bulma tried to ignore the mystery man watching her as he continued to eat. Bulma turned her back to the men watching them because she felt the group of strangers was undressing her and the girls around her mentally. She snuck a glance at him, and received a harsh glare in return. Bulma quickly blushed and looked the other way.
"What was that about?" Nappa leaned in towards Vegeta after observing the exchange between the two. "Hn." The young prince growled at his ward and continued shoveling his meal into his mouth.
"Did you see your new boy toy?" ChiChi gave Bulma's shoulder a playful nudge. "Yeah, yeah, now can we sit down now?" Bulma did not want to risk getting another glare from him this afternoon.
Next day.
Bulma was sitting in the meeting room of the house. They were discussing the events of the fundraiser yesterday. Eighteen was sitting next to Bulma when she leaned over and invited her to dinner. They were going to a Mexican place near campus. Eighteen happened to be a coach to the mystery man's team and caught wind of their exchange yesterday and wanted to delve into this further.
After the meeting, the girls were all seated in a circular table at the mexican restaurant. After ordering a round of drinks they began discussing the ever-popular topicÉboys. When it finally got to Bulma, she rehashed the break up saga between her and Yamcha. She compared her relationship to him like eating oatmeal for her. It was good while it lasted, but now the bland taste made her want to vomit. Then she proceeded to describe the mystery man to the table of girls. "There's just something about this guy, I don't know what it is. I mean, he's not the most attractive guy out thereÉbut I am so drawn to him." Bulma blushed as she admitted these feelings to her friends. Eighteen smirked and asked Bulma to describe the man to her. She slowly described his dark eyebrows, how intense his demeanor was.
Eighteen laughed, "I know who he is!" Bulma about choked on her drink. Before Bulma could stop her friend, Eighteen was already sending a text to Nappa, one of the men in the same fraternity. "So I just texted NappaÉ told him that you wanted to get freaky with his friend." Bulma did a *face-palm*, and groaned. "No you didn't" she was beet red now. The rest of the table burst into laughter at Bulma's expense.
Nappa quickly responded asking which friend was this. After giving a brief description to him, he responded with "Oh, you mean Vegeta? " Before Bulma could realize what was happening, she had a text from this Vegeta.
I can't believe I actually found him. And now I am sitting here chatting with him, of course it's through text. But stillÉI actually know his name now. If nothing was meant to be of this, we would not have found each other.
All she could think about was the smirk he gave her the previous day. The way he looked down at her and pierced her soul. She feltÊbittenÊalready.
After the two exchanged names and had small talk about common things, Vegeta asked her to send a picture of herself. Bulma took a quick self-picture and sent it to him. He responded back, in other words pleased.
Bulma was confident her looks would not be a problem with Vegeta because besides her brain, her beauty is what she prided herself on the most. Vegeta and Bulma agreed to meet the next day between their classes. With that, Bulma went to bed and proceeded to have dreams about her newfound love.
She was all alone in a dark room. Scared of the dark and being by herself she began to search frantically for someone she knew. A familiar face, anything to save her from the drowning depths of loneliness, the loneliness she has been feeling deep down in her heart for the past year. A loneliness Yamcha could not save her from. Months past where she laid staring up at the ceiling while he grunted over her. Counting the minutes until he would finish and she could dress herself in disgust. Finally in the solitude of her room one night she cut it off. Ripped it like a bandaid. It hurt, but it was necessary. The pain soon forgotten, but a realization occurred. She realized how lonely she had been. Lonely for a bed companion, lonely for a companion to keep her going and keep her from boredom; boredom would be the death of her. When she was about to give up and succumb to the depths of her loneliness he came crashing in. The night she first laid eyes on him, something fluttered in her chest for the first time in her life. His piercing gaze; his aura, a dark aura that he allowed to seethe into anyone trying to get close, she could tell after their second meeting. She tried to reach out to him in a friendly way, and he immediately pushed her away. He looked at her like he knew what would come with someone like her. He could read straight through her and immediately foresee what would happen if he dare get involved with a creature like herself.
Suddenly he was there. Standing across from her dressed in dark, tight clothing. His arms folded and his face emotionless. She approached him and reached out and touched his arm. Her fingers burned to the touch, a spark lit inside her. A spark she never could feel with anyone else. His gaze made her forget everything, all her problems, and all her insecurities. She wanted to give herself to him. Take her away. Just one step closer and their lips would meet, just one step closerÉ.
Bulma woke up from her dream in a not so great mood; she looked outside and saw it was raining.ÊJust great. The day I actually get to speak with Vegeta it rains.ÊSo much for doing her hair, Bulma simply pulled it into a pony tail and took some time on her makeup. She decided to wear jeans and boots with a tight fitting t-shirt. Pleased with her appearance, she pulled on her raincoat and drove to campus. Once inside the University Center, Bulma decided to calm her nerves with chemistry equations. Bulma steadily worked until it was time to meet with Vegeta.Ê10:15, Monday, in front of the elevators.ÊShe repeated to herself mentally. When she completed her work, she looked at the time 10:16. She hastily put her books in her bag and trudged to the elevators outside of the student union. There he stood, opposite of the elevators. He was leaning against the wall staring absent-mindedly out the window. Bulma's heart got caught in her throat as she took in his appearance. Jeans, boots, and a red polo, he looked delicious. She recalled the feeling she had during her dream. She was so close to him, but so far.
Bulma slowly walked up to Vegeta, he noticed her approaching but only glanced her way. When she was three feet away he straightened up and glanced at her. She could feel him giving her a once over, stopping slightly at her chest. She smiled at him and he flashed his teeth at her. He seemed so animal like; it made Bulma nervous and excited.
He followed her into the university food court. He looked at her and said, "when we sit, I'm going to tell you why I am here." This surprised Bulma, she wouldn't expect someone to be so straightforward on their first meeting. Bulma picked up a pre-made sandwich while Vegeta got some pizza. He paid for her lunch and they sat down at a table across from one another.
"I was in a bad wreck six months ago." He plainly stated.
"Oh, how bad was it?"
He smirked at her and shook his head. "I should have died, Bulma."
"Oh wow, what happened?"
"I was fucked up. Did things I shouldn't have." He eyed her suspiciously, he was testing her, but Bulma remained calmed and listened. She could tell there was more to this story, just a matter of time before it came out.
"I totaled the vehicle, lacerated my spleen, liver, and broke three ribs. Broke my sinus bone and nose. That's not everything, just to name a few." Bulma's mouth hung open. That's when she noticed the faint scar run across his nose and the slight droop in his eye. "Wow, that must have been tough."
"Now that is why I am here to be trained. I was brought here in my wreck to heal, and decided to remain here." Vegeta stated matter of fact. 'Only if you knew I was forced here by my father. The wreck was caused by the very monster I am enslaved to, and you aren't exactly as safe as I know you feel you are.' He thought to himself and frowned.
"Well, if none of that happened, you wouldn't be having lunch with my fine self!" Bulma jokingly swished her hair and fluttered her eyes. Trying to be as corny as possible. He just rolled his eyes at her, "Whatever helps you sleep." Bulma laughed at how cocky he was trying to be towards her.
Vegeta kept eyeing her. Suddenly Bulma felt like a piece of meat in front of him, but normally this would piss her off, but with him she suddenly felt interested.
"You're kinda cute, you know that?" She smiled at him. Vegeta took a napkin and covered his mouth with it. He wiped his mouth without taking his eyes off her.
"I've slept with more woman than you care to imagine, onna. Don't be thinking you are something special, because you aren't." Vegeta paused to study her a little more, 'oh, but you are.' He shook his head and leaned back in his chair. Bulma laughed at him and his horrible effort at playing tough guy. He sighed and started again, "Look, where I come from I was fucked up, pretty bad. No woman will get by me. I don't want anyone." He continued to eye her for a reaction of some sort.
"Fine with me, I don't want anyone either." She lied at him, but laughed when his eyes widened. "Besides, I think you're crazy." She hastily spat at him, now trying to get a rise out of the man across from her.
Vegeta ran his hand through his hair and raised his eyebrows at the blue haired vixen across from him. "I'd rather be crazy, than stupid." He smirked at her. "TouchŽ, my friend." Bulma smiled back. "Friend? Onna, please." Vegeta scowled at the woman in front of him.
Bulma stood up and began gathering her things, she had to go to class. The animal inside of her was clawing to be released and Vegeta was its prey. He slipped his hands around her waist and whispered in her ear "See you later." Bulma felt her knees go weak and she didn't know which way to turn her head. He looked at her and smirked before turning away and walking towards the exit.
Bulma turned around and smirked to herself and exited through the opposite door.

Vegeta smirked to himself as he headed in the opposite direction of the onna. Turles quickly approached him and pushed Vegeta's shoulder. "What the fuck, I warn you and the next day you're eating lunch with her?"
Vegeta whipped around and glared at his comrade. "Frieza has control of what we eat, when we train, what we do, how we dress. One thing he doesn't have control of is who we fuck!" The young prince growled, "He wants us to blend to fool these idiotic earthlings, and damn well I will blend!"
"I don't think he meant blend in between a girl's legs." Turles mumbled to himself. Before Turles could think twice, Vegeta had him rammed up against the wall with his strong arm closing off his windpipe. "I do not need you to make assumptions about what I do and do not do. Especially with that harpy!" He growled at his comrade.
Vegeta dropped Turles in the hallway and continued towards the Cold compound to practice his kata. He pushed any thoughts of the sapphire woman to the back of his mind while he pursued his training.