Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Sour ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The very next day Bulma was having lunch with her dear friend, ChiChi. "So how was lunch?" ChiChi giggled at her friend. Bulma put her sushi down and smiled at her friend. "I really like him, Cheech, there's something about him. I just don't know what it is." Bulma blushed as she talked about Vegeta.
"The thing is, he doesn't want a relationship or anything, which I am relieved. I don't think I can get into something serious again after YamchaÉat least for a very long time." Bulma poked at her meal before setting down her chopsticks.
ChiChi nodded at her friend, "Well, you should invite him over tonight. Goku is coming over after the water polo game and we are all just hanging out. I'd like to get to know this Vegeta."
"I don't know ChiChiÉ"
"Not everyone is Yamcha, Bulma. You'd be surprised he might actually want to spend time with you." ChiChi grinned at her friend.
"Alright I'll give him a call later."
The rest of the day was difficult for Bulma to focus. She had an art appreciation class she had to sit through until she was free. She found herself to continue to drift away in thoughts about Vegeta.
His lips curled into a smirk as he looked down at her. She cowered into his chest as the darkness surrounded them. He brought one arm around her waist and pulled her close. Bulma leaned in and looked up into the critical glare he was giving her. He continued to analyze her responses to his advances. Bulma complied as his hands traveled down her sides, soon he began to over power her. Maybe trying to scare her, but she returned the gaze with fire in her eyesÉ
"And with that I will see you all on Thursday." The art teacher dismissed the class. Bulma gathered her things and shuffled to her car. It was warm today and Bulma decided to wear just a t-shirt and athletic shorts. It felt good to feel the warm sun beat down on her pale legs. She always loved the warmer weather, the sun in general made her extremely happy. Oh gone were the days of lying around a pool and life being simple! Those days are of no more for the young girl. Everything was slowly slipping out of touch as she continued to get buried day in and day out of college life and keeping her emotions in check.
One thing she did not appreciate about Vegeta wiggling his way into her life was that he made her feel things. She never was one to get giddy, she always was the clear thinker out of all her friends. Never let anyone phase her or let some boy trouble her. But now Vegeta seemed to already have a vice grip on her heart in matter of weeks! Bulma was a tad ashamed of this, but her pride would not allow her to admit this to anyone. So day in and day out, she swallowed her pride and tried to keep her invincible exterior up. Little did she know, this exterior would one day fail her.
Bulma collapsed into her car and leaned her head against the headrest. Exhausted from the day and knowing she had a long evening ahead of her, she just sat there and dazed out.
Bulma was abruptly shaken out of her daydream from the harsh ring of her cell phone. Surprised to see Vegeta's name appear across the screen, she answered after a couple rings.
"Hello?" Bulma giggled into the phone.
"Hm. Where are you, woman?"
"I'm in my car? What?" She was interested to see what he wanted.
"Come to my living quarters. At once."
"Oh, yes sir!" Bulma sarcastically responded to Vegeta.
On the other line, Vegeta leaned against the chair in the communications room and smirked at the woman's fiery attitude. Once she agreed to meet with him that afternoon he'd quickly transport himself to the home he was assigned. In order to keep their identity hidden, Frieza placed the Saiyans in random housing units near the main compound. He said living this way would allow their mission to go unnoticed and not raise attention from outsiders they were bound to come in contact with.
After Vegeta told her where to "navigate herself", Bulma was on her way. His house was not far away from the university, so she took extra time getting there. She wanted to teach him a lesson about being so demanding.
Bulma leisurely walked up the house some time later. Vegeta was already outside waiting on her and greeted her with a scowl. Bulma laughed at his facial expression, "What's wrong with you?"
"What are you laughing at?" He flashed his teeth at her again, in what could have been a sneer. 'Was that a fang?' She asked herself but as soon as the thought came, it was gone again.
"You." She raised her eyebrows flirtatiously at him. He rolled his eyes at her, "Get inside, onna."
Bulma followed Vegeta into the smaller house. It was obviously a bachelor pad by the looks of it. He took her through the front door and immediately to the right there was an older couch with a coffee table in front of it. On the other side of the coffee table there was another couch and a recliner. Opposite of where they were standing in the door was a fireplace. To Bulma's left was a large tv. On either side of the tv were posters of girls practically falling out of their bathing suits. Vegeta noticed her eyeing the posters and laughed. "They aren't mine, they are prizes Nappa acquired over time."
Bulma nodded her head and followed him further into the living room.
Vegeta sat down in the recliner and pulled Bulma harshly into his lap. "Well hello there, onna" He purred into her ear causing a shiver down her spine.
Bulma straightened up and smirked at man sitting under her. He spread his legs out and shifted her closer to his now stiff manhood and slowly began traveling his hand up her creamy thigh.
"What you smiling at, onna?" He smirked down at the relaxing onna in his arms. "Oh nothing." Bulma lazily purred into his ear.
Bulma was a little taken a back by the feelings in her chest and was nervous she was going to do something to ruin the moment. Something about how Vegeta made her feel was a new sensation for her. She knew she had to be careful with him, seeming too forward or too attached would steer Vegeta away. Yet, if she acted too distant and uninterested, he'd find someone else too. The young woman could tell the man was a difficult person to get along with and also an even more difficult lover. She also knew deep down she shouldn't pursue this, because one or the other was going to get feelings.
"Why do you want me so much?" He asked bluntly. This time the distance between their lips was mere inches. "Shut up." Bulma hissed and before she knew it, his hot lips were smashed against her own.
He was a rough kisser, as soon as their lips crashed against each other; he pried her teeth apart with his tongue. There was so much passion behind his kissing that Bulma nearly lost her breath. When he retreated from ravaging her mouth, Bulma reciprocated the kiss. She kissed him back softly, until he squeezed her thigh just a littleÊtoo hard.
That's when sheÊbitÊhim. Lightly on the lip, and he moaned and grabbed her hips roughly and took control of the kiss. Her once neat ponytail was long gone, her shirt became disheveled, and he held her in a position where she couldn't move. Entangled legs, arms, and twisted bodies rocked back and forth on the lounge chair. Vegeta pressed his training manhood against her thigh and groaned as her tongue explored his mouth.
Vegeta practically pushed her off his lap and she stumbled to regain her balance. "Enough." He growled and sat back and watched her clumsy attempt of grace. Bulma straightened out her clothes and calm herself down. Vegeta took notice of the crimson shade across her cheeks and shook his head "You are such a freak." He smirked at her; Bulma playfully punched him in the arm, but quickly regretted it. "Like you could do anything to hurt me onna." Vegeta stood up and guided her out the front door back to Bulma's car.
"So, uh, will you come to my friend's apartment tonight?" She looked at him nervously.
Vegeta's mouth dropped a little at the request in surprise, "Yeah, I'll be there. Don't worry, onna." Vegeta watched the female next to him nervously fidget in the driver seat. He could tell she was uncomfortable around him. 'I could never physically harm this creature, ever.' He leaned back in his chair and they rode together silently.
"Thanks, I appreciate you coming over." She smiled at him, and he nodded in acknowledgement.

Bulma was sitting upstairs in the indoor pool once again watching her sisters play against another sorority in a water polo match.
She was chatting with her sisters when her phone buzzed. She had a message waiting on her from Vegeta.
"Where are you onna?"
"Indoor pool. Come!"
About fifteen minutes later the scowling man appeared leaning against the far doorframe and locked eyes with her. He bee-lined it straight to her and sat down close to her and gave her a nod in acknowledgment. Bulma smiled at him and he gave a "Hn." in return.
As the game progressed, Bulma decided to test the waters with Vegeta. He seemed to try to be interested in the game, or maybe was just being a good sport. Bulma stretched her long legs and rested them on the guardrail of the balcony and watched Vegeta out of the corner of her eye. She was surprised when she felt his thumb brush the underneath of her thigh; she shivered as he continued stroking it without evening turning his head. After a few minutes he retracted his hand and looked at her. "I'll see you later tonight at your friend's." Before she knew it, he was gone.

ChiChi and Goku were dozing off in the living room, leaving Bulma and Vegeta practically alone. Bulma playfully side kicked Vegeta straight in the rear, and in a split second she felt his hand stinging forcefully down on her own rear. She was surprised by the sudden reflex and looked at him in awe. He did not return her gaze but seemed to be fixated on Goku. "I know him. Went to school together." That's all Vegeta left it at, unwilling to elaborate further. Bulma glanced back and forth at the two men but quickly dismissed the awkward admission.
After lingering a few minutes longer, the two concluded the evening had drawn to an end and it was time for Vegeta to return home. He allowed Bulma to give him a ride because it was quite cold outside and Bulma would not tolerate him walking home. After a few goodbyes, Bulma and Vegeta headed out of her friend's apartment. Vegeta slowly trailed behind Bulma as she lead the pathway down the hallway to the elevator.
The two awkwardly stood next to each other as the elevator descended the multiple floors in the apartment complex. When Bulma opened her mouth to say something to Vegeta he pressed his lips into her mouth and muffled her words with his wild tongue. He ran his fingers through the back of her head and grabbed onto her hair and pulled her in, passionately smothering her.
The door opened and the two raced to her car. Vegeta won effortlessly and she fumbled with the keys to allow them both inside. Once on the road, Vegeta sat silently and watched the blue haired beauty drive to his house. He gave her directions where to turn and instructed her to pull into the drive upon arrival.
Vegeta quickly was at the driver side door and yanked her out of the car and embraced her in his arms for a hot kiss. The two stumbled through the back door and through the kitchen. Vegeta stopped when he heard his two friends watching the television. He grabbed Bulma and quickly yanked her down a back hallway and into his bedroom. He slammed the door shut and continued kissing her feverously. Suddenly he turned to the bed and hastily threw clothes off his bed and lay down. Bulma awkwardly looked at him and he smirked.
"What, you're just going to stand there?" He continued smirking at her.
Bulma took that as a hint to slide in bed next to him. Once her head met the pillow he continued to kiss her and his hands explored her body. Bulma smiled into his kissesandÊclosed her eyes tightly savoring every moment of his touches and kisses. Vegeta quickly rolled on top of her and dominated her small form in his strong arms.
"You came here with a plan didn't you?" He smirked as he began tugging her pants down. Bulma smirked at him and yelped when she felt his fingers plunge deep inside her heated womanhood.
Bulma tossed her head back into the pillow and bucked her hips forward allowing him to continue with his administrations. Vegeta's teeth grazed her neck and across her collarbone. His lips travelled down towards her huge mounds and flickered his tongue across each of them. Vegeta then removed his fingers from her southern entrance and fondled her breast. Bulma panted into the crook of his neck and moaned for more. Vegeta hushed her and placed his throbbing erection at her entrance. He teased her with its head and waited until she couldn't stand the teasing anymore before plunging himself deep inside.
Vegeta then spent the next hour burying himself inside of Bulma and riding her through the waves of pleasure that occurred that evening.
Later that night Bulma laid in her own bed and allowed her thoughts to drift back to what occurred just a couple hours ago. She was slowly realizing that she and Vegeta coupled.
"You are here for a plan, aren't you?" She smirked into the dark eyes of his. He bent down and kissed her as he lunged inside. Bulma yelped as Vegeta manipulated her body around and did things to her she did not think imaginable. He kept watching her eyes every time she squirmed under him. He smirked every time her lips parted to let out a noise of either pain or pleasure. Each time he pushed over her, there was more behind each action. Harder and harder he went, releasing pent up emotion and need. She gladly accepted at the expense of her own body. He could feel her hip snapping out of place with his pressure, but he did not care. He wanted it then. "Do you trust me?" he asked her as he rocked back to allow her a gulp of air. "No, I don't. I want to learn how." She looked pleadingly into his eyes. He kept his cold and unreadable. She let every emotion play out in her eyes at that moment. And also at that moment he re-entered and finished. He sighed and kissed her before leaving her on his bed and throwing her a towel. Bulma sat up and watched him hastily dress himself before exiting the room.
Bulma dreamed the events of earlier that night, and woke up the next morning with her hip incredibly sore from all her body was put through.
Oh, but it was worth it.ÊFrom then on, Vegeta intoxicated every thought of hers.