Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Tip it On Back ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bulma woke up that morning an hour before her class started. Bulma's thoughts returned to Vegeta as she stretched. The young woman was beginning to come to grips with the turn of events with their relationship. Bulma shook her head and shuffled towards the shower so she could get ready for the day.
After her shower Bulma sat down on her bed with a towel wrapped loosely around her body and was clicking around on her laptop when she heard a tap on her window.
Vegeta was standing on the heiress's balcony smirking at her shocked form. "Vegeta!" Bulma hissed at her beaux while wrapping the towel closer around her body. She opened the French door and allowed him to saunter inside. "How'd youÉ." Bulma was flabbergasted at his sudden appearance. Vegeta smirked at her, "Miss me, onna?" He lazily sat down on her bed and eyed her up and down.
"You can't just come up to my balcony like this! What if my Mother catches you?!" Vegeta smirked, "Allowing that harpy control your life I see." Bulma gaped at him before hastily grabbing clothes and heading towards her bathroom. With a huff she slammed the door shut, leaving the intruder to his own devices in her bedroom. After she dressed and combed out her hair she re-remerged from the restroom and cast Vegeta a dark glare. "You found your way up here, you can find your way down. You cannot go downstairs with me."
"Hn." Vegeta stood up and gave the woman one last smirk before heading back out the balcony doors. Bulma sighed before heading downstairs and walking out to her car. Once outside she saw the intruder leaning against her car waiting. "About time you made it, onna." Bulma shook her head, "What did you do, fly?" Bulma screeched.
Vegeta let himself inside her car and casually slumped against the backrest of the car. "Well I am glad I could service you with a ride to class this morning." Bulma grumbled, not quiet sure how to handle the man next to her.
They drove in silence to the University and when they parked Bulma glanced at Vegeta. He did not look at her or say anything as he exited the car. 'Alright then, he's moody this morning.'
Nothing was exchanged between the couple until they reached the sidewalk and Bulma decided to walk ahead of him.
"You walk too fast, woman."
Bulma turned around and noticed Vegeta was a good five feet behind her. "Sorry, I am always going somewhere, never have the time to walk slow."
"You need to learn to slow down, woman. Walk fast when it actually matters." He smirked at her as he finished the sentence.
Bulma rolled her eyes at her unexpected morning companion and stopped walking and waited for him to catch up. She placed her hands on her hips and let out a low growl towards him. When he finally sauntered towards her, Bulma struggled to stay at his pace. The two walked in silence until they got to the point where they had to go their separate ways.
"See you later, onna." Vegeta smirked at her. She waved goodbye and headed to class. 'What have I gotten myself into?' Bulma inwardly groaned.

The following night Bulma found herself sitting across from Vegeta at a burger restaurant. Not exactly sure how she got heckled into meeting this man for dinner, but here she was watching him inhale his dish, plus the remainder of her's, an appetizer plus his dessert and half of the one she ordered.
Vegeta was getting pissy at the waiter for not bringing his beer fast enough; Bulma was beginning to wonder what got him so ticky. Bulma, being under-age, had to settle for tea. Over dinner Vegeta critiqued the people around them from how they worked to how they laughed. His sarcasm made Bulma laugh and she couldn't help but smile at him. He was convinced that he was beyond superior compared to those around them and she found it quite hilarious.
Vegeta noticed her smiling at him and retorted, "Quit thinking about sex, woman!"
Bulma turned three shades of red, "I am not doing such! You quit thinking about it!" Vegeta smirked at her and continued to focus on his food. After their meals were finished
While the two were spatting whimsical insults at each other, Vegeta's mother called. "I'm at dinner with Bulma, Mother." He smiled into the phone at his mom. Bulma was shocked that his mother already knew about herÉand this scared her. She could tell by how the two talked to each other they had a very close relationship. Coming from someone that did not want a relationship of any means, the fact his family was familiar with her existence was confusing.
After the conversation was over. "Uh, Vegeta, you realize I don't want anything to really come of thisÉfor right now."
He looked at her and frowned, "I realize that onna, neither do I. So calm down and don't get emotional on me. Emotions and petty attachments are just weaknesses anyways." Bulma breathed a sigh of relief at his response, but at the same time had an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.
After Vegeta paid the tab the two headed to Bulma's car to leave. While she drove the two back to the University, Vegeta grabbed her hand and began kissing the top of it. Bulma looked at him and smiled, he smirked back and held her hand until they returned to the University. She watched him get out of the car without a word and she drove herself home for the night.

Vegeta entered the compound quietly hoping no one noticed his leave to spend time with the onna. He had to see her before he checked in with Frieza this evening.
"Spent time with that wench, I see." The sickening feminine voice cascaded through the vacant entrance hall. Vegeta backed up against the wall and folded his arms. "I just hate the earthling attire. It's hideous. But it hides your tail well." Vegeta frowned at his commander, not sure what he was about to do. Suddenly a ki laser flared from the reptile's lanky finger and unraveled Vegeta's shirt revealing the furry appendage. "Ah, there it is." Frieza purred and quickly advancing on the young Saiyan, "Frieza." Vegeta growled in warning, tightening his tail against his waist in hopes of protecting his sensitive appendage. Before Vegeta could react, Frieza's pink slippery tail constricted the Saiyan's muscular next and lifted him three feet above the ground. Frieza reached out and snatched Vegeta's tail from around his waist. Vegeta bit through his lip causing blood to trickle down his throat when Frieza continued to pull on his tail. He could feel the many ligaments begin to snap under the pressure and cause the pain to reach excruciating levels. "I bet that little wench doesn't know about your dirty secret, does she my prince?" Frieza purred again. "LeaveÉ. HerÉ outÉ. Of it!" Vegeta screamed and swung his legs upwards and braced his feet against the reptile's neck.
Stunned by the sudden movement, Frieza released his tail but didn't retreat without causing another wound. He took one long sharp black horn and pierced it into Vegeta's calf before dropping the Saiyan to the ground. Vegeta rolled to his side and tried to gasp for air until Frieza's foot gripped around his throat. "Drop the bitch, you don't need any distractions, my prince."
As soon as the monster appeared, he was gone again. He left the young prince laying crumpled in the hallway. Vegeta's last images were of Bulma earlier. He watched her flounce around in her aqua dress earlier before they shared their meal. Her aqua hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose natural waves and the dress accentuated her long sleek legs. The legs he could bring around his neck while she moaned in pleasureÉthen he gave way to the land of the unconscious.

Things with Vegeta and Bulma drastically changed after their dinner a few days prior. Ever since she learned of his mom knowing about her, she backed off considerably from the young man. Vegeta did not seem to mind, as she figured he wouldn't. Bulma was a little disappointed Vegeta seemed to not care about Bulma's sudden change of heart towards her.
Truth of it, she was scared. Scared of her feelings towards him, and also scared of how quickly things have progressed over the short period of tie. Bulma wanted him, and obviously to some extent he wanted her as well.
The thing with Vegeta was, she was not sure. He gave the cues that he was interested, but at the same time he did not want any emotional attachments at all. He put it off like it was a weakness to him, and that it would keep him from achieving what he wanted. That was as far she could get with him when it came to talking about anything serious.
Unfortunately the night Bulma cancelled on Vegeta was the night that it all changed for the worst. At first Bulma did not think much of it, she wasn't with him and no commitments were held to each other. She didn't need to hear from him every hour of the day.
But as the days past, Bulma began to worry. She began to think he did not like her nor wanted to do anything with her. 'Maybe he found someone else.' She tried to convince herself so that she could easily get over him.
Four days passed of silence. Bulma was sitting in the university library working on her calculus homework. She periodically would glance at it, hoping there would be some sort of communication from him. Fed up, Bulma threw her pencil aside and grabbed her phone. "Thought I'd hear from you?"

Vegeta was in the middle of a vacant wasteland using his ki to drill into desolate ground. Just a day prior, he and his men vacated the land of all detectable life and leveled it with multiple ki attacks. "Bred to be warriors, used as landscapers." Raditz one day grumbled during their shift. "Can it Raditz, sooner we finish, sooner we go home."
"Home?" Nappa turned at his younger ward. "This broad got you thinking this his home?" Vegeta frowned in response. 'The onna has gotten to me.' As if on queue, message readout lit up his scouter. It was from Bulma. "Thought I'd hear from you." Vegeta frowned further. "Been busy. Still busy." He curtly responded before clicking his scouter off.

Bulma took that has a hint and continued on with her silence. Instead of dealing with her emotional troubles over Vegeta, she kept busy with her schoolwork. He messaged her a couple days later just to check in and see what she was doing. "I just wish he'd make up his damn mind!" Bulma groaned in frustration towards Eighteen.
"I think you like him, but you are too chicken to admit it." Eighteen stated, "I know, but I don't want him to get scared and think I'm clingy." Bulma protested.
"Well you better be upfront with him before it is too late." Eighteen stated flatly at her ridiculous friend.
Bulma looked down at her margarita and swirled her straw in it. "I'm just going to get drunk tonight and just let what happens, happen. Fuck him!" She smiled and downed the rest of her drink. Soon followed by a brain freeze. "Oh god, my head!" Bulma put the palm of her head against her forehead and groaned in pain. "You are special, Bulma." Eighteen's crystal blue eyes pierced friend.
Later on while the girls were getting ready for their homecoming game, Eighteen allowed Bulma to drink to her heart's content. "If you can't have them, drink with them right?" Eighteen reassured her friend.
Bulma also made sure she was looking her best in case she ran into Vegeta. She wore brown knee high boots with a royal blue dress. She looped a long white scarf around her neck. Her eyes were smoky and her long aqua hair was kept straight. Bulma looked stunning that evening, and she knew it.
By the time they arrived to the football stadium, Bulma was wellÉdrunk. She meandered through the crowd and talked to people she saw here and there. Bulma took it upon herself to flirt with any guy that approached her. ChiChi was amazed how Bulma worked the crowd. One random man approached her and Bulma looked right at him and said, "Sir I have a problem!"
"What would that be, babe?"
"My cup is empty." And Bulma handed him the cup and she watched him refill it with a vodka sprite, she graciously thanked the stranger and swaggered away.
Despite Bulma's success flirting with many guys and flaunting her looks, one man still captivated her mind. She kept looking for him and wanted him to appear. Sadly, he was nowhere to be seen that evening.
The group of friends watched the game, chatted, and enjoyed the time together until the game came to a close. Afterwards everyone headed to the local bar afterwards. Bulma was surprised when her phone buzzed and it was Vegeta.
"Where are you, woman?" Vegeta gruffly asked the haughty female.
Bulma smiled at his husky voice. "I'm out."
"Out where?" he demanded. Bulma smirked into the phone and waited a few seconds before divulging her location.
She gave him the name of the bar, and 10 minutes later he appeared with the same man she saw him with the first she met him. She came to learn that his name was Raditz.
Raditz leaned down onto Bulma's chair and looked into her eyes, "So why do I never see you around at our parties?"
Bulma snapped around and looked him dead into his dark abyss pupils, "Why, ask Vegeta. You'd think the woman he was plowing, he'd invite around more." Bulma did not care that the last few words cut harder than they should. She could not see Vegeta standing behind her, but she could feel his glare into the back of her head.
"Well, Bulma, I wouldn't call it plowing, he's just wellÉgardening your flowers?" Raditz laughed at his own analogy.
"Shut up, Raditz, that's enough." Vegeta stated abruptly. Now he had his foot resting on the bottom of Bulma's bar stool and was leaning against its back. Bulma smirked at the two men and turned around and continued to drink. She suddenly felt a hand slip down and graze her back and touch her rear firmly. Bulma froze and smirked, but refused to acknowledge the touch.
Eighteen got the two men to join Bulma and herself at a booth after the exchange was through. Bulma sat next to Vegeta while Eighteen sat next to Raditz. Bulma playfully placed her hand on Vegeta's lap as they conversed.
Vegeta took every opportunity he could to make a slighting remark towards Bulma. "I don't need to invite you places, we aren't a thing, and I hold no responsibilities towards you." "But if I bed with you I expect some sort of respect, or invitations!" Bulma glared evilly at him. The two locked a sinister gaze towards each other. Eighteen and Raditz watched in amazement. The two matched each other equally with their temperament and both had bite to their bark.
Eighteen finally broke the forced silence, "Well I think I will leave you two to sort this out!" She winked at Bulma and left her standing between the two large men. Suddenly Bulma realized she was heading home that night with Vegeta. As Eighteen walked out the door, the two men exchanged looks and followed after her. Bulma drunkenly scampered after the two men.
"Come on, onna. You're coming with me." Vegeta frowned at Bulma as she stumbled behind him and Raditz.
'God she's so beautiful. That royal blue dress and those long legs, she will be the death of me.' Vegeta inwardly smirked while thinking of the beautiful vixen he would be bringing home that evening. 'Oh, we will have fun my little onna.'