Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Goodbye ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bulma lazily lounged across her bed at the Capsule Corp as she thumbed through a chemistry textbook. Her mind had a difficult time focusing on the material she was reading because tonight was a special night. It was the Halloween Masquerade hosted by Vegeta's fraternity.
The distracted heiress tossed her book to the side and flopped over on her stomach. She gazed outside of her French doors and began to drift in thoughts towards Vegeta. They have not spoken in weeks and she wondered if she would be seeing him tonight. Bulma curled up on her side and cradled her pillow as she drifted into a dreamland about her lover.
Vegeta watched the woman from a distance outside her doorway. Frieza was forcing his men to host a party this evening to celebrate the ridiculous Halloween holiday. He knew the onna would be attending, and he was aware how he had been neglecting her and took this rare chance to look in on her. 'Sleep little onna, tonight will be a night to remember.' He smirked to himself imagining the beautiful woman at his side despite they will be united under not so pleasurable situations.
"I admire you and the onna's courtship." Raditz nudged the younger Saiyan in the side. He had accompanied Vegeta to observe Bulma while the others were preparing the compound. "There is no courtship, you fool!" Vegeta growled towards his companion. "Yeah, right. You dig her." Raditz turned his back to Vegeta to leave. Vegeta cast a dangerous look in the larger man's direction before returning his attention back towards the onna. "I will see you this evening." He whispered before flying off towards the compound.
When Vegeta touched down, Zarbon was outside instructing the men on how to set up a large tarp to keep the party concealed from the public. Vegeta sauntered up and observed his companions laboring around the compound to make it look like the other fraternity houses near campus. "I do not understand these customs, why can't we just eliminate the whole race and come here for what we planned initially?" Zarbon groaned as Vegeta approached. Ignoring his comment about killing off the humans, he retorted with, "Not like you're the one that gets your hands dirty."
Zarbon glanced over towards Vegeta, "What was that, Monkey?!" Vegeta flashed his fang at Frieza's henchman before turning and heading towards the locker room.
Once inside, the Prince sat on one of the benches and removed his shirt and observed his body in the mirror noticing newly acquired scars from these past few months. 'I look like shit.' He groaned to himself, the once perfectly flawless prince now sported multiple scars from his wrecked ship almost a year ago and from the many times Frieza laid haste to his body. Vegeta shuddered as the memories of his recent injuries began to invade his mind. "Vegeta!" Nappa thundered, "What?" Vegeta responded.
Nappa entered the locker room and smiled evilly at the prince, "For tonight." The large man extended his head out towards the prince. In his palm lay four capsules. Each of them was a muscle relaxant. "To make tonight bearable." Vegeta smirked at his friend and grabbed the pills. "Two now, two later." The younger Saiyan smirked before dry swallowing two of the pills.
"That a boy!" Nappa slapped him across the back before exiting the room. When the pills began to sink in, Vegeta leaned against the sink for support. His heart rate slowed and his muscles began to relax, Vegeta welcomed the numbness throughout his body, for once he felt nothing.
Eventually he emerged from the bathroom and stumbled down the hallway when Zarbon grabbed him by the back of his shirt. "You're working the bar tonight, monkey." Vegeta didn't react when he was thrown in the direction of the dining hall, also where the party would be taking place tonight. 'Damn these pills make me not give a damn.'
Vegeta shuffled behind the bar and began pulling out all the different bottles of alcohol. "Vegeta, make linh c?m ??m." Raditz smirked at his friend at the recommendation. "Ha, like those earthlings could handle that!" Tato yelled from across the room. Tato, Raditz, along with many other Saiyans were moving the long dining tables out of the room into storage so that a dance floor could be created in preparation for the party while Vegeta took care of the bar.
"You sure?" Vegeta slurred towards his friends before laughing wickedly and creating this intoxicating potion. Linh c?m ??m consisted of the strongest r??u from Vegetasei along with many fruits and ice. The r??u caused the ice to melt down and the draw out the juices from the fruit creating an immensely strong alcoholic beverage. Linh c?m ??m tasted sweet and the r??u couldn't be tasted. This deadly combination put full grown Saiyans on the ground after two glasses.
Vegeta pulled out the large container this potion was typically made in and set it behind the bar. Next he gathered two huge bags of ice from the storage unit's freezer and emptied them out inside the container. Vegeta then gathered strawberries, oranges, kiwis, and grapes from the kitchen. After cutting them up with his ki he tossed them throughout the ice. After shuffling through the liquor cabinet, he found the r??u. He pulled corks out of two of the bottles and began pouring the contents across the ice/fruit mixture immediately creating fruit slush. 'In an hour this will be perfect.' He smirked at his creation before placing a lid over the container.
After he finished setting up the bar he looked over at his companions, "Men. You all stink. To the showers, at once!" Vegeta demanded before retreating to the showers, too.

A few hours later Bulma woke up from her nap and began to get ready for the masquerade. Bunny was leaning against the doorframe to Bulma's bathroom watching her add the finishing touches to her makeup. Bulma was in the middle of painting a silver star across her left eye with purple glitter accentuating her eyes and down her chest. On top of the cosmic makeup, Bulma finished her look with a slender fitting black sequence dress. "He'd be a fool to deny you." Bunny reassured her daughter. "Thanks, Mom." Bulma set down her mascara and gave herself one last look.
"I just hope I get to see him tonight."
Later that evening Bulma arrived to the compound. She straightened out her dress and began walking towards the entrance. Bulma tried her best to get her heart rate to calm down, but couldn't. Once she walked into the door she paused and took in her surroundings, a bunch of men all similar to Vegeta were dancing behind many different girls. The females present were all similar to Bulma's age and all wearing different varieties of dress.
Bulma scanned the crowd but did not spot Vegeta, to her disappointment. Bulma then walked to the bar and ordered a drink. She was busy messing with her phone that she did not realize who she was talking to. Bulma looked up to see a certain handsome man standing behind the bar with his arms crossed staring down at her. Bulma flashed him a smile and reordered her drink, and he curtly nodded towards her.
When he returned with a glass Bulma looked at him questionably, what he held wasn't what she ordered. "Drink" Was the only thing he said before he turned his back. Bulma gave the drink one hesitant look before heading outside with the glass. Bulma made her way towards Tato when she saw him sitting at an outdoor table away from the crowd.
"Hello fair lady." Tato greeted Bulma when she took a seat next to him. "What exactly is this?" Bulma gestured towards the drink, "That is linh c?m ??m, Vegeta's specialty." Bulma nodded and took a cautionary sip, "This is delicious!" Bulma commented before downing the whole drink. "Bulma, don't!" Tato was too late, Bulma placed the empty glass on the table. "What? Oh." Bulma suddenly felt the alcohol hit her and she was immediately drunk.
"Raditz." Vegeta growled, "Yes your majesty?" Raditz replied to the younger Saiyan behind the bar. "Where is the onna?"
"I believe she is outside, after you gave her the linh c?m ??m she headed out that way." Vegeta frowned, not liking Bulma being out of his sight while at the compound. "Find her, bring her to me." Vegeta commanded before returning to serving girls at the bar.
Raditz followed his orders and headed outside to find Vegeta's woman. He paused at the doorway when he witnessed Bulma down a whole glass of linh c?m ??m. 'Fuck', Raditz hurried over towards Bulma and grabbed her by the upper arm. "Vegeta has been looking for you." He hissed inside Bulma's ear, "Oh has he now?" she smirked.
Before she could say goodbye to Tato, Raditz was pulling her indoors. Bulma stumbled up against the bar and rested her head against her fist, not sure what to do. "Are you who I think you are?" Vegeta purred into Bulma's ear. Bulma smiled at the husky voice, "What's my name?"
"Bulma." Two strong arms encircled her waist after he quickly tossed aside her mask and pulled her towards the dance floor. Vegeta pulled her close to his body and grinded himself against her. The two did not exchange a word as the music played, and when Bulma opened her mouth to say something to him he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. The two continued to kiss for the next minute until he ripped away from her and left her standing alone on the dance floor.

A lone man stood by himself on the other side of the compound. He was strung out on drugs and lost in life. A series of events lead him to the Saiyan compound, even though he was unaware of his current location. Dodoria and Zarbon were exiting the rear of the compound to avoid being seen by the party goers when they came across the stranger.
"Look what we have here, Zarbon." The fat man hissed at his companion. The frail man turned towards Dodoria "What are you supposed to be, dude?"
Zarbon laughed at the kid, "Dodoria, I believe this kid needs to be taught some respect." The pink blob licked his lips with lust as he eyed the boy. "It's been awhile hasn't it, Zarbon?"
"Why yes, yes it has." Zarbon sighed and casually pushed his hair behind his ears. "Boy, I'm supposed to be your worst nightmare!" Before the frail man could respond, Dodoria sent a ki blast that neatly pierced through the man's head.
"WhatÉ.didÉ.youÉ.do?" Bardock looked down at Zarbon and Dodoria from the compound's balcony. "Busted by a monkey." Zarbon laughed at Dodoria and turned around to leave the defenseless blob to face Bardock.
Bardock descended the flight of stairs quickly and approached the young man. "He's still alive. You will clean up this mess and we cannot let this get out."
Bardock carried the man to the infirmary and got to work. He quickly keyed in the regen tank information and placed the man inside and on life support.
Vegeta, come to the infirmary at once.
Vegeta read the message from his scouter and groaned, Bardock was asking him to come to the infirmary. He had to end his moment with Bulma sooner than expected that night, thus leaving Bulma standing by herself in the dining hall.
"This better be good, old man!" Vegeta barked. "Identify this young man." Bardock ordered.
The young man floating in the regen tank was touch and go, Vegeta reached out to feel his ki, it was all but nonexistent; the prince closed his eyes, dreading that he recognized the man before him. "His name is Ryan. One of the onna's friends."
"Do not say a word to her." Bardock looked into the Prince's eyes. "I cannot save him, do you know where I can take him?"
"Capsule Corp." Vegeta turned and left Bardock standing in the infirmary with the lifeless boy floating behind him.
He paused at the doorway and reached out to stroke the doorway before asking over his shoulder, "Who did this?"
"Dodoria and Zarbon."
"Hn." Vegeta stormed down the hallway towards where the party was being held, blinded by rage he found Zarbon flirting with some whore by the bar. "You fucking douche hole!" He roared before grabbing the back of his head and yanking him away.
That's when all hell broke losing, since all Saiyans live for a fight, fist began to fly upon each other. Girls screamed and ran for the exit, Bulma was sitting outside smoking when she heard everything go to hell inside. The aqua heiress slowly walked towards the entrance when she saw Nappa fly out of nowhere and knock Vegeta off his balance. Raditz was going after some man she did not know the name of and Tato was laid out unconscious further away from the fight.
"STOP!" Bulma roared and all the men stopped fighting. Zarbon was hidden behind the bar, recently unconscious due to Vegeta's attack and luckily out of Bulma's line of vision. Bardock stepped into the room, also hearing the commotion and surveyed the damage and laid eyes on Bulma. "Vegeta, take her home."
Bulma's mouth gaped at Bardock; he was wearing nearly identical armor to Tato's that one day she saw him at Vegeta's. "She has seen too much."
Vegeta looked over at the horrified woman and frowned, 'Why couldn't she leave like everyone else?' "Woman!" He barked before approaching her and dragging her from the building. "Vegeta, what the hell was that?" She screeched, "Vegeta you are hurt!" He gave her no response as he lead her towards his vehicle and ushered her inside.
"Are you sure you can drive?" She hissed towards the man next to her, "Yes."
Five minutes later the two pulled into the drive. Vegeta got out slower than usual and Bulma rushed to his side to help him. "I can take care of myself, onna!" He bellowed, "Let me help you!"
Once inside the young man leaned against the counter and groaned in agony, the muscle relaxers he took earlier were really effecting his ability to heal.
Bulma kicked off her heels and silently began making an icepack for Vegeta's broken hand, "What happened?" she whispered. He eyed her suspiciously, "None of your concern, onna." After placing the icepack on his broken hand, she took a step back to look him over. "You are a mess." He smirked at her comment and eyed her form, "Bed."
Bulma nodded and followed behind him. The two stripped down to their undergarments before crawling in bed together. Bulma found sleep rather quickly, but Vegeta remained awake.
He watched the sleeping onna as time passed by; her rhythmic breathing began to lull him to sleep. Right before he slipped into his dreams he reached out and grabbed Bulma around the waist and pulled her into his strong embrace. Bulma woke up at the sudden movement and smiled to herself when she felt Vegeta snuggle into her back.
The shrill ring of Bulma's cell phone soon interrupted the close moment between the two.
"Hello?" Bulma lazily answered, "Bulma?!"
Bulma sat up at the sound of her friend crying into the phone, "What's, what's wrong?" She stuttered.
"Ryan's dead."