Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Forever ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bulma lay curled up on her side, she pulled her knees to her chest in complete shock about what she just heard. This can't be real. A friend told her that he was at the local hospital and in intensive care, but he was gone. There were talks about donating his organs and other things, but Bulma just could not grasp the situation.
Vegeta shifted in his sleep and reached out for her again. Bulma rolled over to him and shook him awake. He looked at her and smirked until he saw the pain in her face.
"I got to go." Bulma said, her face was pale and she was drained of all emotions.
Bulma rolled over to get out of bed. She was just in her underwear and began putting on last night's dress. "Will you take me to home?" He was still in bed watching her, "Yeah." He paused before pulling out clothes to dress himself for the day, "Whatever it is, it will be okay, onna."
He playfully pushed her shoulder, trying to get some sort of emotion from her. She didn't say anything and just walked through the kitchen and out the door to his car.
When Vegeta got inside the truck, Bulma stared straight ahead before admitting her troubles, "My friend is dead. He had an accident, they're saying he killed himself." Bulma choked back a sob after this admission.
"It's going to be ok, Bulma." Vegeta said while she remained silent. "My grandmother took her own life, and at the time she wasn't herself. She was eaten with disease and her mind was half gone despite the fact she was the strongest woman I know. It was not an act she would have done herself." Vegeta eyed Bulma through the corner of his eye as he pulled out of the drive.
"Thanks Vegeta, means a lot." Bulma sincerely meant this; it was nice to have some comfort, especially from a man she felt deeply for.
The two continued to ride together in silence until they pulled up to the Capsule Corporation. The guard saw Bulma in the passenger seat and waved them through. Before Bulma could escape the confines of his car, Vegeta reached his arm across the seat and looked at Bulma. She glanced over and weakly smiled, "Come here" he demanded. She leaned over to him and he gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
Bulma looked into his eyes one last time before sliding out of the truck, not knowing what kind of news was waiting for her inside her home.
Bunny was solemnly sitting at the kitchen table when Bulma entered the kitchen. "Mom, what's going on?" All Bunny could do was sob, "I am so sorry sweetie about your friend!" She exclaimed.
Dr. Briefs appeared in the doorway, "Bulma, it's best you come with me." Bulma looked at her father questionably and tried to push away the sinking feeling in her stomach. She followed her father down the multiple hallways that lead to the facility on site hospital.
Bulma could never prepare for what was on the other side of the curtain. Her father yanked it back and there laid Ryan.
He's gone.
"A man by the name of Bardock appeared here at four this morning with the boy. Said an accident happened and he was told to bring the child here." Dr. Briefs paused before continuing, "Bulma, I know he is your friend, but do you have any idea about what could have caused this?"
Bulma blinked at the sight of her lifeless friend, "No, not at all."
"Very well then, I will call in the general and he will announce time of death. It will be ruled as a suicide. I don't know where Bardock came from, nor do I want to know. I just hope you exercise caution with these people, the death of your friend should be proof their kind is not safe."
Bulma burst into tears and ran into her father's embrace, "Shush, Bulma dear. It will be ok." Dr. Briefs comforted his distressed daughter.

Later on that evening one by one friends began to show up at Capsule Corp. to say goodbye to their friend. As the night drew on even Vegeta returned to see how Bulma was fairing.
"How are you doing?" Vegeta asked gruffly, obviously uncomfortable with the scenario; being a Sayain emotions about death and friendship were not welcome in his culture.
Bulma could not respond, she burst out in tears into Vegeta's chest. He told her to calm down and her tears were pointless at this time. He whispered into her hair simple condolences into her ear until the tears settled and she turned to lead him further into the house. Vegeta silently followed her into the kitchen and then began pilfering through Bulma's kitchen looking for a frying pan, eggs, bread, and milk while she sat and stared straight ahead at the breakfast bar. Bulma smirked at him as she located the supplies. Vegeta began making French toast. "One of the first things I learned to make." He said more to himself, but knowing Bulma would rather hear something other than talk about Ryan.
Bulma glanced at her friends who were occupied with a show on tv. Bulma turned her attention back to Vegeta, who was busy frying the toast in the egg batter. "Syrup" he demanded, Bulma nodded at him and fetched it from one of the cabinets.
She set out plates and he began placing the toast and syrup on each.
Vegeta and Bulma sat together at the kitchen bar and ate in silence while friends of Ryan silently ate in the living room. "Your hand?" She questioned him. "The knuckles are broken." He stated nonchalantly. She turned her attention to the random purple sparkles shimmering in his hair. "Nice glitter."
He glared at her, "Didn't have time to shower your filth off today. Shut up." Bulma smirked at him; she was beginning to understand his way of humor.
After Bulma's friends finished their meals and headed to the extra rooms to sleep she elected to remain in the living room with Vegeta. The two watched tv and sat together on the couch in silence, she pulled her legs across Vegeta's lap and leaned into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
Vegeta sighed and rubbed her back and continued to watch tv. "I don't cuddle, I don't do lovey-dovey." Bulma smirked, "Noted."
"You will never hear the words I want to be with you or anything like that. I am here to live for myself, not be with anyone." He said sternly. Bulma shifted in his lap to look at him, "Ok, and why are you saying this? You always make cracks at me about being with you!"
"Look at us." He growled. "This is the one and only time this will happen."
Bulma smirked at how adamant he was. "I appreciate it though, this is what I need right now."
Bulma shifted out of his lap to the other side of the couch and began to doze. Vegeta put his head on her pillow and soon followed her in sleep.
Bulma waited until she heard her friends exit through the front door before waking Vegeta up early that following morning. "Hey, lets go to my room." She whispered into his ear. Vegeta groggily got up and followed her upstairs and into her bedroom. She climbed into her queen sized bed and buried herself in her blankets. Vegeta stripped to just his boxers and got in bed next to her, Bulma scooted her rear into his lap and pulled her knees to her chest. She soon drifted into dreamland, feeling peaceful for once.
Bulma woke up earlier than Vegeta, it was strange seeing him under a light green comforter with delicate white leaves. Bulma savored the moment of him being there in her bed. She settled in next to him and rested her head on his outstretched arm. She looked over the bruises, cuts, and scrapes all over his body. Bulma frowned slightly as she remembered the conversation they had the night before. She wanted to be with him, and she knew he wouldn't be there unless he cared.
She awoke again to him looking down at her, a slight frown on his face. "Hey." She smirked up at him. "It's time for you to get up." He said dismissively. "You skipped your morning classes."
Bulma was taken aback by his comments regarding her schedule. She silently got up from bed and walked over her closet to change for the day. She pulled off her sweat pans and t-shirt stood just inside her walk in closet in her bra and panties. She put on a fresh shirt and leggings. Bulma turned around to Vegeta while brushing her hair. His eyes intently rested on her body and she scanned over his. He just lay there in his boxers, "Morning wood." He smirked at her. Bulma rolled her eyes and headed to the bathroom.
Vegeta was already downstairs drinking a class of water when Bulma descended the stairs. His eyes were on her body as she pattered around the kitchen. "I want a kid by the time I'm twenty-five." Bulma looked at him in shock, "That's nice."
He continued to watch her, "I just don't see myself having a kid right now, quite frankly I don't think I can, I could not go through it." Bulma replied and set her glass down and turned to him, he crossed his arms across his chest and frowned at her.
"You would not cut my kid, if we ever bred." Vegeta said in a low voice. Bulma walked across the Capsule Corp kitchen and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Of course I wouldn't, Vegeta. I could not do that to you." She then stood on her tiptoes and lightly kissed him on the lips. He watched her face and lightly kissed her back. He smirked at her as she stepped away. "I know you wouldn't."
"Well, I need to get going." Bulma shifted to the side and leaned against the sink signally him to head towards the exit. Vegeta nodded at her and they walked through the front door together, he looked over his shoulder and smirked at Bulma, "Keep your head up, kid." And with that he was in his car driving away.
Bulma watched him drive away and she stood there wishing she could stay with him,Êforever.