Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Hold Me ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Nine: Hold Me

"So, did Babidi change the room again, or did he transport us?" Videl asked, looking around.

"He transported us. We now have to go back inland and find him again," the Supreme Kai said, sighing. His job was so tedious. He wondered why Babidi had transported them away. Was it because he was afraid? Because he wasn't ready for someone as strong as the Saiya-jins?

Gohan helped his new girlfriend up, so happy he could have just danced with joy. I got a girlfriend, I got a girlfriend!! He chanted in his head, his head moving to his own little personal song. Videl blinked several times, wondering what the hell he was doing. She waved her hand in front of his face, but he didn't see it, for his eyes were closed as he continued to bounce his head. Videl couldn't help it anymore; the situation was just too funny.

She tackled him, causing him to fall flat on his back with her laying half on top of him. She started laughing so hard that she buried her face in his chest to stop herself, and meanwhile he was trying to breathe again. Finally she sat up, pulling him up so she could slap him on the back and get him breathing again. He coughed, gave her an odd look, and then smiled, saying, "Thanks, Videl."

"Don't mention it 'oh-creepy-nodding-of-the-head-one'," she said, rolling her eyes when he turned red. Goku started laughing, having witnessed the whole scene, and Vegeta just smirked at Videl, who had gotten Gohan very good, indeed. The Supreme Kai, however, was looking around, trying to decide which way they should head. It was getting dark very fast, and before they even knew it, the sky was pitch black, no stars, for the clouds blanketed the night sky. It quickly grew cold, and Videl shivered, wrapping her arms around herself as she went to search for wood with Goku.

The Supreme Kai watched as Gohan scratched his head, trying to think of a comfortable place to sleep. Shin sighed, wondering what they were going to do. First of all, they shouldn't have even stayed here, they should have gone back inland, and searched for Babidi. But no, all of them, including Vegeta, had insisted that they stay here for the night. He mumbled to himself about the so called "powerful" Saiya-jins, when it seemed like they were always hungry, and now they wanted sleep. That poor Earth girl could probably survive better than them!!

Almost a half an hour later Videl and Goku came back, finding rocks situated in a big round circle, ready for the wood. Goku had Videl carrying most of the wood, for he had complained that it scratched him. Videl had thought it amusing, but when she got back, all she heard was Gohan scolding his dad and Goku whining that the wood was scratchier than normal wood and Videl had volunteered. Videl finally stopped Gohan from ranting by placing her hand on his shoulder, and stopping him in mid-sentence. He looked mad at first, then it turned concerned, and then to a grin, happy to see her. "Hey, Videl. Is something wrong?"

"No, but you can be a good little boy and stop ranting at your father and start a fire for me."

Anything for you! Gohan thought, going at the task with relish. She watched as he just shot a ki blast at the pile of wood, and then turned back to Goku, who was still giving everyone a full-blown pout. She patted him on the shoulder, and helped him sit down. "It's ok, Goku. He didn't really mean it."

Goku gave her an appreciative look, and then grinned at her, not noticing Vegeta mumbling in the background about what a baka he was.

Videl left his side, wondering at the child-like qualities Goku had at times. She hadn't even known him for a day, and yet she felt like she had known him for years.

She walked over by the roaring fire, watching Gohan's smooth and graceful movements as he tossed some more dry wood onto the blazing fire. It was quite actually beautiful, when you made a fire out driftwood from the sea. The colors were brighter; more varied, more magnificent. She already felt warm.

Gohan watched her as she stared deep into the fire, her gorgeous purple eyes reflecting the dancing flames. Her hair was drifting around like it had earlier, and he hadn't been able to help himself but to bury his fingers in it.

He sighed, feeling like a romantic, especially with the way the shadows played over her beautiful features. He hadn't even realized he had been staring at her until she walked up to him, hesitantly wrapping her arms around his middle. He knew she didn't really want to be alone, especially after that dream she had had earlier. He didn't mind, really. In fact, he loved it. He loved being near her, loved breathing in her soft feminine scent. You would think with her tomboy act that she wouldn't be so attractive. He had to ask her soon why she dressed like that. Maybe it was another thing in her past.

He wrapped his own arms around her, holding her close. They stayed like that a while, staring into the leaping flames as the fire blazed brightly and then started to die down. Gohan reluctantly let her go, pointing over a few feet away at a spot where he had laid down his green gi. She hadn't even noticed that he had taken it off, and now her eyes widened. He was wearing some unbelievably sexy black spandex suit, which just happened, to her delicious delight, to show off every single muscle, dip, or curve. She almost started drooling, but then shook herself, sitting down on the green fabric. It looked bigger stretched out than it did on him, and it surprised her, even though she didn't really care. All she cared about was staring at Gohan as his muscles flexed as he moved. She was in a trance by the time he was done adding wood to the fire, and she didn't even notice him sit down next to her. Everyone else was trying to sleep, or sleeping already. Vegeta was sitting cross-legged, looking like he was meditating, but he was probably in a deep restive state, and Goku looked like he as trying to do the same thing. Shin was staring out over the ocean, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the repetitive but beautiful waves wash across the beach almost to his booted feet, but never quite reaching him, for some reason. It seemed like it went around him, as if he had some sort of invisible barrier or shield around him.

Videl was taken out of her dream world when Gohan asked, "Are you tired, Videl?"

She blinked a few times, turning to look at him. He wondered if she would be afraid to sleep after the dream she had had earlier, but she nodded, laying down and curling up on her side away from him.

He laid down next to her, propping his head up in his hand as he watched her backside. "Can I um, play with your hair, Videl?" He was fascinated with her hair.

How did he know that I love to have my hair played with?she wondered, but nodded. It always made her tired, but in some sort of slow and delicious way, like something or someone was easing her as gently as possible into dream land.

Gohan's fingers in her hair sent hundreds of tingles down her spine, and soon she realized that she was enjoying it a little more than she should have been. She had never felt feelings like these before in her whole life, and she felt embarrassed about them, but curious at the same time.

Gohan stopped just as she was starting to like it to the point of madness, and he laid down, turning away from her. She felt the heat of him next to her, but she wanted all of it. She turned over to face his backside, and she placed her hand on his upper arm. He looked at her from over his shoulder, and she gave him a shy smile. "Gohan...hold me."

He felt a silly smile wanting to come up on his face, but instead a blush hid it. He nodded, turning around and opening his arms so Videl could settle within their warmth and comfort. She immediately sighed, placing her hands over his chest to feel his soft thudding heartbeat against her palms. Gohan tucked her head under his chin, and closed his eyes, wishing it could be like this forever.