Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Saiya-jin Mating Bonds are a Lie of the First Order ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirty Four: Saiya-jin Mating Bonds are a Lie of the First Order
He opened his eyes, staring blankly at the white ceiling. He yawned, standing up as he rolled out of his soft and warm bed, stumbling into the bathroom to throw some cold water onto his face. He turned on the water, cupping his hands until they overflowed with the cold essence, and then threw it into his face. He sighed as he wiped it off, and stared at himself in the mirror. Uh, I look like I crawled out of the toilet.
He blinked hard. Wait. I look like I crawled out of the toilet. I look....
He stood up straight, a big grin coming to his face as he ran out of the room, yelling, "I can see!! I can see!!"
Bulma opened her door tiredly, rubbing her sleep-filled eyes as she saw Gohan dressed only in a pair of navy blue boxers run down the corridor, yelling his head off that he could see. She smiled as she closed the door, falling down onto her bed next to Vegeta. He snapped at her to stop moving and stop yelling her head off for no reason. She tried to explain that it wasn't her that had been yelling, but he just stuffed her face in his chest and forced her to be quiet. Rather content staying there, she ceased complaining and went back to bed.
Gohan ripped open his dad's door, seeing him sitting up in bed, already awake as he sat with Goten and Trunks on either side of him. Goku blinked when he saw his son, and then Gohan jumped on the bed, causing everyone to bounce a good foot into the air and the little boys to start laughing and telling him to do it again.
"Dad, I can see! My eyes are all better now!"
Goku grinned, picking up Trunks and forcing him to sit down next to Goten. After that he patted the spot next to him, at which Gohan crawled over, climbing under all the blankets because it was cold. Goku laughed as Trunks and Goten started to wrestle, and Gohan and him ended up cheering on who they thought would win. Unbelievably, Goten won, and he preened like a peacock that he actually had. Trunks just grumbled and crossed his arms, saying that Goten had cheated. Everyone just laughed at his show of stubbornness, and Goku turn on the TV, hoping that he would be able to catch something good that was on a satellite light-years away. He found only a bunch of stupid stuff, but everyone else seemed content to sit there and watch it. He took this opportunity to fall back asleep, since Goten and Trunks had come running into his room at what would be considered as the break of dawn, complaining that they were scared, even if Trunks didn't admit it out loud.
After a while Gohan noticed that everyone but him had fallen asleep, and he climbed out of the bed, going back to his room and getting changed into his suit. Now that he could see, he had so much stuff to do. First of all, he needed a haircut, but his dad could do that later. Second of all, he wanted to check out the ship and see everything that he had been missing out on. He went immediately to the cockpit, his mouth hanging open in awe.
There was a viewing glass that wrapped around the whole cockpit, giving a scene that astounded the eye. He could see everything in front of him, including all the stars, planets, and galaxies. He stepped forward, running his fingers over the high-tech computer boards and the buttons that decorated them. They were all blinking and bleeping, turning different colors every once and a while. He turned around, walking to a computer that seemed like it showed all the activity going on around the ship. The only thing it didn't show was what was happening in the bedrooms, thank Dende for that. He took a step aside, walking through the various chairs and seats that were spotted around the cockpit and in front of the controls at the computers. It reminded him of Star-Trek, a show that he had watched a few times.
He smiled, walking out of the room and down the right hall, which led to numerous storage rooms, and what was labeled as the Regeneration Room. He took a step in, amazed at how stark it looked. All the regeneration tanks were embedded into the walls, lined up and marching across it like soldiers in perfect alignment. They did look more high-tech, all the sheer white painted metal and glass. He frowned, but it wasn't a bad one.
He left the room, planning on looking around some more. He took the left hall that branched off the cockpit, finding the kitchen and bedrooms, and some more storage rooms. From the bedrooms another two halls branched off, leading to the lower decks which housed more storage rooms, and the engine room, which was very hot, and he didn't stay there for long. He found the gravity room next to a storage room, and he smiled as his finger pressed the red button that said "open" on it, and he stepped into the pure white room. It was almost scary, but it didn't bother him. He walked over to the computer and pressed a few buttons, hearing it whir to life. He couldn't get over the sheer size of the room, it was almost three times the size of the old GR. Which was better for him, because he needed all that room.
Vegeta walked ahead of Goku to the GR, planning on kicking Gohan out of it. He pushed the red button, causing the gravity machine to shut down as a safety precaution. Gohan found himself face first in the floor, staring at Vegeta's gold-tipped boots. He stood, dusting himself off. "Hey guys, what's up?" he asked, smiling at his dad and Vegeta.
Vegeta glared at him, his arms crossed over his chest. "Listen boy, you have had this GR to yourself ever since we have started this trip, and that has been almost three weeks. We are reaching our destination in only a week or slightly more, wherever the hell this place is, and neither Kakarott or I have had a chance to use this thing. Now I demand that you leave, and stay away from my mate."
Gohan looked down at the ground, feeling disconcerted. "Alright, I'll just kinda hide out in my room for a while. Just tell me whenever you guys are done."
He walked out of the GR, almost dragging his feet. Vegeta smirked at his accomplishment, seeing Goku's sad look. "Ah, come on, Vegeta. You didn't have to be so mean to him. You know he's really sensitive, especially right now."
Vegeta snorted as he turned back on the gravity, all the way up to five hundred. Goku got an impressed look on his face as Vegeta got into a fighter's stance, and he did the same, planning on having a few good long hours of sparring with Vegeta.
Gohan walked through the halls, his brow furrowed. What is that smell? It's so...soft, just barely there. He lifted his nose to the air, trying to follow the scent. He traced it to the kitchen, thinking it had to be the most delicious food ever created by human kind, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Bulma, sitting at the table and reading a romance novel. He paled, gripping the doorway as hard as he could. Oh no. I know what that is. Must...leave...now.
He turned around, getting ready to dash away in the opposite direction, when Bulma spoke up. "Hey, Gohan. I heard you yelling this morning that you had your sight back. How is it? Do you need me to check up on you?"
He was still turned around, his body stalk still. He shook his head violently, and he heard Bulma laugh. "Gohan, I know what's wrong with you."
He relaxed some. "I know. But I really, really need to leave right now."
Bulma got up, walking over to him. "Nope, not really. I think I got something that will help your little problem."
He turned around, facing her as she stood behind him. He fought the urge to take a step back as he saw her, and he swallowed hard. "Uh...Bulma, no, I don't think you understand. I really need to leave. I don't want to hurt you."
She waved her hand in the air in dismissal. "Nah, just plug your damn nose and follow me. And stop sniffing at the air like that! Do you want smacked?!"
He shook his head, plugging his nose with his fingers and finding that it did help somewhat. She walked in front of him, and he kept his eyes forcefully pinned to the back of her head, not allowing himself to look anywhere else. She led him into a lab room that he hadn't noticed, and she motioned him to sit down at a metal table situated in the middle of the medical/lab room. She came back a few seconds later, a syringe with the longest needle he had ever seen in her white hands. He frowned as she lifted up the blue sleeve of his arm, cleaned it with a disinfectant, and then plunged it into his arm. He yelped, but she yelled at him to stop complaining as she injected him with the clear substance. Once she was done, she slapped on a Band-Aid, and waited a few moments before she came really close to him, their lips almost touching. He leaned away, a fierce frown on his face. "What are you doing?" he asked, trying to get away from her.
She pulled away, grinning her face off. "It works!! I am such a genius!!" she squealed, twirling around the room. He looked briefly confused, but then understanding dawned on him. "What did you do to me?"
"Well, I just injected you with this hormone stuff that is supposed to keep over-sexually active people calmed down. You know, sort of like you. I knew that if I got close enough to you that you wouldn't really be able to help yourself, especially since I'm going through a really fertile stage. I probably could have been raped to the point of death, or yours, because Vegeta would have killed you shortly thereafter, but I was willing to take the chance. I also had the feeling that since you Saiya-jins have such an acute sense of smell, that you would instantly come and see what the hell that scent was. Vegeta woke up this morning and I had to kick him out of the room." She giggled. "I came up with this stuff a few days ago knowing that this was going to happen sooner or later, considering that all females go through this once a month, at least human females."
Gohan had a small blush on his face, but he understood. "So, I'm not going to be uh, so attracted to females now?"
She shrugged. "I'm not completely sure, but hopefully this will help some. Vegeta told me just a few days ago not to try and-"
"Woman!! What the fuck are you doing alone in here with him?! Do you want to be raped?!"
Bulma spun around, giving Vegeta a big pretty smile. "No, I don't have to worry about it now. I just made this stuff that should help Gohan not to run around so damn horny all the time. I would think that you would be happy."
Vegeta was so pissed he wanted to blow something up. "You stupid Onna! Don't you know by now that this isn't going to last very long, nor work very well?! The boy is part Saiya-jin, and you have to give him a damn injection fit for three elephants, if not more because he's younger!! This isn't going to last, especially since his body will become immune to it in only a few hours! Don't you know this shit by now?!" he yelled, his face red. Gohan was turning rather pale, and Bulma was standing so still you would wonder if she was a statue.
She finally snapped out of it, walking carefully over to her mate and placing her hand on his heaving shoulder. "Vegeta...calm down. If it's not going to work, then it's not going to work. I just tried; you have to give me credit for that. I would think that you would want me to try to protect myself, which I was trying to do. But if you want me in constant danger, well, then fine," she said, shrugging.
He growled, grabbing her arms. "What did I say?! I said stay away from him and don't try anything like this! Don't you ever listen to me...?"
Bulma heard the tone in his voice soften, and she watched as he calmed down. His hold on her loosened and she hugged him, apologizing as he carried her out of the room. Goku was standing in the doorway, watching his son and how defeated he looked. He walked over to him, draping his arm over his son's broad shoulders. "Gohan, you have to understand something. Vegeta loves Bulma a lot, even if he doesn't ever admit it. He's very protective of her, and he would give his life for her. It's just like me and your mom. I would do anything for her, and it's all because of our bond. Maybe once-"
Gohan ripped himself out of his father's hold, trying to calm himself down and not succeeding. "No, dad! Don't you get it?! Doesn't anyone understand me?! It's as if everyone hates me, and doesn't care either! All I want is Videl, but now I'm having seconds thoughts. This stupid bond sounds like hell, like it's not worth it! Why would anyone want to do this dumb Saiya-jin mating bond when all it seems to do is make everyone act like...like they are obsessed with each other!! Vegeta's addicted to Bulma, and you're addicted to mom!! It's like no matter what you do, you can't get enough of each other! What do you do, have sex ten times a day, every single day of your life?! Don't you ever go mad from it?! The thought of it now just makes me sick! I don't ever want to bond! I would rather die!!"
Goku watched as his son ran out of the room, and he looked down at the ground, defeated. No, Gohan. You got it all wrong. Being bonded is the best thing that can, or ever will happen to you. You just need to see for yourself. You'll come around...I know you will. You won't be able to help yourself.