Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Spinning Away ( Chapter 61 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 61: Spinning Away
They were nearing the final days of school when Videl discovered that something was wrong. It had nothing to do with Babidi, Dabura, nor Buu. It had to do with herself.

They had been waiting for so long for the enemy to come, and it seemed like they weren't coming. It was pissing everyone off and discouraging them, but Videl and Gohan didn't notice, nor did they care. The only thing that they noticed was the absence of Piccolo and Krillin, and Bulma was currently working on a way to get them back to their normal selves.

While they waited for the tedious day that they would come, they did the best as they could in school, Gohan going to work almost every day and returning home at around nine thirty. Videl found herself almost doing as good as Gohan with all the extra study time, and basked in the praise he and everyone else rained upon her pretty head.

But that wasn't the point. It was only three days until her eighteenth birthday, and she had the worst feeling a person her age could possibly get.

She remembered when she had been staying at the Capsule Corporation housing area with everyone else, hoping that everyone would be together and train together while they waited for the return of the enemy. During that time, Bulma had given her birth control pill's that had almost cost her life, but she had amazingly lived through. After that incident, Bulma had "fixed" the pill and made it so that it was compliant to her half-alien blood, and so that it could protect itself against the possibility of a Saiya-jin pregnancy.

Bulma had promised her that she would tell her everyday in the morning when she went to school to take it, but she had moved. Not only had she all but forgotten about the small container of pills in the purse she never carried around, she had only taken them about twice since they had moved back to the Son household.

So...here she was. Sitting on the bed they shared every night, her head in her hands as she thought about how stupid she had been. Life had seemed so full of excitement since she had met Gohan, and almost everything besides him she didn't pay attention to. She wanted to cry.

She wasn't positive of whether or not her stupidity would lead to something both her and Gohan weren't ready for, but she would find out soon. She was going over Bulma's house today while Gohan was at work, and so that he wouldn't find out. Goku was going over as well so he could have some valuable training time with Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten, so she was just going to go along with him. After all, it would only take them a second to get there.

She sat up from her collapsed position on the bed, hearing Goku call from the living room. It was time to go.

She hurried to the full length mirror that was hanging on the wall in their room, straightening her clothes and tucking a stray strand of black hair behind her ear. She frowned. She needed a haircut. She hated her hair this horridly long, even if Gohan nearly passed out every time he could bury his hands in it.

She left their room without looking back, not even bothering to close the door. They had gotten a new one shortly after she had been "sick", much to the bonded couple's relief. She hurried into the living room, seeing little Goten jumping up and down in excitement, and Goku laughing at his antics. He grinned when he saw Videl, holding out his hand for her to take. She smiled, unable to help herself as she took it. Goku had taken up a "debonair" sort of attitude when it came to her, using the charm he was only capable of using with the women belonging to the Z warriors. Not only that, he treated her as if she was the most delicate thing on the planet. No one had really ever treated her that way, and it made her feel oddly special.

"Ready?" he asked, watching as she nodded. In the next moment he brought his fingers up to his forehead and told Goten not to let go or he would foreverly be stuck in some vortex from which he could never come home and eat his mother's food. Goten shut up and held on.

Videl felt just the tiniest tingly feeling as they disappeared and then reappeared right in front of a scowling Vegeta, whose arms were crossed.

"Kakarott! What took you so long? Are you incapable of committing yourself to getting here on time?"

Goku smiled, letting Videl go and telling Goten to go find Trunks. "Hey, Vegeta," he said in his normal happy tone. "Ready to spar?"

Vegeta muttered something about incompetent fools, and motioned for Goku to follow him to the new GR, which Bulma had just finished two weeks ago. It was the same as the one in the space ship they had left in to find Videl, except fitted for land. Vegeta was drooling over it, and only left for scant minutes at a time.

Videl sighed as she left for the labs she knew Bulma would be. She had told Bulma she really needed to talk to her, and since Bulma was the closest thing she had to a mother besides Chichi, the woman hadn't asked any questions, understanding that something was wrong with the tough teenage girl.

Videl spotted her working on a regeneration tank that looked different from any of the other ones she had ever seen, but she didn't ask any questions. What she had to talk to her about was far more important than a regeneration tank.


The woman looked up, startled to hear a scared voice that sounded like Videl's. She instantly knew something was wrong. She pulled off her goggles and set down her wielder and other various tools, quickly standing as she wiped her hands off on her work suit. "Videl, honey, what's wrong?"

Videl looked around nervously. She wished now that Gohan was here. He always made her feel better, like everything would be alright.

"Can...can we sit down?" she asked, managing to look the beautiful older woman in the eyes.

Bulma looked her over with a mother's calculating stare. "Of course. Come with me."

Videl followed her deeper into the labs, seeing high-tech objects that she had ever believed possible pop up out of nowhere. She hadn't ever been this deep into the basement labs of the housing complex. She was fascinated.

Bulma made her way to a personal lab that she worked on any and all Saiya-jins, making Videl gulp at the evil tools she saw. Everything looked sharp, and deadly, things that she didn't want to mess with. She saw Bulma motion for her to sit on a metal lab table, grabbing a stethoscope and other things she might need.

Videl let her check over her vitals as she tried to talk. "Bulma, I was wondering. Are you positive that those pills would prevent a possible pregnancy?"

Bulma stopped her practiced movements. "Videl, you aren't suggesting what I think you are."

The young woman looked down at her hands, which were resting on her lap. "I...I don't know. I...I was careless, Bulma." She suddenly felt hysteria bubbling up inside her, and she freaked. "What if I'm pregnant?! Bulma, I don't know what I would do! Gohan would probably hate me forever and never talk to me again, and I don't know what I would do! I would rather die than lose Gohan! I don't think that-!!"

Bulma gripped onto the girl's arms, giving her a hard shake. Videl felt surprised at the strength the small woman possessed, and it must have been forced upon her by Vegeta. She shut up, trying to calm her irregular breathing and galloping heart.

"Videl, calm down before you get yourself sick. Now, what do you mean you were careless? Didn't you take them?"

Videl's shoulders slumped as she looked everywhere but the older woman's face. "I'm sorry," she muttered, looking and feeling stupid.

Bulma sighed as she released the young woman. "Videl, you know...you know you brought this on yourself if you are."

Videl gritted her teeth. "I know. But that's also why I came here. I wanted to make absolutely sure that those pills would have prevented it even I had taken them."

Bulma shrugged. "If you want the truth, I have no idea. I never had enough time to study you, nor the effect those pills would have on you. Every time I tested something new on them, something else came up, making them incapable of working with your body. Those pills probably took away about a thirty percent chance of preventing pregnancy. Therefore, you are right. You probably would have gotten pregnant one way or another, it was just a matter of time." The older woman turned to her, an apologetic look on her face when she saw the horrified one on Videl's. "Videl, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. If you and Gohan hadn't been so...eager for each other, then I would have been able to make sure....But, you know, there still is a chance."

"What the hell? Which one of you is pregnant?"

Bulma gasped. "Vegeta! How dare you! I am never going to-"

"Never going to what? Sleep with me? I can handle that. Cook my food? Now that I can't handle. You have become pretty good at cooking over the last few years. Now, back to my question," he said, looking straight at Videl. He cocked his eyebrow at her. "You're pregnant with Gohan's brat. I can smell it."

Bulma watched as Videl fell backwards, passed out from shock. She growled, slapping Vegeta's face. "Look what you did! She is damn horrified, and look what you do! And how the hell did you know she was pregnant?!"

Vegeta barely even felt her hand connect with his cheek. "Stupid Onna. Do you remember when you were pregnant with Trunks, and when we came home, everyone instantly knew that had a higher sensory of smell? Like Kakarott? He knew even before me. Stupid bastard...."

Bulma slowly remembered. "Yeah, I think I remember now. The way all the guys were sniffing around my skirts, wondering what the hell that smell was." Her eyes suddenly widened when realization dawned on her. "Gohan probably already knows."

Vegeta shrugged. "Good question. I didn't know until after Kakarott said something. I was just as shocked as the rest of them. But then again, we weren't bonded, like those two are. And how the hell did she get pregnant? I thought she was taking the same thing you were."

Bulma looked over to the prone body of Videl. "She's not all human, Vegeta. Her body structure is different, just like how Gohan's is. Poor girl, she's in for a lot."

Vegeta frowned. "Not to mention the way Gohan's going to be going after her. Stupid females and their scent when they get pregnant. That's precisely why on Vegetasei we had woman shipped far away from any and all males."

Bulma sighed, remembering how Vegeta had explained it all to her all those years ago....

"On Vegetasei when women got pregnant, they were sent away to an all-female designated area. The reason why was because when the women got pregnant, their scents changed, and the males got so damn horny that it drove them to rape. Our race would have been wiped out due to the females being killed and their children along with them. Because we didn't want this, we sent them away to protect them until the child was born."

Weird how she remembered the exact words. Maybe because what had followed had been an incredible moment. She smiled faintly, lopping her arms around Vegeta's shoulders. "I'm sorry I slapped you."

He frowned. "It's not like I felt it."

She sighed in defeat. "I know. But...but what do you think is going to happen to Videl? Do you think Gohan will act in the same horny Saiya-jin-like way?"

"More than likely. I just can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out Videl is pregnant with his brat."

Bulma pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing. "Of course you can't wait. I bet you can't wait for anything remotely evil to happen, can you?"

He smirked. "Of course not. What else is there to live for?"

She pulled away from him, giving up. "Vegeta, you are completely helpless."


Gohan checked his watch for the third time in two minutes, wondering where Bulma was. She was supposed to meet him, but she was ten minutes late. She was never late. Never.

He sighed, looking around one last time before he took off into the sky, using his super speed to get to the housing complex as fast as possible.

The first person he saw was Vegeta, who was glaring his best at him. "What are you doing here, boy? Wasn't that Woman supposed to meet you somewhere...important?"

Gohan nodded, saying, "Yeah, but she never showed up. It take is she's still here."

Vegeta glanced over his shoulder. "Her ki signature is telling me she's still downstairs in the lab."

Gohan brushed past the Saiya-jin no Ouji, blinking when he felt the much stronger ki of Videl. He had been sensing that something was wrong with her, but he hadn't really taken it seriously, because if something would have been wrong, he would have been able to tell from either her ki shooting up, or his dad's. Goku was always around her, he was kind of like her guardian when he himself wasn't around.

He walked down the steps that led down into the lab, learning quickly that Videl and Bulma were together, and in the deepest recesses of the lab. As he got closer he knew something was wrong, especially with the hushed voices he was hearing. He frowned when he saw his dad, and wondered why he had been suppressing his ki. "Hey guys, what's going-"

He stopped when he saw Videl laying on one of those familiar metal lab tables, her head resting on a nearly flat pillow and her form covered with a light blanket. He instantly made his way over to her, a growl coming up in his throat when his dad stepped too close. Goku looked surprised that his son had taken a hostile turn with his own father, but he understood...he guessed.

"What's wrong with her?" Gohan demanded, throwing a look that promised death over his shoulder when he spotted Bulma. The woman's eyes widened in shock, but she quickly recovered, used to receiving looks like that.

"Gohan, calm down. She's fine, she just had a...a small scare."

"A scare!? Videl wouldn't pass out when she came in contact with the ugliest thing in the universe! What the hell happened to her!?"

"Son, you need to calm down. Videl is going to be-"

He was interrupted by a small feminine moan. "Go-Gohan?"

The young man in question looked down, seeing his mate struggling to sit up. He pressed her down gently by her shoulders, telling her to be quiet in a soothing voice. "Videl, what happened. I am scared to death, you have to tell me now."

It wasn't a question. It was a demand. If he was scared to death, then what was she?


"She got a call from someone thinking that her father was dead. She got herself so worked up that she passed out. It didn't help that she hasn't eaten anything for a while, and plus she had been standing out in the sun all day," Bulma said quickly, hoping to convince him.

He wasn't in the least. He straightened, glaring at Bulma. "First of all, Videl hates her father. Second of all, even if her father really was dead, she still wouldn't pass out. And the excuse with the food is stupid, considering this girl has been eating almost as much as me in the past week. And the sun, does it look like she's been standing in the sun for a long time? No, I didn't think so."

Well, Bulma thought. It had been worth a try. Damn that boy and his genius....

Vegeta decided to make an appearance at that moment, and he was the person Bulma wanted to see the least. If he didn't keep his mouth shut, she didn't know what she would do. Sleeping on the couch and no food for a week hardly seemed like a good enough punishment. She sent him a look that told him he would die if he even talked, but all he did was smirk. She didn't like this at all.

Gohan was ready to tell everyone to leave. It just seemed like everyone was popping up out of nowhere, and he doubted sincerely that he would get any peace. Vegeta wasn't exactly the person he wanted to see the most, in fact, he had the feeling that Vegeta had been the one to do this to Videl.

Vegeta's eyebrow went up a good inch when he heard Gohan growling deep in his throat, telling him that he better stay back. The boy was acting just like an animal. It was an appealing thought.

"Well, I see that Gohan's bitch has woken up. So, why don't we get this soap opera on the road?"

He didn't even feel Gohan's ki go higher than anyone had ever felt before, nor see his movements. All he knew was that in the next moment, he was thrown into a metal wall, leaving a dent that wouldn't be able to be fixed with a couple bangs of a hammer. It would need replaced completely.

It happened all so fast that Goku hadn't even been able to get a reading on how strong his son had become. He hadn't even blinked, and it had been over. Gohan had a disbelieving look on his face; his fist still raised in the air as he stared at Vegeta struggling to get up.

Videl sat up completely, beyond shocked. She tugged on his arm, making him turn around and scoop her up in his arms, blanket and all. In the next moment, he was gone.

Goku slapped his hand over his forehead. "I should have distracted Vegeta while I had the chance. Now we'll be lucky if Gohan doesn't kill him."

Bulma stood there with her mouth hanging open. "Uh, what just happened? Did anyone see that?"

Goku shrugged. "No. I don't think anyone did." He grinned suddenly. "I guess we have been underestimating Gohan and his strength. I take it he's way stronger than any of us have been thinking."

"Where is that boy!? I'm going to make him suffer before he dies!!"

Goku had never been more tempted in his life to whack Vegeta upside the head like Bulma had a tendency to do. And that's exactly what she did. The Saiya-jin Prince snarled, listening to her berate and chastise him and his ignorant stupidity. He just stood there, taking the tongue-lashing and the occasional abusive hand that found its way to any part of his body that was available. Goku took this opportunity to go and search for Gohan, but he found that his son was suppressing his energy. He sighed, but then smiled. Videl wasn't suppressing hers, and hers was one of the most strongest and detectable on the planet now, not only because she was pregnant, but because she was probably the strongest female in the universe.

He brought his fingers up to his forehead and disappeared without a word to Bulma or Vegeta, not wanting to disrupt them and end up getting brought into the argument as well.

When he reappeared, it was to see his son sitting on a large boulder by a gorgeous deep blue lake about a hundred miles away from their house, Videl laying in his arms and his face buried in her hair. As Goku watched them, he got a feeling that the love Gohan felt for Videl ran much deeper than anyone had ever thought. It wasn't just apparent with the way they acted, or the way they talked or touched. It was completely evident with just the way he held her. And the way Gohan's ki always rose aggressively when any other male would come too close for comfort just attested to that. When they were at school, Goku would feel it go up to almost dangerous levels about twenty times everyday. He wondered if Gohan was acting a little too protective, and why he was acting this way in the first place. He himself had never acted this way with Chichi, well, at least not as bad, and neither had Vegeta. They had gotten over their protectiveness shortly after bonding with their mates, but Gohan's not only was staying, but it was getting worse. He frowned.

Gohan looked up when he felt his father's ki signature show itself, and his face darkened as he looked away, deliberately holding the woman in his arms closer to his body. His father stepped up to him, but stayed a good four feet away, finding a boulder that was across from where he was sitting. He attempted to start a conversation.

"Gohan, I want to know now why you are acting this way. I want to know why you are so aggressive when it comes to Videl. You know it isn't natural, and you have gotten worse over the past two weeks. There has to be a reason why you are doing this, Gohan." He hadn't meant to sound so serious, nor had he meant to start a conversation like this. He gave up. It would have come up sooner or later.

Gohan looked down at Videl, surprised to see her sleeping. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before he reopened his eyes and glanced at his father.

"I don't know. It's weird. Videl's ki has been changing a lot over the past two weeks, and it's like it's affecting me. I've never acted this way before. Sure I was little protective of her, everyone is. You're even worse with mom, you just don't realize it.

Goku contemplated what his son had just said. If he thought about it, he had been more protective of Chichi since he had gotten back for his limited amount of time. He frowned, looking up at Gohan, who was holding Videl's sleeping form. He had known two weeks ago that Videl had gotten pregnant off Gohan because of the way her ki signature not only weakened, but it became almost the same way Bulma's and Chichi's ki had when they themselves had become pregnant. Her scent, thank Kami, hadn't really changed enough for Gohan to tell, but since he was so used to it, he had been able to pick that up as well.

He put two and two together, coming up with a simple answer. Two weeks ago Gohan's attitude had taken a sudden turn. Two weeks ago Videl had been discovered to be pregnant. Gohan's attitude change had been caused by Videl's unknown pregnancy.

He sighed, wondering what he should do. Gohan deserved to know that he had gotten Videl with child and that he was going to be a father, but...he couldn't just tell him that. It was Videl's decision all the way.

"Gohan...I think that you should talk to Videl. Until then, just...be careful with her, and watch her. Maybe you'll be able to figure it out yourself."

The teenager didn't know whether he was mad or not. It seemed like everyone but himself knew what was wrong with Videl. He nodded grimly. "Alright."

They sat there in uncomfortable silence a few moments before Goku managed to say something. "How many more days of school do you have left?"

Gohan shrugged. "About two weeks. We'll finish at the very beginning of next month."

Wow, my son is going to be graduating from high school...and I missed it all, even his first day. "That's great, Gohan. I bet you're really proud of yourself."

His son nodded, looking away far across the darkening lake. He watched the old green trees sway slowly back and forth in the warm wind, and breathed in the cool clean air as he sat there. The sun was starting to set, and the colors of the sky were coming to life. Vivid oranges and reds, streaks of light blue and a small mixture of yellow. It was getting late.

"Maybe we should get back home before mom gets worried."

Goku wasn't one to argue on that subject. "Yeah, dinner will be done by now, too."

Gohan stood, adjusting the slumbering woman in his arms. She made a small sound that told him he had disturbed her overly, but she didn't wake up until they got home and he placed her on the sofa. Her eyes slowly opened, and Gohan took the chance of her sleep-filled mind to ask her what was wrong. He knew he was taking advantage of her, but he wanted-no, needed to know.

"Videl, hey, you never told me what was wrong with you."

She smiled. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just not going to tell you." She glared at him, sitting up angrily. "Nice to know that you take advantage of sleeping women!!"

He blinked, surprised at her outburst. "I'm sorry, Videl, it's just that I really need to know. I'm just going to get so worried over you I'm going to get sick. You know that."

She sighed with aggravation, folding her arms stubbornly over her chest. "You know, when you look at me like that, I don't know whether or not to hate you."

He smiled faintly, not even realizing he had been giving her the "look". She had told him once that it made her feel all weak-kneed and caused her stomach to get all fluttery, but he had made himself a promise. He had promised himself not to do it a lot, or she might become...immune to his wicked charms. She suddenly looked down, hearing her stomach growl extremely loud. He blinked, shocked that hers had almost rivaled his at his best. "Wow, Videl! You must really be hungry! Want me to bring you your food so we can eat out here? I'm not really hungry for some reason."

She thanked him as he stood, leaving her sitting up with her legs draped across the sofa. She looked down again, seeing that she was wrapped up in a thin, yet warm white hospital blanket. She smiled, wondering if Gohan had covered her up with it.

He came back a moment later, his arms overflowing with food. It was weird when he said he wasn't really hungry, because he still ate enough for four people. She grinned, watching as he set all the food on the coffee table in front of them, plates and trays leaning precariously on his arms.

When he was finally done about three minutes later, Videl dug right in, so hungry that she thought she would die if she didn't get food in her stomach in ten seconds. Gohan stared in disbelief as she ate all the food there, even his. He was so shocked that he had only managed to bring a fork up to his mouth, and the food that had been on it was now on the wooden floor.

When she ate the last bite-size piece of food, she sighed, turning to him and asking, "Can you go get some more? I'm still hungry."

He fell over. "What?! Are you serious?!"

She nodded, not understanding what was wrong with him. "Come on, hurry up! You want me to pass out from lack of food?"

He scratched his head, wondering what the hell was going on as he hurried back into the kitchen, scooping up what food he could get and bringing it back out to Videl. He managed this time to get some himself before she stole it away from him, and once they were both done, plates and bowls galore littered the living room.

That was when Chichi decided to walk in. She gaped at the scene her son and bonded daughter-in-law had created, and screamed. "What did you two do?! AHHH!!! My clean living room!!!! You two are going to clean this up right NOW!"

They both flinched at every word, the shrill voice making the house shake. Goku came in at that moment, stuffing a chicken leg into his mouth and tossing the leftover bone over his shoulder. "Hey, Chi, what's wrong?"

She looked quite mad, her chest and shoulders heaving, her hands fisted at her side. "Look what they did!!!! I just cleaned this room yesterday from when Goten decided to come in here covered in mud and roll on the floor!!!"

"Ah, come on, Chi. Videl's pre-err, Videl was just really hungry. And Gohan will clean it up, won't he?"

Gohan hadn't heard his father almost utter the forbidden word, but Chichi did, and so had Videl. The teenager had a horrified look on her face, and Chichi gave her husband a suspicious glance. "What did you almost say, Goku?"

"I was going to say Videl was pretty hungry, but the word didn't fit. I changed it to really hungry. Don't you think so?"

Chichi seemed to believe him, and Videl almost wanted to kiss him. Thank you soooo much, Goku. I owe you one.

Goku winked at her when Chichi left the room, and Gohan left as well, his arms stacked with plates and bowls. He walked over to her a few moments later, bending down to her level as she looked over the back of the couch. He gave her his genuine smile, making her not feel so nervous about what he might or might not say.

"Hey, Videl, when are you going to tell him? He deserves to know."

She was just about to answer when Gohan walked back in, but he didn't pay attention to them. He seemed engulfed in what he was doing. He left a minute later, leaving the two alone again, and giving Videl the chance to talk.

"I don't know, Goku. I guess...I guess I'm scared. I mean, I'm only a teenager. What should I do?" she asked, watching as Goku's face took on a pondering look. She smiled, unable to help herself. She wished that she would have had a father like him, even if it meant she had to go through everything Gohan had had to. Goku was the best father a person could have.

"I don't know, Videl, if you want the truth. Maybe wait a while, see what happens, and if the opportunity arises. Gohan's gonna figure it out eventually if you don't tell him. That boy's about a thousand times smarter than he lets on."

Yeah, same as you. Sometimes I wonder if you are just plain stupid, or a damn genius. "Thanks, Goku. I'll think about it."

He nodded, getting ready to stand up and leave. She stopped him suddenly, grabbing his arm and pulling back down. He grinned at her show of strength, for she usually didn't unless she was training with Gohan. Oh man, that's another thing. She wouldn't be able to train with Gohan like she did before without harming herself and the baby. Now he had to think of another way to protect Videl from Gohan's damn mind. He almost wished his son wasn't as smart as he was.

"Goku, before I passed out, Vegeta said something about my scent changing. What was he talking about?"

Goku frowned. Vegeta, you just had to say something like that, didn't you?

Gohan walked back in, almost finished with his cleaning lady's job. He heard his father and Videl speaking in hushed tones, Videl's arms resting over the back of the sofa as she leaned close to his father, who was down on his haunches, right behind the sofa. He frowned, but knew his father and Videl were only talking. Any other guy would have been across the room, half dead.

"Videl...it's kinda hard to explain if you don't know much about Saiya-jins and stuff. I take it Gohan has told you some things."

She nodded, saying, "Yeah, he's told me a lot, not to mention some of the stuff I've learned from my mother's diary. It's rather informative, if you want the truth."

Goku grinned, deciding that the information Videl knew would be able to help her figure this out if she didn't understand it.

"Whenever you get pregnant, your scent changes. It becomes...I don't know, sweeter or something. All I know is that whenever you advance in your pregnancy, it will get stronger, and not only will Gohan probably smell it all over you, but he will start coming after you like he never has before. If you thought you had it bad, just wait until you're around two, three months or more pregnant. You're going to have to lock yourself behind a metal reinforced door, and even that won't hold him back."

She blinked. "You mean...wait a second. How strong is the Saiya-jin sense of smell?! That's insane!"

Goku chuckled. "Yeah, it is. We can smell things much better than a human can, and the same with all of our other senses. We can see, smell, taste, and feel things that human's can't. I guess it's an advantage a lot of the times. Other times, like now for instance, it isn't."

Videl looked almost betrayed, and her shoulders slumped. "This isn't fair. I don't deserve this." She suddenly straightened, and her eyes narrowed on his face. "How did you know I was pregnant in the first place? Did Bulma tell you?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Your scent changed almost two weeks ago. Because I know what to look for, I knew you had gotten pregnant. Bulma didn't have anything to do with it. And that's also why Vegeta knew."

"How come doesn't Gohan know then? He was how old when Goten was born, surely he would have noticed that his mother didn't...smell the same."

Goku almost laughed. "Yeah, you have a point there. But also, Gohan hadn't gone through puberty yet, and wouldn't know the difference. Sure, he would be able to tell her scent had changed, but he wouldn't know why."

"Couldn't he have pinpointed it with Chichi's pregnancy? I mean, it changes when you get pregnant, and then goes back to normal after you have the kid, right?"

Goku nodded, frowning. "Yeah...hmm...I'm going to have to think about that one."

Videl smiled. Goku had such a good-natured heart that it was almost funny. "Thanks, Goku. You helped a lot. I have a lot to think about now, too."

The older man stood, telling her she was welcome. "Just be careful now. I know you are strong, but you are going to slowly get weaker as your pregnancy progresses. And you already know that Gohan's suspicious. Your whole ki changed when he got you with child. He's been acting really weird because of it too. The sooner you tell him, the sooner he won't be ready to kill things. Err...at least I think so."

She nodded, sighing as she collapsed onto the sofa. She was tired. Today had been a long and exhausting day. Got up for school, had to keep Gohan away from their morning "playing" sessions because she hadn't felt like it, went to school, sat there all day, went back home, went to Bulma's, found out she was pregnant, passed out, woke up, fell asleep, ate dinner, and talked to Goku. Stupid day....

Gohan came back in about a half an hour later, Chichi having forced him to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes as punishment. He smiled when he saw Videl either asleep or almost asleep on the sofa, curled up on her side and her hands tucked under her head. He looked around, rubbing his eyes as he bent down to her eye level, watching her for a moment. He whispered her name to see if she was awake, and soft smile appeared on her face. "Hmm?" was all she said.

"You as tired as me?" he asked, pushing a lock of black hair behind her small ear.

Her eyes opened, the smile still on her face. "I'm cold. Keep me warm?"

He got a big grin on his face as he crawled over her, kicking off his shoes and stealing some of her blanket as she giggled. He arranged both of them into a comfortable position, his nose finding its way to her hair as it always did before they fell asleep. He sighed, his arm going around her middle and holding her close. "You smell so good," he murmured, letting his eyes fall closed. She didn't answer because she had eased off into dreamland, Gohan following a moment later.

Chichi walked to the door when she heard a knock, and she opened it, only to see a panting Bulma, looking almost delirious. "Chichi! Oh my, did Gohan and Videl come home? They took off, and I-"

Chichi gave her a confused look, telling her to come in as she closed the door. The older woman was about to ask again when she gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth. "Chi! Oh, look at them! Isn't it the cutest thing you ever saw?"

Chichi turned around, seeing that her son and bonded daughter-in-law were asleep on the sofa, covered in a thin white blanket as they spooned each other. She got a dreamy look on her face, clasping her hands together in front of her. "I remember when me and my Goku would do that. He would hold me as if I was the most precious thing in the world. Then he would-"

"Hey, Bulma! What are you doing here?"

Chichi's speech was halted when her husband walked in, and she immediately draped herself all over him, whispering a tempting suggestion in his ear. Bulma watched as Goku's eyes widened and he got a big smile on his face, and she shook her head. He pushed his wife towards their bedroom, telling her in a whisper that he would be right there. She hurried to their room, giggling the whole way as Goku turned back to Bulma, who had her eyebrow raised a good inch.

"Well, if that wasn't interesting. Looks like you still have it in you, Goku."

He turned completely red, scratching his head in an unconscious gesture. "Yeah...I know, err...what are you doing here, Bulma?"

"I came to see if everything was alright. When all three of you disappeared, I didn't know what to do. Finally I decided to come here, which took a while, as you can see. I was going to have Vegeta bring me, but me and him aren't on good terms as of now. Stupid jerk, I can't believe he called Videl Gohan's bitch. What, am I his bitch? Uh...he makes me so mad!!!"

Goku watched as she stomped her foot, her hands fisting at her sides. "You know what?" she said suddenly, smirking her face off. "I think I'm going to go home and teach him another lesson. Don't you think he deserves it?"

Goku just nodded.

Her smirk grew even more as she rubbed her hands together. "That's what I thought."

"Uh, do you want me to bring you home, Bulma? It will be a lot quicker, and you can torture him all the more faster if we do it my way."

Her evil look turned appreciative. "Why, thank you, Goku. At least you know how to act like a gentleman. Now I know where Gohan gets it." She opened the door, walking out and saying over her shoulder, "I'll be right back with my capsule."

Goku nodded, happy that Bulma's evil as hell look had gone away. It had almost made Vegeta's look pitiful.

She returned a few seconds later, her capsule in her pocket. She latched onto her best friend's arm, giving him a smile that made him grin back. He would miss her almost as much as he would miss Chichi and his family when he went back.

At that thought they disappeared, the house becoming silent once again.