Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ They All Grow Up ( Chapter 60 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 60: They All Grow Up
Chichi growled, stomping her way angrily through the cozy house. He wasn't in his bedroom. He wasn't in Goten's bedroom. He wasn't in the living room. And he certainly wasn't in the kitchen. Where was he?!?!?

She stopped in her tracks, suddenly remembering last night. Her and Goku had been on the sofa, doing some things they shouldn't have been doing when Goten was right next door, but he was asleep, and they could have cared less at the moment. They had also thought that Gohan and Videl were sleeping, but that hadn't been the case when they had seen Gohan run past them with a towel under his arm. They hadn't really paid attention to it, but come to think about it now....

"He never came back from the bathing house! Why that little...how dare he scare his own mother like that! And Videl! Where in the world is she?!"

She hurried out of the house in a huff, making her way quickly to the bathing house. They had to be to school in fifteen minutes, and they hadn't even eaten breakfast yet. And she knew how Gohan got when he didn't eat.

She walked up to the door, getting ready to bang on it when she heard, "Mmmm...I haven't had someone do this to me in a long time, Gohan. Keep doing it."

Her eyes widened. Not again. What is with me and catching them at inappropriate times?

She wished there was a key hole or something, or some way to see inside, but there wasn't. Her only option was the door. She frowned, sighing in defeat.

She gripped the handle, almost smiling evilly when she saw that it wasn't locked. She slid it open slowly, happier than ever that she kept it well oiled so it didn't creak or make some weird noise to disrupt them. She just wanted to catch them doing something they weren't allowed to do, because she knew her little baby boy would never do anything...sexual with Videl. He just wasn't ready yet.

"Oh...oh, yeah, right there!"

Chichi's eyes almost crossed, and she ripped open the door, blinking hard. They were standing in the middle of the bathing house, dressed and ready for school. Gohan had his hands on Videl's shoulders, and it looked like he was giving her shoulders a good, old fashioned rubdown to get the kinks out of her neck and muscles. He was very good at that kind of stuff, she usually had him take the knots and strain out of her muscles with a massage.

She crossed her arms over her chest, looking rather haughty. "Son Gohan, I was looking all over for you! I thought that you had run away with Videl, and that I was never going to see you again! Can you imagine how that made me feel?!"

Gohan sighed, leaning in close to Videl's ear to press a small kiss there and then releasing her. He walked over to his mother and unceremoniously opened his arms, feeling the tiny impact of his mother's small body running into them and hugging him. She sniffed, trying to sound dramatic. "I made your breakfast. And don't ever worry me so much again, do you hear me, young man?"

He nodded, sighing again. "Yes, mom. Videl and I were just getting cleaned up for school. Sorry to make you so upset."

She frowned, and let him go. "Alright, I believe you." But I still have to catch you doing something that you shouldn't be, young man....

The day at school was relatively uneventful, much to Gohan's bemusement. He didn't really notice, because not only was he eager to start his first day at work, but to go to Capsule Corporation and pick up something he had left there in his hurry to get home before Videl and everyone else as well. He had been planning for a few short days now to go and get it, considering it was just a matter of time until Videl's birthday was here. He hadn't really been planning on giving it to her then, since he had a better surprise for her that day....

He changed into his somewhat casual, but not too dressy clothes, pleased with the way he looked. Black dress pants and a dark gray shirt completed his outfit, too bad he didn't have a certain intoxicating woman to go along with it. He sighed, going off into dreamland as he thought about Videl. She was in his thoughts everywhere he went, and didn't leave for even a second. He couldn't wait to get his hands on her and-

"Hey, my gorgeous sexy Saiya-jin."

He cocked his eyebrow at her. He wasn't surprised to find her in the men's restroom, but he was surprised at what she said. "Sexy Saiya-jin? I think I heard Bulma call Vegeta that once. Then they ran upstairs. It was entertaining to say in the least."

Videl gave a small laugh, draping herself all over his chest. "So, when are you going to be home? I might have a small treat for you when you come home, but that depends if you're a good boy...."

He grinned, his white teeth flashing. "Really? What do I have to do?" he asked eagerly, much to Videl's enjoyment.

"Nothing. Just come home. I'll be waiting for you," she said, kissing his lips and tweaking his nose with his finger as she walked out of the bathroom, looking over her shoulder right before she disappeared.

He almost fell to the ground feeling like a pile of mush. He quickly pulled himself together, looking at his watch and seeing that he still had fifteen minutes to get to work. He shrugged. But early than late. That wouldn't be a good way to start off his new job.


He left his job with his famous Son grin on his face, his stride confident and full of Saiya-jin arrogance and just plain male conceit that he wasn't even aware of as he crossed the street. He didn't notice the girls nearly swooning as he passed them, nor the way they whispered amongst themselves about how they would like to get their hands on him. He just smiled at them as he passed by, giving them a small wave as he hurried to the Capsule Corporation working complex where he knew Bulma would be. The girls, six in all, nearly screamed and fainted, their hands fluttering to cool themselves down as the man oozing male sexuality walked by. They had never seen something so magnificent in their lives.

As he got closer to the Capsule Corps area, he started to notice the way men were glaring at him, and the way women were nearly panting at his feet. He gave a particular girl a questioning look when she got a little too close for comfort, quickly shaking her off his arm and nearly running the rest of the way to where he needed to go.

Once he got there, he went to the small housing area that Bulma had a tendency to stay at when she was working on a big project. He walked right in without even knocking, not expecting to hear what he did.

A loud moan reached his ears, and he instantly turned red. He swallowed, wondering if this was a good time, or idea. He immediately knocked on the wall, alerting the possible couple of his presence.

"Ah, Vegeta...harder!!"

He almost passed out. He turned to run out of the building, but a demanding deep voice said, "Who is it? Hurry up and state the reason why you are here!"

He swallowed again, never having been so embarrassed in his life. "Uh, err...it's me, Gohan."

He heard a cheery sweet voice next, saying, "Oh, Gohan, come on in and make yourself comfortable. Me and Vegeta were just finishing up."

He blinked, his mouth hanging half open. He could feel the blush on his cheeks starting to die down just the slightest, but it came back with a vengeance when he heard, "Oh! Yes, right there! You found the spot!!"

He almost clawed his way out of the door, but Bulma said, "Gohan, where are you? You can come in you know. It's not like we are going to attack you."

His curiosity got the better of him. In any other situation he probably would have passed out or nearly died, but he just had to see.

He peeked around a wall, seeing Bulma on a sofa, her head resting against the back and Vegeta bent over her. She opened her eyes, getting a good look of him upside down. "Hey, buddy. Why don't you come in and sit down?"

Vegeta grumbled, saying, "I am not doing this in the presence of this brat. It is an embarrassment."

Bulma scoffed. "What? It isn't like he hasn't ever seen this before." She then glared at him. "Continue."

He smirked. "Or what? You'll kill me? Hahaha...that's an amusing thought."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "Not really, but you sleeping on the couch for a week is."

He grumbled. "Fine...damn Onna."

Gohan couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Wh-what are you two...doing?" he asked in a voice that seemed too high-pitched to be normal.

Bulma pointed to a love seat across from her, saying, "Oh, Vegeta's just rubbing my feet. He knows how much women love it, don't you, Veggies?"

He snarled, tempted to release her small foot. He turned to Gohan, a mean look on his face. "You did not see this, do you understand?"

Gohan nodded hard, so relieved that he collapsed onto the love seat Bulma had pointed to. From where he had been standing, and the angle Vegeta had been leaning over Bulma, it had looked like something completely different. His smile returned, except now it was almost evil. "So, I didn't think Vegeta knew how to...you know. Please a woman."

Not only did Vegeta get a look that said he was ready to kill, but Bulma burst out laughing. "Oh, Gohan, that was the funniest thing I ever heard you say!! Oh my, don't ever say that again. Vegeta might kill you," she said, her hand over her heart as she tried to breathe. "Oh yes, Vegeta definitely knows what he is doing. When he first did this to me, I completely melt-"

"Uh, Bulma."

She blushed. "Sorry." She shook her head, sighing as she grinned. "Maybe you should try this on Videl. A woman's feet are almost always a pleasure spot. They love it, especially once you start working your way up. And there is this spot on their ankles that Vegeta has only managed to find a couple times, but it feels so good, Gohan. You should give it a try."

He was shocked that Bulma was talking to him like this, but he guessed he would have to get used to it. After all, he was bonded, he was almost out of high school, and he was going to be in college soon. He should have already been used to the sexual tension that was constantly around the couples in the Z warrior squad, especially his parents, Bulma and Vegeta, and Krillin and android 18. He sighed, thinking about it. He smirked. Maybe that isn't such a bad idea after all....

Vegeta finally released her foot, standing up. "There, I hope that satisfied your craving. Now, I have work to do. Like training with that brat. Where is he anyhow...."

Gohan quickly glanced at his watch as Bulma put her shoes and socks back on, seeing that it was just past nine. His boss had let him off early because he had done such a good job on his first day, and for that he was grateful.

Bulma saw the nervous look on Gohan's face as she finished getting her shoes on, but she also saw something underneath that. She grinned evilly. "Well, what did Videl do to you last night?"

He instantly turned scarlet, and his eyes widened as he waved his hands in front of him in a nervous gesture he got from his father. "What? Where did you get that idea? Haha, that's funny, Bulma...yeah...."

She rolled her eyes, standing up and straightening her clothes. "Yeah, sure, Gohan. Now, was there something in particular you wanted?"

He nodded, beyond happy that she had changed the subject. "Yes, I was wondering if you still have that diary. I left it here when we went into space to go get Videl."

The older woman nodded, motioning him to follow her as she made her way into the labs, people hard at work. "I've had Vegeta work on it a couple times, plus my computer translate some of it. Not much more informative that I know of, but I haven't really looked because it isn't my business to snoop around in other people's dealings."

Wow, since when? Gohan wondered, smiling behind the blue-haired beauty's head. Once they got to a modern computer with a huge screen, she dug it out from under some sort of scanner, handing it to him, along with a pile of computer paper, stapled, and in an orderly fashion. "Here. They are stapled to separate each journal entry, so you don't get confused. Some words the computer didn't know, so there might be a few weird things every once and a while. Don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out."

Gohan nodded, thanking her quickly. He needed to get home fast. Well, not really, but he wanted to more than anything.

"Thanks, Bulma. It means a lot to me and Videl. She's going to be so excited when she sees this."

Bulma smirked just like Vegeta. "Hey, maybe you'll get a little something extra special and spicy tonight, huh?"

He turned red again. "Bulma! Wow, you are really like teasing me now, don't you?"

She nodded. "Oh, you have no idea, Gohan. After a while it got tiring with Chichi and Goku, but now...oh yeah, I got fresh meat. And it will last a long time."

His shoulders slumped. Oh great, he thought, watching Bulma rub her hands together as a wicked look appeared on her face. "Hey, have you two...experimented yet?"

He almost dropped the books and papers he was holding. "Bulma! Jeez, can't you leave me alone!? I mean, me and Videl have only been together for what...I don't even know!"

Bulma sighed, dragging him out of the labs. "Well, maybe you should experiment. It's always fun. Me and Vegeta are always finding new and fun things to do. Oh, you didn't answer my question. So, have you experimented or not?"

He grumbled a yes, still completely red. The older woman got such a happy look on her face Gohan wondered if she was alright. She giggled, asking, "Well, what did you do?"

He gave up. He had to get used to this sooner or later, and it was better now then never.

"The beach was rather fun...and then the bathing house with strawberries and chocolate...."

Her eyes widened. "Oh my, you're almost as evil as me and Vegeta! You are going down the right path, young man! Just continue! Hey, want any pointers?"

He perked up. "Really? Can you give me some?"

She grinned. "Can I give you some...hehehehe...."

A half an hour later Gohan left Capsule Corporation with his head filled with the most naughty, lecherous, evil and wickedly sexual things he had ever heard of in his life. Not only had Bulma educated him, but she had elaborated and gone into great detail. It had been really embarrassing at first, but then the two had turned it into a serious discussion, and one would think they were talking about the molecular structure of an atom. It had been quite the opposite in fact, and not only was Gohan more than eager to get home, he couldn't wait to show Videl some of his new..."tricks".

He grinned widely as he flew home, remembering how Bulma had told him to come and stop by again next week so they could talk some more and get into some even naughtier things. He couldn't believe things could get any...better. He almost laughed like Vegeta in one of his evil moods. Today...today was awesome. There was no other word for it.

When he got home, it was almost ten o'clock. He regretted not having come home sooner, for now he had less time to spend with Videl. But he could deal with it.

He touched down on the ground, seeing every light in the whole house on, and music blaring from inside. He wondered if there was a party or something, but he seriously doubted it when it came to his mother.

He opened the door cautiously, and the first thing he saw was Goku skidding across the wooden floor in his socks, a broom in his hands, and nearly screaming at the top of his lungs, "I feel like a woman!"

Next he saw his mother go flying by, a mop in her hands and singing along with Goku to the song.

Then he saw Goten fling himself out of the kitchen, his boots replaced with rags as Videl ran out, throwing some liquid substance all over the floor and screaming her head off as well. She stopped when she saw him, an incredibly beautiful smile appearing on her face as she dropped the bottle of wax, running over to him and jumping into his arms. "Gohan! You're home!" she said enthusiastically, kissing him soundly on the lips.

He grinned, hearing the music turn way down, and some laughter in the other room. He set the spirited young woman in his arms down before his mother could see her legs wrapped around him, and the female that was so dreaded by most of the Z squad walked in, her smile of a moment ago gone.

"Son Gohan!!" she screeched at the top of her lungs, even making Videl flinch. She stomped over to her son, tempted to grab his ear and twist it as his punishment. "What took you so long!? We thought you were dead!!"

Oh yeah, you thought I was dead, and here you were, partying while cleaning the house, seemingly having the time of your life, and you were worried I was dead. Yeah...sure, mother.

"Uh, I had to stop by Bulma's house real quick to get something. I hope you're not mad at m-"

"Mad at you!?! AHH! What did you get?! I demand to know now!"

He looked down at the book bag at his side, sighing as he dug out the diary and the papers. "I got Videl's mothers' diary so me and her could read it. We want to know more about her uh, race and mother and...stuff...."

Chichi's eyes narrowed, but Goku came into the room at that moment, a big smile on his face as he grabbed her and brought her up against him, burying his nose in her pulled-up hair and making her giggle. Gohan silently thanked his father for the timely distraction, and grabbed Videl's hand, taking off to his room. When he saw that the door still wasn't fixed, nor a new one up, he pouted, causing Videl to nearly laugh her head off. His eyes narrowed on her, and he said, "Well, there's always the closet."

She rolled her eyes, walking over to their bed and plopping down on it. "Hey, not my fault you can't control your...rather enthusiastic temper. Maybe you should learn to control that."

He smirked, dropping his bag and making his way over to her. Her eyes widened when she saw the look on his face, and the way he seemed so...full of himself. He looked like he had gotten something good yesterday. Well, he had, she...guessed.

He wrapped his arm around her, bending down to her level and arching her back with his hand as his lips found her neck. Her breath caught in her throat at how quick but absolutely wonderful that had been, it had felt like he had just swept her off her feet. She closed her eyes and clutched his shoulders, her fingers inching the material slowly upward. It looked like he had changed back into his school shirt after he had gotten off work, but she didn't care and quickly forgot when she felt his hand go up under her shirt.

"Gohan!! Get in the kitchen! You still have to eat dinner!!"

They both stilled, but Gohan recovered the fastest, pushing her down on the bed and crawling over top her. "I'm not hungry," he muttered, pressing a few soft kisses over the column of her neck and then working his way up to her mouth. Videl literally couldn't move she was so shocked, but he snapped her out of it when she felt his tongue dive into her mouth, searching out hers. She felt a small moan float up from her throat, and she was about to rip off all his clothes when she remembered something. There wasn't a door. Someone could walk right in and see what they were doing.

The thought made her stiffen, and Gohan immediately noticed. He pulled back, wondering if something serious was wrong. She had never done that before.

"Videl? What's wrong?"

She drew in a deep breath, trying to calm her heavy breathing. "No-nothing, Gohan. It's just that the door...well, we don't have one."

His face sunk into depression. She would have almost laughed had she not wanted him so bad. He sighed loudly, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand to yank her back up. It was just then that Chichi came in, a pissed look on her face.

"What are you two doing?! I said that you have to eat dinner, Gohan! And where is your door?! It was here yesterday!!"

Gohan scratched his head, wondering what he should say. "Yeah, weird. I thought it was there yesterday, too."

Chichi's eyes narrowed. "You broke it again, didn't you?"

He sighed. "Yeah...Videl kinda got me...mad."

"Mad!?!?! I'll show you MAD!!!!!"

Gohan almost jumped out of his window. He turned to Videl, begging her silently with his eyes to help him.

"Oh!" Videl cried, grabbing her stomach and falling to the floor. Gohan caught her just in time before she hit it, thanks to his quick reflexes. Chichi instantly forgot her anger when she saw that the bearer of her possible future grandchildren was sick, that or in immense pain. "Gohan! What did you do to her!?" she demanded, almost yanking the girl from his arms and dragging her from the room. "She needs to lay down immediately! Goku!!!!"

Goku appeared out of nowhere, his normal smile on his face. "Yes, Chichi?"

"Videl is staying in our room until we can get Gohan a new door. He apparently broke it again."

This was a common occurrence? Videl wondered, moaning in delirious pain. Chichi nearly threw her on the bed, saying, "Here honey, lay down. I will be back with some medicine and uh...other things. Gohan here will take care of you, won't he?"

Ohhhhh yes. "Yeah, sure mom. Of course I will."

Chichi smiled at him, patting his head and leaving the room. Gohan sat down on the large bed next to his bonded mate, giving her an evil smile. "That was good. I never thought of that before."

Videl smiled, asking, "Do I look sickly?" She then proceeded by lolling her tongue out and rolling her eyes back in her head. Gohan tried not to laugh because his mother was right down the hall, so he just nodded. "The most sickly person I ever saw. Don't worry. My mom completely fell for it."

Videl nodded, looking around Goku's and Chichi's room. She had never been in it before, and she had the feeling that Gohan hadn't been in her for a long while. Goten was probably a regular visitor to the place, since he still had his nightmares every once and a while. However, ever since that night when Videl had rocked him to sleep, he hadn't been that bad. She smiled, taking in the white walls, two dressers, one obviously Chichi's and one obviously Goku's. The bed had a plain headboard, and the bed itself had dark blue blankets and white sheets. The room was relatively plain, but had a warm and cozy air about it, just like the rest of Gohan's house. She wished she would have been able to live in a house like this when she had been little.

Gohan felt her mood change dramatically, and wondered what was wrong. "Videl? Are you alright?"

Uh...bond. "Yeah, I was just thinking about what it would be like to live in a house like this your whole life. Was it nice, Gohan?"

He smiled gently, understanding where she was coming from. "Yeah, I guess. I think that I always took it for granted though, but come to think of it, I recall that I was a very lucky child when it came to my house and family. Well, you know, besides all the fighting and my dad dying numerous times, and everyone else dying, and going out in space and all this other...stuff. I think you understand. I've told you all about it one time or another."

"Didn't you...like your childhood?"

He looked across the room, his hand unconsciously finding hers. "Yeah, it was great most of the time. But all the fighting...Videl, I hope you know that I don't like to fight when it's not necessary. The bad guys in Satan City don't really bother me...but Cell, Frieza...all of them guys, I didn't like to do it. Cell was the worst. I almost lost everything, well, I did lose everything if you want the truth, and it was all my fault. No matter how many times people told me, I still didn't believe them. All that mattered was my dad, and he was gone."

Videl gave him the best smile she could manage after his small speech, wishing that she could make him feel better. She did the best thing she could think of: giving him a hug. He sighed and gathered her closer in his arms, tempted to stay there forever. She always made him feel better.

Chichi stopped outside of her doorway, seeing the couple holding each other as close as possible. She watched them a moment before she rapped lightly on the wooden door, alerting them of her presence. They pulled apart slowly, small smiles on their faces. The older woman walked in, asking Gohan politely to move so she could administer to the poor ailing and unwell girl. Videl was amused the whole time, but she didn't say anything. Chichi didn't even question what was wrong with her, it was if she "knew" what was wrong. It was absolutely hysterical. Videl couldn't believe it.

After Chichi was done giving her two Tylenol and a sleeping pill, she patted her head and told Gohan he was sleeping next to her tonight so he could watch her. Gohan felt confused as to why it seemed like his mother didn't already know the slept together, and felt tempted to tell her of their real relationship. It was even more confusing since they were bonded, and the woman knew it. Didn't she know that in order to bond, you had to consummate the relationship? He shook his head, watching as Videl's eyes started to droop and she struggled to stay awake. His mother left shortly after that, closing the wooden door behind her.

Gohan started the tedious job of removing his clothes, noticing the way that Videl's eyes lit up even though she was falling asleep. He grinned, crawling under the sheets in his boxers. She looked somewhat disappointed, but she asked wickedly, "Could you take off my pants, Gohan? I don't want to sleep in them."

He raised his eyebrow, watching her smile tiredly as her head fell back to the soft pillow. He pushed back the sheets, his hands going to the top of her familiar black spandex shorts, and pulling them down slowly. Once they were gone, he looked up to her, asking, "Do you want me to take your bra off? I wouldn't want to sleep in that thing if I had the decision."

Her eyes were closed, but she was awake. "Yeah, as long as you don't try anything else."

He grinned at her, his hand finding its way under her back and lifting her up enough so his other hand could get under her shirt. He expertly undid it with one hand, much to Videl's amusement, and then tugged it off her shoulders. She opened her eyes long enough to see him pull it out from under her shirt, dangling it from his finger. She laughed lightly, seeing the intrigued look on his face. "Why do all of you women seem to always wear these things? I mean, they don't look...comfortable."

Videl probably would have done something outrageous if she hadn't been so sleepy, so all she said was, "Well, you don't have anything that needs support, oh lucky one. A lot of girls our age don't wear bra's, but they also don't fight. All they do is walk around all day, flirting with guys. I have better things to do. Like teasing you."

Well, like that was new, Gohan thought with his well-known Son smile. "Yeah, I think so too." He stopped, seeing how tired she was. "You know, we were supposed to have fun tonight, but my mother ruined it all. Next time I'll fake the pain, considering I can hold off a sleeping pill for a good three hours or more, depending on my mood and how I'm feeling."

Videl felt the bed shift as he laid down, throwing the light covers over himself. She was so tired that she barely had enough strength to try and find him with her hand, and she heard him chuckle. "Want me to hold you?"

She would have attacked any other time he asked that. "Stupid question," she muttered, feeling heat engulf her as he pulled her against him. "I can't sleep without you now. I am addicted to you. I hope you're satisfied with yourself."

"Aw, how cute. I feel the same way. Amazing how we just discovered our feelings for each other."

"Shut up, Gohan."

"Nice to know how much you love me."


"Die? Wow. That isn't a nice thing to say, dear. How could you say such a thing to me? I think I should go make you sleep on the couch. In fact, I demand it. Get out of here."

She smiled against his shoulder, reaching up and pinching his arm. "You...are annoying," she said when he yelped, happy with the response. She yawned, thinking out loud, "I wonder if your mom will make me go to school tomorrow."

Gohan was about to answer, but she was asleep in the next moment. He smiled against the softness of her hair, wondering what he would do without her.