Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Before the Hell ( Chapter 63 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 63: Before the Hell
He stared at her. She didn't know if he hadn't understood, or if he was just that disbelieving. She felt rooted to her spot, unable to move or talk. She didn't know what to do now except wait...wait for him to do something. Anything.

She didn't know how long they sat there, just staring at each other. She licked her lips, and it seemed to snap him out of his trance. He looked away from her, but then back, keeping his eyes lowered. "So that's what you've been hiding from me. I knew something was wrong with you."

His voice seemed flat, monotonous. She didn't like it. "Gohan, I'll understand if you...if you don't want to marry me now, or don't ever want to see me again," she said, ending off in a whisper. She felt her eyes water just at the words, and wondered what it would be like with him actually leaving. She felt so pathetically female and emotional that she wanted to curl up in a ball and never come out of the corner she had escaped to.

His expression softened, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek. "Videl, I wouldn't leave you, even if this was the worst thing in the universe. And believe me, it's not. Things like this happen, and even if you think it was a mistake, which I have the feeling you do, I say it's not. We can get through this. We've been through worse, right?"

She laughed nervously, leaning towards him so he could hold her. She needed all the comfort she could get. "Yeah, maybe." She closed her eyes, feeling him pull her onto his lap so he could keep her as close as possible. "Gohan...thank you, for not...hating me."

He smiled into her hair, his fingers finding their way automatically to the band that was holding her hair up and tugging it out. "Well, I could hate you if you wanted me to, but it would be somewhat difficult on my side. You see, I have this little...problem when it comes to you, and-"

She giggled, kissing his shoulder. "You know, you're lucky."

"How so?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. You just are." She leaned closer, whispering in his ear, "Hey, do you think we can sneak up to your room quickly without anyone noticing?"

He grinned, watching as she crawled off his lap, taking his hand so she could pull him along. "Yeah, I guess it's possible." He looked thoughtful, saying more to himself than her, "I wonder how many times you can do our little activity in the space of about ten minutes? I think I can manage about-"

She pulled him into their room before he could finish, closing the door behind them.


"Hey, it's been three hours. Where are they? They couldn't have just disappeared," Chichi said, upset that Gohan and Videl hadn't eaten any cake yet. "I'm going to go see where they are," she muttered, leaving the kitchen.

"Uh, Chi? I wouldn't go into-err, yeah, never mind," Goku said, hoping that what he was thinking wouldn't happen.

Chichi knocked on Gohan's door, leaning close enough to press her ear against the door. Now if this doesn't look familiar, she thought, somewhat annoyed.

No answer. She sighed, thinking that she hadn't done it loud enough. As she was about to try again, she heard a low moan, and then a louder, more masculine one following after that. Her hand went up to her throat as she paled and then blushed, and then paled again. Oh no, she thought, wondering what she should do. They couldn't be doing what I think they are, could they?

She was about to open the door when she felt a large rough hand clamp over her small one, stopping her.

"Chichi, don't."

She looked up, seeing her husband standing there with an emotionless expression on his face. "But I...I mean they're-"

"I know, Chi. I know it's hard for you to except the fact that your little boy is all grown up, but he is. You know that they are bonded, but you don't seem to understand that in order to bond, you have to consummate the relationship. They've been together for five or so months, Chi. You can't expect a Saiya-jin to stay together with a female that long if he isn't planning on being with her forever, even if he was raised on Earth. It's instinct."

She looked down, trying to hide how upset she was. "But I...I don't want him to grow up, Goku. He's my little baby boy."

His seriousness melted away. "I know, Chi. But they all grow up sooner or later."

She nodded, letting her husband lead her away.

Videl was more than likely the strongest female in the universe. He couldn't believe it. The only problem was, he had to prove it to her. She didn't want to believe him. The only way he could show her, or prove it to her, was what he was doing right now. He just had to get her mad enough.

"Videl, come on, you can do it. All you have to do is bring out your energy. You've done it before. You do it when you fly; you do it when you use ki blasts. Come on, you're making it too hard on yourself."

He was currently teaching her how to power up to her maximum level, and was finding it harder to do it than he thought. It would have been easier if he hadn't been worrying about their future child, but Videl had been so stubborn on the fact that she wanted to do it that he hadn't been able to refuse.

"Come on, Videl," he said, wondering what he should say or do to get her to her highest level. Getting mad and using his rage always helped him, and he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he were to do the same thing his father had done to him to get him to turn into a Super Saiya-jin. He just needed to trigger something inside her....

He looked around from his perch on an enormous dirty boulder, Videl standing with her hands fisted a few feet below.

"Listen to me, Videl. You have the power, you know you do. You have to learn how to control it, you have to learn how to use it. When Babidi comes back, we will need everyone we can get. That means you! You have to try harder! Think of all the people, Videl! What happens if Babidi and Dabura try to kill everyone? Do you want to lose everyone you love?!"

"No!" she yelled with frustration, thinking about how she would feel if Gohan would get taken like she had, and everything that had happened to her times ten would happen to him. She felt incredible sadness, and then a raging madness as she thought about what she would do to them if they ever touched Gohan in any way that was meant to harm him.

"Yes! Come on, you're doing it!" he shouted, the dirt around her feet lifting up and swirling around her crouched form, slashing through the air with a seeming intent to kill anything in its path.

"Let go of it, Videl! Babidi, Dabura...their murders, all they want is power! They'll kill me, they'll kill your father, and everything that ever meant anything to you! They don't care, Videl! They want you to hurt! They want to see you suffer! Feel your power! Bring it out! If you really want to beat me, then you have to do this!"

The air felt charged, like if you touched it, you would become electrocuted. He smiled, knowing exactly would bring her to her top level. "If you do this, I'll show you how powerful I am!!"

His eyes widened when he felt the ground starting to tremble just the slightest bit, not much to worry over. He thought that perhaps she was going to stop, but it just got worse and continued. He had to hold onto something when the shaking started to get too much for his balance and he almost fell, making him honestly wonder how far she was going to take this.

The ground starting splitting and shaking violently, steam hissing through the cracks as she gave one last yell of defeat, falling limp. Gohan used his super speed to catch her before she hit the ground, watching her as she tried to catch her breath.

"Man, I wasn't expecting anything like that," Gohan said, seeing Videl smile weakly as she managed to get her breathing under control.

"So? Did I...do ok? I think I...did pretty good. I feel sorta...weird."

He grinned, helping her stand on her feet. "Yeah, this all tingly feeling that makes you think that you can do anything? Yeah, I know how that feels."

She laughed, straightening and dusting herself off. "Uh, now I'm hungry."

He scratched his head. "Yeah, so am I. I think that with you eating as much as you are, that it even makes me even hungrier than I usually am."

She just shook her head, rolling her eyes at him pathetically. "So, you never told me if I did good...."

He beamed. "Did you do good? Videl, it was awesome! You are so much stronger than I was when I fought Cell!" He stopped his excited dialogue when he realized something. "Uh oh. Now that you know how to control your energy better, I bet you're going to go around breaking everything just like me and my dad. Remember last night, during your birthday dinner, when I had to go through three glasses, and my dad two? My mom was really mad, to put it bluntly. I didn't get to experience her wrath because I left to go get your ring, and for that I'm happy."

Videl chased after her future husband just as he jumped into the air, waiting for her to follow him. He gave her a questioning look when he saw that she wasn't wearing the small bit of expensive jewelry, and she quickly explained as they flew the seven miles home.

"I took it off and left it on the top of your dresser because I didn't want to risk the chance of losing it. I mean, the thing is worth more than probably everything I own."

He smiled, understanding as he took her hand, pulling her closer so he could talk to her on the way home.

Once they arrived, Chichi came storming out of the house, turning slightly red with embarrassment before she started yelling. "Hey! How come didn't either of you take on the responsibility of telling me that Videl was pregnant?! I should ground you forever, Gohan!"

Gohan rubbed the bridge of his nose, wondering what he should say. "Uh, well, mom..." he trailed off, smirking suddenly. "You know, I've been...thinking. Maybe me and Videl should move to the city. I mean, it would be easier on both of us. Videl would have to get a job, but that wouldn't be too hard since she's going to be pregnant for a year-"

"What?!" both women yelled at the same time, interrupting him.

He grinned, slightly self-conscious. "Well, uh-"

He was interrupted again by Videl, who had never looked so pale in her life. He recoiled away from his mother, seeing that she looked ready to kill, and that Videl was ready to faint.

Videl gulped. "Uh, Gohan? Did you say...a DAMN YEAR!?!?"

He winced. "Uh...yeah. I don't know for sure though, you know, since I'm not a woman, and plus you're not all human, and I'm only half Saiya-jin. So technically, I bet you can have it whenever, if you want the truth. Your gestation period is probably gonna end up being way different than Bulma's and my mom's."

She felt faint. Nine months, almost ten was long enough, let alone a year. She weaved where she stood, causing both Chichi and Gohan to take hold of her and drag her into the house. They forced her to sit on the sofa and rest while Chichi pulled Gohan into the kitchen by his ear, screaming the whole way. Videl rubbed her temples, trying to get a straight train of thought as she listened to Chichi rant to her son about how he just couldn't move out.

"Listen here, young man! I don't care if you are getting married, you are still living here! And who's going to take care of Videl? You?! I don't think so! When your father tried to help me, he would just end up nearly ripping off my arm! So unless you live close to Bulma, you aren't going anywhere!!!"

Videl could almost picture Gohan smiling. In the next moment-

"Thanks, mom! That's a great idea! And meanwhile, both me and Videl could get jobs at Capsule Corporation! And then when we go to college we will already have a lot of our intuition paid off, and have a place to live! Wow, you're the greatest, mom!"

Videl collapsed the rest of the way onto the sofa, wondering how well she knew that boy. She bet he would come running back into the living room proclaiming various things and telling her that he was a genius.

"Videl! Did you hear that idea my mom gave me? Wow, this is awesome! We can move any day if we want! All we have to do is find a nice apartment or some place to stay at, and ask Bulma to find us some good jobs! Man, I am such a genius!"

She slapped her hand over her face. "I know," she muttered, watching through her fingers as he grabbed the cordless phone in the living room and started dialing numbers, looking like he was walking to his room as he left.

Chichi stomped out of the kitchen, her face completely red. "Wait a second, Son Gohan! I didn't mean that! You aren't allowed to move by Bulma unless...unless...unless you-I don't know! I don't want you to move, Gohan!!" She turned to Videl, who was trying to sit back up on the sofa. "Videl, you have to talk some sense into him! He can't just...leave! I mean, you still have a two weeks left until school is over, don't you?"

Even though she wanted to stay out of this, she was in it just as much as Gohan was since they were together. "Uh, well, Gohan does have a point. I mean, it will be a lot easier for all of us. I mean-"

Chichi held up her hand. "Say no more. I understand that-" she sniffed, interrupting herself-"that you and Gohan don't...don't love me!"

Videl groaned in exasperation as Chichi ran from the room, supposedly crying. Annoying woman, Videl thought, feeling somewhat bad for her.

Gohan came out a second later, sitting down next to her and giving her a thumbs up after he handed her back her ring. She smiled softly, noticing that by the way that Gohan wanted her to wear it, he wanted everyone-mostly males-to know that she was taken. She kissed his cheek while he was talking, making him blush. She didn't understand why he always did that, but it always was nice to know that she had some sort of effect on him. Speaking of effect....

Gohan felt her hand go around his waist as if she just wanted to drape her arm around him, but instead, she tugged his tail off. He always had it tucked safely around his middle and under his shirt so that no one at school or at work would see it, even though there had been some close calls. It was especially hard at school.

He didn't know what she was planning, so he just ignored her as he wrapped his tail purposefully around her wrist, making sure she wouldn't try anything while he was still talking to Bulma. She always tried to do things to him at the most inappropriate times, like in the middle of class.

She managed with some difficulty to pry the furry thing off her wrist, twirling her finger around it as if it was a strand of her hair. He seemed to like it because he closed his eyes and swallowed, his voice coming out somewhat strained as he continued to talk to Bulma. She could hear the woman on the other line ask if he was alright when she noticed, and he just said yes, brushing it off as if it was nothing. I'll show him, she thought with wicked determination, climbing onto his lap. His tail went around her automatically, the strong appendage pushing her down onto his hardening arousal. He knew exactly what she was doing. She was teasing him on purpose while he was on the phone, trying to see how long he could last without flipping out and breaking the phone in half before the conversation was over.

He tried to ignore her as her clever hands deftly slid his blue gi down his shoulders and then off his arms, leaving his chest bare for her wandering mouth and fingers. He bit his lip and only answered or talked to Bulma when absolutely necessary, listening with one ear as she talked about various housing complexes around their area. And she hadn't even gotten to the possibility of him and Videl getting jobs yet.

She smiled when his hard muscles flexed and tightened under her mouth and fingers. She could tell easily that his control was slipping. He had little to none when it came to her, but when it came to other things, it was almost annoying how much he had. His submissive attitude sometimes drove her nuts, that was for sure.

He gritted his teeth when her lips latched onto his nipple, sucking lightly while her fingers traced provocative patterns all over his chest and stomach. He was about to moan when she lifted her head, wishing to see her progress. The way he was panting was good enough for her, and without another thought, she bit his shoulder.

He arched up, almost bucking her off him at the sensation that had created. The phone slipped from his fingers, but he immediately picked it back up, hearing Bulma ask him in a concerned yet suspicious voice if he wanted her to let him go. He gasped a yes out before he threw the phone over his shoulder, not even caring if he had turned it off or not.

Now that he had his hands free, he immediately grabbed onto her head, forcing her mouth down on his as he flipped them over, pressing her into the soft cushions of the sofa. Once that was taken care of, he went straight down to pants of her gi, growling in frustration when he saw that he would have to go through a whole bunch of steps in order to get it off. She tried to tell him not to tear it, but it was as if he didn't care. In the next moment he had ripped the crotch of her gi pants right down the seam, growling again when he saw her flowery cotton panties. She didn't even try to stop him when he tore those off as well, tossing them aside heedlessly.

She watched with dark eyes as he shoved the rest of his gi down to his knees, grabbing her legs and parting them wide as he buried himself inside her heat in one thrust. He let out a ragged moan as he moved inside her hard and fast, feeling her wrap her legs around him and squeeze desperately as she tried to match his insane tempo. He felt her legs starting to tremble and redoubled his efforts, hearing her let out a wailing moan a few moments later as she found release, but much to her delight, he wasn't done yet.

He switched positions, throwing her legs over his shoulders and angling inside her so that he hit one of her pleasure spots every time he moved. She tried to keep a semblance of control when she saw his hair flash gold, but her mind went completely blank when his hair color solidified into that amazing color and his eyes turned turquoise. Everything intensified ten times more, and she climaxed again without another thought. She had believed that she would need to rest at least a minute after that one, but her body had other ideas. Gohan seemed oblivious to that fact that he was driving her absolutely wild with his actions, and she felt herself quickening once more as he tried to satisfy the insatiable need to have her body. He looked like he was nearing the edge, but she couldn't tell through their frenzy.

He abruptly let her legs slide off his shoulders as he bent forward, trying to stifle his loud cries in the curve of her shoulder. She had the disoriented feeling that he was going to bite her, and that's exactly what he did next, except not hard enough to create the damage he had the first time. She felt a wave of pleasure so powerful sweep over her that the incredible burning heat exploded inside her once more, Gohan's canine's sinking deeper into her skin as he followed after her, his fingers digging painfully into the soft skin of her hips.

It had seemed like forever, but in reality, it was over almost as soon as it had begun, Gohan's hair and eyes fading away into their natural pure black.

He said not five seconds later, "Videl, that wasn't a good idea. Someone could have come in and caught us or something, and I don't know what I would do. It would be kinda hard to stop."

She didn't know how he could speak so calmly after that. "Uh...yeah," she managed, watching as he pulled away from her, tugging his gi back up. She pressed her thighs together the second he sat up, her eyes narrowing when he chuckled at her display of maidenly modesty.

"Are you making fun of me, Son Gohan? I don't see what's so funny. I mean, after all, we just-"

"I wasn't making fun of you, I just think it's funny the way you try to protect...I don't know, your virtue or something. Is it just you, or do all woman do that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, but most do as far as I know." She threw her legs over the edge of the sofa, feeling naked and exposed now that she wasn't wearing any underwear and her brand new gi that she had gotten for her birthday was ripped. She thought about whether or not it had been worth it, and decided not two seconds later that it had.

She looked around, wondering if there was a blanket or something to cover herself with when Goku abruptly appeared out of nowhere like he had a tendency to do, his fingers still on his forehead and two little boys at his sides. She spotted the blanket on the back of the couch a split second before they appeared, and not only was Gohan the one that threw it over her, she scooted a good two feet away from him.

"Hey, you guys! Man, what was with that earthquake? At first I thought it was natural, and then I thought it was Gohan, but it was you, Videl! Wow, I didn't think you were that strong, I mean I did, but I hadn't ever felt it before. I just couldn't believe it, I mean, you're way stronger than Gohan was when he fought Cell, and you weren't even at your maximum!"

She beamed. "Really? So you're saying that if Cell appeared out of nowhere, I would be able to kill him easily?"

Goku nodded, shoving the two boys at his sides away so they could go play. "Yeah, and boy would you kick his ass! He wouldn't know what hit him!"

Gohan couldn't believe that one could bask in praise such as Videl. The way she would act all shy, but blush just the slightest amount was the weirdest thing someone could see when it came to Videl. But then again, you wouldn't think that she would be such a passionate girl as she was. Err...maybe not.

"Um, dad," Gohan said, trying to get his dad to leave so Videl could go get changed, "maybe you should go look for mom. She got kinda upset earlier when I told her me and Videl were thinking about moving out."

"What!? Dang, Gohan, you're growing up faster than I can blink! Maybe you should slow down so this old man can actually see it happen!"

Both Videl and Gohan laughed. "Dad, you're not old. Well, you're older than me, which would only make sense, but compared to like, one hundred-year-old people? Nah, you still have more than fifty years to go!"

Goku flashed his son and bonded daughter-in-law his famous Son grin, and Gohan rolled his eyes, wondering who was worse. Videl or his father.

"Hey, I'm gonna go look for your mom. If you told her you're moving, she's probably an emotional wreck."

They both told him good luck when Goku and the boys left, knowing that he would need it. After he was gone, Videl stood, huffing as she wrapped the blanket around her securely. "You are the master of destroying my damn clothes, you know that? You're not the master of anything but that."

"Hey, I'm your master for training you, so technically I am," he said, thinking that she had made a mistake or something in her dialogue.

She sighed. "Yes, I know. Never mind...."

He smiled and watched as she left, walking like a penguin in that blanket. He would have to make fun of her for that later. But now, he had to call Bulma back. He turned red, wondering if she would say anything. He had probably been making more noises than he had been aware of, and she more than likely would know what had been going on. He shrugged as he picked up the battered white cordless phone, dialing her number once more. She and him were on terms that they could understand the sexual situations with their mates, which reminded him. He was due for another stop in tomorrow. He couldn't wait. He loved going over there now to talk to her. Both of them were full of ideas probably never thought of before, since both were geniuses.

"What the hell do you want?" a rough voice asked, sounding irritated as usual. Gohan just ignored it, used to it by now.

"Is Bulma there?"

Vegeta scowled. "Why do you want to talk to my mate, boy? Does yours bore you already? You need some better action than what your mate is giving you? I wouldn't doubt if you two are sleeping together, that Onna is such a damn little-"

"Vegeta! You fucker! How dare you!!"

Gohan blinked rapidly when as he listened to the other conversation. He heard Vegeta laugh, and he could almost picture him smirking.

"Well, look who it is. If I'm a fucker, then what are you? Fucked?"

He heard a sound that sounded vastly familiar to someone getting their balls smashed, and a body falling to the floor. "You stupid bastard, I hope nothing down there ever works again!" Bulma yelled, ripping the phone out of his twitching fingers as he gave her a murderous glare from his prone position on the floor.

"Hello?" she asked in a perfectly calm, beautiful voice. Gohan smiled into the phone, picturing the mean look on his old friend's face as she talked.

"Hey, Bulma. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Oh no, in fact, you caught me at a good time. I love to see Vegeta bowing down at my feet, since he knows how much better I am than him. He has just gotten the message that I am a queen to be idolized. Don't you think so? I mean, females are so much more rational and smart than males. Stupid creatures."

It was like she didn't know she was talking to another guy at the end of the line. "Uh, yeah....Anyhow, did you look up any more information on the places me and Videl could live? We're both gonna end up going to the same premier college of Japan, which is just about ten miles or so away from Capsule Corporation."

Bulma walked away from the prostrate figure of Vegeta, who still looked beyond pale and ready to kill her at the same time. She snagged up a pile of papers that were sitting on the kitchen counter on her way, deciding that leaving very far away would be a good idea. Vegeta would probably come after her like no tomorrow once he got himself up off the floor, and nowhere would be safe. She thought about her drastic action a second, pondering if she should have done that. Vegeta had been treating her like shit for no reason lately, even when she was relatively nice to him. He would doubtless attempt to kill her now.

She sat down on the sofa in the living room, even though it wasn't even a hundred feet away from where Vegeta was laying.

"Um, Gohan? I kinda um, did something really bad to Vegeta, and now I'm sorta...."

She trailed off, leaving Gohan to wonder if she was scared. Bulma wasn't a woman to sit there and admit she was scared unless it was a situation that anyone would be. "Hey, you want my dad to come and get you?" he asked, cursing. "Damn it, if my dad would just teach me how to do that stupid move, he wouldn't be running everywhere, nor would I have to constantly go around looking for him. He just left to go talk to my mom, and Kami knows what they're doing now."

Bulma laughed, unable to help herself. "Gohan, it's alright, you don't have to come and get me. I mean, Vegeta wouldn't really kill me...would he?"

He heard the uncertainty in her voice, and jumped up, quickly looking for his dad. He didn't like to hear his friends scared, that's for sure.

He pounded on his parents door, thankfully not breaking it in his haste. "Dad, you need to get Bulma right now!" he yelled through the door, hoping his father heard his urgency.

"Uh, Gohan, I'm kinda busy!"

He turned completely scarlet. "Um, sorry, please hurry up! Bulma's scared that Vegeta might hurt her!"

He had just turned around when the door flew open, his father dressed in only his gi pants. He didn't think he could turn anymore red, but he did, knowing exactly what his parents had been doing.

"Goku, get back here right now! How dare you leave to go get Bulma! She can wait!"

Goku just ignored her, placing his fingers on his forehead, concentrating, disappearing, and reappearing five seconds later with a disoriented and pale Bulma, whose arms were filled with papers and a phone. Gohan smiled, telling his dad thank you and that he could leave now. Goku was gone in a second, leaving Bulma in the hallway with Gohan.

"Hey, you ok?" he asked, turning off the phone and placing it on the floor so he could take the papers from Bulma. She looked around, swallowing. "You know, Vegeta had just walked into the room when your dad came. I never saw such a furious look on his face in my life. I don't think that me and Vegeta...I don't think that-" she stopped, feeling the incredible urge to cry. She loved Vegeta, even if it didn't seem like it. They were bonded, and even though they acted like they didn't even care for each other, it was quite the opposite. She casually dropped the papers to the floor and went into her one of her best friend's arms, needing a hug desperately from someone she knew wouldn't hurt her.

Gohan felt extremely weird hugging a woman that wasn't Videl, and it was odd how he didn't get the urge to smell her hair, or do anything else but give her a friendly hug. He smiled, attempting to soothe his disgruntled friend.

"Hey, Bulma, it's alright. I know that you think it isn't, but how many times have you and Vegeta gone through fights like this? A lot, so don't even try to argue with me," he said, seeing her ready to protest. "You and him, no matter what, are always going to be together, even if both of you seem like you can't stand each other. You just have to give him some space for a while."

She looked up, giving him a watery smile. She loved his way with words and how he could always make someone feel better. "Thank you, Gohan. You made me feel a lot better."

He smiled, letting her go so he could help her pick up the papers she had dropped, along with the phone. She suddenly laughed, asking, "I take it that you caught Goku at a bad time with the way that he ran right back into his room, and how he wasn't wearing a shirt?"

He scratched his head, nodding slowly. "Yeah, it was really embarrassing. That's why I'm so mad that my dad won't teach me how to do the Instant Transmission."

Bulma nodded, understanding completely. It would be a lot easier on everyone if Goku would just teach his son.

"Well," she said, veering off the subject. "Why don't we go over these papers and see if you like anything? There are so many places that it will take both of us a good three hours to go over them all. Up for the challenge?"

"As always," he said, letting her lead the way to the kitchen.