Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Hell Starts Here ( Chapter 64 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 64: Hell Starts Here
The last month of school went by extremely fast, testing and other things not even a problem for either Gohan or Videl. While Gohan wasn't at school or at work, he helped his father, Bulma, and Videl pack up their things and move them to an apartment complex a short walking distance from Capsule Corporation itself. It was big, roomy, and very luxurious. It would cost a pretty penny, but once Bulma got the couple working at Capsule Corporation, the money would be good and they would have little to no trouble handling any financial problems.

It was during the last few days of school that Videl started noticing some extreme changes in her body, and how she was more susceptible to things that she never had been before. She found herself much more delicate, but not in a bad way, at least not yet. Eating had become a problem as well, for not only did she eat a lot, she ate more than Gohan. He would sit there and stare at her while she ate, unbelieving that someone could surpass even his father. His dad had just laughed at it, saying it was natural for women pregnant with Saiya-jins to eat a lot. His mother had, Bulma had, and now Videl was. No big deal.

And then the fact that Gohan was trying to keep her from training. She wanted to fight, wanted to practice so she could get better than anyone, but now she couldn't. It made her depressed as well as happy, knowing that she would have more time to spend with Gohan.

On the contrary, it seemed like Gohan was never there. Either he was at work or at Capsule Corps, doing one thing or another. When Bulma noticed the depressed manner in which Videl was acting, she literally told Gohan not to come back until she called or told him it was alright.

It was the day right after they had finished their last year of school that she was standing in the bathroom, getting ready to take a shower. She felt embarrassed with the way her breasts felt so tender, and the way she looked like she was not only filling out more, but looking like she was getting soft. She shuddered, not liking the thought of losing precious muscle mass.

She had just gotten out of the shower when Gohan had walked right into their new bathroom, staring at her, unblinking. She freaked at first, trying to grab her towel, but he stopped her before she could. She felt weird with the way he seemed so genuinely interested in her, and couldn't even move as he pushed her about a foot away, studying her changing physique.

He smiled suddenly. "Your breasts are fuller," he said, as if it was the most natural thing to say in the world. She turned red, flustered as she grabbed her new white towel that they had just bought last week, attempting to cover at least some of her body.

"Ah, come on, Videl. You're always so shy. Why be embarrassed about your body? What you're going through is completely normal."

"Like you would know! This hurts, damn it! You know what it felt like two days ago when we were in the last day of gym, and we were playing volleyball, and I was hit square in the chest? It took everything I had not to scream! And then not to mention how I'm going to be getting hideously fat and ugly, and you're not even going to want to look at me ever again!"

He smiled, shaking his head as he tugged her into his arms. She frowned, her brow furrowing in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter what you look like, Videl. I don't care, I never have. Being beautiful is just a bonus, silly. All the guys are always caring about whether the girl is hot enough to date or have sex with, and it's disgusting if you want my opinion. Don't any of them ever want to have a real relationship like we have? I mean, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

She looked down, feeling ashamed. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, Gohan. I'm just...frightened I guess."

He smiled, watching as she wrapped her towel around herself more firmly and left the bathroom. He followed behind her and into the master bedroom, where boxes and various items were lying around the giant bed. The bed had already been there, not that he had a problem with it. He still had to break it in with Videl, considering they had only decided to stay here starting today.

"Hey, you have nothing to be afraid about, Videl," he told her, sitting on the bed as she attempted to get dressed without him seeing. Finally, she just let out an exasperated sigh, telling him to close his eyes. He gave her a silly grin, wondering if he should take a peek just to make her mad.

"Why don't I have anything to be afraid about?" she spat, feeling angry. She was taking her anger out on Gohan, but he didn't seem to notice. She just really needed someone to talk to that would understand, not a male who clearly had no idea what was happening to her.

"You don't have to worry because I'm going to be right here with you through it all. Even when everything goes wrong I'll still be here, you never have to worry about that."

She told him he could open his eyes as she crawled onto the bed, wishing to take a nap. She tired a lot easier now, and this was only beginning. She wondered if she was going to start throwing up her stomach. She hadn't gotten anything more than a slight bit of nausea, but she thought it was because of something else.

Gohan saw that she was tired and decided to leave the conversation where it was, not wanting her to have some sort of disturbed sleep if they left off on a bad note. "Hey...you want me to lay down with you?" he asked, feeling the need just to hold her and make sure her and his future child were alright.

She nodded, liking that idea very much. He only took off his shoes and socks, not bothering with the loose shorts he was sporting since the weather was really nice now that it was summer.

She sighed when she felt his familiar warmth envelope her, wishing that she could always have him next to her so he could offer her the comfort he was now. Even when she didn't need it, she still wanted him to be with her constantly.

He held her while she drifted off, her soft breathing evening off into blissful sleep. He took this chance to let his hand slip down to her stomach, happy that she was facing away from him or it would have been difficult to do this.

I just want to feel a little curve, he thought as his hand managed to find its way under the soft fabric of her blue shorts. He knew that she was only a month and a half along, but Saiya-jin children developed extremely quick, and then you just ended up carrying it around for an extra amount of time as it developed the final "touches", like its power and such.

He smiled against her wet hair, noticing what he hadn't been able to see since he had known she was pregnant. He closed his eyes, not believing that him and Videl had actually created life. He knew he sounded corny, but it was so amazing how it all happened.

She stirred, but didn't awake. He nestled her closer against him as he kept his hand on her stomach, managing to find his own sleep through his happiness.


It was two days later, after graduation and Gohan's valedictorian speech, damn him for doing better than her, that she got the scariest feeling in the world. She remembered it from when Gohan and his friends had brought her to the site of Babidi's ship, prepared to fight. Only this time it was so much worse, so much more painful. She fell when a painful cramp seized her, her arms barely catching onto a new side table in the hallway that led to their bedroom. It instantly broke under her weight, causing her to hit the blue carpeted floor hard. She curled up on her side, unable to move as tears poured down her face. She felt her fingers digging into the skin of her arms painfully, and she instantly shot her ki up on purpose, trying to tell Gohan that she needed him and to try to keep the pain at bay. It felt like it was spreading through her whole body like fire, using her blood as fuel. Her last thought was her baby before the darkness creeped up on her, blanketing her in its painless world.


Gohan frowned, feeling something very familiar in his stomach. His first instant thought was that Babidi was back, and he wasn't too far away. The feeling was unmistakably pure evil, alerting him to any and all possible danger. But the feeling was nothing compared to the horrible feeling in his heart. He jumped up in panic, his hand clutching his shirt. His fellow workers looked up, not ceasing their non-stop typing session. He looked around frantically, wondering what he should do. "Guyana, please tell Mr. Seiyaku that there was an emergency I had to take care of."

The woman nodded, wondering why Gohan, who was usually talkative on his good days, and silent on his bad ones, seemed so...upset. He was normally such a passive guy.

She watched with wide shocked eyes as he jumped over his computer desk, running out of the office at incredible speed. Well, that was weird, she thought, going back to work.

He found himself on the balcony to their room a few moments later. He tried to open the door, but it was locked from the inside, a safety precaution that he had insisted on because of Videl and their future child. He ripped off the handle.

He walked out of the room, nearly tearing down the fake wooden door in his haste to find his mate. He stopped in his tracks, nearly running over what he had been looking for.

There she was, laying in a bloodless heap in the middle of the hall that led to their bedroom. A brand new side table they had bought along with other furnishings was laying in shattered pieces next to her, and a vase his mother had given him filled with barely blooming daffodils was mixed along with the wood. He saw a smear of drying dark red on the white wall, and blindly followed the path to her hand. A piece of glass had sliced right through her hand, managing to penetrate to the other side. It wasn't just a small piece of glass embedded deeply into her profusely bleeding hand; it was a big piece, almost three inches in diameter. He got down on his knees, swiping aside the curtain of hair that had splayed across her face. His worried eyes searched her pale face, searching for any sign of life. He knew that she was alive, and was thankful that she had only passed out.

He dusted his hand across her cheek, afraid to touch her, let alone talk. She flinched from even that tiny touch, causing him to draw back. He managed to find his voice when her blue eyes opened, showing him all the pain she was in. She opened her mouth to say something, but only a weak whimper managed to find its way out of her throat. He shushed her, telling her that it would be alright as he picked her up, hearing her cry desperately that something was wrong with her hand. She tried to bring it forward, but he told her to close her eyes and not to look. She would only panic more.

She complied, swallowing the lump in her throat that was disagreeing with her. He somehow accomplished the task of getting out of the front door, not wanting to jump over the balcony or fly. Videl would probably freak, but this way would probably cause her more pain. He was in a quandary about what to do, but just gave up in the end, pushing the elevator button harder than necessary to get the stupid thing up to the eighth floor. There was ten in all, the higher you got the more luxurious the place became. He had thought that weird at first, wondering why they wouldn't want the bottom to be the nicest, for the people with more money would want better access to their spacious apartments faster. Well, the only thing he had figured out was that it would take a lot for robbers to get up here that quick without being caught, including all the guards and security you had to go through.

The elevator boy that was working that day gasped when he saw Gohan carrying what everyone had started calling "his woman", who wasn't looking in the best of shape. He immediately pressed the last floor button before the newest occupant had even stepped on board, asking in a panicked voice, "Mr. Son, what happened?!"

"She fell. I have to get her to Capsule Corps right now. Can't you make this thing move any faster?"

The sixteen year-old blonde boy shook his head, saying in a desperate voice, "We have the fastest elevators in the city, sir. We'll be down on the last floor in a second."

Gohan hadn't even nodded before there was a light ding, telling him that they were at the last floor. When two security guards saw him carrying Videl, they shoved all the loitering people out of the way, shouting for them to move. They opened the glass doors as well, asking him if there was anything they could do. He just shook his head, saying that he had it handled. He walked out into the busy street, cursing up a storm when someone ran right smack into them, only to fall to the floor because he was like a brick wall. The ten year-old started cussing him out, but shut up when he saw that his opponent was no longer there.

Gohan fazed out in an alley next to the apartments, thanking Dende that no one saw him. He made his way out of the trash-ridden alley, walking as fast as he could down the street, where Capsule Corps loomed in the distance. He looked down at the woman in his arms, wondering what had caused her to fall like that. All he had known was that it had scared every sin out of him for the rest of his life. Not that he really ever did anything bad....

He found himself at the front doors of the place he had been making his way to, only to be confronted by Vegeta, who ripped open the door, growling. "What the hell are you doing here now!? Can't you stay five seconds away from my-"

He went silent when he saw Videl, crossing his arms as he snorted. "What did you do now? Try to kill her so that you can be all by yourself and not have to live through the misery that you know you're creating for her? I wouldn't doubt it. I only have to go through the same thing, and then you and my mate can be together forever. What a fucking romantic notion."

Gohan shoved him out of the way, sending him into the wall that had been behind him. Vegeta looked ready to get back up and kill him, but Gohan was gone even before he looked up. Ah, Vegeta thought cruelly. Ever so eager to get to Bulma.

Gohan ran down the series of corridors and rooms before he got to the labs where he knew Bulma would be, sending fellow employees into a panic when they saw him and Videl. He heard her name and his name mentioned several times, but he didn't bother with acknowledging them.

He spotted Bulma leaning over some new contraption that she had just started working on a few weeks ago, and was very excited about. She looked up from her masterpiece, hearing her name and then Gohan's shouted after that. She laid down her screwdriver and turned around, seeing not quite what she had been expecting. She sighed before she demanded the young man to follow her, which was to the medical suite she had brought various Saiya-jins to at one point or another.

"Lay her on the table, Gohan," she said in a calming voice, seeing that Gohan was in a small form of shock. He laid Videl on the all-too familiar metal table Bulma had motioned to, fixing her hair around her head because he didn't know what else to do.

Bulma told him quietly to move to the other side so that she could look at her hand, which the piece of glass was still happy at home in. Gohan hadn't taken it out because of the fear that he might do more damage than help. Bulma gave Gohan a look as she inspected it, and then demanded his shirt. Gohan gave her a weird look before he understood what she was talking about. He pulled it over his head and handed it to the older woman. Bulma quickly tied it around Videl's arm, wanting to stop the sluggish flow of blood. They had both previously thought that she had blacked out, but she let out a low hiss, alerting them to her consciousness. Gohan almost freaked, but Bulma whacked him a good one over his head, telling him to stop acting like a sissy. He grumbled a second before he pulled over a chair, sitting on the opposite side so he could hold her hand while Bulma took care of her other one.

"Hey, Videl," he said in a shaky voice, giving her a small smile. She smiled back faintly, clutching his hand when she felt Bulma poking and prodding her injured palm.

"Hey, Gohan," she whispered, seeing that he was probably more upset than she was. The thought made her feel better, although she didn't know why.

"What happened? I got this really sick feeling in my stomach, and I think that Babidi and Dabura are close. But then I got this ache in my heart, and I knew immediately that it was you. A second later your ki shot up, so I knew that something was wrong. What happened?" he asked again, roughly knowing what she was going to say.

"I got that pain in my stomach again...you know the one when we went to go help the Supreme Kai to go kill Majin Buu? Yeah...that one, except it was a lot worse. I was scared that...I was scared that it hurt our baby."

Almost as an afterthought he looked down at her stomach, noting that it looked flat under all her clothes, but they both knew different. She had the smallest little adorable curve, and he usually couldn't keep his hands off it. Videl had to tell him to move his hand at night so that she could turn over, so she could get up, or because the weight of his palm was getting too heavy. The thought made him smile as he placed his hand over her stomach, feeling for the child's small ki. His smile grew when he noticed that the ki was a lot bigger than the last time he had checked, which had been last week. He looked up at Videl, seeing that she was watching him and all the varied expressions crossing his face. He blushed, wishing that she wouldn't give him that kind of look right now.

"Well? Is he alright?"

"He? We're having a boy?" he asked, a startled expression on his face.

"Oops! I forgot that you didn't want to-oww!!!!!!!"

"Sorry," Bulma muttered, and then promptly tugged out the piece of flowery porcelain. Videl got a look on her face that said she would kill Bulma after this, but all the woman did was smile and pour a burning substance on her palm. Videl lurched up, nearly decking Bulma in the face as she started blowing frantically on her wounded hand, blood and whatever the watery substance was dripping all over her white shirt. Gohan frowned at Bulma once Videl's pain had calmed some, and she started wiping off all the blood to inspect the wound.

"Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. All she needs to do is keep it wrapped for a few days and it should be all better. And how the hell did this happened?" Bulma demanded at last, standing up with her hands on her hips. Gohan helped Videl sit up straight on the lab table, adjusted her clothes and hair so that she looked and felt better. She didn't even pay attention to him as he fussed over her, used to it by now.

"The same thing that happened to me before. You know, I talked to you about it already. I guess that we won't be seeing peace much longer," she said, looking behind her to see a serious look on Gohan's face. He nodded, helping her stand.

"Can you walk on your own?" he asked, still clearly not knowing what to do. She hated to see the day that she went into labor.

"No, I'm fine. It's just my hand, which hurts really bad right now."

He glared at Bulma, demanding the older beautiful woman to give Videl a painkiller. Bulma just rolled her blue eyes, sighing as she walked off to grab some acetaminophen.

Once she was gone, Videl gave her fiancé an apologetic look, saying that she was sorry as she rested her cheek on his bare chest, right above his heart.

"Why are you sorry?" he questioned, not understanding.

"Well, for various reasons. One, you were at work, and you had to leave in order to get to me. Two, I probably had you so worried you were ready to have a heart attack. And three, I didn't mean to give up the gender of our child. I knew that you wanted it to be a surprise. I've been having a tendency to check over him, and the first time I did it, I kinda discovered that we were going to have a little boy. I just didn't tell you."

He smiled, placing his chin on top of her head. He knew now that Videl had acknowledged their child. She had been so uncaring, so unaccepting of it that he had been afraid that she might have taken the chance of an abortion or something as equally horrible so she could get rid of her little "mistake". She would almost pretend like she wasn't pregnant, like how she would ask if he wanted to spar, and he would have to decline because of the fear that he might hurt her. Or if he would ask how the baby was, she would be like, "What baby? Oh...fine."

Now he knew better. Videl wouldn't ever do something like that. She loved life too much, just like him. She just wasn't that way.

"It's alright that you slipped up, Videl. We all make mistakes," he said, smiling again. He didn't bring up anything about how she had accepted their child, just left it as it was. He could always talk to her later.

Bulma came back at that moment, handing Videl a small bottle of pills. "Here, and don't forget to take them this time, girl. You know what happened last time."

Videl turned red, knowing exactly what Bulma meant. Gohan laughed, thanking Bulma as he pushed the injured and pregnant female up the stairs. However, once they got up the stairs, they saw something that they hadn't expected. The Supreme Kai, standing with Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, 18, Yamcha, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten were all there, as if waiting for him and Videl. Gohan already knew what the Supreme Kai was going to say, and he gave Videl's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"They're here."