Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Visitation ( Chapter 65 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 65: Visitation
This was the plan: go home, get rest, get some food, keep it down, and spend time with your families before the next day. Everyone, excluding the women and children, were going. Piccolo and Yamcha were currently searching for Tien and Chiaotzu before the next day, and had been out for the past three hours. Chichi, Goku, Goten, Gohan, and Videl had all decided to go back to the original Son house so they could be one big happy family, and have at least one last dinner together. Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks were also coming over for dinner, not to mention Krillin, his wife, and his daughter Marron. Yamcha and Piccolo were going to be there as well, as soon as they came back. They were currently getting ready for dinner, all the women in the kitchen, and the men and children in the living room, watching TV. Everything was calm, almost with an understanding that everyone needed to be good, not to stress out their parents more than necessary.

Videl had just poured some boiling water into the sink, draining the yummy white rice that she couldn't wait to get her hands on. Bulma, Chichi, and even 18 thought it funny that she was so starving all the time. It was like she couldn't get enough.

Videl just rolled her eyes, trying to stay in good spirits. She could hear low voices talking in the living room, like they were discussing strategy and fighting techniques. Every once and a while you would hear a little squeal or a shout of laughter from one of the three children, and Videl smiled, wondering if her own child on the way would fit in with the older ones. She thought it unfair that Marron was the only little girl, but knowing Gohan and his virility, they would probably have more in the future.

They were just setting the table full of plates, dishes, and drinks when the front door was pushed in, presenting everyone with a smiling Yamcha. He hurried in, Piccolo following right in as well, his arms crossed over his chest.

Everyone grinned and starting talking all at once when Tien and Chiaotzu strode through the door, the kids standing back, since they had no idea who they were. Tien and Chiaotzu seemed the most happy when they saw Goku, and then grinned their faces off even more when they saw how big Gohan and Trunks had gotten. Goku himself took the liberty of introducing his youngest son, and then brought forth his shy daughter-in-law, who was appearing rather flushed. Gohan draped his arm around her small shoulders, kissing her smooth cheek and pushing her forward even more, telling her not to be so bashful. She grumbled something as she brought forth her hand in a surprisingly graceful motion, taking both Tien's and Chiaotzu's grasp for a friendly introduction.

Tien's smile turned into a grin, and then into a smirk as he glanced at Gohan. “Well, look what we have here! I never thought you had it in you, Gohan! You have a gorgeous girlfriend!" he said, giving the girl that only stood at Gohan's shoulder a thorough examination.

Gohan turned pink, mumbling something incomprehensible as he looked anywhere at Videl and everyone else. "Me and Videl...well, we're a little closer than girlfriend and boyfriend. We're getting married. We even have our own house."

Tien and Chiaotzu blinked hard, surprised that a teenager, and that teenager being Gohan, was moving so fast. "Man, that's quick. Does she know about, well, Cell and stuff?"

"Yeah, she knows everything. You're probably wondering why we are moving so fast, and if you want the truth, it's because we've been through a lot. People that have been together their whole lives haven't even gone through half the stuff we have."

Chichi walked in at that moment, and everyone went silent. She gave them a pretty, genuine smile, greeting the new guests and then pulling Videl back into the kitchen. That was when Tien got a side view of Videl, and he noticed something that he hadn't before.

"She-she's pre-pregnant!! Damn, Gohan! I can't believe it! You're not even out of your teenage years and you're going to be a daddy? Wow...I think that I should hang around here a little bit more so I can stay caught up on everything. I take it a lot of stuff has happened, especially after what Piccolo and Yamcha told me."

All the males nodded, since that was the only gender in the living room left. Everyone could smell the delicious food cooking and drifting around the house in tempting wafts, alerting anyone with even the most human sense of smell that dinner was almost done. They were nearly drooling.

It was about ten minutes until dinner was finished when someone else arrived. Goku frowned, hearing an air car land outside his house along with Bulma's own vehicle. He told everyone he would be right back and went to his door, opening it just in time to see a wrinkly old face.

"Hehe! There's my boy! What's goin' on, Goku? I heard a lot of stuff from Krillin and his wife about everything, and decided I would drop by. I'm not uninvited am I?"

Goku smiled, even if it was a little forced. He had a feeling Gohan wasn't going to enjoy Master Roshi's little "visit". He invited the old man in, stepping aside so he would have room to pass. Master Roshi immediately noticed Tien and Chiaotzu, and then the scent of cooking food. All of their worst fears then walked out, looking somewhat flushed from the steamy kitchen. The old martial artist got a big lecherous grin on his face, and said, "Woo hoo! Who's the hot chick?! Come 'ere, honey!!"

The wooden spoon that had been in Videl's hand suddenly disappeared without anyone seeing it, and everyone blinked, hearing a loud crash, and seeing no Master Roshi. Gohan's dark eyebrow went up a good inch when he saw the giant gaping hole in his mother's wall, and then everyone glanced back at Videl, who had both an expression of fear and satisfaction on her face.

"Oops," she said not too enthusiastically, glancing at Gohan, who  was deciding that getting out of there right now would be the best decision of his life. However, it was not to be.

Chichi came storming into the living room, her face already a mask of the purest evil. Videl literally shrank back against Gohan's side, and he was just about to see if he could make it around the seething woman when she told him to stop, not yelled at him to stop.

Videl listened as Chichi asked, "Alright, who made the hole in the wall this time?"

She let go of Gohan reluctantly, stepping forward with her head down and her hand clasped together in front of her to try and hide her "shame". She waited for the verbal blow.

Chichi took her hand, and patted it like she was a little girl. "It's alright, dear. Just be more careful next time you try to kill that old geezer. But you will pay for that, won't you?"

Videl looked back at Gohan, who was in such shock that he couldn't blink. He nodded frantically.

She turned back to Chichi, nodding slowly. "Yeah. I'm sorry I um, did that. He um...yeah."

Chichi patted her hand again. "It's alright, honey. You just come and follow me back into the kitchen so we can set the table. Sound like a good idea?"

Videl just went along with her, leaving silent men and a hole in the living room wall.

Gohan nearly fell over. "Wh-what was that? I don't think I can breathe," he said, not knowing whether or not the scene that had just taken place had been a dream because he was now currently floating up to heaven, considering Chichi had totally killed everyone in the living room. Goku clapped him hard on the back, jump-starting his mind so he knew he was still alive. He sighed with relief, getting a glimpse of around the room to see similar expressions of shock on everyone's face.

"Uh...did I just see what I did?" Tien asked, seeing everyone agree with him, even Vegeta. Gohan scratched the back of his head, trying not to blush like mad.

"Yeah...my mom has a soft spot for Videl now because she's pregnant and she's going to be giving her a grandchild. She basically obsesses over her and gives her whatever she wants, and makes sure that if she wants something, she gets it. In other words, Videl is getting even more spoiled that she already is."

"Spoiled?" Chiaotzu asked, not understanding what he meant. That was when Gohan turned red, even after the tedious fight to stop it from coming up.

"Yeah...I spoil her, my dad spoils her, Goten will do basically anything for her if she lets him sit on her lap. And then Bulma, she lets Videl do whatever she wants at Capsule Corporation, in fact, she's giving her a secretary's job for one of her higher executives, and me something else that she hasn't told me yet. Then Bulma's parents, who just met Videl a couple weeks ago, they are nearly obsessing over her as well. It's not fair," he almost whined, hearing laughter erupt from the kitchen. He guessed they had been listening to him. He grumbled and sat down at an empty space on the sofa, sighing as he did so.

Several minutes later they were called into the kitchen, where the table was set. The dinner felt a great deal different when compared to all the other times they had been together and happy, full of joy. There was an air that made everyone almost nervous, silent, unable to talk besides asking to pass the salt. Even the Saiya-jins and the single pregnant woman there couldn't bring themselves to eat as much as they could possibly shove down their throats. They held themselves back, picking at their food and occasionally stuffing a large forkful of food into their mouths and swallowing before anyone could see.

Bulma was the one who broke the tension, clearing her throat gently and then scrutinizing everyone around the table. Each person glanced up, wondering what she wanted to say. She frowned before she gave a brief smile, trying to find her voice.

“Um, I just wanted to know why everyone is being so quiet. I think that we should be happy, enjoying what little time we have together. We don't know if we are ever going to see some of you here again, that's true, but we don't need to act like it.”

Chichi nodded. “Yes.” She grinned suddenly. “Anyone want desert?”

Three still very hungry people jumped up, all shouting “YES!” at once. Chichi laughed softly, saying she would be right back as Videl, Gohan, and Goku sat back down. It seemed like they were the only ones that wanted to stop the unease, and proceeded to begin talking about Videl's baby, much to her chagrin. She would have rather talked about the upcoming fight.

“So, did he kick you yet?” Goku asked, leaning forward. Videl was tempted to roll her eyes, but she didn't, seeing how everyone else around the table was looking just as interested.

“Um...kinda. He didn't kick me since it's too early, but he moved the first time two nights ago, and it was also against Gohan's cheek. Gohan kinda...fell over.”

Gohan started turning red when both a recovering Master Roshi and Tien nudged him hard in the sides, making suggestive noises. He growled, and they instantly stopped, not wanting another occurrence of Master Roshi and his little “accident”.

“You pick any names yet?” Bulma questioned, trying to get the flow of talking started some more.

Videl looked up at Gohan, who just shrugged, jamming a piece of cherry pie into his mouth that his mother had brought out.

“Um, no, not really. But I was thinking....” she started, seeing all the women at the table lean forward, and even some of the men. Goku was almost drooling.

“I um, noticed that Gohan was named after his grandfather, and I was thinking that maybe we should start a tradition. I want to name him Goku, after his own grandfather.”

Both Bulma and Chichi said a very loud and prominent “Awwww!” Vegeta snorted. Yamcha, Tien, and Master Roshi laughed. Meanwhile, everyone else was silent, except for Gohan and Goku, who were staring at her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, but it was true. They both looked like they were ready to cry.

She got ready to ask what was wrong when Goku hurried and excused himself, leaving the room quickly. Videl was in a quandary about what to do, and who to comfort first. She looked at Gohan, seeing him wave her away so she could go see his father. She nodded, pushing back her chair and following after the older man.

Gohan swallowed the lump in his throat, slumping back down in his chair and letting his head rest against the back. He suddenly felt his mother's hand on his shoulder and he closed his eyes, feeling her kiss his cheek. He smiled, unable to help it. She hadn't done that for a long time.

Videl found him outside, sitting on a rock formation that was close to their house. It was the same area that she had fought Yamcha at, except now it was dark, and shadows were very prominent against the peaceful countryside.

She stepped up behind him quietly, seeing him with his head resting in his hands. He looked almost...defeated, sad. Depressed.

She placed her hand on his shoulder, smiling when she realized where Gohan had gotten his own broad shoulders. He sighed loudly, not bothering with lifting his head. “Hey, Videl,” he said, not knowing what else to say.

She gave his shoulder a light squeeze before she sat down next to him. “Hey,” she said quietly. “I um, are you ok?”

He shrugged. “I guess it would be hard for you to understand if I told you what was wrong with me.”

She shook her head. “Even if I didn't understand it, you can still tell me. You can tell me anything, Goku. You're more of a father to me than my own ever was. I just wish that you could be here longer so I can get to know you better.”

He sat up, his arms falling down to his sides. “You see, that's it exactly. That's why I'm so upset. I'm not going to be here much longer, and that's why I'm so...mad. I'm never going to see Goten grow up, hell, I never even got to see him born. I'm never going to get to see you and Gohan get married, I'm never going to see you two go to college. I'm not even going to be able to see my first grandchild.”

She really didn't know what to say. What Goku had just said was heartbreaking, and it left her unable to talk. His proud shoulders slumped again, and he sighed. “I'm sorry, Videl, but it's the truth. I'm missing out on everything...just because of who I am. Of what I am.”

She looked away, trying to blink back the tears in her eyes. It wasn't fair. He was telling the truth. He was probably one of the few good people left out there, and look what he got for all the things he had done.

She felt a large hand take hold of her shoulder, and she smiled, looking back at her bonded father-in-law. He smiled back.

“I just want to let you know...that I'm honored that you would want to name your little boy after me. It means a lot.”

She nodded, the salty water in her eyes that had threatened to fall going away with the grace of her smile. “You're welcome, Goku.”