Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ After Effects ( Chapter 67 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 67: After Effects
Gohan let his eyes fall to Videl's body. He felt like a zombie, like his actions weren't his own. He wished he had been the one instead of her. Her life was so much more precious than his. He didn't know why he thought that. He just did.

He stepped up to her, falling to his knees. His trembling hands went around her gently, turning her over and into his arms. He smiled even as he felt tears pour down his cheeks, seeing an oddly peaceful look on her face. It was weird, but even dead...she still looked beautiful.

Goku felt his heart break into a thousand pieces when he heard his son wail, burying his face into her hair as he rocked her back and forth, clutching at her desperately and begging her not to leave him. Not to leave him alone.

"No...don't leave me. It should have been me...not you. Not you...."

Goku fisted his hands, jerking around to face Babidi and his men. But...they were gone. He growled, the air around him crackling with energy. He was only stopped by the calming hand Vegeta placed on his shoulder, saying, "Kakarott, after we take care of your son, we can deal with the enemy." He added silently that they wouldn't just deal with them, they would destroy them.

Goku nodded, spotting the rest of the Z Fighters as they found their way through the rubble and up to him and Vegeta. Everyone was too afraid to go by Gohan, and they kept their heads bowed down, not able to block out the cries they heard coming from the teenager. Goku felt Vegeta propel him forward, and he oddly felt respect for the Prince in this situation. It was like he understood Gohan in a way, that or he knew the boy needed comfort and no one was offering it to him. Goku guessed he was the best one for the job, and that's why Vegeta was forcing him to go.

Gohan suddenly felt a soothing presence in front of him, and he looked up, seeing his father. The tears came back anew, and he glanced back down at the woman in his arms, his hand smoothing back her tangled hair.

"Dad," he choked, like he was a lost little boy again and he didn't know what to do. He couldn't talk, he couldn't even breathe.

Goku lowered himself down to his son, taking Videl out of his strong arms. Gohan stood, helping his father hold her as if he didn't want to break contact with her, as if he couldn't let her go. He laid her head on Goku's shoulder with the gentlest care, running his fingers through her long hair again.

Goku held her as his son just watched her, every once and a while touching her face or hair. He himself felt like he had lost something precious, and he realized that he was being affected by Videl's death more than he thought. Videl had managed to weasel her way under his skin until she was just as close to him as were his sons, and he felt like he had just lost his daughter.

Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Krillin, and the oddly silent Supreme Kai, who had all been watching this scene, felt complete shock when Vegeta walked over as well, placing his hand on Gohan's shoulder. The Saiya-jin no Ouji wouldn't admit that he was being affected by the emotional display Kakarott and his son were giving, but he did let Gohan know that he was there. The brat and himself had had some good times the past seven years, and it was like they understood each other. Gohan was more of a Saiya-jin than Goku could ever be, at least that's what he thought.

"Don't worry, Gohan," Vegeta said as lightly as he could, giving his broad shoulder a small squeeze. "This planet is useful for something, and that's the Dragonballs. Once this is all over with, you can always wish her back."

Gohan blinked back the tears that had been threatening to spill when he saw his own father forcing back the urge to cry, and he nodded, thanking Vegeta. Even though he was pissed at him for treating Bulma the way he was, Vegeta had his good qualities sometimes, and now was when they were most needed. He had to admit that Vegeta's words had made him feel a great deal better. If only for a moment.

"What...what do we do now?" Gohan asked, wiping his face off with his arm in a child-like way. The rest of the Z Fighters made their way over, seeing that it was safe now and that they didn't have to worry about Gohan flipping out and blowing up the whole planet. At least that's what they thought. Krillin suggested quickly that they go to Capsule Corporation and regroup, but there was a problem, and they all noticed this five seconds later.

There was no more Capsule Corporation.

Goku and Gohan watched all the blood drain from Vegeta's face, and the Saiya-jin Prince blasted off without another thought, leaving everyone in the dust as he touched down a few hundred yards away. He was standing right where the kitchen used to be, but it was nothing more than cement, metal, wood, and what looked like pieces of old appliances. He looked around with something painful dawning on him, not spotting any sign of life.

He started picking up enormous hunks of concrete and chucking it away from him, searching frantically for his mate and son. He couldn't feel their ki's, he couldn't see them. He felt his eyes water when the fact that they were dead hit him, but he didn't stop his frenzied search. It would hurt too much if he didn't at least try.

Somewhere between pain and more pain he felt Gohan appear next to him, helping him look for the bodies of his family. Gohan made no comment when he saw the look on Vegeta's face, for he knew exactly how he felt. He knew what it was like to have your heart ripped out of your chest and ruthlessly stepped on.

Goku watched his son and Vegeta work their way through piles of rubble, throwing or blasting pieces away. He had thought his son had been an emotional wreck, but Vegeta was fast beating him. He couldn't imagine what it was like to lose your mate before you ever got the chance to apologize to her for telling her that you abhorred and loathed her all the time. What a death that must be, knowing that the man you mated with hated you. He looked away, promising himself he would tell Chichi sorry for anything he had ever done and tell her that he loved her as soon as he got home.


Vegeta shook his head, his fingers gripping his head as his knees hit the ground painfully. He was so out of it that he was even hearing her voice...her sweet, beautiful voice that had a tendency to get shrill and high-pitched when she yelled at him. He was so out of it that he could almost feel her arms go around him, holding him close and telling him that everything was alright. He could almost feel her tears soaking his chest through the blue cloth, he could almost feel her rub her hands up and down his back.


He shook his head again, refusing to listen to the voice in his head. It was there just to torture him, just to torment him and tell him what a fuck he was for treating the only woman he had ever felt anything for the way he had.

"Vegeta...open your eyes."

He did. And encountered the most startling blue he ever had in his life. He blinked hard, wondering if what he was seeing was real, and not some figment of his imagination.

Bulma felt her eyes water again when she saw how hard it was for Vegeta to accept that she was there, and she swallowed, releasing him as she brought forth a small plastic container. She said the only thing she could think of that would snap him out of it.

"I um...saved your GR. It was the only thing that—"

He knocked it out of her hands, sending the plastic box flying. "I don't give a damn about the GR," he said, seeing her tired eyes light up. He didn't care who was watching. He brought her into his arms, holding her as close as he could without smothering her.

"I love you, Onna," he whispered against her ear, feeling her hand find its way into his hair.

"I love you too, Vegeta."

"Hey!!" someone suddenly yelled, causing both Vegeta and Bulma to jerk their heads in the direction the noise had come from, ruining their moment. They saw a tangle of lavender appear from behind a large hunk of concrete, and Bulma smiled when she saw her son rubbing his head. Apparently when Vegeta had knocked the container that held his GR out of her hand and sent it flying, it had given Trunks a good wake up call by whacking him over the head.

Vegeta watched his son stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his mother and father holding each other. Trunks wondered if he really was dead, and gave his head another rub. He shook his head. Nope, they were still there.

"Brat, get over here," Vegeta said, standing and helping Bulma up along with him. She stayed latched onto him, and surprisingly, he didn't appear to mind.

"Vegeta, Trunks saved my life," she said quietly, watching her boy hurry over to her and his esteemed father. He looked a little nervous when he stood before them, not knowing what to do.

Vegeta smirked, taking his shoulder and pulling him towards him. Trunks felt his mother place her hand on his head, giving his hair a good ruffle. But his mother wasn't who he was looking at. It was his father.

"Dad?" he questioned nervously, still standing there.

"Did you save your mother, Trunks?" Vegeta asked, the smirk on his face growing when his son nodded slowly.

"Good job, boy," Vegeta said, seeing Trunks get a big smile on his dirty face. Vegeta rarely if ever complimented him, and now he felt like he was the most special person in the world.

"Well, of course I had to protect her," he said, pulling away and looking haughty and arrogant, something he had learned from his dad. "She's a woman, and you're supposed to protect women, right dad?"

Vegeta didn't know where he got that from, but he guessed that was true. Bulma giggled, kissing his cheek and wrapping her arms around his waist as Trunks hugged her leg. He blushed, feeling weird with his mate and son so close to him. He hadn't ever been this close to all of them at the same time. He guessed there was a first time for everything.

Goku and everyone else grinned their faces off, except for Gohan. He just stood there watching them with a longing expression before he turned to his father, the look on his face startling Goku. He didn't think he had ever seen such a look of pain in his life. He glanced over his shoulder quickly, walking over to Piccolo, who was acting rather apathetic towards the scene of Bulma and Vegeta, but if he looked hard enough, Goku could tell that he was worried...no, more like scared about Gohan. Goku forced a smile as he held out his bonded daughter-in-law, saying to Namek quietly, "Piccolo, I...I need you to hold Videl for a little bit. I would ask someone else...but Gohan might flip out. I know you wouldn't really want to get all her blood on you, but—"

"Give her to me, Goku. You're son looks like he really needs comfort right now, and no one is even saying anything to him. They're treating him exactly what he doesn't want to be—a freak. He looks like he needs a shoulder to lean on, if you know what I mean."

Goku nodded, silently thanking Piccolo and his wisdom. The Namek certainly knew what he was talking about when it came to Gohan, so he wasn't about to argue, especially when he agreed completely with his green friend.

Gohan felt like there was something wrong with him. He couldn't figure out what it was, but it hurt. Badly. It felt worse than it did the moment Videl's eyes had closed and her life had floated away with her last breath. He couldn't breathe, and he felt incredibly dizzy. He felt tears come to his eyes just thinking about the violent way Videl had just died, but he was prevented from crying when he felt a strong hand take hold of his shoulder. He swallowed, blinking a few times before he turned to see his father, who was trying his hardest to smile, and not cry himself. It was odd seeing his father about to cry...for Gohan didn't think he had ever seen his father even close to tears before. He was always strong...always strong for everyone else when no one could be.

He took a deep breath, feeling his father turn him around and draw him into his blood-covered arms. For the first time ever Goku let his son hold onto him while he cried onto his shoulder, letting the pain out in a gush of emotion so strong that everyone else witnessing it had to force down the lumps in their throats. Goku didn't feel weird, it was just...different. He had always told Gohan to be strong. He had let him cry when he had been little, but he hadn't ever cried because of something emotional like this. He would just scrape his knee or get stung by a bee and be in tears, but those went unaccounted for as of now.

Piccolo watched sadly as Gohan clung to his father until he couldn't even hold himself up any longer, and his father had to help him stand. Goku thought that he was just resting against him because of the drain he was putting on his body, but when he felt his son's fluctuating ki plummet right to the ground, he panicked, feeling it drop down to dangerous levels. Piccolo and Vegeta seemed to notice it to, from the way Vegeta pulled away from his family and the way Piccolo almost dropped Videl into Tien's arms. Goku pulled back, gripping his son's shoulders as he looked at his deathly pale face. His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted while Goku held his son's limp body close to him.

"Piccolo! Wh-what's wrong with him?! He just...what do I do?!" he asked his old friend, panic filling his mind at what was wrong with his son. He abruptly remembered the very words Vegeta had mentioned when Gohan had just lost Videl to Babidi and Dabura, and he had been flipping out on everyone.

"You shouldn't mess with a Saiya-jin when he loses his woman. He's not going to stop until he passes out. You're just lucky he didn't bond with her, or he would try and kill himself."

Goku felt himself pale, and Vegeta seemed understand exactly what he was thinking. Gohan hadn't died then because he hadn't been bonded with Videl...but now...they're bonded now. Gohan's gonna try and kill himself. Is that...is that what he's doing right now?

Goku almost flipped out, shaking his son violently and screaming at him to wake up. The only one who dared to stop him was Vegeta, who grabbed both of his wrists and told him calmly to stop. Goku for once in his life felt like he was going to go insane, and Vegeta was going to be the one that kept him sane. It was always the other way around. Goku had to sit there and constantly make sure that he kept Vegeta in line, or sane so to speak.

"Kakarott, you going nuts is not going to help your son. He has apparently let himself slip into some void where he can keep away the pain he is feeling right now, and he probably won't wake up no matter what you do. We have to get him somewhere safe and warm, some place that is comfortable and familiar to him. I would suggest your home, and I think that's where we are going. Now, pick up your son and everyone will hold onto you while you use that Instant Transmission trick of yours." Vegeta glared at the younger Saiya-jin when he didn't do anything, and he yelled, "Well?! Do you want him to die?!"

Goku shook his head, more surprised at Vegeta than he ever had been in his life. "Uh...alright," was all he could say, picking Gohan up in his arms and holding him like a baby, much like he had when he had been little. It felt weird having his son rely on him so, considering Gohan had gotten out of that stage soon after Piccolo had gotten a hold of him. Sure he would still talk to him and everything, but he wouldn't sit there and cry to him. But he had literally cried this time...and passed out too. Oh man, he wasn't going to like the reaction Gohan's mother was going to have when he got back.

Goku watched everyone gravitate towards him, and he closed his eyes with the weary seeming to weigh them down, waiting for everyone to latch onto him before he managed to place two fingers onto his forehead. He sighed before he disappeared, locking onto his small son's ki. He was just now realizing how old he felt. Especially now.

Chichi smiled with all the love she felt for her husband, rushing outside to throw her arms around him.

But she stopped. She didn't know what was wrong, but the first thing she saw was all the blood covering Goku. Little did she know that Goku had just handed her dying son over to Piccolo, and both Tien and Piccolo hid behind everyone, not wanting a confrontation with Chichi when they knew how much the woman loved her son and bonded daughter-in-law.

"Chi...." Goku whispered, seeing her frantically searching the group for signs of what had happened. He could already see the tears in her eyes, and walked over to without another word. She didn't even care about the blood all over him, it was more important for him to hold her. It surprised him a moment before he buried his nose into her soft hair, which was down. He loved it when she kept her hair down....

"Goku," Chichi said shakily, knowing that something was wrong. She couldn't read ki, but she could just feel it in the air. "Goku, what happened? If...if you're acting this upset, then something bad must have happened. Please...I can handle it."

Goku held silent, feeling the urge to hold her more than talk. He remembered abruptly that he wanted to tell her something, so that broke his silence. He gave her a small squeeze, but didn't pull away when there was no need to.

"Chi...I want to say sorry for everything I've ever done that even in the least irritated you, or mad you sad or cry. I love you."

Chichi felt her eyes water at her husband's heartfelt words, but she didn't have a chance to reply when a scream rose up in her throat instead of what she had wanted to say. Goku didn't even flinch. He seemed to be getting used to it. Or maybe he had been expecting it.

Chichi tore herself out of his comforting arms, only to feel him hold her back and drag her back when she wailed for him to let her go. She started pounding at his chest, but he didn't seem to feel that either. "Goku," she sobbed, trying to get out of his hold. "No...let me go. My babies....Videl and Gohan are the only things...." she trailed off, slumping in her husband's arms. Everyone stood there, not quite knowing what to do. Tien and Piccolo were still holding Videl and Gohan, but they seemed to have had a disadvantage when compared to the rest of the gang. They were taller than everyone else, and the tallest person there besides them was Yamcha, and they had been cursed with the fact that he was standing off to the side. Vegeta, Krillin, the Supreme Kai, Bulma, and Trunks, who weren't exactly tall, didn't offer much protection. So that left Videl and Gohan almost in full view, except for the place that Vegeta's hair offered to cover, that and the small areas that everyone's else's head occupied. It offered little protection, but Chichi hadn't really been expecting to see Gohan or Videl being carried, so she had overlooked it. But now she did see what she had feared the most, and she felt like something had been ripped brutally out of her chest that had been reserved only for the places of her children. She stared at Z-Sensei, her wide eyes blank, but showing the pain of what she was seeing.

Goku didn't know what to do as his wife watched the stiff group behind him, but he did realize a second later that he was unconsciously holding her up now, since she had fainted. He scooped her up in his arms, cradling her against his chest. He looked back at the group, giving a quick look to Piccolo before everyone else headed into the house.

Goku waited until everyone was gone, and then he said to Piccolo, "Hey...I hope that it isn't a big trouble or anything, but could you—"

He stopped, blinking hard when he saw something he hadn't been expecting. Videl had vanished.