Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Down with the Sickness ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two: Down with the Sickness

Bulma woke up feeling horrible. Oh no, she moaned to herself. She tried to turn over and look at the clock, but her body was too stiff. Great, she thought. I'm sick...really sick.

She tried to clear her throat, but it felt like it was sealed shut, and she couldn't swallow without dying. She took a deep breath, but it didn't work too well. All she ended up with was a painful hacking cough that lasted a good five minutes.

She made the tremendous effort to roll over, and she only succeeded in finding herself on the floor. She lifted her head weakly, trying to see the clock. Her eyes widened. It was one o'clock in the afternoon!!

She crawled to the bathroom, and in the process scraped her knees on the carpet. She hauled herself up by her trembling arms with the help of the sink in the tidy bathroom. Glancing at the mirror, she almost passed out.

Her eyes looked hollow, and she had the biggest, most horrid bags under eyes. Even makeup wouldn't fix that. She looked so sickly pale...makeup might fix that....

Bulma lifted a shaking hand and touched her face. She tried to talk and tell herself that she had never seen anything so ugly, but nothing came out, not even a gurgle. She tried to talk again, but still nothing came out.

Her fingers curled around her throat, demanding that her voice work. She almost laughed at herself. She hadn't been sick for years, and she was way over-due.

As she crawled back into her room and onto her bed, she wondered why Vegeta hadn't woken her up yet. He never let her sleep past ten, for he always wanted his damn breakfast.

Vegeta paced back and forth in front of Bulma's room, trying to decide what to do. He knew she was very sick, had known since last night that she was going to get sick from the way her ki had started weakening even more, but he wanted his lunch. He hadn't had breakfast, and he was starving. He would have gotten something out of the refrigerator, but there was nothing in it since last night.

He didn't care if he woke her. She was a bitch anyway. All she did was annoy him.

He lifted his hand and turned the knob, not bothering to knock. It didn't turn. That damn Onna had locked the door!! "Woman!! Open this door right now!!"

He heard something hit the floor hard, but he took it as her throwing something at the door. Several long moments went by before he heard a click, which signaled she had opened it.

He opened the door, only to see Bulma laying half-unconscious on the floor by the door in a sprawled pile. She was shivering violently, like she was cold, but he could almost feel how high her temperature was. After all, Saiya-jins have sensitive senses.

He towered above her, staring at her barely clad form, his arms crossed over his chest. "Stupid Woman, this is precisely the reason why you don't lock your door." He didn't hear a response from her. He just gave up and picked her up easily, walking over to the edge of the bed to set her down carefully. He chucked back the blankets and threw them back over her.

Bulma stared up at him, wondering what he was doing.

"Well, Onna? When are you going to get up and fix me my lunch?"

Bulma tried to speak, but nothing came out. She probably looked like a fish with her mouth opening and closing.

Vegeta gave her a disgusted look, and then gave her a big, evil smile. He leaned forward, his fingers curving around her delicate white neck. "Can't talk can we, Onna? I guess that means if I tried to kill you, no one would hear you scream...."

Bulma's eyes widened in horror. He wouldn't...would he? Surely he didn't hate her that much. She didn't want to die...she wanted to live, live and be with Yamcha, happy.... She felt tears come to her eyes as she stared back silently at Vegeta.

His mission accomplished, he patted her cheek and grinned. "You are so easy to terrify, Woman. Now, I order that you get better right now so I can eat."

Bulma glared at him a few moments, her head pounding and making her feel light headed. She mouthed, "I hate you," and collapsed back onto her soft fluffy pillow. My brain...she thought, closing her eyes. It's going to explode....

Vegeta snorted and walked out of the room, leaving the door open because he was going to be back. He went to the kitchen, looking above the sink for some kind of weakling human medicine. He didn't want her to get better, he wanted her to suffer and stay sick forever, but he needed someone to go to the store and buy him some food.

He shoved aside the twenty bottles and grasped a few of them in his hand. He read the labels and tossed them over his shoulder when they weren't what he wanted. He went back into the cupboard and took a few more out, looking satisfied at a bottle of purple liquid. "This should work on that pitiful Onna."

He stalked back up the stairs and stood in the doorway of her large room. She was laying on her side, her cheeks red from her own body heat. He almost felt bad for her, but then shook it off when he remembered who he was almost feeling sorry for.

He went up to the side of her bed and lifted her to a sitting position. "Here, you idiotic Onna. Take this."

He shoved the bottle into her small white hand, a smirk on his face and his arms crossed.

Bulma looked up to him, giving him a look he didn't understand. "What? Didn't I get the right thing?" he asked, getting mad at her now.

She started motioning with her hands, but he was completely confused. "What?! What the hell do you need?!!"

She tried to mouth the word "spoon" but he didn't get the word she was trying to say. He thought she was trying to say something like "moon". What? She wanted him to blow up the moon? She wanted him to moon her?

Bulma sighed loudly with frustration. She made a motion with her hand to bring something into her mouth, like a spoon.

Vegeta knew what she was talking about now. "You can drink it out of the bottle, moron. Or can't you open the bottle?"

Bulma just gave up and opened the stupid thing, taking a healthy swig. She was probably going to get high off cough medicine now because of Vegetable boy next to her. She put the cap back on with a twist of her wrist and handed it back to him, falling back down to her pillow. Sleep seemed like such a wonderful thought right then....

Vegeta growled. Wasn't it supposed to make you better? He just threw up his arms and left the room, still not bothering to close the door. She would unfortunately probably get her annoying squeaky voice back in a little bit, and then she would whine to him about something from her room laying in bed while he was somewhere in the house. He couldn't go to the GR, considering he had broken the thing again, so he was stuck inside until the Woman got better.

When he got downstairs and stuffed the purple liquid in a bottle back into the cupboard, he stopped in his tracks. He stared for a moment at the phone, realizing that he hadn't even had to treat that baka so nice just to get food. He could have just called some pizza place on that contraption humans called a 'phone'. He always saw Bulma on that thing, especially when it involved food. He picked it up, hearing a bothersome buzzing noise. He looked quickly at the phone numbers listed on a small washboard on the wall. He spotted the word 'pizza' and quickly dialed the number.

"Fox's Pizza, how may I help you?"

"Alright you baka human, I want the Briefs' normal, and I want it now, so you better hurry up. Do you got that?" he asked impatiently, smirking when he heard a gasp and a scared voice on the other end.

"Y-yes sir, we'll have it over in a little bit. It might take a while, since the Briefs' order so much, but yeah, we'll get it over there soon."

"Oh yeah, put it on the Brief's tab too." At that he hung it up, pleased with himself and his first ever phone call. He bet that boring Onna would be shocked right now that he had even known how to dial the contraption without breaking it. He snorted and sat down at the kitchen table, turning on one of the various TV's in the house.

He flicked through some of the channels, not finding anything interesting until he came to a sci-fi movie. "Bleh, moronic humans can't even make a good movie." He turned it off after a few minutes and drummed his long fingers on the table as he waited for his food. He was just about to call back and demand it get here now, when the bell rang. He jumped up and practically ran to the door, ripping it open.

Three scared delivery boys stood with their arms full of pizza boxes, waiting for him to tell them what to do with them. Vegeta grinned. "You, baka," he pointed to the boy at the head of the other two. "Put the food in the kitchen."

The boys, who normally delivered for the Briefs', already knew where the kitchen was, so they just walked in and set them on the table. They thought they deserved a tip, but Vegeta told them to get out before he blew them up. They ran out of the house and slammed the door.

The Prince of Saiya-jins had been about to stuff some food into his mouth when he heard a raspy, "Vegeta."

He grumbled and stood up, treading up the stairs. "What?!"

Bulma gave him as pretty as a smile as she could muster. Vegeta thought it was pathetic. "What do you want you hideously ugly Woman?"


He rolled his eyes. "Anything else?"

"Call Yamcha and ask him to-"

He looked appalled. Bulma wondered if he was having a heart attack. "You can do that yourself," he told her, walking out of the room. He went downstairs and proceeded with stuffing his face full of pizza.

Bulma laid in bed for about five minutes before she struggled out of bed and started to go downstairs. She was almost halfway down when she realized she was only in a shirt that went a little past her butt and a pair of silky black underwear. She couldn't go back now...it seemed so far away.... She shrugged. Like Veg-head would look at her anyway. He always said she was ugly, sometimes she even believed him. She did today at least.

She stepped onto the freezing cold floor of the kitchen and yelped. Vegeta turned around with half a pizza in his mouth, and he blinked hard. Bulma didn't notice the shock on his face as he turned right back around, so she continued to the table. She sat down next to him, giving a longing look to the pizza. "Can I um-have one?"

He glared at her for a moment, and then nodded, going back to his food.

After Bulma ate a small piece, she got up and walked daintily over the floor to the phone. She coughed and sniffed before she picked up the phone, dialing Yamcha. It rang two times before he answered it.

"Hey, Bulma, babe. I was hoping you would call me. I missed you."

Bulma loved how he always knew it was her. "Yamcha, do you have caller-ID?" she asked, smiling.

Yamcha picked up her scratchy voice instantly. "Bulma, hon, I'll be right over. Want me to bring anything?"

Bulma sniffed again. She needed some Kleenex's. "Yeah, you know that really good soup that you make? You have some left over in the fridge. Bring some of that over. And some Kleenex's. Please."

He gave a small laugh before he told her he would be right over and with the things she wanted.

"Wait, Yamcha, before you go...."

"Yeah?" he asked, shifting the phone to his other shoulder as he dug through his fridge to get what she wanted. He spotted it quick.

"Bring some of your clothes over. You can spend the night if you want to. I need some company," she said, curling the phone cord around her finger.

"Are you sure, Bulma? I'll sleep on the sofa."

"It's alright, Yamcha. I want to see you anyhow. I miss you."

Yamcha grabbed a box of Kleenex's and set it next to the container of soup. "I'll be over in a few. I'll see you then, ok?"

Bulma felt a happy smile lift the corner's of her mouth. "Thank you, Yamcha. You...you always make me feel better."

At that they said bye and hung up. Bulma walked past a disgusted Saiya-jin prince and went to the living room to wait for Yamcha. He was there in seven minutes on the dot, and knocked on the door. As soon as she opened the door, Yamcha took one look at her and said, "Why are you even out of bed?!"

Bulma sighed with relief and slumped into his arms. He picked her up carefully, holding onto the bag handles with his fingers. He set it on the table which Vegeta still occupied and walked up the stairs, not even bothering to say hello to the arrogant Prince.

Yamcha carried his girlfriend into her room and placed her gently onto the bed, tucking her under the covers. She sighed and he covered her smooth forehead with his hand, trying to see how warm she was. "You're still hot, but I think it's going down. Did you take anything?"

Bulma nodded and yawned. "Vegeta forced me to take that disgusting purple stuff. I almost gagged."

Yamcha gave a small laugh, but inside he was seething. Vegeta?! What the hell?!

"Do you want me to do anything else, babe?"

"Stay with me. In my room."

Yamcha looked at the door warily. "Are you sure?"

She took hold of his hand and tugged him onto the bed. He kicked off his shoes and buried himself under the warm covers, curling up to her and wrapping a soothing arm around her waist. Bulma felt more safe than she ever had before. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.