Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Thoughts.... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three: Thoughts....

She got better a few days later, but Yamcha still stayed with her on her bequest. Her parents were home now, but she hardly ever saw them because she was constantly out with Yamcha. She loved him so much....

The day before they had gone to a park a just walked around for hours, not really even talking, just holding hands and being with each other in companionable silence.

She wanted to be with him forever...but he was starting to confuse her. She couldn't really explain it, for she didn't really understand it. Sometimes he seemed so loving and caring, but other times he seemed nervous and needed time to himself. And one thing that she had noticed also...he had never once told her that he loved her.

Bulma sifted through her cluttered desk papers to find something that needed done. She couldn't find anything, so she cleaned up her mess and headed home from work. It was about ten at night, she had just worked for nine hours straight.

She got out of her red Dodge Viper and encapsulated it quickly, wanting to talk to her mother and ask her some questions about guys. She thought that she knew almost everything, but she was dead wrong, and she didn't even know it.

She stepped quietly into the dimly lit house and took off her small shoes, setting them next to the other ones piled by the door. She took off her light coat and placed it on a decorative table in the hallway that connected the living room to the kitchen. Only the kitchen light was on, along with the TV.

She was surprised to see Vegeta actually laid back in a chair at the table, her father's cat on the floor curled up around his bare feet to keep them warm. He sneered at her when she came in, and she just stuck her tongue out at him for retaliation.

She went to the fridge for something to drink, and pulled out some orange juice. "Hey, Vegeta, do you know where my mom is?"

He glanced at her before saying, "Why would I know where that baka is?"

She shrugged. Sure her mom was dimwitted sometimes, but she still loved her to death. "I wanted to talk to her really bad about something important."

Vegeta was caught. He turned off the TV and leaned back in his comfortable chair, his arms crossed over his white shirt clad chest. "Actually, I think I heard her say something about going out to dinner with your father. They aren't going to be back until late." He grinned at her back as she poured some orange juice into a big glass and drank it in one gulp, pouring another one.


He snorted. "Is that all you have to say?"

She shrugged, curling her hands around the cup and sitting down from across the table from Vegeta. She looked down into the cup, finding the drink somehow fascinating. She ran her finger along the rim, trying to occupy herself as she thought about what to do. "Vegeta, can I um, ask you a couple questions? About...about guys?"

Vegeta's expression stayed the same. His eyebrow lifted a fraction of an inch, indicating that she should go on. She cleared her throat nervously before she talked. "Oh yeah, is Yamcha still here?"

Vegeta felt sickened by the very mention of that weak human's name. "He's gone." Thank you, Kami.

She nodded, still trailing her finger around the rim. Vegeta waited for her to talk and picked up the cat on the floor to place it on his lap. Bulma looked like she was going to ask him why he was treating the creature so nicely, but he gave her a look that said, 'tell anyone and I will kill you.'

"I'm kinda confused about...about my relationship with Yamcha. I really love him, Vegeta, I really do. But...he's never told me that he does. I think he tries to show me, but he hasn't ever said it. Do you think that...that he might not really love me?"

Vegeta frowned at her. I knew I should have just gotten up and left, he thought, sighing. "I don't understand what you see in the pathetic weakling little baka human."

Bulma stared at him with pleading eyes. Vegeta looked away quickly, almost regretting what he had said. Almost.

"It's hard for some men to admit it. That's all I know," he told her quickly, hoping she wouldn't ask him anymore annoying female questions.

Bulma looked back down into her cup, sad. He doesn't love me....she felt tears come to her eyes. She blinked them back, determined not to show Vegeta how very upset she was.

"Onna, I didn't say that he didn't, damn it. You need to stop crying so much. Your face gets all red and even more ugly."

She was surprised to find herself feeling better at what he had said. "So...do you think he does, but he's afraid to admit it? Like he wants to love me, but he's afraid of commitment?"

Vegeta wanted to growl at her and tell her to shut up, but she would just end up bothering him even more with her infernal screeching. Instead, he just shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not him, and I am beyond thankful to Kami that I'm not. I would kill myself if I was that weak, pathetic, ignorant, useless-"

Bulma didn't pay attention as he droned on for a whole five minutes about how he would kill himself if he was Yamcha. If only he knew how many men were jealous of her boyfriend because she was going out with him, and not them. She smiled when she thought about her gorgeous boyfriend. Maybe over time he would tell her....But how many years had they been going out? It had been so long, and she just realized this. How ridiculous, she told herself. Most people would have been WAY married by now. Yet here she was, stuck with the hottest, most wonderful boyfriend, not husband, in the world.

Oh well, she didn't care. She was still happy with him, and that's all that mattered. Although...she would be even more happy if he asked her to marry him....

Vegeta stared at the Onna as she drifted off into space, a dreamy look on her beautiful face. He started petting the little thing on his lap harder than necessary, but apparently it didn't notice it.

Dr. Brief's and his wife walked in at that moment, smiles on their faces as they passed Vegeta and Bulma without even noticing them. Vegeta got a horrified look on his face when they took each other's hands and raced down the hallway to their room. Gross, he thought, wanting to puke. Couldn't they have waited until they were actually in their room?

He shuddered, planning on not going anywhere near that room tonight. He prayed to Kami that he wouldn't hear anything from the kitchen.

Bulma snapped out of her reverie and blinked a few times at Vegeta, who had one of the most disgusted looks on his face ever. She cocked her arched eyebrow at him, asking, "What's wrong?"

She grinned when she saw how he was nearly ripping the cat's skin off its body from petting it with such an intensity. "Nothing. Just...absolutely nothing."

Bulma shrugged and stood, planning on going to bed. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led to her room, Vegeta's, and all the guest room's. She stretched her arms above her head for a moment, yawning. "Night, Vegeta. Sleep good."

He frowned, but didn't say anything back to her. He turned around when she started padding lightly up the stairs and began to think. After one second of contemplating, he picked up the cat and placed it on the floor, telling it he would be back later and not to follow him or he would blow it up. It gave a small meow and then collapsed onto the floor, still purring.

Vegeta left the kitchen and went to the gravity room, planning on getting some hours of rigorous training in before he went to bed. He had been slacking off lately anyhow, and he needed to catch up.

Bulma woke up and looked at the clock, rubbing her eyes. It was four in the morning. She got out of bed, not tired anymore.

She took her favorite white silk robe and pulled it over her shoulders, tying it shut carelessly. She walked to her French style balcony doors and opened it slowly, testing the air to see if it was cold. It was just right, considering it was the beginning of spring.

She tiptoed across the outdoor carpeting and looked out over her backyard, seeing the GR. Every few seconds a bright light would flash, telling her that Vegeta was still inside. She sighed and rested her head on her hand, looking out over her large backyard again. She began thinking.

Does Yamcha love me? Or like Vegeta said, he's afraid? She growled to herself. Why would he be afraid? Is he afraid that I don't love him? But wait, how can that be true? I tell him all the time.

She started tapping the rail of her balcony with her free hand, still pondering. Maybe he does love me, but he's waiting for the perfect time to tell me. Or wait! Maybe he loves me to death, and he's going to ask me to marry him, and then tell me whenever he asks me, and I'll say yes, and then we'll live happily ever after....She looked dreamily over her lawn, engulfed in her thinking.

She didn't see Vegeta walk out of the gravity room, a towel around his bare shoulders and in a pair of his famous tight black shorts. He looked up when he felt the Onna's ki, and watched her for a moment.

The wind was blowing lightly in the warm air, causing the Woman's hair and robe to float delicately around in the wind as she rested her head on her hand, staring out at something in a world of fantasy. He blinked and looked down slowly, silently wishing to himself that he could be as happy as she was.