Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Footsie! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four: Footsie!

Bulma stayed out on her balcony until the sun started to rise. She remembered when she was younger how she would get up early just to see the sun rise. The colors were amazing; brilliant pinks and blues, light purples, even hints of orange and yellow. She wished she had more time on her hands so that she could watch this more. It gave her a feeling of peace, of serenity. It made her feel young again. Not that she was old now, she thought with a small giggle.

She skipped back into her room, leaving her clothes in a pile on the floor as she hopped into a hot shower. She felt energetic today. And she was planning on spending it with Yamcha.

When she got out, she dried her hair quickly and got dressed in a tight white spaghetti strap shirt and hugging black jeans. She put her hair up in a simple ponytail and left a few curling tresses down to caress her face. She put on some light makeup, not wanting to have to worry about fixing it all the time. She brushed her teeth to top it off and hopped down the stairs with a happy step, planning on eating a good breakfast and going straight over to Yamcha's. Maybe they could go shopping, she thought with a smile.

She didn't see his royal pain in the ass so she hurried up and ate, hoping she wouldn't see him. Although he hadn't really been mean to her lately, she still didn't particularly want to talk with him today.

She finished eating and called Yamcha, hoping that he didn't have to work today. He picked the phone up on the second ring as he always did, and said, "What's up, Bulma?"

She giggled. "You wanna do something today, Yamcha? I'm feeling really good today, and it would make it an even better day if I could spend it with you...."

"Alright, what do you wanna do? Hey, I got an idea. Why don't we go shopping? Then after we're done, we can go watch a movie or something and then go out to eat. Sound good?"

Wow, Bulma thought. A whole entire day with Yamcha...a dream come true. "You read my mind exactly, Yamcha. So, when do you want me to pick you up?"

"Well, let me just eat my breakfast real quick and then I'll get ready. Half an hour ok?"

"Yeah. I'll see you then, Yamcha!"

They hung up and Bulma went back to her room, checking to see if she still looked alright. She adjusted her hair a little bit and put on some lip gloss. She found herself quite acceptable so she pulled on a pair of worn-in sneakers and walked back down the stairs, grabbing her favorite capsule car, her Viper.

She got there one minute early, and he had just walked out. He leaned over the driver's side and gave her a quick kiss, telling her good morning. She smiled and he hopped in, strapping himself in as they drove to the mall.

Vegeta walked into the kitchen, intent on getting something very big to drink. He was about to open the door when the phone rang. He picked it up. "Hello?"

It was Chichi, Kakorot's annoying mate. "What do you want?" Vegeta growled, getting ready to hang it up.

"Oh, hi...Vegeta. Is Bulma there?"

He snorted. "The Onna left about two hours ago with that weakling human. Why?"

"I just wanted to talk to her. Oh, yeah, Goku wants to know if you want him to come over and spar."

Ah, he thought. A chance to try out some of my new techniques on Kakorot's baka ass. "Whatever."

Chichi said goodbye hurriedly, not wanting to talk to the Saiya-jin no Ouji when it wasn't necessary. Vegeta didn't notice either, for he was trying with equal speed to get off. He hung up the phone and went to the gravity room, expecting to see Kakorot any second. As soon as he had thought it, Goku's image flashed and then became solid.

"Hey, Vegeta!!" he said. His usual cheerful self. "How's it going?"

Vegeta just grunted and walked into the GR, preparing it for his normal training settings. When it was ready, Goku and Vegeta got into their fighter stances, and launched themselves at each other.

Bulma collapsed into the booth at a fast-food restaurant. They had both decided that they didn't need to go somewhere nice, considering they always did and plus they weren't dressed nicely enough.

Bulma smiled when Yamcha came back with a tray full of their food and sat down. They started eating in silence, not knowing what to talk about.

Bulma let her mind drift to that day's events. It had been exciting, as shopping always was, but Yamcha had done something that he had never done before. She wanted to cry. Now she was even more confused about him.

She was going to ask him if anything was wrong, but she decided to let it go. She would ask Vegeta if he knew what was wrong. Wait, she thought. Vegeta? I could just talk to my mother....

She groaned silently to herself. She guessed she could just talk to Vegeta anyhow, considering he was always around when she needed someone to talk to. She thought it odd how no one was around except him when she wanted a woman to talk to. She smiled wickedly. Maybe she thought of him as a woman, since all she did was ask him advice.

Yamcha watched an almost evil smile curve his girlfriend's lips and he stared at her a few minutes, wondering what was going through her mind. She looked up at that moment, and blushed a light pink when she saw he had been staring at her. He suddenly got a nervous feeling in his stomach and he looked down at his empty tray. "I um, have to go home really soon, Bulma. I have to work tomorrow."

"Oh...alright. I understand. I have to work all day too. You know the routine, get up before the crack of dawn and not come home until after the sun sets. I'll, uh, bring you home."

She drove him home, wondering if he would say anything else to her. They didn't even speak one word, just gave each other a hug and left. Bulma didn't really even remember driving home she was in such a daze. Why did he confuse her so much? Sometimes he would be all lovey-dovey one day, and the next he would barely even touch her. All she wanted was him to hold her and tell her that he would take care of her forever....

She didn't even bother to encapsulate her car as she walked into the house. She didn't take off her shoes, just threw her coat down on the floor in a pile. Damn men, all they do is confuse women, she thought, trying to calm down. Her confusion had turned into anger, and now she wanted to rage on someone. Her first pick: Vegeta.

She stalked out to the backyard where she knew Vegeta would be. She frowned when she saw the GR was lit up with twice as many ki blasts than normal. She shrugged, stomping up to the door and opening it.

Automatically the settings turned off as a precaution, and both Saiya-jins slammed into the ceiling. Bulma smirked at them and leaned against the doorway, using Vegeta's classic stance.

Both Vegeta and Goku touched down on the ground, Vegeta furious and Goku rubbing his head with a confused look on his face. "Oh, hi, Bulma."

"You ignorant bitch!!!! What are you trying to do??! Kill me?!?!"

She just glared at him. He looked taken aback that she hadn't started screaming back at him as she normally did, and he became speechless. Had what he said made her upset?

Bulma looked down at the ground, not remembering why she had come here in the first place. Her shoulders sagged and she walked away.

Goku scratched his head. "Man, Vegeta. Do you know what's wrong with her? She seemed...I don't know, unhappy."

Vegeta snorted. "That Woman is always telling me how happy she is, so how could she not be happy? She makes me sick."

Goku dropped his hand. He remembered what that boy from the future, Trunks, had said. But for some reason he didn't see that happening. They always were at each other's throats, and Bulma loved Yamcha too much to do anything like that. Hmmm...he thought, or at least he thought he was thinking.

Vegeta left Goku standing there as he went in search of the Onna to mess with her mind. He had to get back at her for rendering him stupid. He muttered something unintelligible as he walked to the Capsule Corp. housing area, Goku just realizing he was alone. "Hey, Vegeta...it's kinda getting late, Chichi is gonna start worrying, so I think I should go. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Whatever," he muttered, opening and closing the back door of the house. Goku sighed and placed his fingers to his forehead, teleporting back home to his wife Chichi and his son Gohan.

Vegeta couldn't find the Woman anywhere. She wasn't in her room, and she wasn't in the kitchen. He was just about to give up when he looked into the living room, seeing a shivering figure on the sofa curled up away from him. He wished he could just blow her up and leave it at that, but he couldn't. Everyone would try to kill him if he even laid a finger on Bulma.

He sat down at the end of the sofa, next to Bulma's dainty feet. When he glanced at her curled toes, he only guessed that she was cold. He got back up and picked up the same soft blanket she had covered him with that night not too long ago and spread it over her, sitting back down at her feet. He didn't know if she was asleep, and he didn't care. He turned on the TV, and of course, there wasn't anything on. He didn't know why he always turned the stupid thing on, since there wasn't anything ever good on.

Bulma kept her eyes closed, wishing for sleep. Her body was tired, but her mind wasn't. She had so many questions rolling through her head, and she had no one but Vegeta to ask. She didn't know where her parents were. Probably out somewhere.

"Vegeta?" she asked quietly, making sure he was still there. Sometimes he moved so silently that she couldn't hear him, so she didn't know if he was there still or not.

He grunted a response. She took that as a very prominent answer. "Vegeta, can I ask you a question?"

Vegeta fought the urge to growl. "It's not going to be another one of those baka female questions again, is it?"


Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine, just get it over with."

"Yamcha was acting really weird today. He never did it before."

Vegeta snorted. "What did he do? Ignore your pathetic hide?"

Bulma sat up, the armrest against her back. She gave Vegeta a look before she nodded. "No, and yes. He didn't really ignore me, he...didn't touch me. Not once. Not even hold my hand."

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Who would want to touch an ugly creature like you, anyhow?"

"I'm serious, Vegeta. Can you for once take something seriously?"

He snarled. "I'm always serious, Woman. And what's your problem? At least I'm listening to you. I could just kill you and get your misery over with if you want me to."

Bulma pondered that for a moment. "No, I don't want to die. I'm not ready...I think."

He tried to ignore her.

"So...what do you think? All you have to do is answer me, and I'll leave you alone."

He looked at the clock, seeing how late it was. No wonder why I'm tired, he thought. It was three in the morning. He normally would have been in bed about a half an hour ago. "Like you said, maybe he doesn't love you. I don't know. Maybe he's confused...stupid weak human, just like you are. Maybe you should just talk to the baka."

Bulma thought this over. "I think your right, Vegeta. I'll try it." She yawned and snuggled back under the covers, rubbing her feet together to get them warm. It wasn't working. She stretched her legs out, digging her feet under Vegeta's leg to get them warm.

Vegeta almost jumped a mile. He wanted to get away from this Onna, but she would think him weak, at least in mind, if he got up and ran. He tried to relax with the tips of her toes resting under his thigh.

"Hmmm...." she sighed, snuggling further into the warm blanket. "You're warm, Vegeta."

He looked at her, thinking of just killing her and flinging her into some pond where no one would find her. Annoying Onna. All she does is bother me. "Whatever," was all he said. Now that he couldn't get up, or he would be showing a weakness that he didn't have, he didn't move. He rested his head against the back of the sofa, letting sleep fall over him like a blanket...a very cold blanket. He lifted his head when he realized that he was freezing. He took some of the Onna's extra blanket, since there was plenty left, and got himself warm before he went to sleep, wishing he could have a dream about blowing up this stupid planet.