Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Must Have Happy Thoughts.... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five: Must Have Happy Thoughts....


Vegeta stirred, blinking away sleep. He didn't particularly want to get up because he felt so warm and cozy, so he didn't.

He opened his eyes more, smiling when he saw the Onna curled up against his side and her arm draped around his middle. He stiffened. Ok, this isn't disgusting, it's just the Onna curled up to me for warmth. I'm just going to take her arm and put it next to her side....

He proceeded in doing so by taking her limp wrist in between his thumb and forefinger, placing it on her lap. Next he took one of the throw pillows and put it on the sofa, laying her down carefully as he got up and laid her head on the soft pillow.

He almost collapsed with relief when she didn't wake up. He looked at the clock, seeing it was five in the morning. Great, he thought. That baka has to be up now. I don't want to wake her up....

He groaned to himself and gave her a hard shove. She shot upward, her tousled hair making a very big fashion statement. "Onna, get your ass up or your going to be late for work. You're lucky I deemed you worthy enough to wake you up." He then threw a pillow at her, making her jump up and yell, "What a nice wake up present!! Why did you have to wake me up that way?! Now I'm going to have a bad day! Especially because I woke up to your hideous face!!!"

"I didn't have to get you up at all, baka, and you would have been very late. Be thankful." At that he walked out of the room with his arms crossed stubbornly over his chest.

What the hell is his problem? She questioned herself, but ignored it, trying to wake up by stretching her arms over her head. She sighed and stood, the blanket dropping on the floor as she went to her room to get ready.





Over the next few days, Bulma stayed away from Yamcha, seeing if he would call her because he was worried. He called about fifty times at her house and at work. She had instructed both of her parents to tell him that she was busy, and the same with her secretary. She wondered if he would come over to see if she was alright. Technically she was fine physically, but mentally, she was stumped. She had been spending most of her time coming up with what to say to him. She had several ideas, but she didn't know if they would work. Maybe she could try it out on someone. Her first choice: Vegeta. She loved making him suffer.

She started pacing back and forth in her large office, trying her speech out on herself.

"Yamcha, I have to talk to you. Lately I have been thinking about us. Don't get me wrong, I love you and I want to be with you forever. But you have really been confusing me on how you have been acting. I was-"

She stopped when she heard clapping. She jerked around, seeing Vegeta leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. "Good job, Onna, whatever that speech was for. Is it for that little baka human?"

"Vegeta!! Wh-what are you doing here?"

He invited himself in, looking around her plush corner office settings. He ignored her and walked over to the enormous opened windows, enjoying the beautiful view of the sea.

Bulma wondered hesitantly why he was here. He had never come here before, so...why the hell would he be here?!! "Uh, Vegeta...like I asked, why are you here?"

He turned for a moment, glancing her over in her dark blue business suit with a knee-length skirt. "I am in need of some food, Woman, considering that there isn't any at the house. I am kind of getting sick of ordering out."

"Oh. Well, my lunch break isn't for another fifteen minutes, so...can you err, wait?" she asked hopefully, praying to Kami that he wouldn't demand to go right now or she die.

"Whatever." He glanced at a modern looking clock on her white walls and grumbled to himself.

Bulma told him she would be right back and left her white on black office. He smiled evilly and sat down in her luxurious black leather chair. He looked around on her desktop, picking out things that definitely reminded him of the Onna.

There was a bowl of candy which he automatically took for himself and ate. When he ate it all except two pieces that he knew he wouldn't like, he stopped, seeing a portrait by the bowl.

In the picture sat Yamcha, his arms wrapped tenderly around the Onna, who was kissing his cheek. He could tell they were both happy by the smiles on their faces.

Vegeta spun around, not wanting to see anymore. He almost felt bad for what he was doing already, and now he felt worse.

He remembered when that stupid human had called, demanding to talk to his girlfriend. Vegeta had told him no less but to die, but the human continued to bother him. Finally he just told Vegeta that he was going to go to her work to see if she was there.

Of course he had hung up on the weakling. Hearing his voice made him want to gag.

It was when he had remembered how Bulma had said she was confused, and she needed time to figure things out, that he had decided to stall the little humanoid freak of nature.

So here he was, sentencing himself to death. Well, at least he wasn't lying. They really did need food for the house. He was a Saiya-jin, and he needed food. Apparently these humans didn't.

Bulma strode back in, smiling when she saw her chair rocking slowly back and forth, facing away from her as it moved with a smooth grace.

She walked carefully up behind him, wondering silently why he seemed to like the dazzling view so much. It was three in the afternoon, it wasn't like the sun was setting. She glanced at him, seeing that his fingers were gripping the arms rests until they were white, and his eyes were squeezed shut.

*Vegeta: Flashback*

"Stupid creatures, aren't even smart enough to accept Frieza's terms," Zarbon said, one of Frieza's right hand men.

Vegeta, his arms crossed over his chest, was silent. Because the Gipango had refused to comply with Frieza's wishes, they were here to destroy this planet. Normally it wouldn't have bothered him, but this planet reminded him somewhat of Vegetasei.

Currently, a small group of Frieza's men were standing on a cliff that over-looked the ocean. It was a beautiful sight, something that seemed to dissipate some of Vegeta's hatred at that moment.

However, when he remembered what was going to happen to this planet in a matter of moments, his hatred grew, a creature that wanted to kill, destroy, do anything to make Frieza die and end his tyranny of the universe.

They left that spot soon thereafter, a spot that would be gone in a few minutes. The peaceful people of the planet didn't even know they were about to be annihilated. How he wished he could kill Frieza....

*End Flashback*

"Vegeta? Vegeta, are you alright?"

He snapped out of it, looking up at Bulma. "Are you ready yet, Onna?"

"Can't you ever call me Bulma?"


Bulma was surprised at that. "Well, I suppose you want me to call you Vegeta no Ouji, then."


She couldn't help it, she laughed. It wasn't making fun of him, but this topic of conversation was altogether funny.

"Are we going?" he asked, getting impatient. "And what the hell are you laughing at?"

Bulma forced him to get out of her chair by yanking on his arm. He snorted at her and just got up, knowing that she wouldn't have been able to budge him. He stood several wonderful feet away from her, his arms crossed over his chest.

Meanwhile, Bulma was still trying not to laugh as she collapsed into her chair, making it rock back hard. "Uh, I can't breathe!!" she cried, laughing some more. "Say something mean to me!!" she begged, clutching at her chest as she gasped for air and laughed some more.

"Onna, stop your damn screechy laughing now before I force you to stop!!"

It wasn't really mean, but by then she had calmed down. "Alright," she said, wiping her eyes, "I'm done. Are you coming with me to the store?"

In reality, he wouldn't have even considered going to a place with so many disgusting humans that he would be tempted to kill, but he had to get her out of here now. "Whatever. Just don't put me on display like you always do."

She pouted, and then smiled, ruining the effect. "It's not my fault women are so very attracted to you. What do you want me to say? I'm your girlfriend?"


It rang through his mind, making him dizzy with its effect. The things that baka Onna had told him that night those few weeks ago hadn't started really bothering him until just this week. It confused him, for his whole life he had been taught to despise it, to hate it. To stay away from it. No...that's what Frieza had told him, that's not what he had to go by now. He didn't have to live by Frieza's whims and orders anymore. The bastard was dead...along with what could have been a real life, not one spent on some tiny dirtball with a woman staring at you like she wanted to-

He blinked hard, shaking it off and trying to put a disgusted look on his face.

Bulma wondered why Vegeta's normal disgusted look didn't look quite...genuine. She sighed and got up, motioning him to follow her as she grabbed her purse. As she walked out, she wondered if Vegeta was alright.

Vegeta followed her, grinning foolishly as she left the building and they walked to the parking lot. He was going to argue about riding in a car, but he knew that he would get even more on her nerves if he complained. All that mattered was that they got out of there before that baka came and demanded to see Bulma.

Bulma opened the car door, amazed that he hadn't said anything about cars and how he hated them. Well, he hated everything, everything except his gravity machine, and sometimes he even hated that thing.

Vegeta got into the other side, crossed his arms, didn't say one word, and reserved himself for a resigned ride in a car. Bulma sighed, making sure to turn off the radio because he didn't like Earth music.

As they drove to the store in an uncomfortable silence, she thought about what to say to break the tension. "Uh, Vegeta, is there anything in particular that you want?" She knew he loved ice cream, so she just waited for him to say it.

"I want some ice cream. And I want some of that soda stuff that you drink all the time. But other than that, I want all healthy food. I have to stay in shape. I can't get fat and ugly like you, Onna."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, yeah right, Vegeta. Like you will ever have an ounce of fat on your body, even when you're an old geezer. I'm so jealous."

Vegeta tried to ignore her odd compliment, but it got to him. "You, baka, know that you aren't fat. You just think you are, along with all other pitiful Earth women."

Although he had just contradicted himself, she took it as the only closest thing she would ever get as an endorsement. She couldn't believe she found herself blushing, but she was, and she couldn't hide it very well. She hoped that he wouldn't see it.

For the rest of the ride they didn't say anything to each other, each in their own worlds, Bulma thinking about Yamcha, Vegeta thinking about killing Kakarott. A normal scenario.

When they got there, Bulma hopped out of the car and waited for Vegeta to follow her. She knew that he would purposefully stay there with his arms crossed until she threatened him with something drastic. "If you don't come, I will encapsulate this car with you still in it. That wouldn't be cozy, would it?"

He muttered something and got out, slamming the door. He walked next to her, not liking walking behind her when she was just a human, and he a Saiya-jin prince. She didn't seem to notice as she grabbed a cart and demanded that he follow her and not get lost. Last time she had gone with Goku, he had immediately taken off and she had to search everywhere for him. And then he didn't want to leave because there was more food than he could eat in a day.

Vegeta looked around cautiously, wondering about this place called a food mart. It was rather big, and had hundreds of people rushing around to get food. Bulma just started picking things up randomly and placing them in the cart, telling him to grab anything he liked. Of course he didn't touch anything, just pointed it out and ordered her to get it.

When they got to the frozen food section, Vegeta just stopped dead in his tracks. Never in his life had he seen so much ice cream. There had to be thousands. Bulma tried to hide her grin as he searched for the perfect ice cream flavor. In the end she ended up helping him, picking out one of his favorites when he couldn't find it.

By the time they were done, they had six cartons of ice cream, and a hint of an evil smile on Vegeta's face.

Bulma hurried and finished with the things she needed, considering she had to be back at work in a half an hour. She still needed to check out, go home, put it away, and then go back to work.

They checked out quickly, Bulma nearly throwing the food over the beeping machine that told the cashier how much that item cost. The girl was panicking with all the food Bulma had and was chucking all over the place. Vegeta just smirked and stayed away from everyone that came to marvel.

A boy came up to them, offering help. Vegeta ordered him around like he was a servant, or his personal servant at least. The poor boy ended up bringing out everything, much to the bemusement of Bulma and Vegeta.

When they were ready to leave, Bulma plopped down into her seat, laughing lightly. "I never imagined I would laugh so hard from shopping with you in a million years!" she cried, holding her stomach as she started laughing harder. Vegeta just wondered if she was all there in the head. Even though he wouldn't admit it, he had had some fun too. Just some.

They got home soon, for the store was closer to the Capsule Corp. buildings than her work. She coerced Vegeta into carrying most of the groceries into the house, and just ignored him when he grumbled something unintelligible and grabbed three fourths of the bags.

Bulma took the rest of the bags and turned around, jumping when she saw Vegeta standing there, his arms crossed.

"I take it you already brought them in," she said none to enthusiastically. He grunted a response, taking some of the bags without asking. She could have handled them easily, but she didn't protest.

When all of them were inside, she looked at the clock and cursed. "I am going to be late...."

She shoved things into places haphazardly, not caring. She sighed loudly and ran back to her car, fumbling with her keys. "I'm so late, I'm so late...."

She heard a sudden whoosh and felt considerably lighter in a blink of an eye. She stiffened, squeezing whatever had a hold of her as hard as she could. "Please tell me this is Vegeta and not some rapist guy."

"I'm happy you don't compare me to those low lives."

She all but fainted with relief and melted in his arms. "I was so scared." She looked around, loving the feeling of flying and savoring it by closing her eyes and relaxing further. "Just make sure next time you decide to sweep me off my feet that you ask."

Vegeta was silent, wondering if what he was doing was right. First of all, the little Onna would was going to be late, and that justified his cause, but he had felt that ugly weakling's ki down the street. He hoped that freak hadn't seen what he had done.

He looked down at Bulma, getting the intense urge to drop her and see what she would do. He slowly lightened his hold, knowing that she wouldn't feel it. When she was least expecting it, he completely let go of her.

Bulma already knew that he was going to do it, and quickly wrapped her arms hard around his neck.

"Baka...don't choke me!!"

She didn't loosen her grip, if anything, she held on tighter. "Be a good boy and don't force me to kill you next time you try it."

Vegeta gave her a lop-sided grin and pulled her back to him so she wouldn't choke him anymore. "What could you possibly have that could hurt me?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about it if you don't do anything evil like you just did. If you try anything like that again, I will whip out my ultimate weapon." She grinned in triumph.

Vegeta just grunted at her, giving her his answer that way. She thought it felt odd being held in his arms while he did that and how it sounded in his chest before it came to the surface. She lightened her grip and asked, "Are we there yet?"

As soon as she asked it, everything stopped moving. She knew he was going to take back off without saying anything to her, so she didn't let him go. "Onna, let go of me before I blast you."

He set her down and she unwrapped her arms from around his neck. "Um, thank you...Vegeta. I guess I owe you one."

She turned around, knowing that he wouldn't have anything to say to her after that. She smiled when she realized they were on the roof. She was happy that there was a way to get to get down from here, or she would have been stuck for a very long time. She opened the roof door and went in, not looking back to see if he was still there.

Vegeta stood there for a moment, knowing that she had left like that on purpose just to save his ass from sputtering something stupid because he had actually been nice to her. He thought about it for a moment, knowing that he had wanted to say something to her. "You're welcome...."