Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Knives Kill ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Six: Knives Kill


"Where is she??!?! You're hiding her aren't you?! You have her in a closet or something!! You killed her!! I'm going to-"

Vegeta hung the phone up as soon as he had picked it up. It rang again three seconds later, in other words, the fifth time that little faget had called the house.

"Call again, and I will personally come over there, rip your slimy head off, and shove it up your hairy ass!" he yelled, wanting to do it anyway.


"Onna?" he felt himself starting to turn red, but he held it back. He then smirked, wondering if she was going to ask who he was talking to. How would he tell her that Yamcha was stalking them? His grin turned even more evil.

"Um, I have a problem...."

He listened as she complained about not having a car and that Yamcha had just shown up, seeing if she was there. She was currently hanging out her office window, talking on her cell phone. Her secretary was holding off Yamcha, telling him that she would see if Bulma was still here. "You know that I don't want to see him yet. I still don't want to say! I love him so much, I'm afraid that I'll mess it all up if I don't get more practice!!"

Vegeta rubbed a hand over his face in annoyance. "Well what do you want me to do about it?!"

"Come and get me?" she asked in a small voice.

He growled, gripping the phone so hard that he started to hear a snapping noise. He relaxed his hold and grumbled something before he hung up and walked out of the house, making sure to keep his power down as he flew as fast as he could to her job.

He was there in less than a third of the time, sneering when he saw that Onna hanging half way out the window. He crossed his arms as he levitated down to her level, coming eye to eye to her.

She didn't even say anything, just leapt right out of the window and into his arms. Vegeta took off before she could close the window. Oh well, too late now.

Yamcha burst into the room, knowing that she had to be in here. He scanned his eyes over her familiar office settings, his eyes coming to the open window easily. His first thought was that she had killed herself, but then he dismissed that when he ran over to it and looked down. Only one other scenario...Vegeta.






Bulma yawned, beyond tired. It was ten o'clock at night, and she had been at work all day, plus an extra hour. The sun had set about a half an hour ago, but it wasn't like she noticed as she closed her eyes and dozed off in his arms.

Vegeta flew much slower than his normal speed, not wanting to wake up the now asleep Onna in his arms. He got them home fifteen minutes later, touching down on her balcony. He opened the door for it was always unlocked, and walked in.

Her large room was cool, unlike outside, which was hot. He placed her gently on the bed, covering her small slim figure with the blankets. He watched her for a moment, frowning. He was planning on watching her a minute longer when he heard the front door slam.

He immediately thought it was her parents coming home from somewhere, but as he straightened and walked out of the room, closing the door, he sensed that vile and worthless human's ki. It pissed him off, knowing that he had just walked straight into his house.

He strode down the stairs, rage coursing through him. He spotted the little scarred freak just as he set foot in the kitchen. He smirked.

Never in his life had he seen such a pathetic specimen.

He was either very drunk, high, or very drunk, high, and desperate. He was clutching a wall for support, staring at Vegeta with a furious glint in his red eyes. Vegeta just leaned against the wall, grinning his evil smile as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched what he did.

Yamcha stumbled forward, grasping the kitchen table when he almost fell. "You...what have you done to my woman?!" he yelled drunkenly, looking for something to grab and throw at him.

Vegeta held back a laugh when the ignorant weak man took hold of a glass flower vase and threw it at him. Not only did it miss him by three feet, but it didn't even break. "Listen you little freak. I'm not going to get pissed if you leave right now. But if you don't, I'm going to have to go get My Woman, and show her the condition you are in. Oh, and by the way, you ever call her your Woman again, I will have to kill you. Even though she is ugly, she doesn't deserve the likes of you."

Yamcha stood up straight, tucking something behind his back as he suddenly felt the vodka he had drunk wearing off. "You damn little extinct bastard! Your whole race is gone because your kind is so stupid! You ever go near Bulma again and I will kill you! Stay the hell away from her! She's not yours, she will never be yours! You don't deserve happiness, hell, you don't even know the meaning of the word feeling!"

Vegeta jumped him, yelling at him, "Extinct?!?! I'll make you extinct, you little prick!!!" He gripped his large hands around Yamcha's neck, squeezing as hard as he could. Except the weaker man was not as daunted as Vegeta had thought he would be. Somehow Yamcha managed to twist out of his hold by wrapping his legs around Vegeta's waist and flipping the smaller man over his head with an intense force. Vegeta slid across the slippery floor, his body slamming into the plaster walls and making a rather large dent.

Yamcha jumped back up quickly, powering up to his maximum level. It had never been so high in his life. Vegeta was just starting to get up when Yamcha tackled him to the ground again, Vegeta's head hitting the ground hard.

Vegeta, hardly even feeling it at the moment, threw the younger man off him and straight through the large window in the kitchen. The shattered glass flew everywhere, indenting itself into the wall.

Vegeta vaulted out of the window and powered up a second before Yamcha hurled a ki blast straight at his left side, and then flung another one at his right, trying to distract him. Vegeta blocked the one on his left, barely stopping the second one from hitting him hard on his vulnerable side. He had to admit he was impressed thus far for someone as weak as Yamcha.

He jumped up into the air, going high. Yamcha followed him without a second's delay, firing energy blasts at him in a constant deadly stream of death.

Bulma sat up, feeling the ground shake. She rubbed her eyes like a little girl, murmuring something as she fell back onto the soft pillow and closed her tired eyes again, trying to get some more wonderful sleep.

When she felt the ground quake another time, she shot up, jumping straight out of her bed and nearly falling onto her face. She realized she was still dressed in her work clothes, and that her hair was probably a mess, but she didn't care at the moment.

She ran down the stairs, gaping when she saw the beautiful broken window in the kitchen. She gingerly stepped through it, happy that she had her shoes on still as her feet crunched the smashed glass.

The first place she looked was the GR, but the lights were off. The second place she looked was up into the sky, considering she was seeing bright flashes out of the corner of her eyes.

She immediately picked out Vegeta, and squinted to see who was the other person. She gasped, teetering on her feet and falling on purpose so she wouldn't faint. "Yamcha...."

She watched as they locked onto each other, but she couldn't see what they were doing to each other because it was too high and dark. She was glad that the city lights helped her see what little that she could.

She saw a bright glint reflecting off something as Yamcha drew an item out from behind his back. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was.

It was a knife.