Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Oh, Blissful Sleep...ing Together? ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Eight: Oh, Blissful Sleep...ing Together?


A nurse came in a little while later, seeing that they were awake. She told them that the doctor was going to come in a little while, so sit tight. She gave them their large doses of medication, which would make them sleep for a long time again. "Vegeta, when the doctor comes in, don't get all pissed off at him. Try to act like a human."

"Don't insult me so."

Bulma gave a small laugh. "Alright, but try to be nice. I know that you can. If you're not, I'll make the nurse give you a sponge bath."

Vegeta blinked his heavy lids a few times, yawing and covering his mouth with his hand. "What the hell is that?"

"A punishment that I will force upon you if you are...bad....I'm tired. Goodnight."

"...Goodnight, Onna."





Bulma glared at Vegeta. "You damn moron!! I told you to act good!!"

Vegeta hid his smirk and tried to look innocent. "What? I wasn't nice? I thought I was."

Bulma gave an unladylike snort. "If you call saying to the doctor, 'Touch me and I'll kill you' and 'Let me out of this hell hole' being nice, well then congratulations!!" Bulma actually felt tears come to her eyes. "I don't know why I try so hard...you're such a jerk, and yet here I am, trying to be nice to your sorry ass. Go away."

Vegeta looked shocked, and then he frowned. "If it means anything to you, you baka, then I'm SORRY!!" he yelled at her, trying to cross his arms, but they had too many needles and other things stuck in them, plus it hurt to move any part of his body.

Bulma just ignored him, fingering her head. She tried to keep calm, knowing that she no longer had her hair. No one had told her, but she knew she didn't. She had been told that she had had internal bleeding in her head, which meant that they had to have shaved her head to get inside. She shuddered, wanting to cry.

Vegeta watched as she tried to hold back her tears as she felt her wounded head. He knew just as well as she did that she no longer had any hair. He didn't feel like making fun of her, he felt bad. "If uh, it makes you feel any better, Onna, then I think you look err...fine. Your hair will grow back."

Bulma shook her head, and then wailed, burying her face in her hands. She bawled into her hands, muttering things about how she wished she had her hair back and that all males should die.

She felt her bed suddenly move, and she stopped, looking up. Vegeta had reached over to her bed which was only a few feet away, and had drawn her over, moving everything connected to her along with it. When her bed was only a few inches away from his, he tried to figure out how to push down the metal rail like the nurses and doctors always did when tending to them. When he couldn't figure it out, he just gripped it and bent it downwards, effectively getting it out of his way.

He then grabbed a hold of the blankets she was wrapped up in like a mummy, and tugged her over, pulling her next to him, being very gentle because of their wounds and all the things they were connected to.

Bulma was so surprised that she didn't even fight him as he drew her over onto his bed carefully, and then put his arm around her shoulders, letting her injured head rest on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Onna. It's my fault that this happened."

Bulma stifled a yawn and snuggled up closer to him for warmth, twining her arm around his upper waist, being careful not to touch his stab wound. She didn't say anything, just fell asleep in his peaceful hold. It made her feel safe and warm.

Even though he couldn't believe he was doing this, he held her closer, covering her with some of his blanket. He let his head rest back against his raised bed, closing his eyes and letting the draining effect of the constant doses of medicine take him to the world of sleep.





Goku and Chichi came and visited the hospital a little while later, planning on checking up on the two cranky specimens. They were told that they had both woken up a few days ago, and were still in bad condition, so be very careful, and still no touching unless they said it was alright. Goku doubted that Vegeta would let anyone come even five feet within him, so he just laughed and led his mate to their shared room. No one had been allowed into their room but him and her parents, so this was the first time she would get to see them.

Goku opened the door and stepped in, going to the curtain and moving it aside slowly. He almost fell over when he saw what he did.

Chichi shoved her husband out of the way and gasped, then giggled. Vegeta and Bulma were on the same bed, their arms wrapped around each other as they slept. She moved the curtain back into place, giving Goku a big smile. "Hey, maybe you were right about that thing you told me about them."

Goku nodded and pushed her out of the room, not wanting to disturb the two sleeping people.






It was the moment of truth. She had been in the hospital for a week, along with Vegeta. She was allowed to leave in a few long days if she proved she was well enough.

So, to prove she was well enough....Currently she was standing in the bathroom that was connected to their room, and she had just managed to practically crawl in, Vegeta laughing his head off at her as she muttered things about hurting him.

Her hand touched the top of her head, which was numb still. She was still constantly being pumped full of medication, along with Vegeta, except he wasn't getting as much as she was anymore.

She took a deep breath and started unwinding the bandage. She kept her eyes closed until it was completely off, and then opened them. She stared in horror at herself, immediately collapsing to the floor and not caring about her broken hip and ribs. She didn't care anymore....

Vegeta heard a loud thump on the floor in the bathroom, and only thought that she had passed out while on the toilet. He didn't like the idea of walking in on that scene, but he had to make sure she was alright.

He got out of the bed, walking hunched over like an old man holding his IV tower as he went to the bathroom. He opened the door and peaked his head in.

Bulma was laying in an uncomfortable position on the floor, her hands trying to cover her head in a vain attempt. He blinked a few times, getting a sad look on his face as he heard her sobs. He knew what she was crying about, he could se it with his own eyes.

Her head was completely shaved, only had light blue fuzz covering her once proud head. He could see through her spread fingers a long line of stitches that marched across the right side of her skull, signifying the place where they had sliced her open to save her life. Her sobs quieted, and he walked in, rolling her over gently to face him.

"No...don't look at me. I'm so ugly. Please don't look...."

Vegeta removed her fingers without her say and frowned at her. "What's wrong with you?"

Bulma sniffed loudly and looked away, her bent arms pinned on either side of her head by Vegeta.

"I repeat, what is wrong with you?"

Bulma looked up at him through her watery eyes, not understanding why he wasn't looking at her like he was repulsed. "Don't you see?! Damn you, I'm so ugly! You were right all along!!"

Vegeta stood up, still bent over and in pain from his side. He picked her up and onto her feet as best as he could, smiling when Bulma actually giggled at his efforts.

She walked back into the room, waiting for him to say something. He sat back down on his bed, laying on his side facing her, studying her closely with his dark eyes. "If you think you're so ugly, I'll put you out of your misery."

Bulma smiled in spite of herself. If you think you're so ugly....Not I think you are so ugly, I think I'm going to kill you. "Do you think I'm ugly?"

He smirked. "Of course. You always have been. But it's not your fault. In fact, having no hair kind of makes you look better."

She laughed. "Yeah, right, but if you like it, I guess its ok. Maybe all the women will start shaving their heads to be as wonderfully sexy as me!!" She laughed some more, rolling onto her bed with a sigh. "We get to go home in a few days."

He was silent. They had been here for an unbearable, horrible week, and the only reason why he hadn't blown up this sorry excuse for a hospital, was because of the Onna. She had kept him company even though he normally would have told her to go away or die.

"Its going to be weird when we go home and we aren't sharing the same room anymore. I've almost gotten used to your snores."

Vegeta snorted. "The Prince of all Saiya-Jins does not snore."

Bulma giggled. "I know, I just wanted to make you mad. In fact, I'm probably the one that snores."

He chuckled. "If you do, I haven't heard you."

He lifted his shattered arm in its cast. The doctors told him it wouldn't be off for a long time, but if he had anything to do with it, it would be off within a week. That Onna would freak on him if he took it off before it was supposed to. But how many times did he have to tell everyone that Saiya-Jins heal a lot faster than humans? "Onna, when we get home, I expect you to cook me some real food."

She smiled. "I'm going to be laying in bed for a while, so you will have to put up with my mother's cooking."

"Well, her cooking is better than yours by a landslide, so I guess I will making out when I go home."


He laughed at her and laid onto his back, the building pain on his side too much for him when he laughed. He reached for the remote to the TV in their room and turned it on. Ah, his only favorite show. The news.

Bulma watched as his smirk grew every time something was said about someone dying, being killed, blown up, destroyed, mass murdered, and all that other wonderful stuff, until a rape crime came up. She watched the amused look on his face to turn disgust as he listened about some guy raping a small little girl and then bringing her to the woods and leaving her there to die.

"The girl, Kim Houge, was found almost dead in the forest next to an old farm which an old man lived. He found her and immediately brought her to the hospital, where she remains in critical condition," the reporter woman said, a serious look on her pretty face. Vegeta scowled and changed the channel, not wanting to hear about it anymore.

Bulma could tell that Vegeta definitely hated that subject by the way he was looking at the TV. "Ve-Vegeta? Do you really hate rape or something?"

"Its disgusting and brutal, something that only a weakling would result to because he wants dominance over someone or something to show that he actually isn't weak. All of those bastards need to be blown up...by me."

Bulma gave him a small smile, actually agreeing with him on something. "Can I have the remote now?" she asked sweetly, catching it when he tossed it to her without even looking. She flipped through the hundred channels, finding the movie The Matrix. Vegeta actually seemed interested in it, the first Earth movie he had ever engaged in without wanting to destroy the TV. He was so into it in fact, that he was leaning forward and yelling at the people on the TV screen when they made a stupid move, or making his own moves to show them what they should have done.

"Stupid human guy!! He should have just blasted his ass!! Not dodged those bullets like a queer and then get shot!!"

Bulma made a noise in her throat in amusement, but Vegeta ignored her, pounding the bed in frustration.

When the movie was over, the were both quite exhausted, Bulma from laughing and her medicine, and Vegeta from moving around too much and his medicine. Bulma turned off the TV, sighing and laying back down and facing away from Vegeta. She had managed during the movie to rewrap her head, and it probably looked stupid.

She laid there and thought, now not able to sleep for the medicine didn't seem to be working yet. She felt the pain go straight to the stitches in her head, and she whimpered, curling up into a protective ball to try to keep it away. She was a delicate kind of girl, she didn't like a lot of pain.

Vegeta had been half-asleep, but not now. He sighed when he heard the Onna whimpering like some hurt puppy next to him. "Onna, what is wrong with you now?"

He didn't even wait for an answer, just smirked and yanked her over like he did before. A perfect chance to annoy the baka doctors again. When they had come in to see the two in the same bed, they had all but flipped out, especially because of the bed, which was bent beyond repair. He had just frowned at them, and it seemed to scare them off, particularly when he had threatened to bend the rest of the beds, and then blow this sorry excuse for a hospital up. They had just shut up and left the room after putting Bulma back into a new bed. They had both laughed after everyone had left.

He brought her over next to him, covering her up with his blankets like he did before and laying back. She stopped whimpering after a while, but she didn't sleep. "Onna, are you going to sleep or what?"

She sniffed and shrugged. She didn't want to sleep and miss the opportunity to be so close to Vegeta and him willingly having her close to him. "I can't sleep now."

"Baka...do you want to go back into your bed now?!"

She shook her head. "I just wanna lay here."


She hesitantly sneaked her hand up around his back and curled her arm around him, pressing herself closer. He must have liked it, for he didn't protest. She knew he was tired, so she stayed silent, nice and warm by being so close to him. She loved the feeling of his smooth back against her fingers, for she had slipped her hand in between the parts of the hospital gown. She had to admit it was hilarious to see Vegeta almost scream when he had first seen what he was wearing.

She unconsciously started stroking his firm back, slow strokes that started to ease herself into sleep. She knew that Vegeta was either asleep, or he was almost there, so she continued to do it because she knew he would kill her if he was fully awake.

She yawned and snuggled her face into his cloth covered chest, pressing her ear against his heart. She smiled...and then it disappeared off her face. She opened her eyes, pressing her ear even closer, almost smashing it against him. She blinked, and then smiled again. His chest was giving a light vibration...just like her father's cat did when it purred. Vegeta was purring!!

She sighed and closed her eyes again, liking the feel of it against her cheek. As she slipped into slumber, she wondered what it would be like to have her face pressed up against his bare skin....