Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Dreams and Pleasure ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Ten: Dreams and Pleasure


He said it. He finally said it. She sighed and closed her eyes, falling into blissful sleep.

~*~Bulma's Dream~*~

She was running, running towards something she wanted more than anything. She saw it. It was lurking in the shadows, all by itself, its head down. She thought it was Vegeta at first, because it had his profile, but she couldn't tell.

It jerked around and grabbed her upper arms, shaking her violently. The creature lifted her up off the ground, and the threw her as it laughed mercilessly. Bulma cried out as she smashed into the hard ground, her still tender hip and ribs taking the impact.

The thing strode over to her, giving its evil laugh. "Poor stupid whore," it snickered. Bulma's eyes widened as it stood over her, drawing something out from its back. It was a knife, a wicked, long, deadly curved blade that made her pale. "Wh-who are you!? What do you want?! Why are you doing this to me?!"

It seemed to change shape instantly in front of her. It grew shorter, a little wider, got long pointy hair. Vegeta...she thought, throwing herself into his arms. She started crying, trying to find something to say. Instead, he said something first.

"Onna. I think that maybe you should think some things out before you make any rash decisions."

He suddenly disappeared, and she fell flat on her face. She growled, jumping up. "Alright, damn it!! What the hell is this!!??!"

She screamed to nothing. It echoed around her and then slowly went away. Her pitch black settings somehow got even darker, as did her mood. She stood there, her arms crossed in Vegeta's famed style. "This isn't scaring me, whoever and whatever is doing this."

She felt lighter all of a sudden, like she was flying. She looked around, and then down, gasping. She was floating in the middle of the air!! She gave a mad yell, feeling her face turn red. "Alright, fucker. If I could use ki blasts, this damn place would be gone!!"

She dropped to the ground. She grunted at the impact, but ignored the pain. "Uh, someone's gonna die."

She jumped when her surrounding molded into a house. Yamcha's house to be exact. She felt a little safer, but she still didn't know what was going on. She turned around when she heard the door open, and Yamcha stepped inside the house, sweaty, as if from a workout. He smiled when he saw her, but it was cold.

"Hello, wife."

Bulma blinked. "Huh?"

He went up to her, but didn't envelop her in his arms. "So, how is my little whore of a wife? Screw any more men lately?"

She drew back, her hand going protectively over her heart. "Yamcha...you know I would never do that. I love you."

He gave a harsh laugh. Bulma knew that this couldn't have been Yamcha, he wouldn't act like this. She tried to hug him, but he shoved her away, pushing her into the wall behind her. She saw his flying hand, but she couldn't dodge it in time. It connected hard to her cheek, and she fell, holding her face.

He kicked her in her side brutally, and then did it again and again. She cried out, feeling bile rise in her throat. "Yamcha, stop!! Why are you doing this?!!"

He stopped temporarily. It was her chance to get away. She scrambled up and ran. "You know you can't hide from me, Bulma. You can't resist me. You never have. That's why you came running back to me after what happened."

Bulma stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to look at him. He smirked at her, much like Vegeta's, except it scared her. Vegeta's used to, but now she wasn't scared of him. She trusted him now.

She started walking backwards as he stalked her. She bumped into a small table in the hallway that led to the kitchen. She kept her eyes on him as she searched for something to use as a weapon. Her fingers brushed over something long and sharp. She took it up in her hands. It was the same knife he had used to stab Vegeta with, and the same knife that specter had had too.

She screamed at him, rushing forward with the knife and dug it deep into his heart. "Die, bastard!!!"

His once sweet looking eyes widened, and he gagged, bringing up dark blood that ran down his chin and onto his white shirt. She pushed it in further, almost getting a satisfied feeling knowing that he would be dead and out of her life. She wouldn't love him anymore, she wouldn't marry him. He wouldn't control her anymore. She jerked it out of his broad chest and he fell to his knees, his eyes rolling back in his head before he fell onto the floor...taking his last breath.

~*~End Dream~*~

Bulma shot up in bed, gasping for air that didn't seem to want to come into her lungs. She turned to where she knew Yamcha would be laying, and she jerked so hard away from him that she fell out of the bed. She screamed when she hit the floor, beyond hysterical from her nightmare. Yamcha immediately woke up, sitting up and rubbing his eyes like a child. "Bulma? Are you alright?" he asked, concerned. He got up and reached out to her, offering his hand so he could help her up. She screamed again, warding him off with her hands and pushing herself back against a cold wall with her legs. She was trapped. "Stay away from me!! I don't ever want to see you again!!!"

He gave her a hurt look, and went down on one knee, still reaching out with his hand. He took hold of her arm gently and lifted her. She fought him, pounding him with every ounce of strength she had. She was way stronger than she looked, and she landed a few good hits on his strong body. He grunted and jerked her against him, pinning her arms to her sides to prevent her from injuring him further. But she still had her long legs, and she used them to her advantage.

Yamcha dropped her when the door suddenly blew off its hinges, splinters flying as what remained of the door hit the wall, busting apart. He was instantly brought down by an enraged Vegeta, who gripped his neck and threw him out the balcony windows, blowing apart the surrounding walls and glass as he was sent hurtling to the ground below.

Vegeta saw Bulma resting back against a white wall by the bathroom door, one knee brought up and her hand over her pounding heart. She had a terrified wide-eyed look on her pale face as she stared at the now destroyed balcony window. He knelt beside her, but didn't touch her. "Onna, what happened?! Why was he here?!" he yelled at her. She didn't seem to respond to yelling, so he calmed his ire and his tone. "Woman, are you alright?"

She gulped and stood, dusting herself off. "I'm perfectly fine. I'm just dandy. I'm so happy that I think I'll-" She fell into his arms and held him to her tightly. He wasn't sure about holding her, but kept her close and rocked her just because it felt good and he wanted to protect her.

He didn't know how long he had just held her, but he heard pounding footsteps coming up the stairs a little while later. Expecting it to be Yamcha, he gathered an energy ball in his hands, preparing to fire it at the little freak if he dared to come in.

Mr. and Mrs. Briefs dashed into the room, seeing Vegeta holding Bulma in one arm and a ki ball in the other, ready to blast them to oblivion. It dissipated when he saw it was them, and then let his other arm go back around Bulma as she clung to him. At the moment he didn't care who saw him at this particular moment.

"Wh-what happened, Vegeta? Is Bulma alright?!" Mrs. Briefs asked, her hands clasped in front of her like a bimbo.

He growled, knowing that she was ok, but hoping that Yamcha wasn't. A lop-sided grin appeared on his face at the thought. "She's fine. She just needs some rest." He handed her over to her father and walked out of the room, planning on going to his gravity room and training. He needed to think.






No more Yamcha...she thought, staring into the fireplace in her living room. She didn't want the TV on, it was just annoying.

It was odd...not being with Yamcha anymore. After all these years that they had been together, she didn't feel bad or anything. Well, she did, considering Yamcha was going to be hurting both emotionally and physically for a while.

So what to do? She sighed and curled up deeper into the fluffy blanket her father had given her. She wondered what was up with that dream of hers. Would I still have married him or something if I hadn't had that awful dream? She wondered to herself, so deep in thought in the dim-lighted room that she didn't see someone come in.

Vegeta stopped in the archway that connected the living room and the hallway to the kitchen. He saw her gazing into the bright leaping flames that gave her face an odd glow. The warmth of the room and the woman in it drew him in, and he stepped behind her, waiting for her to notice his presence.

Bulma looked up slowly, giving Vegeta small smile when she saw him behind her. She was surprised he had been around her so much. Maybe he was starting to care....

Vegeta blinked hard all of a sudden. Wait a second, he thought, taking hold of Bulma's hair thing and tearing it off. She didn't make any noise of protest, and he grinned. Her head was covered with two inch short tufts of hair. "How in the universe did you manage to make your hair grow back this long in one day?"

She grinned and patted the open spot beside her. He wavered for a moment, but sat down gingerly next to her, his arms crossed over his chest. Bulma's smile got bigger. He was at least a good foot away from her. She scooted closer over to him, making up the excuse, "Hey, your supposed to keep me warm. You can't do that if your sitting a mile away from me."

He grunted a response. She cuddled up to his side, wrapping her arms around his own right arm. He didn't object, and she took it as a good thing. Perhaps he wants me by him? She questioned herself, resting her head against his shoulder. "Well, do you still wanna know how I got some of my hair back?"

He nodded. "It's a wig."

He pulled away, shocked and disgusted that she would go that far. She giggled, loving the expression on his face. "No, silly, I'm just kidding. Actually, a few days ago I took some medicine that I invented to make my hair grow back. It didn't start working until after uh, Yamcha...left."

He grinned. "He didn't leave, I gave him a little escort out of your room. And you never told me why he was there."

She chewed on her lower lip, not knowing as she sucked it into her mouth and nibbled on it that she was actually doing something to the man next to her. She didn't seem to notice either that he was staring at her mouth when she started to tell him about what had happened. "After I went to the doctors to get these things removed out of my head, I came home and I...called him."

She felt him stiffen next to her, but she continued. "I told him that I forgave him, because I can't hold it against him forever, you know, and I told him...that I still loved him." The last part she said was barely audible, but Vegeta's Saiya-Jin hearing picked it up easily.

"I hung up, because I was actually scared about what he might say, and then I sat down at the table crying, because I'm such a wimp. It has to be the medicine that I'm still taking," she muttered, wishing that were the cause. Hey, she thought, maybe its PMS!! She snorted to herself, knowing that it was neither, and that she really was a wimp, along with other things.

Vegeta looked down at his arm, where the Onna's hands were unconsciously playing with the hard muscles and the surprisingly soft skin. He tried to ignore it as she continued telling him her story, but he couldn't.

"I was still moping at the table when the bell rang. I thought it was a reporter or something, but it turned out to be Yamcha, and he had a single red rose in his hand." She paused, letting her fingertip trail down his arm to his hand, and then back up again. "As you know, I have this pathetic weak spot for romance, and I just fell into his arms, crying helplessly some more." She shuddered. "We both told each other we were sorry, and we both meant it."

Vegeta growled, clenching his fist and making his arm muscles tighten under Bulma's ministrations. "He carried me upstairs because I was starting to fall asleep, and I told him that I loved him, and then...he told me too."

So, Vegeta thought darkly, the little fag finally admitted it, did he? He laughed silently. Too late, Yamcha. Now look what you don't have, and I do. He stopped short. She was his now? He thought wildly. No...she couldn't ever except him. But-

"I fell asleep after that and I...I had this horrible dream, Vegeta. It really scared me, it was so real."

She nestled into him closer, a small tremor going down her spine as she remembered. Almost as if Vegeta understood her, he took his free arm and grabbed hold of her legs that were curled up under her, dragging them across his lap. She didn't seem to notice, for now she couldn't stop talking. "It was so dark, nothing but shadows. It didn't bother me at first, because I had this feeling inside me, like I wanted something really bad, and I had to get it no matter what."

Vegeta sat there, listening to her as he took a deep breath and started lifting up the blanket covering her deliciously long and curvy legs. He knew he was taking advantage of her vulnerable state, but he could stop easily if he wanted to. He had extreme self-control.

"I saw this figure and I got the feeling that the thing in the distance was what I wanted. I ran towards it, but it...it attacked me. It grabbed me and shook me hard, and then threw me, tossing me to the ground like I was a shack of potatoes. And I could have sworn that I felt the pain...."

Vegeta's fingers lightly grazed the high arches of her small feet, and then he rubbed them carefully, knowing that women loved their feet massaged for some unknown reason. But he didn't mind. He just couldn't wait until Bulma actually noticed.

Oh, Bulma noticed alright. If she noticed anymore she would be laying on the ground feeling like a pile of mush. She tried to keep talking and not let her voice waver. "After that creature did that, it called me a poor stupid whore. It shocked me, for I never once in my life have been called that."

Vegeta's hands went up further, stroking her ankles and then to her lower calves. Her breathing hitched, and she held on tighter to his arm. "Then it molded into...into you. I jumped into your arms I think, and you told me the same exact thing that you told me before we...before we uh, kissed."

Vegeta's hands stopped. She almost moaned at the loss, but held it back. "What did I say?" he questioned, and then started again, even more excruciatingly slow and tantalizing.

"Something like I should think things out before I make any rash decisions," she said, biting her lip when he went just a few inches higher. "And then you disappeared, and I fell flat on my face."

He chuckled, reaching her knee. He swirled his fingers behind the sensitive skin of her knee, causing her to gasp loudly. She let go of his arm, lopping her own arms around his neck to hold him closer. Her voice was starting to get strained as she still continued to talk. "All these other weird unimportant things happened, and then all of a sudden I was in Yamcha's house. He called me his wife, and then starting calling me these horrible names, Vegeta. He never did that before, and it made me upset. I thought that maybe he was playing around, but then he hit me."

He stopped again, looking up into her bright eyes. "The bastard hit you?"

Bulma nodded, running her tongue over her dry lips. His eyes followed the movement, erotic thoughts going through his mind at what she had just done. He shook it off and went back to his task with a vengeance.

Bulma let her hand drift downwards and to his chest to explore as she tried to finish her dream. "He kept hitting me, and it hurt really bad. He stopped for a moment, and I got up and ran. He told me that it was no use, that I always come back to him, that I can't resist him. He had backed me up against a wall, and I bumped into a table, where I found the same exact knife that he had stabbed you with. I snapped after what he said, and I attacked him with it." She paused, saying quietly, "I couldn't let him control me anymore. I wanted to be free."

"Did you kill him?" he asked, his voice oddly deep and low. She nodded and buried her face in his shoulder. She pressed her lips to the pounding pulse in the hollow of his neck, letting her tongue flick out and brush it lightly. She smiled against his musky smelling skin when it started beating faster.

"Are you happy that he is gone?" he asked, his fingers wandering up to her thigh. She gulped and nodded, not able to find any words. She was feeling all tingly and her skin felt heated, like it begged for his touch. It had never felt that way with Yamcha....

"Bulma? Dear, are you in here?"

They both stiffened, but Vegeta was the only one who relaxed. Bulma wondered how he could do it.

"Yes, mom?"

"Honey, I got your bed ready, I want you to go to bed, alright?" Mrs. Briefs said, standing in the doorway. She couldn't see what was going on between the two, all she knew was that they were really close. "Come on, Bulma. I'll tuck you in."

"I'll be right there, mom."

She left, leaving them alone again. Vegeta stopped, getting ready to leave. "Wait, Vegeta."

He cocked an eyebrow at her in silent question. "Give me a goodnight kiss...please?"

He smirked, lowering his face to hers and taking her mouth in a deep and hard passionate kiss. She gave a small moan, letting Vegeta know that she was enjoying his attentions. He forced her mouth open further, flickering his tongue over hers. She responded instantly, twining her tongue with his and burying her fingers in his hair to hold him there. His hand slipped from the hold around her back to her front, uncertainly brushing her breast with the tips of his fingers. She sent another moan hurdling into his mouth and he pushed her down onto the sofa, covering her heated body with his as his hands got a little bolder.

Bulma gasped when she felt his hand go under her shirt, inching ever upwards. She wanted his touch so bad, she could almost taste it. He was almost there...so damn close....

"Bulma, honey! I'm waiting!!" her mother called from the top of the stairs. His hand was instantly gone, and he sat up, bringing her with him. She was panting, her mouth only a hair away from his as her breath fanned over his skin. "I'm sorry, Onna," he whispered, his hand going through her short tufts of soft hair as he got up and left, leaving her there wanting him desperately.

She got up on wobbly feet, walking upstairs to the room her mother had fixed up for her until her old room could be fixed. Bulma gave an evil smile. It was right next to Vegeta's.