Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Haha! ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirteen: Haha!


Bulma woke the next morning only to find Vegeta laying on top of her. She hadn't expected that in a million years. She had thought that he would wake up way before dawn and leave her by herself because of...various reasons.

She lay there, stiff, not knowing what to do with the Saiya-jins heavy weight on her. Almost as a godsend, she shoved his arm a little and he rolled to the side, giving a slight growl in his throat at the minor disturbance. She almost giggled, but held it in, wondering what he would do when he woke up. Would he hate her? Or would he just ignore her as he normally tried to do? What would he do?!

It was clearly driving her crazy, and even as she climbed out of the beyond rumpled bed, pulling on her robe, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

What happens if he like kills me or something because uh, I invaded his royalness...or something? She could help but give a silly grin at her pathetic sense of humor. He wouldn't kill me...especially after that more than incredible and indescribable night last night. She gave herself another naughty smile as she made her way down to the kitchen, planning on making him the best breakfast in the universe. He would need it...hehehe.

As she cooked and made his food, she couldn't help but give small ridiculous giggles from time to time. She couldn't believe the mood she was in...she hadn't been this giggly or giddy or happy or anything like this...ever. She stopped her motions. I haven't ever been this way before? She needed spanked. That just made her laugh even more when she pictured Vegeta doing it for her.

Right before she had finished, she heard the familiar creak the stairs gave when someone came down them. She hurried and placed plate after plate of his food on the table, praying to Kami that he would like it.

"Onna, my food better be ready or...." he trailed off, seeing her standing there, her hands threaded together in front of her, hoping for his approval of what she had done. He gave her a suspicious glare, and then gave her a lop-sided grin, which made her all but squeal with delight and jump up and down. Instead, she bustled around the kitchen, getting the last few things for his rather large breakfast.

Vegeta sat down, deciding that she hadn't poisoned his food. He was just getting into it when she sat down with her own tray, shoving food into her mouth almost as fast as he was. He grunted, amused. He had no idea why she was acting this...way. He shrugged, finishing as fast as he could and getting up, going straight to the GR.

Bulma tried not to feel hurt that he hadn't said anything to her, but just as he had walked out of the room, he asked, "Woman, what are you doing today?"

She stared at him for a moment, not even noticing that it wasn't him she was staring at, it was his mouth. He blinked, and then a slow smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. So he hadn't been the only one effected by last night.

"Uh, nothing...I don't know...wh-whatever you want me to do," she stuttered, and then blushed, realizing that she was acting like his personal servant. He would definitely take advantage of that. She looked down, embarrassed at the way she was acting.

Vegeta thought of a plausible thing to say to get her to stay with him a while longer. He couldn't very well say that the gravity machine was broken, for it wasn't, and it had been acting good for him lately, too. Could she upgrade it? No, she just did that last month. Perhaps she could make him some more droids for him to beat up on? No, they took too long to make, were a waste, and plus she would have to be in her lab. Hehehe...he got it.

"Onna, I need my battle armor improved upon. Do you have the time to work on it?"

Bulma's eyes brightened, wondering if he wanted her to be with him, and that was why he was suggesting what he had. In order for her to do so, he had to be with her, his tight outfit on, or at least half of it, meanwhile she worked on it. Not only working on it, she thought, but touching him and taking off parts of his clothing to fix it or add something to it. She made sure he wouldn't see the evil look in her eyes.

"Sure..." she said slyly, looking up through her long eyelashes at him. He nodded, going out of the room to go get changed.

Just then the phone rang. She frowned, getting up to answer it. She picked it up, grinning when she saw Vegeta come back into the room, leaning against the doorway as she answered it. "Hello?"

"Hello, Ms. Briefs?"

"Yes, can I help you?" she questioned, resting her head back against the wall and twirling the cord in between her fingers. She noticed that Vegeta seemed attracted to the movements of her hands, and she chuckled lightly, making erotic movements with her fingers on the cord.

"We have immediate need of you down at the Capsule Corporation Office building. We just received a whole new truck load of stuff that we don't know what to do with, plus there is a mob down here trying to buy the new capsules that you and your father helped invent. Is there any way you can get down here?"

Bulma wished she could shoot some electrical current through the phone to murder the mob and destroy the truck and the things that had come with it, but that was impossible. She sighed loudly, closing her eyes as she told her she would be right down.

She hung up, watching Vegeta as he got a disappointed look on his face that he tried to hide. "I took it you heard that with your Saiya-jin hearing. I...I have to go get ready."

At that she left the room, going up the stairs to her make-shift room to get ready as quickly as possible.





Vegeta growled at himself as he threw a series of powerful punches in the air to his invisible enemy, beyond angry with himself. He was slacking off just because of that Onna, and because he wanted to be with her so much. He cursed his body and cursed his Saiya-jin mating instincts. His body told him he wanted her, while his instincts told him that he should settle down. Never, he told them, throwing a fit on himself and what he wished was a real enemy. He snickered to himself when he pictured Frieza. Stupid bastard...if you were only still alive, I would show you.

The picture suddenly departed from his mind, and in swept a picture of Bulma. Naked. He almost hit himself when it popped up into his mind, and then he went nearly mad with lust. He chuckled to himself. "Well, if this isn't a test of endurance, I don't know what is, damn you, Vegeta."

He got down to the floor, planning on doing some serious workouts until his body burned. He hoped that meanwhile he would be able to concentrate and not think of the Onna, or of his future, unless his future consisted of becoming a Super Saiya-jin.





Bulma collapsed outside of the door to the GR. She was nearly dead from exhaustion, but she just wanted to see Vegeta real quick before she died.

She sat up straight when she heard someone talking inside, and nothing blowing up. She peaked in, noting that the gravity was off, and gave a small pathetic smile.

He was kneeling on the ground on all fours, his eyes boring into the ground as his body gave a slight tremble from fatigue. He was talking to himself, saying that he could do it, but then taking it back and telling himself that he was too weak and pathetic to do it. Bulma decided that he would flip out on her if he saw her thus, so she quietly closed the door and knocked on it, pretending that she hadn't been there in the first place. She heard him mutter for her to come in, so she did, closing the door behind her.

Now he was laying on his back, his arms and legs spread. He looked ready to fall asleep. "Go away, damn you."

Besides you, nothing. She almost said it, but held it back. "Uh, I er, was wondering if you wanted some company."

He turned his head, glaring at her a moment before he said, "Whatever."

Taking that as a yes, she slipped off her high heels, her jacket, and her suit jacket, not wanting a pile of clothes on when she didn't need them. He didn't seem to notice, for his eyes were closed, but she didn't care. She sat down delicately next to him, laying down just like him, her arms and legs spread like she owned the world. They lay there like that for a while, not talking, and not wanting to. When Vegeta finally decided it was a waste of time to sit there like that, he sat up, looking down at the Onna. She had her legs slightly bent and brought up, her arm up next to her head and the other one down at her side. Her breathing was steady and even, giving him the hint that she was asleep. He frowned, wondering how in the world she could sleep on such a hard surface. He shrugged, laying back down. Hell, if she could, then he could.





When he woke up, he was laying on his side, already knowing that Bulma was all over him, still asleep. He wanted to push her off of him, but he didn't want her pissed off at him. Or did he?

Since he was in such a good position, he smacked her ass hard, causing her to bolt upright and scream, "Your going to die, Vegetable head!!"

He starting laughing so hard that he had to hold his stomach, and then she jumped up, looking like she was trying to find something to throw at him, and spotted her shoes. She grinned evilly and picked them up, chucking them as hard as she could at his head. "Stupid bastard, never considerate enough to let anyone sleep!!"

He brought his arms up in defense and blocked both flying shoes easily as he said, "I think I was plenty considerate enough last night!!"

"UHH!!! How I want to kill you!!"

He laughed some more, loving having feisty arguments with her when she put up such a good fight. She picked up her coats and flung both of them at him, and he caught one in one hand, and one in the other. Almost instantaneously, he threw them back at her, which made her so shocked they hit her and she plopped down on her butt.

Bulma dragged the dark blue coat off her head, glaring at Vegeta as she did so. He smirked, wondering what she would do.

"You are going to die soooo early. And guess whose gonna do it?" she got up and started giving a little prance. "Its me, its me, its me...." She started laughing.

She has to be drunk or something, for she is acting beyond weird, Vegeta thought. Fighting the urge to fling her on the ground and ravish her, he walked over to the machine to turn up the gravity. She shrieked when she realized what he was going to do, and ran straight for the door.

Vegeta smirked and cranked it up only to what he knew she could handle, and it made her fall instantly on her face, pinned to the ground. He didn't even feel it.

He strode over to her, looking like a predator who had just gotten a snack to munch upon. She made some muffled sound that he couldn't understand, so he ignored it as he studied her odd position.

She was laying on her stomach with her face smashed into the ground, her arms brought up to her sides and her legs bent at a bizarre angle that looked slightly uncomfortable. He got down on his haunches, trying not to laugh at her insane mad protests that were trying to get out of her mouth as she struggled to get up. He was surprised that she was still trying, for he knew she wasn't going to get up.

He shouldn't have underestimated her, for that's exactly what she did. She pushed her arms up under her, getting leverage to shove herself upward with her upper body strength. As she got up inch by inch, he could have sworn that she was hardly trying.

When Bulma was sitting, she moved around slightly, getting used to the feel of the gravity. She smiled at him, jumping up and doing awkward movements, for she still didn't have her balance in the gravity.

Vegeta couldn't do anything but stare as she placed her hand on her hip and stuck her tongue out at him. "Ha, I'm better than you!" she yelled, wishing she wasn't in a skirt so she could do like a cartwheel or something. She hadn't felt this pumped since she had been in gymnastics when she had been in school. "Hey," she said, walking past him and waving her hand, "I wanna try something out. I'll be right back."

He still couldn't say anything. She opened the door with a hard tug, and the gravity instantly turned off as a safety precaution.

A few minutes later Bulma came running back in, in a tight white top and short black shorts that put his almost to shame. She had her running shoes on that she had never used except once, and her hair was up in a simple pony tail.

"What are you doing back here, Onna?" He paused. "Want me to turn up the gravity to five hundred percent and smash your tiny body?"

She walked over to the machine, saying to both him and herself, "The value of gravity varies from about 9.832 meters per second squared at the north and south poles and is about 9.780 meters per second squared at the equator. Its value decreases with increasing altitude. Because variations in the value of gravity are not large, the change should only be about .32 since we are somewhat near the equator. So, now that I got that figured out, lets crank this thing up to...." she mumbled some things to herself and turned it on a little lower than what he had attacked her with, and stood there, feeling a hard tug on her body after she did. She moved around a little bit, smiling as she became adjusted to it. Vegeta was finding himself amused at her antics and how happy she was that she could take a little bit of an increase in gravity. He also couldn't believe all that she had just spouted without a blink of an eye. He, in all his genius, had been utterly confused.

"Hey, Vegeta," she said suddenly, messing around with the machine some more as she talked to him over her shoulder.

"What?!" he snarled, wondering what she was getting at, plus still annoyed at not being able to figure out what she had just said.

"What do you do when you're in here?"

He rolled his eyes. "Train, you baka."

"Well, I know that, you baka, but what do you do when you train?"

He stared at her, his arms crossed. "Are you purposefully trying to annoy me? I have to train, and you aren't helping."

She looked over her shoulder, giving him her famous puppy dog eyes. "Can I train with you?"