Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Fight Me, Bitch!! ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Fourteen: Fight Me, Bitch!!


Being Vegeta, he immediately thought this was ridiculous and the most stupid thing he had ever heard come out of her beautiful mouth. Wait a second...beautiful? Well, yeah, duh...shut up mind, I'm going to blow you up. He stood there, having a silent conversation with himself. He shrugged abruptly. This should prove amusing. "Very well. Turn off the gravity, because you probably can't even move your arms."

She pouted, but complied. When she was done, he motioned for her to come over. "Alright, first of all, you're a million times weaker than me, and this is a joke. I hope you know this."

Bulma's eyes shot daggers at him, but he continued. "If we are ever going to get anywhere with this, I need your full cooperation, and this is to be serious, and not a once in a while deal."

Bulma thought this over, and frowned, nodding. She needed to get into shape, she was getting a little plump, but that's only what she thought. "Alright, but promise me you won't kill me!!"

He smirked, but didn't promise her anything. This was his chance to test her and her real strength, not her mental, for he knew she definitely had that. "Fine. Start stretching."

She pursed her lips, glaring at him before she got down on her butt and started getting stretched out. She hadn't done half of the complicated stretches she had learned in gymnastics for years, and she knew that she was going to hurt bad later on. Vegeta stood there, his arms crossed and watching her, silently shocked that she even knew how to stretch right and to a healthy extent, not to mention she knew some exercises that he didn't even know. Bulma growled at him, saying, "Don't you have to stretch too?"

He shrugged, and even though he really didn't have to, he did anyway.

So there they stood, sat, stretched, squatted, bent, twisted, and did other various things that sounded painful, trying to get loosened up. Bulma wasn't even going to try and do a split, or anything remotely like that, for she wasn't ready for getting that intense yet. She jumped up, rolling her neck around on her shoulders and shaking herself up a bit. Vegeta followed her, and ordered her to stop. "Alright, first of all, when is the next day you work?"

Bulma gave him a confused look, but answered. "I don't have to work until Friday, and today is Tuesday. Why?"

He shrugged. "Just wondering, because you're going to be so damn sore that you're not going to want to walk."

She hmphed, crossing her arms over her abundant chest. His eyes tried not to follow the movement, so he ended up looking away temporarily.

"Well? What do you want me to do?"

He walked up closer to her, smelling her sweet womanly scent that seemed to make him drawn to her without him even noticing. "Try to hit me. Let's just see what you can do."

She gaped at him, astonished. "All...alright," she said in a small voice. She fisted her hand, and was about to throw it at him, when he stopped her, grabbing her fist. "First of all, you do not fist your hand this way. You can cause damage to yourself this way. Do you want to break your little fingers and hands?"

She shook her head no, allowing him to show her how to hold her hand properly. She had to admit that it felt better and more comfortable afterwards. She even got more confidence, thinking that she could put some more power in her punch. Without warning, she launched her fist straight at his face, but he blocked it easily. She tried several more times, getting frustrated when she didn't get anywhere. She tried once more, only to get reprimanded. "No, you're still doing it wrong. You have to follow through with it, not stop right before you hit."

She blinked, momentarily not understanding. When she finally realized what he was talking about, she tried harder, and she felt pride go through her when she got half of a fraction of a millimeter closer to hitting him.

However, as she continued to hurl her fists at him, she got more annoyed, for she wasn't getting anywhere. She gave a frustrated yell and hooked her leg behind his knee, taking him off guard and causing him to fall to the ground, her landing on top of him.

Vegeta stared up at her for a moment, his eyes narrowing. So...he hadn't been expecting that in a million years. He hadn't even thought she knew that, but that didn't explain why he shouldn't have been prepared for it, even if she was a pathetic weakling human woman laying on top of him hot and sweaty and...smiling?

Bulma gave a happy laugh, bouncing on top of him in her rapture. "I knocked you over!! Hahaha!!! I defeated you!! I beat your ass!! You're on the ground!! Look at you!! I'm better than you!! Look how powerful I am!!" She started hopping up and down on him, acting like an ecstatic little girl. It was all he could but stare in wonder. "Onna," he said calmly, "get off now."

She stopped immediately, not wanting to get murdered or something with that tone of voice. "Err...sorry, uh, Vegeta."

She stood up, brushing herself off even though she didn't have anything on her. He got up also, glaring at her a moment before he said, "Maybe your legs are your best weapon. They are certainly long enough to be used effectively."

She beamed at the compliment. "Really? Do you mean it?"


The smile fell off her face and she looked down. Vegeta almost snorted at how pathetic she looked, but instead grinned when she started walking away to leave the GR. She opened the door, and just as she was about to walk out he said, "Woman, tomorrow, nine o'clock in the morning. Be here or I will drag you out of bed and force you here."

She turned back around, giving him one of her beautiful smiles before she bounded out of the room, leaving a confused Vegeta behind.





Bulma woke at five in the morning, yawning and stretching like a cat. She had had a good nights' sleep, and now she was ready for an awesome day. She was already a little sore, probably because she was so unused to the things she had done yesterday.

She got out of bed, jumping into the shower and doing some rather odd stretches in there while she got cleaned up. When she was done, she hurried and brushed her teeth, got dressed, put up her hair, and dashed down the stairs in a pair of light gray sweat pants and a tight black top. She put her white socks and shoes on, and went out the door, taking a deep breath of the clean morning air. The sun was just starting to come up, and the birds were chirping. She loved the serenity of the morning.

She started walking slowly, stopping to do light stretches on the way as she went. As about a half an hour went by, she started walking faster, and then faster as another hour went by. She didn't run, not wanting to push herself too fast. Maybe in a week or so she would start running.

She headed for the park, not even realizing it. She soon found herself daydreaming, and not paying attention to what she was doing.

Her watch beeped, telling her that it was eight, and she had an hour before she had to meet with Vegeta. She had been so engulfed in thinking and all that other wonderful stuff, that time had completely flown, and her body had gotten the workout that she had wanted, all without her barely paying attention. Hell, if she could do this every morning, it wouldn't be too bad; in addition, she would get into shape.

She headed back home, stopping outside the door to do some final calming stretches so her body wouldn't get stiff. She still knew how to take care of her body from all the things she had gone through in gymnastics. After being in that sport for five years, she knew how to without a doubt, plus she was a genius. She grinned to herself and went inside, going straight to the fridge for a bottle of water. She drank it down thirstily, gulping it down and not caring that it was dribbling down her chin. It was so yummy and cold....

It was gone. She made a mad noise in her throat and grabbed another one, opening it and sighing in contentment as she let it slide down her parched throat and to her stomach. When she got enough, she leaned against the fridge, closing her eyes and pouring some over her head. Damn it felt good....

It was gone. She sighed and set both bottles on the table, plopping down into a comfy chair and letting out a held in breath. It felt good to be taking care of her body. She closed her eyes, and in the next moment, she was asleep....

Or at least she wished she was. She bolted upright, hearing a loud crash of pots and pans.

"Oh, sorry, Bulma honey, I didn't know you were there," her mother said, taking out a large frying pan. "I was just going to make some nice eggs and bacon for your father. You know how hard he works. He deserves everything, don't you think?"

Her mother continued to ramble on, not noticing Bulma wasn't paying attention. Yeah, well, I think I deserve to be babied at least once in a damn while. Hey, girl, that's a good idea. She smiled. Shopping sounded like such a good idea. She almost swooned.

Beep! She grumbled to herself and got up, stalking to the GR feeling half-dead. Oh well, maybe Vegeta won't be there....

Yeah right, but it had been worth a try. She already felt herself getting stiff and all that other nice stuff, but she tried to shake it off as she walked into the room, seeing Vegeta standing there, his arms crossed, as he stared at her.

"You are thirty four seconds late. On my planet, you would have been killed."

She rolled her eyes and walked right up to him, only to fall down at his feet into a pile of soreness. He grinned. "I saw you get up this morning for a little run."

She shook her stiff neck. "Didn't run...walked. Leave me alone."

His smile grew and he got down on the floor next to her, crossing his legs in Indian style. "Poor Onna. Can't even take a small workout."

"Go to hell."

He frowned. "What's wrong with you? Did your battery die?"

She snorted and rolled over to her side, facing away from him.

"How am I supposed to train your fragile ass if you just lay on the floor?" he questioned in a snide tone. She growled low in her throat, and got up, planning on kicking him in the side. He grabbed her foot, twisted, and sent her flying to the floor in a spin. She immediately got up and jumped on him, growling just like a dog as her fingers found his neck and squeezed as hard as she could. He, on the other hand, was trying not to laugh. He found it fascinating that this little female would try to kill him, when he could so easily snap her neck into a million pieces with just two fingers. She snarled at him when she saw she wasn't getting anywhere, and she started digging her nails into his skin. They were long enough to hurt, for he then took her fingers and started prying them off.

"Damn you!!" she screamed, not allowing him to take off her fingers. "Just die!!"

Since he couldn't very well talk good, nor laugh, he was left trying to get her fingers off his neck without breaking them. She was a stubborn and persistent one, he had to give her that.

He finally got them off from around his neck, but she was still going for it, her fingers even curved and tipped with blood. He could feel her muscles struggling to fight his strength, and he was impressed that she had as much energy as she was showing. He brought her hands down to her thighs, and pressed them down into her lap hard, making them stay. That didn't seem to do anything, for she just started jumping up and down on top of him as hard as she could, and she knocked the wind out of his chest, which caused him to lose concentration and let go of her hands. She gave a nasty mean laugh and got up, only to start kicking him in the side as cruelly as she could. She had only gotten about three good hits in when he rolled away from her and jumped up into the air, floating just above her head so she couldn't abuse him further.

Vegeta, in all his wonderful mirth, inspected his wounds. Nail bites on his neck, a sore stomach from a nicely placed bounce, and some burning ribs on his side along with it. He stared at her, unbelieving that she had just done that to him.

"I should kill you," he said simply, but then got down from his height and touched down on the ground a few feet away from her. "But I won't."

She frowned, looking at her nails when she felt a sticky substance under them. Her eyes widened slightly, but then the look disappeared off her face. She liked the thought of having Vegeta's blood on her. She gave him an evil grin and looked at his neck. Sure enough, there were her claw marks on his neck. "So, mighty Vegeta, are you going to train me?"

He blinked at her sudden change of heart, rubbed his neck for a brief second, and then nodded slowly. "Only if you don't try to kill me without me giving you my consent."


He studied her for a moment, taking in her curves and beauty in one quick sweep. "Start stretching."

She moaned. "But I already did a thousand times. I don't-"

"Do it again."

She plunked down to the ground and, mumbling to herself, started stretching, getting into painful and complicated positions that even made Vegeta flinch. Then he smiled. He would have to try that out.

When she was done, she got up and rolled her neck and shoulders like she always did, and then crossed her arms, waiting for him to tell her what to do.

He walked up next to her, and said, "Follow my motions." He paused. "And don't try anything stupid."

She gave him a confused look, but complied. He did a series of punches, but no kicks, telling her he would get into that later, and when he started getting into combos, which wouldn't be for a very long time. She nodded and just followed what he did, allowing him to make adjustments to her form every once and a while.

Exactly seven hours later, Bulma could have sworn she fell unconscious. All she knew that as soon as she took the five second break he had offered her and she had sat on the floor, she was out. Vegeta just grinned and sat down next to her, inspecting her profile. She certainly was trying hard, and he felt pride go through him. He knew she was pretty much doing it for him, just to impress him, and even though she was weak, she was succeeding.

He picked her up and brought her into the Capsule Corp. housing building at which he took her to her makeshift bedroom next to his, and laid her on the bed. Then, suddenly remembering that he had no door to his room, he laid down next to her. If she woke up and started to complain, he would have a good excuse.