Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Dreams and Sex ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Fifteen: Dreams and Sex


Bulma woke up only to find Vegeta laying next to her. Well, if this isn't déjà vu, she thought, wondering if she should torture the unknowing and helplessly half naked sleeping Saiya-jin next to her. Hehehe....

She dragged the covers down to his waist, exploring the deep ridges and hard muscles with her fingers and eyes. He was laying on his back, a perfect position for what she was doing. He shifted slightly when her fingers trailed down his neck to his collar bone, and then to his chest. She brushed her fingertips over his nipples and she could have sworn that he growled deep in his throat. Maybe what she was doing was causing him to have a wet dream or something....

*~Vegeta's Dream~*

It was black, the kind of black that would scare anyone, even him. He glanced around nervously, listening and feeling with his Saiya-jin senses. He couldn't hear anything, nor feel anything, not even a weak ki. He was all alone. Or at least he thought he was.

An image appeared before him, flickering for a moment before it became solid and smiled at him. One of those beautiful smiles that he found that he longed for with all his might.

Bulma, in a flowing white nightgown, stood before him, smiling one of her smiles. He gave her a wicked grin and drew her into his arms, his lips going straight for hers. As soon as their bodies touched, along with their lips, he stopped. He pulled back, looking down as his hand wandered downwards. Bulma protested for a moment before his hand covered her slightly rounded stomach. "Wo-Woman..." he stuttered, looking back up and staring into her wary eyes.

"I'm sorry if you're mad at me, Vegeta," she whispered, pulling away. He wouldn't let her. "Onna...I'm not mad at you. I'm...I'm scared."

Her own scared look on her face went away instantly as he drew her back into his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world. He held on to her tight, but gently, thinking about his future child. He didn't think he would be a good parent. He was already a horrible person to Bulma, so how could he but good to their child?

He was standing there holding her when he suddenly felt her being pulled away from him. She cried out in pain and horror, as she was taken away from Vegeta's loving hold. He tried to reach for her, but he was being suspended by something that wouldn't let him go.

He watched as two dark shadowed creatures grabbed her and started tearing away her clothes, started cutting and tearing at her soft skin as she screamed in pain, and he couldn't do anything but watch.

Soon she was laying half naked and dying on the ground, the two looming creatures standing above her, laughing at her pathetic situation. He heard one say, "Ah, look sister, she's pregnant. What do you think we should do about it?"

Another sinister laugh. "You know what to do already, brother. You always read my mind."

They both laughed. Vegeta watched completely terrified as they bent down and drew out a knife, that damn fucking knife that Yamcha had stabbed him with, and that Bulma had killed Yamcha with in her dream. It went lower and closer to Bulma's unprotected stomach, as she whimpered for help that wouldn't come. It slid into the delicate skin of her stomach, and she screamed, screamed for her life and her unborn child's, and then there was silence.

*~End Dream~*

Vegeta jerked upright in bed, startling Bulma as he did so. "Vegeta? Are you alright?"

He squeezed his eyes shut and fisted his hands, trying not to grind his teeth. At the sound of Bulma's voice, he calmed and took hold of her, bringing her close to his body. "Bulma, I don't want you to die."

Startled, all she could do was sit there and not cry. He must have had a bad dream about those androids. Meanwhile, here I was, thinking he was having some wet dream about me. She held onto him tighter.

After a few moments, Vegeta let her go, realizing that he was showing way too much emotion to be comfortable with. He threw back the blankets and stood by the bed a moment, not daring to look at the little female in the bed.

He almost smiled when she asked, "Are you hungry?"

It seemed to help take the tension out of the room, but he shook his head. "Bulma...I have to train." I have to protect you.

"I know. I'll leave you alone."

He shook his head again. "No, you don't really bother me, well, you do, but I need...space." He paused, looking up abruptly. "Yes, that's it!"

He left the room, forgetting Bulma for the moment. She took a deep breath and shrugged, wondering what was on his mind as she crawled out of bed, realizing it was really late. Oh well, she was hungry.

When she went downstairs, she opened the fridge, only to find that nothing was in it. She frowned. She could have sworn that there had been things in it earlier. She pursed her lips and closed the door, heading to the cupboards. Nothing, except very few disgusting things that she wouldn't catch herself eating. Her shoulders sagged. She was hungry, damn it!! It was then that she thought about why everything was gone. "Vegeta!!! I demand that you puke up all the food you ate and give it back so I can have something to eat!!!" she yelled, but she doubted he had heard anything.

Pursing her lips again, she left the house, walking to the ship that housed the GR. She walked around, but didn't find him, not even in the gravity room. She was about to leave when he came out of a storage chamber, looking smug and slightly dusty. She leaned against the wall, waiting for him to pay attention to her.

He didn't look in the least surprised when he spotted her. "What do you want? Can't I have the least amount of privacy in my own ship?"

Bulma scowled at him. "You wouldn't even have a ship if it wasn't for me fixing it constantly from you blowing it up. Now, what are you bloody doing with my food?"

He strode past her, checking certain rooms as if he was looking for something. She followed after him, confused as to why he was inspecting his ship. She paled. Oh no.

Vegeta heard the Onna stop dead in her tracks when she finally caught on. He turned around, giving her a faint smile. If only she knew....

"You're leaving," she stated the obvious, her hand going to her throat.

"Yes." But not you. I'm never leaving you again.

She swallowed hard, and then looked down. "Why?"

"Because I need to train. I need to train without the distractions of this baka planet bothering me." His eyes narrowed on her. "It becomes too much of a temptation to blow it up everyday."

Bulma continued to stare at him, and then said, "Are you leaving because of me?" She couldn't help it, she had to ask.

He shook his head just the slightest bit, making her knees melt. She fell to the ground with a sigh. "Then why?"

"I need more time. I need more calm concentration, not the worries of this damn place," he said, and walked over to her, hauling her up. "Don't worry, you'll know when I leave." If only you knew...hehehe....

She nodded and followed him, asking if he needed any help or if he wanted anything. He started giving her a vast list of things, which her genius mind had no problem memorizing. When he was done inspecting various things, it was three in the morning. But she wasn't tired.

"Uh, Vegeta?"

He was bent over the control panel in the cockpit, making some small adjustments to beeping and blinking buttons. "What?"

"Um, I'm going to go get the things you need. I'm not tired so, uh, I'll be back in a little bit."

He waved his hand in brief acknowledgment. She looked longingly at the back of his dark head, almost willing him to turn around and look at her. She jumped when he did just that.

Now. Now she could ask what she had been meaning to ask him for the past few hours. "Are you coming back?"

He smirked at her. "Of course. I'm training so I can destroy those stupid androids, so that means I'm going to have to come back and kill them, right?"

She could have smacked herself. Duh, Bulma. You're stupider than a stupid person with brain damage! "Alright, I'll be back in a little bit. Don't leave!!"

He grunted in answer and turned back to his machine. She just smiled, almost happy as she drove to the twenty four hour super Wal-Mart downtown. She ended up with three carts full of stuff by the time she was done. People who were still there thought she was whack or something. She just ignored them and purchased her things, heading straight back home to Vegeta.

Vegeta heard the car come into the driveway and left the ship, planning on helping her. He walked up to the vehicle, wondering why he didn't see anything with her. She turned off the engine and opened the door, closing it and then encapsulating it. "Hi, Vegeta."

She walked past him and went to the aircraft, ignoring him and the confused look on his face. She entered and stood there, checking out things with her experienced eye and making sure everything was alright for the millionth time.

Vegeta growled behind her, his arms crossed. "Where is my stuff, Woman?!"

She handed him a capsule. "In there. Oh yeah, when you open that thing, be very careful."

He just ripped it out of her hand and went to the biggest storage room.


She grinned and walked into the overflowing room. "I told you to be careful, moron."

He was glaring at her from being half-buried underneath a pile of his food, and all the other things he had demanded. "WOMAN!!! Just wait until I get a hold of you!!!!"

She giggled and ran out of the room, hearing Vegeta right behind her. It wasn't even five seconds before he had her, pinned up against a wall. He gave her a wicked smile and took hold of the top of her shirt, tearing it right down the middle. She gasped, yelling at him, "Vegeta! Down boy!!!"

He chuckled and let his tongue wander over the exposed skin. She melted at his touch and her knees went weak when his long fingers unclasped her bra and threw it to the floor. His hands immediately went to her breasts, his fingers teasing her now hard nipples. She moaned and his mouth found hers, his tongue plunging inside, searching hers out.

He felt her shudder in his arms when his tongue twirled around hers and drew on it. In response, she twined her arms around his neck, drawing him closer as she pressed her hips against his. She gasped into his mouth when she felt his very evident desire.

Vegeta chuckled and let her mouth go, letting his lips stitch stinging kisses down her long neck and then back up to her ear. He nibbled on her earlobe, making her shiver and wiggle against him to get closer. She felt so hot, she wanted to bury herself inside him, but all she could do was moan and whimper as his mouth traveled over her body in a tantalizing caress. "Vegeta..."

He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt her fingers tug insistently at the top of his pants. She smiled against his mouth and pressed a small innocent kiss to his lips, her smile growing when she noticed how hard he was breathing. She undid the button, then pulled down the zipper, purposefully brushing over his arousal in the process of taking off his clothes. He gave a muffled groan against her throat and lifted his black shirt over his head, discarding it to the floor next to them.

Bulma pushed his pants down, letting him kick them away as she hooked her fingers over the top of his tight spandex shorts, pulling them down as well. He seemed relived to be free of the constricting piece of clothing, and proved it by molding himself against her. She held in a moan and started ripping off her pants, wanting more than anything to have their naked bodies meshed together.

Soon she was naked, pressed up against the wall, Vegeta devouring her mouth and his fingers roaming downwards. She knew where they were going, wanted them there so bad that she could have just died, but they stopped, resting on her lower stomach. He felt her muscles tighten under his touch, and grinned, kissing her harder when he gave in to what she wanted.

Bulma gave a hoarse shout when his fingers grazed her, and then went unbearably deeper. It was all she could but cling to him, trying not to scream her head off at the unbelievable pleasure coursing through her small and yielding body.

He slipped a finger inside her, feeling her inner walls clench around it as he moved it in and out in an erotic display of the actual sex act. She bit her lip and started trembling uncontrollably, unable to stop herself.

She cried out when his fingers left her, but then it was instantly replaced as he entered her in one unrelenting mad thrust. She screamed and dug her fingers in his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged hard, causing him to growl as he moved faster and faster.

It didn't take long before she felt heat explode through her body and he gave a ragged yell, both of their cries echoing through the hall that they were in.

When it was over, Vegeta held her in his arms, still pinned up against the wall, both panting and gasping madly for air.

"Are you...alright?" Vegeta asked, his breath fanning over her shoulder.

She nodded weakly against his own shoulder. "Y-yeah. You?"


She giggled. "Good. I think," she yawned, not even bothering to cover her mouth, "that I'm tired now."

He smirked. "I would think so." He set her down, leaning her up against the wall as he picked up their strewn clothes. He pulled his big shirt over her head, and tugged on his spandex shorts. It covered them both decently enough.

Bulma sighed and let him pick her up and bring her to the cockpit, at which he plopped down into cozy chair and arranged her into a comfortable position on his lap at which they both fell asleep.