Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ It's Not To Be ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Twenty One: It's Not To Be    

Blackness...how she wanted it forever, just hold it close to her fragile being and cherish it. She wanted it to keep away the constant pain, the horrible, unbearable, ruthless pain that came in disgusting series, almost like it was organized. She knew that whatever was doing this to her wanted to break her spirit, but she wouldn’t let it happen. Never....


It was three times a day, two hours long each time. She had no idea how long she had been in this hell, but it seemed like forever. She was in a dark, sunless cell with slime coated metal walls, which she thought was odd. At least there weren't any rats.


Currently, she was chained to a wall, her back pressed against the slimy mildew that she so loathed. The cruel chains on her slender wrists had long since torn her delicate skin, but she ignored it. She had dug deep into herself during every torture, blocking out the things that were being done to her body. It wasn’t so bad when she thought about it...it could always be worse. They could rape her, repeatedly, until she was either pregnant, or she was dead. She prayed desperately to Kami that it never came to that.


Vegeta....His name rang through her head, and she felt the first smile she had had since she had come here tug at her lips. What happened to you? Are you coming to save me? Or....Her eyes shot open, hearing footsteps approaching. Ah, she thought. Another two hour beating. As far as she could tell, they had no reason to do it, they were just doing it for perverted pleasure. She shuddered, listening to the door grate open, and two dark looming figures entered the room, whips in hand.




He moved along the wall, blending into the dark shadows like he was a part of them. He heard nothing, and he took that as a good and bad sign as he stealthily made his way down the twisting corridors.


It had only been three days, but it was already too long. Bulma could be dead for all he knew. These creatures, whatever the fuck they were, could easily crush her tiny body with barely even trying. He didn’t want to admit it, but it honestly scared him. He didn’t want to see her hurt. It would be his fault...all his fault because of what he had done during Frieza's tyranny.


After Bulma had lost consciousness on his ship, he had taken a deep blow to both his left calf and his chest. He had been distracted long enough in that tiny second of watching Bulma that he had almost cost himself his own life.


When he had woken up a short time later, he had been thrown carelessly somewhere in a storage room. He had smirked, looking at the room and the door. How pathetic and stupid these creatures must be, he had thought, walking over to the door. Not only had it been barely a door, it had been unlocked. So, they didn’t see him as a threat? He had wondered, but ignored it as he had just walked out and through the halls.


He had seen the blurry moving objects walk through the halls, but they didn’t seem to notice him. He kept his ki lowered to that of a rat, knowing that they wouldn’t feel it unless they really tried.


He didn’t want to think he was lost, but how long had he been looking around? Almost a day? The ship had to be enormous, for he continued to find new things, and new places that he hadn't yet seen. It was driving him mad, and all he wanted to do is blow this thing to oblivion, but he couldn’t with Bulma on here.


He gritted his teeth and proceeded down the halls, thinking. The last two days hadn't been something horrible, but something to remember.


He had been spying on the beings of this ship, trying to find out why they had attacked his perfectly unthreatening space craft. He hadn't been shocked over his discovery, not really.


Him and Frieza's minions had blown up their planet, to put it simply. To put it in a more complicated view, they had plundered their planet shamelessly, torturing the beings without care, only to let them suffer for a few brief days without food of any kind, and then destroyed their home. It hadn't really bothered him at the time, and it still didn’t, but he wished he hadn't been ordered to do it. Maybe now they wouldn’t be in this damn situation.


Therefore, coming to a conclusion after hearing them talking in a language he understood, he had the feeling they were out for revenge. They wanted him to suffer, as he had made them. But it didn’t make sense!!


First of all, apparently a large group of the creatures had escaped the planet before they had blown it up, for here they were. And secondly, if they wanted him to suffer, why in the hell wasn’t he dead yet? Moreover, why had they just thrown him carelessly into a shabby "cell" and left him in there with an unlocked door?


If that didn’t make sense, then he didn’t understand this one: Why had they taken Bulma?


He let his fingers feel along the wall, for it was rather dark in the hall he was in now. He felt confident that he was getting closer, and reached out with all his being, trying to find her ki.


He felt it. It was close, there, but just barely. She wasn’t dying, but he had the feeling if she had much more of whatever she was going through, she would be dead soon.


His fingers ran over a door. He stopped, knowing she was behind it. There wasn’t a window, so he knew without thinking that it was one of those horrid cells without any light whatsoever.


He pushed the small button beside the door, happy that there wasn’t a code or something he had to enter. Well, it wouldn’t matter, he would just punch it and break it to get in.


Bulma lifted her head wearily, her now mostly grown back hair concealing her blood smeared face. She saw another one of those looming figures, and she whimpered. Her last beating had been worse than any of the others yet, and they were going to get worse, she had no doubt. "Please," she pleaded, closing her eyes to hold back the tears. "Stop doing this to me."


Vegeta felt something shift inside him at her softly uttered words. "Onna...Bulma, I'm here." He strode over to her, lifting her to take her weight off the chains her body was dangling by. He saw the dark, mostly dried blood running along the length of her arms, and disappearing under what was left of her tight silver spandex shirt. Gashes in her shirt were clearly visible, and the shirt was being held together by something he couldn’t see. It might as well had not even been there, for the whole front had been torn off, exposing her large soft breasts that were now covered in dirt, blood, and other various grime that he didn’t want to think about.


He let his eyes wander over her body to check for any severe wounds or injuries. He didn’t spot any, it was mostly dark bruises and deep cuts. There was so much blood that it gave the look that she had grave wounds that could cause her to die.


Bulma had no idea who or what was holding her up, all that she knew was that the pain in her once numb wrists was becoming more aware as the feeling returned. She whimpered, but tried to bury herself into the warmth by her side. She was so cold, her body felt frozen....


Vegeta could feel the racking shudders going through her small body, and smiled when she tried to get closer to him for much-needed heat.


She heard a soft murmur that told her everything was going to be ok, and she tried to open her eyes, but it hurt too much. That voice...it was so familiar. "Ve-Vegeta...." she sighed, going even more limp as she felt a searing heat close to her wrists, and then her bonds clang against the wall as they were taken carefully from her wrists.


Vegeta laid her carefully on the floor, although loath to do so when the floor didn’t look too clean. He removed his shirt, in spite of the fact that the lower right side was gone, and most of it was stained with blood. He sat her up slightly, pulling it as gently as he could over her head to cover her. It did the job, and that’s all that mattered.


Bulma felt herself being picked up, but didn’t fight it. She felt safe for some reason.


Vegeta walked out of the room, the door closing behind him. He looked up and down the hall, not seeing anyone or anything. He started back the way he had come, for he had seen a small emergency evacuation station somewhere from where he had come from. If it was for evacuation, then it had to have evacuation pods.


He walked swiftly down the corridors, hugging the female shivering in his arms close. She didn’t know who he was, nor did she know what was happening, all she knew was that she was safe, and that’s all that was important to him.


He found it about a half an hour later, and he smirked, the deadly grin twisting his features. There was one guard, he could see the blurry mass a few feet in front of him, protecting the door.


He set Bulma down on the ground, making sure not to make a noise as he laid her down as carefully as he could. She looked somewhat disturbed as he did so, for a frown creased her smooth forehead that was dusted with dirt and covered with a smear of blood.


The smirk on his face disappeared when he suddenly appeared in front of the creature, and threw his fist into its face as hard as he could. The thing smashed into the wall, leaving a dent the size of a car. The hazy creature slumped onto the ground, and then miraculously, it faded, and then all together departed, leaving a blank spot from where it used to be. Vegeta blinked, staring at the empty spot a fraction of a second before he went back to get the Onna.


She gave hoarse moan, feeling pain shoot through her body, stabbing and piercing her skin and insides. He tried to be as careful as he could, but nothing seemed to work. All he could do was hurry.


He ran over to the door, punching the red button and destroying it in the process of trying to open it. He couldn’t have given a shit, he just sprinted into the room, spotting seven circular large pods of a dark gray, almost black. He thought that odd, but maybe it was a precaution so no one would see them if they escaped an enemy.


He hurried over to one of the pods, figuring the alien controls out easily as he punched a few buttons to activate the small space craft.


He was about to go through the slowly opening door, however...it wasn’t to be.