Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Frieza's Orders ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Twenty Two: Frieza's Orders     

Vegeta stood there stiffly as he slowly turned towards the sound of a growl. He felt Bulma shiver in his arms, and then suddenly remembered that he had a female in his embrace. He looked down, watching her pain-filled expressions for a moment before he placed her against the side of the pod, having the feeling that he was about to get into a battle with this creature.


She gave a small whimper as he set her down, but was silent afterwards. He got a shock when her big blue eyes fluttered open, her gaze boring into his. She lifted her hand up to bring to his face, but she was too weak. Instead, he took it up in his own grasp, placing it on his cheek. She sighed as if almost in bliss, but he had to end one of their very few and precious moments, for he felt a ki signature a few feet away from him growing steadily. Her hand slipped from his face as he stood from his kneeling position...only to be blasted into the wall. It didn’t cause much damage to him, but it left a nice size dent in the hull.


Vegeta jumped up, his power level flying upward past what it had never been before. He gloried in the sensation, but only had a second to do so as he threw himself at the blurry mass, only to stop in mid-flight as it started to materialize in front of him. He let his feet touch the ground in a simple graceful movement, and crossed his arms over his bare chest as he watched the scene before him.


It was quite disgusting, actually; oozing green slime seemed to be its skin as it became solid. Its body was twice the size of his, and twice as wide. If there was anything under the muck it was buried in, it was some sort of hard plastic like material, either like an armor, or like its factual skin. It almost had the appearance of Frieza, minus the ooze and the size, and it made something inside him become dark and hard, his anger of not being the one to kill the lizard-like creature escalating to points beyond.


He was snapped out of his death-filled reverie when he heard a deep laugh before him. At least it wasn’t like Frieza's, he thought darkly, but couldn’t help but be sickened as he saw that green slime pour out of its mouth as it talked. No wonder why they became invisible like they did; who would want to see them?


"Priiiincee Veeeeeegeeeetaaaaa," it slurred, its tongue flickering out and licking up some of the now-foaming ooze back into its mouth, which was filled with deformed, long, and very pointy teeth. "Yooooooooou...yooou the one whoooooo destroooooyed planeeeeet. Mussssssssssst diiiiiiiiiiieeee."


Vegeta got a disgusted look on his face and said, "You stupid creature. Maybe it’s a good thing I did, for your pathetic race needs to be wiped from existence. I think I will finish my incomplete assignment."


The being's breathing in front of him increased, sounding labored because of the muck gushing from its mouth, onto its body and to the floor, which now had a growing puddle.


Vegeta didn’t give it the first chance to attack him, so he gave the element of surprise. He started flinging ki blasts at it, his aim impeccable as every ball of energy smashed into the alien, causing it to collide into the door of the room they were in, breaking through the thin metal and hitting the wall outside. At the impact, a spurt of green slime spewed from its disfigured mouth, making Vegeta fling an extra energy blast at its ugly head for good measure.


Thinking it dead, he turned around, going back to Bulma who was watching his every movement. It was her who pointed behind him, a shriek getting stuck in her throat. He jerked around, seeing a large ball of blazing yellow being launched at him. He jumped out of the way easily, but then he remembered.




She didn’t even have a chance in her condition. His eyes widened in horror as she brought up her arms, attempting to protect herself as it hurled through the air in almost slow motion.


Bulma opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. She waited for the smashing deadly impact that would kill her in a split second. But it never came.


She lifted one lid, feeling a glowing warm energy next to her trembling form. Bright flaming gold entered her perfect vision, and she could feel an emanating strength and power all around her somehow relaxing body. The energy seemed to flow over her body like a waterfall of the most delicate silk, made her feel safe and protected, and without a thought, she knew it was Vegeta.


She let both of her eyes slide open slowly, seeing the one in question immersed in gleaming ochroid. It was more brilliant than gold, there wasn’t even a name for it. She watched as he caught the ki blast easily in his hand, and then threw it back at the creature that had almost killed her. It vaporized instantly, leaving them alone with the sound of Vegeta's aura all around her. He lifted his hands up, staring at them a moment before he collapsed to his knees, his golden hair and glow disappearing as if it had never been there.


She licked her suddenly dry lips, gathering as much energy as she could to crawl over to his kneeling position. He was facing away from her, his eyes boring into the ground. She touched his shoulder lightly, not wanting to startle him. He didn’t even seem to notice it. 'Vegeta, we...we should get out of here before anyone else comes."


He turned to look at her, no expression whatsoever on his face. That was normal, but she wished he would show some sign of emotion.


He stood without a second thought, gathering her up in his strong embrace and hopping into the space pod. He set her into the passenger seat next to him, for there were four seats in the front and a back with a small bench that could be a bed, and another one next to it on the opposite wall. She didn’t know what else was in the back, all she knew was that they had to get out of here, and she was too damn tired and weak to care.


Vegeta figured out effortlessly how to work the alien craft, and punched a few buttons to get it started. He heard a loud and annoying alarm start to go off, and he scowled as he felt his ears ring from the whining noise. Even the Onna's voice wasn’t this irritating.


Bulma flinched and tried to cover her ears, but she was too lame to do it. Instead, she ended up burying one side of her face into her chair, curling up her legs and having Vegeta growl next to her as the engines started and everything began to shake. "Onna, put on your seat belt before we take off and you fly through the windshield!!"


She didn’t seem to comprehend what he was saying in all the commotion, so he ended up taking off his own to get to her, straightening her legs none too gently, and strapping her in. She tried not to show the pain that he had just caused her, so she closed her eyes, knowing that they would relate to him what she was feeling.


Just as he was done with her, the door that would let them out into space started to open, the alarm seemed to get louder, and the shaking of the craft got even fiercer. She heard the unmistakable sound of the rocket engines as the fired to life, launching them out into space at an incredible speed. She had time enough to contemplate what was going to happen to the spacecraft behind her as they shot through space; Vegeta pushing and pressing various control buttons.


When Vegeta had blasted that creature, it had destroyed the sealing door. Because of this, when they had been shot out into space, the no-oxygen environment had been sucked into the ship. Now, because there was no oxygen, the creatures were all going to suffocate and die. She hated herself for a moment, but then she pushed it down deep inside her. They didn’t deserve her sympathy. They had tortured her, tried to prolong her ever-approaching death. She was almost happy they were all going to die.


She looked over to Vegeta, who she saw smirk out of nowhere. He pushed one more button and sat back into his comfortable chair, getting an almost lazy look about him as he did. She jumped when she heard the computer female voice come overhead, saying, "Mother ship self-destruct mode in thirty seconds. Mother ship self-destruct mode in thirty seconds."


Bulma's eyes widened and she looked back at Vegeta, who still had his smirk on his lips. "Vegeta, you didn’t have to do that."


He opened his eyes. "Why not? They needed to be killed, and I just finished an uncompleted task."


"So, you're still following Frieza's orders, huh? And that’s not what I meant, you stupid bastard. What I meant was...." she trailed off, seeing the sudden hard look come to his face. "I-I'm sorry, Vegeta. I-I didn’t mean it."


He looked out into space, not paying attention to her. She took this as something bad, but she didn’t say anything else. She closed her tired eyes, hoping to find some relaxing and healing sleep.