Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ You're Gonna BLOW UP, Mwahahahaha!! ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Three: You're Gonna BLOW UP, Mwahahahaha!!
Vegeta waited until Bulma was asleep, knowing that her stubborn pride would kick in if he tried to help her. She was slouched in her chair in what seemed an uncomfortable position, so he undid her belt, picking her up gently as he brought her into the back. He laid her carefully on one of the benches, which he guessed were pathetic excuses for beds, and left her side, looking for some medical supplies elsewhere in the ship.
He came back a few moments later, in his hand a medium sized bag of medical stuff. He sat beside her, digging through it to find some alternative to human peroxide, but first he got out the bottle of water and a strip of precious gauze to clean her up with as best as he could.
He tried not to pay attention to her body as he cleansed her, he tried to concentrate that he had to help her, had to make her feel better. After all, it was all his fault. No matter how hard he tried, it all fell apart. He wanted his past to become a memory, a memory that he never had, so that he may have a chance to start over again.
He snorted as he took hold of her arm painstakingly gentle, swiping it clean with the water and then pouring some of the dreaded burning peroxide over the deep cuts. Once he was done with her arms, he lent his attentions to her upper abdomen, which had a large gash. He wished he had a senzu bean, but he didn't unfortunately. He would have to wait until he got back to his ship.
He wrapped a roll of white gauze around her midsection with care, trying to deny the urge of laying his hand over her lower stomach. He wondered if she knew she was pregnant yet. Was she even pregnant? He didn't want to reach out and detect the possible tiny ki within her, for some odd reason he felt like he was invading her privacy. There was always the distinct possibility that she wasn't, and that it had all been a dream. He hoped it wasn't. He had always wanted a brat, even if he never said it out loud, and told everyone that he would rather kill himself than have kids hanging off of his arms and legs everywhere he went.
He went back to bandaging her wounded body, taking off the rest of her clothes so he could wash her properly. He kept his eyes closed, not feeling right about taking advantage of her vulnerable state. He rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe it; he was acting honorable.
He let his mind wander as he cleaned her up, thinking back to only about an hour ago. I am a Super Saiya-jin. I, the Prince of all Saiya-jins, am finally the warrior of legend. A deadly smirk crept up on his handsome features. Now I can kill Kakorot.
His thoughts were disrupted as Bulma stirred, giving a slight moan. He hurried into the back, dragging a blanket he had found back with him to toss over her before she woke up and tired to kill him. He pretended calmness and acted like he didn't know she was awake by tending to one of the dark discolored bruises on her lower thigh with a rub-in cream he had found in the medical bag.
Bulma let her eyes drift open slowly, sighing at an almost tingly clean feeling. Her eyes opened further as she felt a rubbing sensation on her leg, and her immediate reaction was to kick and scream and kill, but she saw it was Vegeta, his face a mask of concentration. She held back the urge to kick him anyway, and smiled, remembering earlier at the ship. "Vegeta...."
He lifted his gaze to her profile, his normal expression, or whatever it could be called, locked on his face. "What?"
She bent her knee slightly, and he placed his hand on her upper thigh to keep her still. "Don't move. I am still trying to fix you up. You took a lot of damage from whatever happened to you."
Bulma's eyes darkened, a remarkable feat that had him staring and unable to look away. Was it anger? Hate? What was it? "Onna? Do you...do you know, er, remember what happened on that ship?"
Bulma lifted wary eyes up to Vegeta's, feeling his stare boring into hers. "Yes...yes I remember," she said, a hint of fear in her voice. She ignored his order to stay still and started to bring her legs up to her chest to hug them. Instead, he stopped her, picking her up and placing her on his lap in one swift movement that left her breathless. He tucked her blanket in more around her, making sure she was comfy before he pleaded with his eyes to tell him what happened. She looked down, picking at the blanket, her fingers grazing his chest on purpose as she did so.
"It wasn't much, it just...just scares me, I guess. You know what I mean, rich little girl never thinking to be tortured in a horribly dark room with oozing green slime on the walls."
At the mention of that slime, his eyes narrowed, but he held silent as she continued., "Three times a day, two hours each time. They came and...and...." she shuddered, burying her face in Vegeta's chest. He hesitated before he placed his hand on her head, running his fingers through her hair. Even though it wasn't too clean, and slightly matted, he didn't seem to notice. "Onna, you don't have to—"
"They didn't really hurt me that bad, they just hurt my pride. They...they touched me, made me feel so violated, it might as well had been rape. Rape probably would have been better...." she droned off, clinging to him now. "What took you so long to save me?"
He had never wanted to kill himself so much in his whole entire life. He should have thought about her before himself. But no, he hadn't. He had thought of himself first, wondering why the creatures had wanted him so badly. If he hadn't been such a selfish bastard, then he could have saved Bulma from the things that had happened to her. What to say? He didn't want to lie, but she would get mad at him if he told her the truth, wouldn't she? He was so afraid of actually losing her, that he didn't even realize it. At least, he didn't realize it until he felt the right side win, and the truth spilled forth, unable to stop. He knew that he couldn't lie to her, the feeling inside him would haunt him forever, and sooner or later she would learn about it, that or she would be able to tell.
"Bulma...I'm so sorry. Its my fault that what happened to you did. I...I understand if you hate me. I...I don't—"
"Shh...." she pressed her finger to his lips, stopping him from talking. She just curled up further into embrace, closing her eyes. He was surprised to find that in the next moment, she was asleep. He let his own weariness tug at him, for he hadn't had sleep for over three days. They were going to get back to his ship in a few hours, that is, if it was still there.
"Final destination approaching in five minutes. Final destination approaching in five minutes. Thank you and have a nice day."
Vegeta growled. How dare that computer voice wake him. His dark thoughts dug deeper as he suspiciously wondered why the computer in this pod was almost just the same as the one on his ship. Well, it didn't matter, for he would take his own perverse pleasure from destroying this craft after they got back to his own ship. He hoped that it hadn't sustained too much damage, or at least enough so that the Onna would be able repair it.
Bulma...he looked down at her peaceful expression, his arms unconsciously tightening to hold her closer to him. A small smile tipped up the corners of her deliciously curved mouth, making his own grin appear. He was so damn horny that he couldn't wait until she healed and he could have his way with her.
He stood, leaving her on the small bench to walk to the controls at the front of the ship. He looked out the viewing glass, spotting his much larger ship easily. It didn't look too bad...in fact, he could see some lights on from the windows, and a few blinking lights from the outside hull. He punched a few buttons into the control center, not noticing Bulma had woken.
Bulma literally clung to the bench and wall, fearing for her life as Vegeta maneuvered the pod to the small docking area at the side of his own ship. She didn't want to watch, all she did was squeeze her eyes shut tight and waited for the small shudders going through the pod to stop.
When they did, she opened one eye, smiling when she saw Vegeta readying to get off the "offending" pod, as he had put it. He gave her a brief look, showing her his surprise that she was awake with the simple glance.
"Can you walk, Onna, or do you need me to carry you?"
She chewed on her lower lip, whether it was on purpose or not, Vegeta didn't know.
Bulma tried to bring up her most innocent smile, lying as she said, "No, I don't think I can walk very well, yet. It wouldn't be too much if you carried me, would it?"
Vegeta smirked, picking her up effortlessly. He could toss her like a sack of potatoes with his pinky finger, she knew, but it made her feel safe as it always did as he pushed some buttons by the exiting door to make it open.
He stepped through it as it finally opened, the stupid slow technology was driving him insane, and he was more than grateful to be off of the pod that he had come to despise and loath in only a few short hours. He scanned the area of his ship slowly, taking in anything and everything that might be wrong. When he didn't see anything, he walked down the hall to their bedroom, or in other words, the only habitual room to sleep in on the ship. He kept his senses on full alert, but still didn't feel anything wrong. He heard the door of the pod close, an annoying squeaking noise that made him grit his teeth.
However, he smirked afterwards, knowing what was going to happen to the stupid object. It was going to detach itself from his ship, fly at a fast speed away from it for about forty five seconds, and then self-destruct. He gave an evil laugh inside his head, wishing that he could watch it, but he had to take care of the Onna before he did anything else.
He set her on the bed, which was still unmade from their last rest time. He covered her, watching her a moment as she got comfy and he told her, not asked, "I am going to get food for you to eat. I will be back in a few moments."
She nodded, holding back a yawn. She was starving, she hadn't eaten since they had been captured. Her stomach growled as if almost in agreement with her, and she smiled, patting it and telling it to wait patiently.