Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Going Home ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Four: Going Home
On his way to the kitchen, he inspected any damage that had been done to his ship. The cockpit was the worst, considering what had happened there, but it wasn't anything the Onna couldn't fix.
He grabbed various things that he thought she would like, and then made sure he got several cans of soda, for both him and her. By the time he was done getting food, he didn't think he could bring it all back. He frowned, but then took a plastic bag that was stuffed into a corner. He filled it to the brim, and then picked everything else up that he could carry. Satisfied that he had enough, he headed back for their room.
Bulma grinned when the door slid open, and Vegeta entered...with a lot of food. She almost drooled, and it all she could do but not bounce up and done on the bed. "Hurry up, Vegeta. Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!"
He gave a brief smile, setting it all on the bed. He told her to stay still until he had everything arranged. He sat down next to her, and she said, "On the count of three, go!"
He flexed his fingers, then cracked them, earning a giggle from Bulma in the process. "Alright, one, two, three...go!!!"
They both dived into it, Bulma heading for the soda, grabbing two and then pulling them onto her lap, Vegeta going for the other three. As soon as the drinks were established, they both simultaneously went for a nice hunk of meat. They growled at each other when they both took hold of it, and then Bulma remembered Goku and how he was possessed when it came to food. She knew Vegeta wasn't so bad, but what would she do? She wanted this piece of meat. Hmm...what to do....An evil smirk appeared on her face, and she contrived for the most seductive look in the world to plaster on her face. She leaned forward in an inviting manner, lowering her eyelashes as she bent closer to his lips. His eyes widened as her lips brushed his, considering it was the last thing in the world he had expected from a wounded woman.
As soon as his grip loosened on the piece of meat, she yanked hard, gaining her prize and pulling back just as Vegeta moved closer to push his lips more firmly on hers. He stared at her for a moment, almost looking like he didn't understand what had just happened. When he looked down at his now empty hands, he snarled at her, leaning over the pile of food to get something else and shoving it into his mouth, showing his displeasure at his loss all the while.
Once they were done eating, and all that was left was wrappers, pieces and bits of inedible food, and cans of empty soda, they shoved everything onto the floor. They laid back, closing their eyes and falling asleep, tired from their journey and their stomachs filled for the first time in three days, if not four.
Bulma woke up some time later, not surprised when Vegeta was no longer there. She sighed and tried to stand, seeing what it was like. It wasn't exceedingly bad, just a pull of tender muscles and other miscellaneous things.
She stepped daintily out of the chamber, her toes curling at the icy floor. She tip-toed to the GR, knowing that he would be there. Except he wasn't. Everything was shut down, even the lights. She sulked a bit, but then head for the cockpit. He had to be there, because there wasn't really any other place he would want to be, that is, if he wasn't in the bedroom...with her. She giggled lightly and walked slowly into the room she was headed for, smiling when she saw him at the controls, but not pushing any buttons. He was staring out into space.
He turned around, no expression on his face. "What?"
"What are you doing?" she asked, sitting down in the chair behind him. She got a quick glance at all the damage around her, the occasional spark of electricity from broken wires, and dents and other assorted things in the walls.
"Nothing. I just fixed the course to head back to home. And, Onna," he paused, giving her the once over. "You need a shower."
She was mad a first, but then she smiled. "I guess you're right." She blinked rapidly, remembering suddenly what he had just said. I just fixed the course to head back home. He called Earth home. Wow, maybe he's...he's changing....
"You know, you uh, need a shower too," Bulma said, her smiling growing as she watched his back.
"I will take one later."
Well, it had been a try. She shrugged and stood, walking out of the cockpit to go to the bathroom and take a shower.
"Planet Earth approaching in five minutes. Planet Earth approaching in five minutes. Thank you and have a nice day."
The familiar ship's computer female voice didn't piss him off as much as the pod's had. Maybe it was because they were so close to being back home and he was restless for familiar settings again.
He looked down at his feet, wondering what had happened to him. He considered Earth his home now. He longed for well-known surroundings, wanted to sleep in his own bed, or the Onna's, it didn't matter. And there was one more thing: He almost missed the Onna's mother's cooking. It was something he definitely wouldn't tell anyone.
He observed Bulma as she walked into the cockpit, her womanly stride back to its normal self. The softly swaying hips, the long steps tread on light feet. He had missed that.
She sat down next to him, no expression on her face. He frowned at that, for she always had some sign of emotion on her face. "Are you alright?" he demanded in a strict voice, glaring at her with suspicious eyes.
She looked at him as if she wondered why he was talking to her, and just shrugged. Shrugged to him. So he just shrugged back to her. "Put on your safety belt before we enter the atmosphere and you die from it. I don't feel like cleaning your brains and other various body parts from the viewing glass."
She just did as she was told, pretending he wasn't treating her like garbage.
The landing was surprisingly smooth, and she slumped in her chair, more than happy that she was back home. They had been gone for how long? Two and a half months? Like she wasn't going to be dead from not going to work....What was she going to say? Oh, Vegeta kidnapped my ass and uh, then we got captured by aliens that wanted to kill Vegeta, but instead tortured me to get back at him. She pursed her lips and unhooked herself none too gently, jumping up and stalking out of the ship.
She was greeted by about fifty smiles, and she almost jumped out of her skin when Goku ransacked her with a big hug, lifting her off the ground. "Goku!! Uh, I missed you too!!!"
He gave her his famous Son smile, putting her down. "Hey, Bulma!! We were all waiting here for you to come back!! Where did you go?!"
"She went into space with me."
Everybody turned to see Vegeta, leaning nonchalantly against the door frame of his ship.
Chichi suddenly came forward, shoving her husband out of the way to give Bulma a big hug. "We all missed you, Bulma. Are you alright?"
Bulma smiled at her long-time friend. "I'm fine. I guess you can say Vegeta is too, if he is ever alright." Everyone, including the Son family, Master Roshi, Krillin, Mr. and Mrs. Briefs, Oolong, Puar, and...no Yamcha?
She gave a secretive little grin, noticing that he wasn't there. "Where is Yamcha?"
Goku smiled again, scratching behind his head in another classic Son gesture. "He uh, said that he had to go somewhere and do something...I think."
She lifted her shoulders, not particularly caring. She smiled again when she saw Gohan, and she went forward to give him a little hug. "Hey, Gohan. Did you miss me?"
He nodded, giving her a squeeze that she pretended hurt her, and everyone laughed. "Hey, Bulma? Who else is with you?"
She pulled back, giving Goku a confused look. "Huh? What do you mean?"
Several people's eyes widened, and Goku stuttered, saying, "Bu-Bulma! You're...you're pregnant!!"
She passed out.