Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Stop Gawking At Me! ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Five: Stop Gawking At Me!
She rolled over, moaning. "What the—?"
"Don't move, Bulma."
She opened her eyes, and then immediately shut them again. "Turn off the light...." she groaned, rolling over to her side and covering her eyes with her arm in a desperate attempt to block the blinding light.
"Sorry, Bulma," Goku said, walking over to the door and flicking off the light switch by it. "Alright, you can open your eyes now."
She sighed, not planning on it. Suddenly she remembered earlier, and she felt the blood drain from her face.
Goku smiled down at her when she opened her startling dark blue eyes. "Goku, how...how did you know?"
He sat down next to her, motioning that someone was in the bathroom.
"Who is it?"
He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling as he thought about what to say after he told her who was in there. "Your mother. She was um, rather hysterical and started screaming and hurting my ears." His voice lowered at the end, and he shuddered involuntarily.
Bulma smiled, stretching like a cat in her familiar bed. Apparently they had fixed her room after she had left. She watched him tentatively for a moment, plucking at the bed sheet with her long graceful fingers. "Uh, Goku? You were saying?"
He laughed, scratching his head. "Oh, yeah. Um, well, it's kinda...um, embarrassing," he muttered, blushing. "There are several reasons, actually. I suppose you want to hear them all."
Her eyes narrowed, and she gave a small nod as she stared him down.
"Um, well, first, the most err, obvious one, was that, uh, you had another ki along with you and Vegeta. It might be kinda funny, but it's already stronger than you, Bulma."
She frowned, waiting for him to continue. "That alone hinted that it was Vegeta's. Uh, it is Vegeta's, right?"
She let out a breath she had been holding for a while, and then nodded somewhat shyly.
Goku's face broke out into a huge grin. I knew it! That future guy named Trunks was right!! "The last two reasons...um, well, your normal scent that you have around you, that everyone pretty much has memorized, changed. You smell like um, how do I put it—"
Bulma's face flamed. "Is it a bad smell!?!?!"
Goku flinched at the high note in her voice. He shook his head. "Nah, it's a nice smell. Actually, if you want the truth, guys with a sense of smell like all of us are probably going to be going nuts over it." He chuckled. "Be happy I'm married and no one else would touch you because you're Vegeta's now."
Bulma didn't think her face could get any redder. Once she recovered a tiny little bit, she asked nervously, "What was the other one?"
This was Goku's turn to become beet red. "You have, err, I mean...damn it, you have Vegeta's smell all over you!!" he yelled, mad at himself that he couldn't even talk straight with Bulma when this woman saw him naked countless times, took care of him, did everything that a mother pretty much could do.
"Oh." Was all she could say. It was then that her mother walked out of the bathroom, a happy look on her face.
"Oh, Bulma, honey!! You're pregnant!! I'm going to be a grandmother, I'm so happy!! I can't wait to spoil it, give it everything it could possibly ever want, make sure that—"
"Mother," Bulma said in a stern voice, silencing her. "I am not going t spoil this child unnecessarily. Anyway, Vegeta, the almighty Prince, wouldn't like that his child was spoiled."
Her mother gasped, her hand going up to her throat. "It's...Vegeta's?"
Bulma gave her mother a weird look, frowning at her. When Mrs. Briefs recovered, which was .03 seconds later, she squealed, "You are going to have the most gorgeous child ever on this planet!!!"
Bulma gave her mother a smile, happy for once with what came out of her mouth. "Yeah, I guess."
Goku ruffled her now-clean hair, smiling as he got up. "Well, I think that we should let you lay down. I'll make sure someone, if not me, comes and checks on you in a little bit."
Bulma, surprised to find herself actually tired, nodded, reclining back onto the bed. "Thanks, Goku."
After they left the room, Bulma laid there, thinking for a few moments. If I'm pregnant, why wasn't I throwing up? She stared up at her ceiling. Oh yeah, I'm a genius and I didn't even remember. You don't have to throw up in order to be pregnant. She rolled onto her side, cushioning her head on her arm. You would think that this child would be making me barf my stomach up every three seconds...being Vegeta's and all.
She closed her eyes, wishing for a moment that he was there with her to hold her while she slept.
Vegeta sat nervously around everyone else. They were surrounding him as if they were doing it on purpose, and it was driving him nuts. Couldn't they just leave him alone? He growled. Krillin turned around, hearing it.
"What?" he snarled, getting pissed now.
Krillin backed up, paling slightly. "Uh, nothing, Vegeta."
"That's what I thought, Human," he said simply, his arms inadvertently tightening across his chest in their crossed position.
Krillin was left to wonder why Vegeta made so many animal-like noises, but ignored it when Goku and Bulma's mother made their way down the stairs. "Hey, Goku! What's going on?" everyone asked in their own way.
Goku's famous Son smile appeared on his face as he sat across the table from Vegeta. "I guess we were all right. Bulma's pregnant! And with Vegeta's child!!"
Everyone paled, taking a few steps back as they watched the Prince of all Saiya-jins sit there, his eyes closed and his arms crossed. No one could tell what he was thinking, so they were all left standing and sitting awkwardly.
"Um, Vegeta?" Goku asked. Vegeta's eyes snapped open, glaring at him.
"What, Kakarott?" he said in an emotionless voice.
"Do you have anything to say?"
Vegeta frowned slightly. "Why would I have anything to say? The Onna's pregnant, no big deal. It might be my child, and that still doesn't mean anything. Maybe all of you baka's should stop gawking like moron's at me and get over it."
Everyone started mumbling, and then they all decided they should leave. Goku waved as everyone left. "Hey, Vegeta? How about a spar session?"
Vegeta suddenly remembered that he could turn Super Saiya-jin. "That's the smartest thing I ever heard come out of your mouth, Kakarott."