Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ I Want to Rape Your Ass ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Six: I Want to Rape Your Ass
He glared at the younger man from across the distance, and then smirked. They were at the sparring grounds, far away from any civilization. After all, they didn't want to kill anyone.
Goku wondered at the strange way Vegeta was acting. He had such an air of...confidence about him. He frowned, dipping down and stretching his legs. "You ready yet, Vegeta?"
"I've been waiting for a half an hour, Kakarott."
Goku grinned, scratching his head. "Sorry, Vegeta. Just thought you wanted some extra time to warm up."
The smaller man growled. That just set him off. Without further notice, he smirked, and then disappeared.
Goku looked around frantically and jerked to look behind him, expecting to see Vegeta.
Instead, he appeared in front of him, which was now his back. He slammed his fists into the larger man's spine, but just as he was about to, Goku vanished.
He jumped up into the air, seeing Goku appear high above him. They grinned at each other, and then went at it.
Bulma tossed and turned in her enormous bed, unable to find sleep. She didn't know why. She closed her eyes, attempting one more time, but all she saw was a strange golden glow. Vegeta....
He wouldn't get out of her head. She had the feeling that this was the reason why she couldn't sleep. All those weeks they had been on the ship coming back to Earth, they had slept in the same bed. Unknowingly, when Vegeta slept, he always curled up to her, wrapping his strong arms around her fragile body, keeping her close as they shared their warmth in the cold room. She had the feeling that it was for more than heat. It made her feel safe, wanted. But maybe it wasn't to make her feel safe, maybe it was to make him feel safe. He had gone through so many horrors as a child, you would think he would be some scared little boy stuck in a man's body. Maybe he is. Maybe he is scared deep-down, and he wants me to keep away the pain, wants me to keep him protected...in an odd sort of way.
She gave up, sitting up in bed carefully, mindful of her unborn child nestled inside her. Almost as an afterthought, she placed her hand warily on her flat stomach. This was the first time she had acknowledged its presence. She felt bad about herself, for she had neglected herself so during the trip with her obsession of Vegeta, that she hadn't even known she was pregnant. She still thought it weird that she wasn't throwing up her guts. She knew that not every pregnancy had the stereotype of barfing, sickness, and moodiness, but being Vegeta in all his wonderfulness, you would think he would pass it down to his offspring. Unable to help herself, she grinned.
Crawling out of bed, she pulled on her slippers to go downstairs and find something to eat. She strode quickly over to her mirror, running her fingers through her now fully re-grown hair gracing her shoulders.
After her quick glance-over of herself, she went downstairs, in search of some serious food. She hadn't eaten anything since she had gotten home, and now it was late at night, possibly early in the morning.
Finding what she wanted, she took it to the table in the dark, shoving it in her mouth and sighing with heavenly pleasure. However, no matter how long she sat there, time seemed to stop moving as she thought about a certain person.
Vegeta...I miss you already...where are you? She knew without a second thought that he was sparring with Goku. I wonder if he will try and kill him....
She heard something outside, and she looked up, glancing out the now-repaired window that Vegeta had thrown Yamcha through.
She got up, padding to the back door. At the feel of the warm air brushing over her pale skin, she knew she had to go outside.
Giggling, she went out, but quickly went back in, grabbing her professional camera and then going right back out. At the sights before her, she had to get some photographs.
Heading to the garden, she took a well-balanced, black and white photo of a blooming night flower highlighted by randomly placed softly glowing lights. It would turn out beautiful, especially with the quality of her camera. It had so many things on it that she almost drooled with their complexity. She especially loved the zoom. Chuckling, she went along the path in her gray shorter than short shorts, her skimpy little white shirt that left nothing to the imagination, and her fluffy pink slippers.
She took some snap shots of flowers, blooming or no, and sat beside the large pond that she used to swim in when she was a little girl.
Her head suddenly snapped up, her peripheral vision catching the tiniest movement off to her side.
There sat Vegeta, sitting on a randomly placed boulder by the pond. He was clad only in his tight black training shorts, his knee brought up and his arm resting on it as he stared up into the dark night sky. She could almost picture the wanting look on his face as he missed the once bright moon. She guessed he would have to suffice with the artificial soft glow of the lights far behind him.
A sudden inspiration struck her. Grinning like a fool, she picked up her camera, adjusted it to color, for it was already black and white out, fixed the zoom, and turned off the flash. She hoped it would turn out right.
Vegeta's head jerked up when he heard a click. He had already known she was there. He didn't have to feel for her ki to know she was there. He could smell her.
As if some unknown force was seeking to drive him insane, a gust of wind floated over to him, hinting the growing awareness of her tempting scent. Now he knew why pregnant Saiya-jin women were kept away from men at all costs. If sex-crazed savage men got a hold them, not only would they be raped/ravished to death, they would kill the child in the process. That in itself insured the fact that his race would have been wiped out by a bunch of horny men. The irony of it made him frown.
He stood up, jumping with cat-like grace off his boulder. Bulma stiffened as he approached, not knowing what he intended.
He stepped beside her, staring into her eyes. "Woman, if I were you, I would lock myself in my room."
She stared back at him, wondering if he was alright. "Huh?"
He frowned at her, and she got an increasing mindfulness that something was seriously wrong with Vegeta. She stepped down daintily from her own rock, walking up to him and pressing herself against his hard body. His breath hissed through his teeth, and he remained rigid. "Vegeta, what's wrong?"
She noticed a dramatic increase in his breathing for his chest was heaving against hers. Her nipples hardened at the contact, and he moaned, his fingers digging into her upper arms. "Onna," he grated out, squeezing her arms somewhat cruelly. "Get away from me now."
She stood there like a fool. His breathing became more labored, and it seemed as if he couldn't get enough air into his lungs. Her eyes widened when she shifted her position, and came into contact with his very evident arousal.
"Ve-Vegeta...." she whispered, her breath fanning his cheek. She jumped when he growled in a feral way, and then started grinding his hips against hers. "Vegeta!!"
She felt his hands moving to rip off her meager clothes, and he gave an almost-whimper when she endeavored to push him away. This was utterly confusing her. One moment he told her to get away, and now he wanted her to stay? "Vegeta, are you alright?"
He unexpectedly shoved her away, his chest heaving. "Get away." He took a deep shaky breath. "Run. Now."
A horrified look on her face, she picked up her discarded camera and took off, tripping and nearly falling in her slippers.
What is wrong with Vegeta?
What the hell is wrong with me? First, he was getting all soft, he couldn't even kill Kakarott, damn it!! And now he wanted to have the most mind-blowing, hot, sweaty sex with Bulma until he either passed out or one of them died from it.
He grumbled to himself, walking into the house. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but he was no longer in control of his body. He knew what was wrong with himself, but he didn't want to admit it. He sighed, following after Bulma.
Being a pregnant hormonal female with a brain, she kept the door unlocked. She almost wanted Vegeta to come after her. Yet still, when the door opened, she jumped, bringing the blanket up to her chin. A predatory smile appeared on his face as he entered the room, crawling across her bed until he was above her, eye to eye. "Bulma, I'm not going to be able to stop myself, so if you don't want this, leave now and lock yourself behind some steel door." Even though both of them knew that wouldn't stop him.
Bulma dropped the blanket, he eyes unable to leave his. "Vegeta, I don't mind, but what is wrong with you?"
He heard her, but he decided ripping her shirt off was more important at the moment. He smirked, tugging down her shorts slowly. "I don't suppose Kakarott told you something about Saiya-jin men and pregnant women."
She smiled when he threw her shorts over his shoulder, and stared at her body in awe. "Um, he said something about my scent changing."
He got a surprised look on his face, and then hid it in the curve of her neck, nipping and kissing and licking the pounding pulse in the hollow. Between bites he explained. "On Vegetasei when women got pregnant, they were sent away to an all-female designated area. The reason why was because when the women got pregnant, their scents changed, and the males got so damn horny that it drives them to rape. Our race would have been wiped out due to the females being killed and their children along with them. Because we didn't want this, we sent them away to protect them until the child was born."
Bulma blinked. So, uh, you're going to rape me?"
His lips started traveling down her body, his fingers taking hold of her silk underwear and tearing them off in one clean rip. He was going extremely fast, but it didn't bother her. She went right along with him, trying to get him out of his tight shorts. She wondered if he was uncomfortable in those things, considering how aroused he was. She gave him a naughty grin, and brushed her fingers over him. He moaned so loud she wondered if her parents heard him downstairs.
He took her hand away quickly, not trusting himself with her touch. A second later he ripped off his shorts, spread her legs, and plunged into her. She screamed, her back bowing off the bed. He covered her mouth with his, his fingers digging into her thighs painfully as he pounded into her as hard as he could without hurting her. Her response to the pain in her thighs was to sink her nails into his strong upper arms and let the amazing pleasure sweep over her like Niagara Falls. He followed only a brief moment later, not seeing the point in holding back. They lay there for a second, panting for much needed air.
Bulma couldn't do much but cling to him as he started up again, moving hard and fast, unable to stop, nor help himself. She felt herself explode with release again and again, one after another, until she was crying from the staggering power of it all.
She got a shock when he abruptly flipped her over onto her stomach, then bent her legs. Her eyes widened and she buried her face into her pillow to muffle her screams and cries as he thrust into her from behind. She felt her legs trembling, but she ignored it and concentrated on what he was doing. He bent forward, burying his face into her tousled hair and his fingers curling around her breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingertips. She cried out into her pillow, but it didn't cover the noise very well. She couldn't help herself though, she continued to moan and groan with Vegeta, who wasn't even close to being done with her.
Once he was finished with her at the moment, he fell onto her back, happy for the momentary support. He didn't pay attention to the woman beneath him, just flipped her back over and propped her legs up on his shoulders. She whimpered, but her tiredness soon disappeared as he started up once more. He seemed unsatable, unable to stop what he was doing.
Bulma just took a deep breath and held on for the ride. She knew she was going to be unbelievably sore the next day, hell, she wouldn't even be able to walk probably, but the thought was lost as the first tiny tingles of rushing heat ran through her. Her body felt limp, but got more tense as her pleasure built, until finally she let go, her back arching off the bed, her wail filling the room.
Vegeta dropped her legs, knowing she wouldn't be able to take that position very long with the way he was acting. He still wasn't done with her, hell, if he got his way, he would never be done with her. He smirked as he carefully lay on top of her, letting her catch her breath.
"Vegeta...are you through with me yet?" she gasped, her chest heaving.
He shook his head no, his frenzy starting again at the movement of her breasts against his chest. She half moaned, half whimpered, wondering if she was going to pass out.
He closed his eyes, and Bulma got a surprise when he grinned, and flipped her over, her on top. She looked startled, but then gave him an evil smile. She started moving on him like an exotic Arabian dancer before her Prince, and he moaned, his fingers gripping her hips and forcing her to move harder as he lifted his hips up to hers.
Her movements soon started to get more fierce and desperate, trying to reach what she wanted so badly. Vegeta felt her muscles clench around him and watched as her eyes widened, her shrill cry echoing through the room. All of his muscles tensed abruptly from the combined stimulation, and he let himself go over the edge of bliss.
Bulma flopped down on him like a wet noodle, gasping for air. "No...more...please."
He let out a held in breath and wrapped his arms around her. He looked outside, seeing the sky starting to lighten. "Alright...just go to sleep, Onna."
She sighed with happiness, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "You know what?" she mumbled, feeling blankets being thrown over her back. "If I wasn't already pregnant, I would be now."