Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ The Concept of Trust...and More ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Nine: The Concept of Trust...and More
A month passed, signaling Bulma's three month anniversary. She wasn't showing yet, and it was bothering her. She couldn't very well go to a doctor, for it would probably freak the person out. Not because she wasn't showing yet, but because she was carrying an alien.
She went in search of Vegeta, who she hadn't seen for a whole week on his behest. Why he didn't want her around hurt her, but she understood.
"Vegeta?" she called, hoping to find him in the garden, a place he now frequented more than the gravity room. It was almost winter, but it wasn't cold yet. She wasn't even wearing a jacket. She said his name again, and all of a sudden he appeared before her, his arms crossed over his chest as he almost stripped her naked with his eyes. She gave him a nervous smile, but walked right into his arms when she saw how bad his want to hold her over-ruled his momentary desire.
He breathed in her scent, and then almost fell over. He pulled back, a shocked look on his normally emotionless face. "Onna!! What did you do?!"
She grinned, jumping back into his arms. She wished he would spin her around, but this is Vegeta we are talking about.
"I knew how much you hated my scent because you couldn't control yourself, so I came up with something to get rid of it."
The shocked look on his face turned sad. "But...but I wanted you that way."
She blinked at him, more confused than ever. "Huh?"
"You should have kept yourself that way. I want you to keep your naturality, not hinder it."
"Alright then...." she muttered, hugging him tighter. "However, it will take twenty four hours to start to wear off. It wasn't that hard to get rid of it, actually."
"It wouldn't have mattered, if you wanted the truth."
She looked up at him, trying to stray from the temptation of kissing him. He didn't seem to want to hold back, and did it himself. She leaned into it, sighing with the softly flowing pleasure. He ended it slowly, trying to savor it. She gave him a lazy smile afterward, which made him smirk. "What do you mean it wouldn't matter?" she questioned in a barely audible whisper. It wasn't hard for him to hear it, but it would have been for a human.
"I would still want you with or without you being pregnant."
She hid her shock by burying her face in his neck. He actually really does want me?! Oh, how I've wanted to hear those words more than anything for the past month! I was so worried that the only reason he was coming after me was because of my scent...but now that I know...I'm not going to worry about it right now....
He started tracing the line of her shoulder, seemingly very interested in it. She pulled back slightly, seeing him totally absorbed in the part of her shoulder where it met with her neck. He had an odd look in his eyes, sad, but almost hungry. She covered his hand with hers, and locked her eyes with his. He seemed unable to look away, and his hold tightened on her shoulder. Bulma....
She gave a sudden blink, swearing that she had just heard his voice inside her head. He was still staring at her, not noticing that anything was wrong.
I want you....
She jumped, and he pulled her closer.
Her eyes filled with tears. He blinked, not understanding why she would cry. Her sudden emotion seemed to snap him out of whatever had had a hold of him, but Bulma didn't seem to notice. She was just thinking about how he only showed emotion around her, and no one else. Does he...does he trust me now? Does he trust me enough now that he shows these things to me, lets me hear what he thinks?
She had to know. It was vitally important that she know. He knew already that she trusted him without a doubt, but he never told her that he trusted her. It was as if she wanted to hear that more than those three simple little words....
"Vegeta...I need to ask you...ask you an important question."
He didn't answer her, just waited for her to ask away. If she had been any other person, he would have snorted, and said something like, "What do you want? You are wasting my precious time!"
She smiled to herself, and took a deep breath. She got a sudden flashback, a flashback of a time only a little while ago, yet seemed like so far back in the past....
"Woman, do you trust me? Are you scared of me?"
Bulma blinked once, not understanding what he was getting at. "I don't...I don't understand, Vegeta."
He brought her closer to him, until her body was pushed lightly against his. He wanted just to hold her so bad....
That reminded her so much of now, that it was almost scary. She closed her eyes, tightening her hold on his arms.
"Vegeta, do you trust me? Are you scared of me?"
Vegeta blinked once, understanding in an instant. Her eyes opened, a gift of light in pure blackness as they stared up at him.
"Bulma...I-I'm t-terrified of you," he stuttered, not believing the embarrassment he was going through. "But," he added, seeing the abrupt sad look wipe off her face, "I think I do...trust...you." He was silent for a moment before he continued. "Bulma, you...you have to understand me...I—"
She stopped him by placing her finger over his lips, causing him to halt his speech. "You don't have to say anything else, Vegeta. I understand you enough to know that your precious pride is being rather battered and bruised right now."
They both smirked, when Vegeta suddenly asked, "How is my son?"
Bulma gasped. "I'm going to have a boy?! Oh, Vegeta!!! We're going to have a boy!!!" she squealed, jumping up and down in his arms. She stopped.
"Wait a damn second. How in the hell did you know that?" she asked, suddenly creeped out.
He frowned. "Ki signatures, Woman. I would think by now that you would understand me enough to understand that I wouldn't let it be a secret the whole time. It would drive me nuts. And besides, I've taken up this thing where I have to constantly check up on you and my brat to make sure you're alright. And in order for me to do that," he added, "I would have to feel for your ki signatures. I hope you know that you are going to have one hell of a pregnancy."
Bulma visibly paled, and her hand went up to her neck. "Question, Vegeta."
He quirked an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to ask.
"Do you know anything about Saiya-jin pregnancy?"
Another frown. "Probably about as much as any male on this pathetic planet. Why?"
She gulped, her hand leaving her throat. "Most women on this planet would be showing by now, or at least within the next week or two. Why am I not showing yet?"
He quite literally lifted up her shirt and ordered her to hold it up, while he started undoing her pants. She screeched, hurting his ears in the process. "Would you shut up, Woman?!"
She closed her mouth, trying not to tremble as his hands started undoing her jeans. She felt his warm hand slip under the line of her panties, but it didn't go down any further. She sighed with relief, and then tried not to squirm around trying to get his hand to go down lower. He noticed this instantly, and smirked, holding her shoulder tightly in his other hand. He got a look of concentration on his face for a moment, and then his hand started to go down lower.
Bulma was about to open her mouth to ask a question, but all that came out was an extremely loud moan. He chuckled as her legs went out from under her, and his arm went around her back to hold her up. Her head was thrown back, baring her neck to him and giving him an opportunity to devour the delicious curve. His head dipped, and he could hear Bulma's labored breathing as his fingers deepened and another treat was added with his mouth on her neck.
"Ve-Vegeta...!!" she started, but it trailed off into a scream as he thrust a finger up inside her, pressing all the spots that he knew drove her utterly wild. She writhed in his arms, her back arching as she felt a climax of amazing proportions consume her, enabling her to do nothing but cry out as his fingers continued, moving in and out of her hard and fast.
He stopped when she slumped in his arms. "Oh...my...God," was all she could say, trying to breathe.
"Did you enjoy that?" she heard, but it took a moment for her to answer, and all she could do was just nod. He smirked, helping her stand up, redoing her pants and straightening her haphazard clothes.
Once she was somewhat reserved, but still leaning against him for support, she asked, "So what did you do before you...you know."
His smirk grew and he gave her a brief kiss. "Just trying to see how far along you were."
"I already knew that though. I'm three-"
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"No you're not."
"How the hell do you know?"
"I just checked, baka."
"That still doesn't count."
"Yes it does."
"No it doesn't!"
"Yes, it does!!!"
Bulma grumbled, accepting defeat. "Alright, when, where, and not how did I get pregnant?"
His smirk came back. "I think when we had all that fun against the wall next to the storage room that I got buried underneath a pile of food."
She giggled, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. "So, almost three months? Not quite?"
He nodded, sucking in his breath as she purposefully pressed her hips against his. "Oh, I see that you weren't unaffected by that at all, Vegeta. Why don't we...go find a wall?"
She could have sworn that his eyes got even blacker. She decided that it was pay back for all those times he ravished her. "Vegeta..." she whispered against his lips, pressing herself closer to his body and evoking an involuntary shudder to go through him. "I want you..." she murmured, licking her lips and then concluding that his own lips needed attention. She ran her tongue along his lower lip, pulling away when he tried to open his mouth and cover hers with his.
She waved her finger at him, and then started moving against him, making sure to brush against the parts of his body that loved attention, which was everything. Her left leg lifted suddenly, going up to wrap around his hips. She leaned forward again, letting her lips linger over his, not letting him kiss her no matter how hard he tried. She knew he wouldn't lower himself to begging her, and she loved torturing him like this. She took his hand, and ran it down her body until it came to her somehow undone jeans. Bulma didn't let him go inside, much to his dismay and her amusement, but brought them to the obviously damp part of her jeans at the juncture of her thighs. "I need you so bad," she moaned into his mouth before she let him take hold of her lips and give her the most thrillingly hard kiss she had ever received. His fingers pressed hard upwards, trying to give her the message that he didn't like her jeans, and wanted them off.
"Bulma...don't...don't do this to me," he said, a pleading note in his voice. She looked up, smirking.