Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Stuck in a Tube ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirty Five: Stuck in a Tube
He placed his hands over the heated glass, closing his eyes as he let the warmth seep into his cold body, his freezing soul. This was his fault. It was his fault that Bulma was stuck inside a more scientific version of a regeneration tank. It was to help her get better, but because her illness was advancing so much, and the healing fluid couldn't work fast enough against it, she was going to stay pretty much suspended in the same state she was in right now.
She had an oxygen mask covering her relaxed face, long needles in both of her arms, and other miscellaneous things hooked up to her to regulate her heart beat, her temperature, her brain activity, etc. He was happy that she was as least dressed in a black bra and panties. It didn't show anything, thank Kami.
Her father walked by the younger man watching the slumbering woman inside the tube. Vegeta looked up, trying to hide the sad and depressed look on his face. "When will she wake up?"
It had been three hours since Vegeta had brought Bulma to her father. The man had been understanding as Vegeta had explained everything to him, but then scolded him like a little boy afterward. Vegeta had almost smiled at the end of it. No one but Bulma dared to do that, but it hadn't made him mad, it gave him an odd sense of belonging.
"Any minute, Vegeta, my boy. Her heart rate is slowly increasing and her brain activity is too. Any minute, like I said."
Vegeta looked back up, hearing something thump against the glass. Her father chuckled, saying, "There we are, already wide-awake. Make sure you don't make her feel any extreme emotions that could possibly hurt her, like getting excited or upset. Try to keep her calm. Her heart rate is already sky-rocketing."
Keep her calm.... He placed his hand over the one pressed flat against the glass, and gave her the best smile he could manage to help sooth her panicked expression. She started clawing at the glass like mad, trying to get out of a place where she didn't know where she was. Her father told him in a stern voice to calm her or he had to get out, and Vegeta yelled, "How am I supposed to talk to her when she can't hear anything?!"
"Don't take my daughter for something stupid, boy!! Lip-sync to her!!"
Feeling like blowing a hole through his brain and making him suffer at the same time, he almost left. At the last second he stopped himself. This was his fault. He had to deal with this. He snorted. He wasn't going to lip-sync to her. He was just going to...talk.
"Onna!! Calm down before I come in there and—!!!"
He clamped his mouth shut and scowled for a minute before trying again. "Bulma...calm down," he said slowly, for both himself and her. He hoped that she at least understood him.
Her fair brow puckered, her smooth forehead forming worry lines as her hands stopped clawing at the glass that wouldn't give against a tidal wave. She let her fingers spread out smoothly against the glass, staring at him with scared and worried midnight blue eyes. He did the same, holding back a blush as her father watched. "Are you alright?"
She shook her head "no" really hard, her fingers pressing harder into the glass until they turned white.
"Her brain activity is sharply increasing, Vegeta!! Calm her down or she's going to go into a lapsed state, possibly a coma!!"
Vegeta felt himself panicking, but outwardly he looked composed. "Shh, Onna, don't worry, I'm right here. No one is going to hurt you."
She got a hurt look in her expressive eyes, and her hand lifted off the glass to drift down to her stomach, giving him a pleading look as she did so. He felt something move almost painfully inside of him, and he wished suddenly that he could just hold her, tell her that she was going to be alright, that she wasn't dying because of him. He looked straight into her eyes and nodded, telling her that the child nestled within her was fine by the look on his face. She relaxed, her eyes closing peacefully.
Vegeta heard a sigh a few feet away from him, and Dr. Briefs said, "She's sleeping. Sounds like a good idea if want my opinion. I'm going, that's all I know."
Vegeta growled at the man. "What happens if something goes wrong?"
The old man stopped, and then adjusted something on a computer. "Well, I doubt something will go wrong in the state she's in now, but if something does, an alarm will go off through the compound, and we will be able to hear it from anywhere, even the gravity chamber."
Vegeta didn't like that idea. He wanted constant twenty-four hour supervision on his woman. He frowned. "I'll stay and watch her for a while."
The other man didn't even argue, and left without another word. As soon as he left, Vegeta grabbed the blanket he had wrapped Bulma up in and put it around his shoulders, pulling a chair over in front of her "life" tank. He decided that he would watch her for a while like he had said.
A small smirk appeared on his face as he watched her. Her hair was a cascading waterfall about her shoulders and back, floating about her in an erotic dance. Little tiny bubbles danced upwards, flowing over her skin like wind, or rain. Her arms were held out slightly at her sides, her legs tight together as if trying to protect something. His smirk grew. She was so innocent and beautiful...so undeserving of what was happening to her.
He closed his eyes, being lulled to sleep by the gorgeous sleeping face in front of him.
Two weeks passed by, and Vegeta, in all his infinite wisdom, still hadn't come up with what to do. However, his will not to do it was slipping fast away, as he continued to stay with her, watch her, and talk to her. She was steadily getting worse, but not enough for him to get overly alarmed yet. All he could do was sit there and think, wondering if he could do it.
Bulma smiled, leaning forward in her liquidy warm haven and pressed her lips against the glass. Vegeta was brought out of his trance, and he smirked, tracing the outline of her lips. She pulled away, sticking her tongue out at him.
It would have been extremely weird if she had been doing this with an oxygen mask on. However, her father had developed a new type of healing fluid, one where she could breathe it in, just like air, instead of constantly having an annoying oxygen mask on.
Vegeta glanced over his shoulder, seeing Dr. Briefs working away on a new life-saving project. He turned back to the woman behind the glass, and watched her. Sometimes she had a lot of fun in there, doing some sort of amusing dance, or just wiggling around to the point where he had to hold back a laugh. All he knew was that he was finding himself smiling a lot more lately.
Bulma sighed, feeling just the slightest tug on her lungs as she did so. It was odd breathing in a thick liquid, for she had always breathed in air, something that was incomparably lighter. At first she had thought she was going to die, considering she had been choking, wheezing, coughing, gagging, and every other thing just to try to get something into her lungs. It took her several agonizing minutes, and she especially remembered the horrified look on Vegeta's face as he watched her thrash around inside the glass cell, pounding and hitting it so she could try and get out to save herself. At one point he had even gone as far as picking her father up by his shirt collar and demanding he hook her back up to her oxygen mask.
She smiled to herself now. Vegeta was treating her so nice. She wondered if he knew that he was. A smile came to the surface as she let her hands grace the glass carefully. He was staring at her as if he hadn't seen her every day for the past few months. "Vegeta," she mouthed, getting a sad look on her face. She was falling for this man. This man who killed billions, slaughtered and murdered so many helpless women, children, and men. She closed her eyes, and then opened them again, giggling when he cocked an eyebrow at her.
Vegeta jerked his head to the side, checking to see if anyone was looking when Bulma molded herself against the glass. His eyes widened when she gave it an experimental lick, and then a big smile, giving it another one. He went closer, shaking his head no as he placed his hands overtop hers. She pouted, and then gave him one of her luminous smiles, twirling around in a graceful circle. Her hair curled around her form, giving him the angelic view of her peeking out through the strands with lowered eyes.
Bulma jumped when she heard something creak, and then she saw Vegeta pull away quickly. Apparently he had been about to break the glass from pressing it too hard. She gave him a lop-sided smile, waving her finger at him.
"What was that?" Dr. Briefs asked, not even bothering to look in Vegeta's direction.
His face instantly hardened. "Nothing. Go away."
Dr. Briefs shrugged, not really caring when he was so engulfed in his project.
Vegeta turned his attention back to Bulma, who looked like she was getting tired. She was sleeping more than half of the day because of her increasing weakness, and he spent as much time with her while she was awake as he could. While she slept, he had the chance to eat, shower, eat some more, and possibly get an hour or two of sleep in before her father immediately alerted him that she was awake, or she was about to. This was getting hard on him, and he was even finding that he missed her infernal cooking.
Her eyes closed ever so slowly as they always did, and then the rhythmic beeping in the background slowed. He sighed, trudging tiredly up the stairs. He was going to get something to eat, and then come back down to sleep in the chair he had practically been living in since she had been put away.