Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams are Reality ❯ Tell me your secrets; I'll be your diary ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6

Tell me your secrets; I'll be your diary.

I lay on Tadashi's chest, trying to catch my breath. With my head pressed against him, I could hear his heart beating quickly. I have finally become a woman.

"I love you, Illana."

"I love you too, Tadashi." My heart soared every time I heard him say those words. I couldn't think of anywhere else to be than in Tadashi's arms right now, with nothing but the sweat from our still joined bodies between us. He ran his fingers up and down my spine and kissed the top of my head. After a while, I could feel myself fall into a peaceful sleep.


I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. Trunks asked me to go to a ball with him and here I am having sexual dreams about him. I felt like a teenager who just reached puberty. Even though we are just friends, deep down I feel a connection between us. I got out of my bed and went to my window. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him off my mind. I started to replay the dream in my head and I felt my body start to warm. I laid back down and tried to think about something else. Not even the sounds of the crickets could make me forget the tension between my legs. So I did what any girl could do in this situation. Once I released my tension I fell back asleep until 12:00 in the afternoon.

I got a phone call from Trunks at about 7:30 telling me that he was on his way. He said that he wanted to talk to me about something but he wouldn't tell me what it was about. He just said that he would tell me later. At 8:07 I heard a knock at the door.

"Shay!" I called.

"No." I could hear her cackling through my door.

"Can you get the door, please?"

"Why can't you get it?" She yelled back.

"I can't just get the door, I have to make an entrance." I heard her mumble a few obscenities and then I heard her and Trunks in the distance. Instantly I felt butterflies in my stomach. I checked my full length mirror to make sure I looked okay. My hair was still down. It was too heavy to put up. I wore a long black skirt with a long split on one side, and a black top that covered my front but only crisscrossed my back. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. At the top of the stairs, I had to stop and look at Trunks. I never thought that anyone could wear a tux and still be sexy. When he turned to face me, my face started to flush. Every naughty thought I had had about him earlier came rushing back. I slowly walked down the stairs, said goodbye to Shay, and tried not to look Trunks in the face. In the limo, I sat on the other side of him. My hormones were running wild.

He must have noticed my silence. Any other time we would talk as if we were old friends. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said quickly. I looked at his face and I think I saw him blushing. I just prayed that I wouldn't do anything stupid tonight.

The ball was going great so far. Everyone from work was there, and some people I didn't know. Trunks introduced me to his best friend, Goten, and his sister Bra. I liked Goten a lot. Even though we didn't know each other, he made you feel like you were one of the gang. His sister was nice too, just a little quiet. I guess Bra and Goten were together. After a while he asked me if I wanted to dance. Of course I accepted.

"You having fun?" He asked.

"I always have fun with you, Trunks." I said, still trying to play the friend role.

"You look great." I started to feel warm again.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." That was an understatement. I couldn't take the suspense any longer. "Trunks, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Come with me." He took my hand and led me outside. I never really took the time to explore the grounds of Capsule Corp. I had to admit that it was beautiful. Flowers were everywhere, trees were in full bloom, and there was even a pond with lily pads. We sat down on a bench facing the pond. He still had one of my hands and held it. Without looking at me, he asked, "Tristan, do you think dreams come true?"

"More than anyone." Where was he going with this? A slight chill went down my back.

"I think that one of my dreams has come true. At least I hope so." He looked at me.

"What dream is that?"

"For a while, I felt that my life was missing something, or as you put it, someone. I didn't know that that someone was right in front of me until now."

Wow. Before I got too happy, I decided to play dumb, just to make sure. "So, who's the lucky girl?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. With his free hand, he moved the hair that had fallen into my face and hooked the brown, stray locks behind my ear. He traced a line from my ear and stopped under my chin. Still looking into my eyes, he tilted my face towards his, and gave me the softest kiss I've ever experienced. I was speechless. "Trunks, I don't know what to say."

"Hopefully you feel the same way. Or should I back off now?"

"I tried not to show it, but I do feel the same way. I mean, we work at the same place and I usually don't date people I work with." I said.

He smiled after I said that. "Yeah, I know! I usually don't, either. But I'm afraid that after I tell you something you don't know about me, that you'll run away."

"I should be able to handle it. As long as you're not a rapist or anything." I laughed. I listened to him as he told me about Saiyans and where they came from. He told me about what happened to them and how he was different from a regular human. After he finished talking, my body felt weak. Not because he wasn't completely human, I could handle that. But he said that he was part Saiyan. He told me that his mother was human, but his father was a Saiyan prince. What did all this mean? Was he really Tadashi? And if he was, what did that make me? After a while, he spoke again.

"I guess that means you want nothing to do with me." He said as he stood up. I grabbed his arm and made him look into my eyes. "It doesn't matter to me." That was all I could say.

"Thank you." He whispered. I pulled him close to me for a much needed hug.


I guess this means that Trunks and I are together now. We decided to have our first date on a Saturday. There was a carnival coming to town and I hadn't been to one in a long time.

"So this is you first time on a Ferris wheel? I asked.

"Yeah. To be honest, it's pretty over rated." He smiled at me.

"Well, I happen to love them, thank you." I playfully pulled his hair. We stopped at the top of the large metal ride. "I have a question for you." He looked at me. "How come you don't like the rides?"

"I do. But I can get a better thrill on my own." He said, giving me a sneaky look.

"If I ask I know you're not going to tell me, so I'll wait and see."

"You're learning." He smiled at me. We got off the ride when it reached the bottom again. He suggested that we leave since the place would be closing in 10 minutes anyway. We got all the teddy bears he had won from a locker and we headed to our next destination.

We walked around C.C.'s grounds talking about the carnival. Out of all the rides, he said he liked the bumper cars the best. "You like roller coasters, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, you know that. Why?" He put his arms around my waist and slowly lifted me off the ground. He had never mentioned that he could fly, but I wasn't surprised. We went all over the place and I loved every minute of the ride. I was really starting to like his Saiyan half. We must have been in the air for over an hour. I was starting to get attached to being in the air, I got a little disappointed when we landed.

"Roller coasters are boring now, ne?" He said.

"I didn't know you could fly, Trunks. How did you do that?" I said in awe.

"It's just controlling energy really." I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." I said. Without warning, he leaned down and gave me a kiss that made my knees buckle. "You're welcome." Instantly my juices were flowing. I took a step back to regain my composure. I looked into his eyes and they said that he wanted me too. I was trying hard to not throw him down and make love to him right there in the grass.

"I really should be getting home. I have a lot to do tomorrow." I managed to say. In truth I had nothing to do, but if I stayed, there's no telling what I would have done. We went back to his car and he drove me home. The trip was shorter than I wanted it to be. He walked me to my door and I gave him a hug. "So, I'll see you later?" I asked.

"Of course. How about we go out again next week?"

"Sure, I'd love to."

"I'll call you." He said. I kissed him lightly on the lips and said goodnight. I closed the front door when he left and went up to my room. It looked like Shay went to bed already. I undressed and again tried not to think about the erotic thoughts that were running through my head.