Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams are Reality ❯ A father's deception... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7

A father's deception…

I had successfully gone a few months without a problem with Tristan, and without those weird dreams. We still hadn't had sex yet, but that wasn't a problem. I liked it a lot that she wasn't easy like a few of my past girlfriends. That only made me want her more. She meant a lot to me and I wasn't going to mess that up. But I had been tempted on several occasions. The sleepier I got, the more I felt that I was overdue for one of those dreams.


For some reason, father has been having meetings without me. Anytime you see more than four Elite walking in the same direction, something is going on. I wasn't in the mood for another drawn out meeting, but Illana was on her way here and Korion was her escort. I didn't trust my father enough to leave him alone, and I later found out that I couldn't trust him at all.

I decided to listen in on the secret meeting. That way if it was boring I would know not to join. I suppressed my ki as much as I could and listened through the closed door.

My father's voice reached me first. "Give your report."

"Sire. Despite countless attempts to negotiate with King Tristan as you commanded, he would not be reasoned with." I didn't recognize the voice.

"So what did you do?" My father spoke again.

A slight hesitation, "We returned here, your majesty. We didn't know what else to do. We had orders not to harm the king or his people." A third voice said.

"Never send an Elite to do a king's job. It looks like I'll have to take care of the king myself." I was about to walk away until he said this. I didn't like the way this was going.

"But sire, what about Prince Tadashi?"

"What about him?"

"It's just that he and the princess are getting closer than you expected. He would be very upset if anything happened." The third voice said.

"We thought nothing of him marrying her, but to make a non-Saiyan queen, sire?"

"And on top of that, his highness has fallen in love with her."

"Silence! He does not love her. She is just occupying his time. He will get tired of her just as he would a plaything. In either case, we must finish this situation quickly. I will not have my son producing a half breed heir."

"Yes sire."

If I stayed any longer, I would have been discovered. My anger was making it hard to keep my ki down. I left my place by the door and headed for the courtyard. I couldn't believe him! This whole thing was just a way to get something he wanted, just as I suspected. Everynight I prayed that he had changed just this once, but now I see that he hasn't. One of the servants walked past me. "Kon ban wa, your highness. You just missed your father." I looked up. "He just left the planet." I jumped up and ran to the travel control room to contact Korion. Please let them be okay. I felt somewhat relieved to hear Korion's voice through the transmitter.

"Go ahead, sir." He said.

"Korion, where is Illana?"

"She is asleep in the cabin. Why do you sound so concerned?"

"Something bad is about to happen. Is there any way that you can return to Tristan?"

"I'm sorry sir, but we are almost in Vegetasei airspace. And I would have to take Illana with me. She had her heart set on returning to you." His voice crackled through the speaker.

"It's better that you both return anyway." I said.

"What do you think is about to happen, sir?"

"I don't know, but my father is on his way to Tristan now to negotiate with the king."

"But things are fine. Why would he want to negotiate now?" He said.

"I know him better than anyone and he doesn't want to talk. Do not alarm Illana with this news. I'll figure out what to do when you get here."

Yes sir. Ending transmission."

On planet Tristan…

King Vegeta was engaging in his negotiations with King Tristan.

"I have a business proposition for you." King Vegeta said.

"I thought that we had already gone over the specifics."

"There were a few I had forgotten on your last visit, so I decided to bring them to you." He said. "I want a larger percentage of the planets wealth."

"But you already have half in you possession and we have given you the scouter technology as a gift of gratitude for giving us your protection. I'm sorry, but I will have to say no." Numerous looks went between the Elite and King Vegeta. The King was never told `no'.

"I would advise you to reconsider. Your protection could be at stake. Besides, I still haven't told you all of the deal." King Vegeta said. "There has been a change in the original plan. I also want you to turn power over planet Tristan to me. This is a little ahead of schedule, but I'm sure you will understand."

"Absolutely not!" King Tristan yelled. He stood up. "I only promised you joint rulership over my planet and that power would be transferred into the hands of my daughter and your son, not to you."

"You are absolutely right. That was our deal, wasn't it? I'm terribly sorry to bother you with such trifles as these." He put his hand on his shoulder. "I hope this does not affect our friendship."

King Tristan let out a breath. "I guess we could go back to normal."

King Vegeta turned to leave. "I will give Illana your best regards." He stopped in the doorway. "There was one thing I forgot to tell you." He said.

"What's that?" King Tristan said. Light filled the room as King Vegeta let out a ki blast from his hand. It was so powerful that nothing was left of King Tristan but his helmet.

"No one says `no' to King Vegeta." He looked around the room at the shocked faces of his Elite. "Anjay, why did you do this?"

"Sire?" He said.

"Why did you murder the king?"

He bowed his head. "I don't know, sire."

"The princess will not be pleased with you." He said. "Inform her highness that an unfortunate accident has occurred." He picked up the king's helmet and left the room.


I was awakened by my cell phone. I looked at my clock. Who would be calling me at 2:00 in the morning? It wasn't Goten. He loved to sleep almost as much as he loved to eat. Tristan's number showed up on the screen.


"Trunks?" She sounded upset.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I sat up in my bed.

"Sorry to call you so late. But I needed to talk to you."

"Where is Shay?" I asked.

"She's not here. Trunks, I need you."

"I'm on my way."