Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams are Reality ❯ A son's rage ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13

A son's rage.

Korion entered the room just as I sent Illana off. Immediately he jumped into the next space pod, ready for travel. We had to hurry it he was to catch up with Illana.

"Take care, Korion."

"Good luck Tadashi."

"She's all I have left." I pushed the launch button and watched him leave. My heart sank. I prayed that this would work. I didn't have time to think about it because I had company. I figured that my father ordered the Elite to find me and Illana. I destroyed the entire launch area just as they came in, preventing them from following Illana and Korion. I only had one hour to find my father before I would leave myself. I had to finish this quickly because I intended to keep my promise to Illana.

It had been over two hours and I still hadn't found my father. I decided to find another launch room so that I could catch up with Illana and Korion. I was flying back to the palace when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I fell to the ground, clutching my chest and heard someone call my name. I looked up to see someone I wasn't supposed to see.

"Sire!" He called. It was Korion. I looked around but didn't see Illana.

"Korion! Where is Illana?" Every second that passed, my heart grew heavier.

"I don't know. Our pods were intercepted and we were separated." Korion was badly beaten and more blood than sweat was all over his body.

"Please find her Korion." I said.

"I'm afraid we may be too late, sir. When we were intercepted, she was taken away. I don't think she survived. She was already injured when we touched down."

I felt the pain in my chest again. Korion was right, she was gone.

"My time is running short. Find her if you can. I must take care of some business with my father."

"Yes sir."

I returned to the palace to find my father sitting in the throne room as if this were a regular day. A few other Saiyans were around him. They were all laughing and drinking blood wine.

"Father!" I yelled. Everyone stopped and turned around. They all stared at me as if I were crazy. At this point I was.

"Tadashi, I hoped that you would join me. I've been waiting for you." He said.

"You had her killed, didn't you?"

He took another drink from his glass. "It was for the best." I snapped and charged at my father. He usually got the best of me when we fought, but I wanted him dead and I was going to get my wish. Everyone knew better than to get involved in our fight. They all stood around the room and watched as we battled. The longer I fought, the more I felt the pain in my heart. Thinking of Illana only fueled my anger toward my father, pushing me further from sanity. I fought with everything I had up until I brought him to his knees.

"You will pay for what you did to her, and what you did to me!"

"Killing me won't bring her back." He spat.

"No, it won't." Just as my father killed King Tristan, I killed him. In my rage, I had also injured everyone else in the room. All eyes were on me as they waited for my next move. I turned and left the palace. The rest of them weren't worth my time. After a few minutes of flying, I could feel Korion's ki near me. I landed and walked toward him. He was carrying Illana in his arms, her body hanging limp. He slowly handed her to me.

"I'm sorry, sire. I couldn't protect her. I did everything I could, but…" I stopped him.

"I know you did. Come with me. I don't have very long."

We flew to the place where Illana and I bonded. I stared at the waterfall for a while. Images of Illana flooded my head. My mind's eye replayed the time when she ran over the cliff that I was now looking over. I shook my head and turned to face Korion. I gently laid Illana down on the ground in front of me.

"Korion, kneel before me." He complied. "My time as king, no matter how short, has come to an end." I gave him my ring bearing the crest of the royal family of Vegetasei. "From this moment, you are king. You have honored me by your service. Now I will honor you with my crown." He stood. "Now I must go."

"Tadashi, wait." He said. Without notice he gave me a quick hug. "Take care." I was truly saddened to leave. Korion was my best friend, although I was taught to trust no one. In my heart I knew that Korion had done everything in his power to protect Illana. I pick Illana up and turned to leave.

"Make sure no one follows." I said over my shoulder. He nodded. I slowly descended down toward the base of the waterfall. I could feel my body weaken more with every passing second. Even walking through the water was becoming a challenge. More images of Illana filled my head, like when she would try to hide from me behind the falls but I would always find her. I finally reached a suitable place and looked down at my angel. Her face was now pale and stained with blood, and her lips had turned blue. Her necklace was missing and the armor I had given her had been smashed to pieces. But even death could not rob her of her beauty. I clutched her to my body, kissed her forehead and slowly lowered her body into the water. I watched until I could no longer see her face. When she disappeared under the water, I yelled as I felt my body explode.


I was going to miss Tadashi. I had been honored when he made me king. I had mixed feelings, but overall I was sad to see him leave. His ki was dropping drastically and we both knew that he was going to die. I stood watch and saw him submerge Illana's body under the rushing water. He stared into the water as if he was deep in thought. Suddenly a very white light surrounded his body. The force from the burst pushed me back away from the cliff. When I saw him again, he looked completely different. His ki was so high, it could be seen around his body. He was larger than before. But the thing that stood out the most was is golden hair that stood strait up. The legend of the Super Saiyan was no myth. Less than a minute later, his hair turned back to black, and his body fell heavily into the water. I got on one knee and bowed.

"Long live the King."


That was it! There was no way in hell that I was going to let history repeat itself again. It was almost dawn but I got up anyway. I kissed Tristan's cheek and went to prepare for the eminent battle.

An hour later my father found me in the armor room. The sound of his voice broke me out of my trance.

"Don't let your anger break your focus. That's the easiest way to lose a battle." He said. He was standing behind me with his arms folded, as usual.

"How do know I'm going to battle today?"

"Why else would you be in here? Despite what you mother thinks, I'm not stupid." That got a smile out of me. He told me that he would accompany me and only interfere if I were to get into trouble. He then took out his usual vest, blue spandex, and gold-tipped boots and left. Taking note of his selection, I picked the same for myself. What was good enough for him was good enough for me.

The steady ki flare of the mystery Saiyan set warning bells off in my head. The clock was ticking and I had no time to waste. In no time I put on the armor and ran out the door. Usually I would be careful of who saw me fly, but today would have to be exception. I burst into flight with my father hot on my trail. After about 10 minutes of flying, Goten joined us.

"Where's Gohan?" I asked.

"I convinced him to stay home with mom. She was already upset to see me go." Silently I regretted leaving Tristan alone at home. I started to ask Goten to go back with her, but the dream I had just had made me forget that decision. Suddenly someone flew past us, taking Goten with it.

"The baka yaro used a sneak attack!" Vegeta yelled. We darted toward the ground where Goten had fallen, being careful not to fall victim as he had. He was okay, just a little stunned.

"Are you alright Goten?" I asked as I helped him up.

"Yeah, but I don't think the ground is." He said, rubbing his middle. The impact from Goten hitting the ground had created a large crater in the ground.

Maniacal laughter brought our attention away from Goten's incident. About 20 feet away from us stood an armor clad Saiyan woman. She wore old style armor; the kind with shoulder and hip guards. Her black hair went down to her shoulder blades in the classic Saiyan spikes. She was pretty in a dangerous kind of way, but a long scar that ran from her cheek to her chin marred her face. She wasted no time in assaulting us again, only this time her attack was directed toward my father. The Saiyan no Ouji only grinned as she tried to pummel him into the ground. She punched and kicked while he only blocked and laughed.

"Is this all you've got? I was expecting a challenge!" He said between punches. That only made her attack him more furiously than before. This time around he fought back, probably to amuse himself. Surprisingly, mystery girl darted behind my father's back and gave him a swift but effective blow to the back of the head.

"Fools." That one word she said made me wonder why she said it. She would have easily been beaten by my father if he was being serious about fighting her, yet she was calling us fools. Little did I know that she would soon be accompanied by her back-up, and it was someone I had seen before…