Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When It Rains.... ❯ Electric Blue ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: you know the drill. " Electrical Storm " is by ever lovin' U2. This is the Lemon people , so underage persons, don't you dare read this.

Electric Blue

By: WeaverOfDreams

~.....~ = Song Lyrics

She was asleep. There laying in the gravity room, her arms wrapped around one of his shirts, was his woman. He made his way into familiar territory, his. He came upon her quick enough. He stood there, watching her sleep, dried tracks of tears on her cheeks, wet spots on the shirt. Sighing, he leaned down and easily picked her up in his arms.Vegeta breathed in deeply. Her scent surrounded him and he knew that he was a fool to leave her. Her head rested in the crook of his throat, her body folded up neatly in his arms. He felt the weight of her against him. Gods, he had missed that. He made his way out of the Gravity Room and then towards the main complex. In the distance , he hear the faint rumbling of the clouds near by. He could smell the ozone and electricity in the air. A storm was coming. It was best he got her inside quickly.

Upon making it to the complex he noticed new, improved guard bots. With his precious cargo, he didn't want to disable them and have her wake up. So he simply took to the air and floated them both up to her window. Wrapping one arm around her, he used his free hand to open her window, which for some reason she still kept un-locked. Chalking it up to wishful thinking on her part, he made his way in and then closed the window behind him.

Making his way easily into the dark room, he came to her bed,.... their bed... and gently placed her there. Picking up a blanket from the foot of the bed, he placed it over her, letting her keep the clutched shirt within her hands. Sighing softly, he made his way to the bathroom, knowing his smell was fairly unpleasant at this point in time. He heard the clouds rumbling again and then the flash rush of rain started. It was coming down hard. Getting an idea, he opened the large patio window of the bathroom and walked out onto a small balcony. Tossing off his ruined clothes, he let the rain beat down on him. It was a warm summer rain. He let it wash him clean, making him smell like the rain, fresh. Closing his eyes, he stood there, arms out to the sides, gloriously naked, water rolling off his body, taking away with it dirt and dried blood. The sky growled and lightening flashed lighting up the sky in brief flashes. The rain soaked his hair, weighing it down, making it lay fall down over her shoulders and down his back. He had to be clean for his woman, appearing to her next, fresh.

~ The sea it swells like a sore head

And the night it is aching.

Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed

And the day it is breaking.

On rainy days

We go swimming out

On rainy days

Swimming in the sound

On rainy days

We go swimming out~

Meanwhile, inside, Bulma stirred, woken by the loud rumbling of thunder. At first when her eyes opened, she thought she was still in the GR and that the storm had knocked out the power. Then she realized that there was a thick warm blanket tossed over her. She sighed and sat up, knowing now she was laying in a bed, her own. Her hands were still clutching the shirt, his shirt. She sighed and got out of bed. Flicking on a lamp, she made her way over to the window and looked out. The rain was coming down in sheets. She was confused on how she got inside and to her bed. Had she slept walked? It was uncommon for her to do so, but she had done it as a child on occasion. Looking out into the black sky, the rain streaking the window, she jumped when a flash of lightening filled the sky. Clasping a hand to her chest, she felt the soft silk of his shirt. Closing her eyes, she felt the tears well up again in her eyes. God, where was he, was he ok? She needed him so badly.

~ You're in my mind, all of the time

I know that's not enough.

If the sky could crack, there must be someway back

To love and only love~

Stepping out from the rain, Vegeta closed the window softly, the tiny click the only sound. He made his way to the towel rack and dried himself off, not in the mood to waste his ki on such things. He wrapped the towel around his lean hips and then picked one up for his hair, which now hung wetly over his shoulders. He dripped water on the floor, but he was clean. He made his way back to the room, toweling his hair dry. He stopped at the open door when he saw her by the window. He leaned against the door frame and wrapped the towel around his neck, his hair still damp, still hanging down. Tilting his head, he watched her as she watched the storm outside. A warmth enveloped his form as he watched her. He knew now that this was the right thing to do, that it was foolish for them to be apart. And he , for one, was no fool.

Bulma gazed out into the storm with a soft wonder. Then she felt it, a sharp shiver up her spine. She knew that shiver. That was his shiver. She turned slowly to see him there in the doorway, wearing only two towels, his hair wet and hanging about his shoulders and around his face. He had a warm look in his eyes, his face wasn't as stern as before. She bit her lip. Oh, God, he was there, why? She stood there, stock still , just watching him. As she did, his eyes became more serious. He pushed himself from the door and made his way into the middle of the room.

"We have to ....talk."He said gruffly, tossing the towel around his neck to a chair which it promptly landed.

She could only stare in disbelief. He must have been the one to find her in the GR, he must have brought her back inside and put the blanket over her. God, why was he back? She thought he hated her.

~Car alarm won't let you go back to sleep

You kept awake dreaming someone else's dreams

Coffee is cold, but it'll get you through

Compromise, that's nothing new to you.~

He made his way over to the bed and he sat down on it. The sight of his body, still damp from whatever shower he took, played with her mind and her body. God, she wanted him. She needed to feel him, feel his warmth, his touch. Biting her lip she made her way to the chair beside the bed and sat in it, facing him." Well, Vegeta, talk.."

He looked up at her and gave a deep sigh. Closing his eyes, he hand a hand through his wet locks, brushing them back, the tips starting to curl up as it dried. His lips compressed into a thin line and he opened his eyes again."We can't keep doing this, Woman. We have said things we shouldn't have said and I meant every word.... both times. But... I was also a fool both times. I wanted to deny the fact that what I felt for you went beyond simple caring, I wanted to make myself believe that. But it didn't work. I need you, you give me peace and calmness, you stabilize me. You are my light and I don't want to lose it. Without you, I am a heartless, cold, ruthless killer. You make me better then that. You make me want to be better then that."

Bulma watched as he spoke, feeling such a surge of emotion fill her heart. Her hands let go of the shirt she had been clutching as she reached out a wrapped her arms around him. She bit her lower lip, snuggling into his throat. She felt his arms come up around her hugging her. He pulled her out of the chair and brought her to his lap. She lay across it. His hands made their way up and down her back in a soothing motion.

"Oh, Vegeta, I'm so sorry. I should have let you tell me before. I shouldn't have said those things, I was a fool too. Why do we do this to each other?" She said softly

Vegeta shrugged slightly and pulled her face away from his neck gently. He looked down into her moist blue eyes and slowly brushed her jaw and lips with his thumb." Perhaps, Woman, we do it because we love each other so much. We both are so alike."

Bulma's eyes widened softly. Did he just admit that he loved her? She placed one of her hands on the side of his face, her thumb at the corner of his mouth, her fingertips touching his soft damp hair. She looked deeply into his black eyes and saw what she wanted to see, sorrow and a slight spark of hope, hope that she would understand and would take him back.

~Lets see colors that have never been seen

Lets go to places that no one else has been.

You're in my mind, all of the time

I know that's not enough.

But if the sky could crack there much be someway back

To love and only love~

"Oh, Vegeta." she said softly and buried her face into his throat again, letting all her love and devotion for him flow from her, hoping beyond hope he would feel it. He closed his eyes and held her close, feeling warm and calm. He felt at peace again, she had taken him back, forgiven him and understood. He also excepted her apology, holding her close, letting her hear his heart beat.

Outside , the storm picked up. Another rumble of thunder came and then a streak of lightening a little bit after that. Bulma jumped in his arms. Vegeta smirked in spite of himself. He could feel her body trembling in fright. She hugged him harder and he gently pressed a kiss to her jaw. She relaxed almost instantly then she stilled. She took in a deep breath and then she pulled away slightly, a confused look on her face.

"Vegeta, you smell like rain." she said softly, her hands unwrapping from around his neck to place on his chest. He stiffened slightly, feeling her hands on him. He had been three months without his mate, to have her so close and not touch her intimately was killing him.

"That's because I showered in the rain, Woman. I was filthy and I wanted to be clean when you woke up. The cleanest water is rain water."He said softly, as he reached up and brushed a blue strand of hair away from her face.

"You did that for me?"She asked with a slight smile on her lips. Her hands slid into his drying hair, still finding the depths of it damp. Her blue eyes brightened as she shifted in his lap, moving to straddle his thighs. She leaned in close and looked into his eyes." Why Vegeta, I didn't know you were such a romantic."

With that, she closed the distance between the both of them, their lips pressed together and each gave a heartfelt groan at the feel, something they had missed for the past three months. It was more then just sex they missed, they missed the closeness, the oneness of their time togther. She felt his hands move up into her hair, tangling into it. Her own hands threaded through his black hair, she enjoyed the slightly coarse feel of it. A soft moan curled from her throat as he deepened the kiss, opening her mouth with an insistent tongue. She snuggled up closer, wanting to become a part of him. Outside , the storm raged, fueling them.

~Electrical Storm~

Vegeta quickly turned , pulling her down to the bed, moving her underneath him. He lay in the cradle of her thighs, their bodies pressed to each other. He ravaged her mouth, nipping her lower lip with his teeth. He pressed her body down into the bed with his own, his mouth exploring hers, rediscovering her taste. She moved her hands from his chest up around his back, running over the smooth muscled plains. Her fingers found the deep scars that lay on his back, from the many beatings he received. Her fingers probed the scared tissue gently, lovingly, loving them for they were a part of him.

He pulled his mouth away from hers to bury it in her throat. She could hear him take deep breaths, taking in her scent. He was heavy above her but she enjoyed the weight. His hips started to rock slightly, grinding down into her, sharply reminding her how long it had been since she had been with him in this way. Not only was it three months, she hadn't been with him since the beginning of the tournament. Normally when she was with him, there was an underlying sense of control about him. From his movements, she could tell whatever control he possessed had run thin.

He rose slightly his hands pulling away from her hair. He looked down at the button up shirt she worn and in a swift flick of his wrist, all the buttons were popped and she was bared to him. Bulma gasped softly. He usually took his time with their lovemaking but things were progressing quite fast. He looked down at her, his eyes the richest black, pupils dilated. He growled roughly and leaned in, dragging his tongue up from the valley of her breasts to the base of her throat. His hands went down to her hips where he pressed her more soundly to his own hips. She gasped when she felt the hard ridge of his shaft through the towel press into her. He rocked his hips back and forth, groaning softly as he found a touch of relief. She had never seen him so wound up, so quickly before. His hips stopped moving suddenly. She looked up at his face. His teeth were gritted and his jaw was locked. Then she saw his face relax and his eyes open, the same fire in them, yet cooled just slightly. A wicked gleam filled them now and a smirk curled on his lips.

"Forgive the lapse of control, little one, it's just been so long since I had you." Vegeta said as his whole demeanor changed. His body had relaxed somewhat, though she felt the hard length of him pressed to her. He turned to the side taking his weight off of her. Laying on his side, he propped his head up with a hand. His other hand wandered over her chest, pulling away the shirt she wore, exposing her fully. The smirk on his lips grew a touch wider as he looked at the front clasp of her bra."You're making this too easy, woman."

She shivered as she felt his fingertips brush her flesh, his finger and thumb working the clasp open with a snap. He pushed the cups away slowly, baring the soft flesh to his view. Tilting his head, his eyes wandered her exposed breasts, taking in the semi-hard rosy nipples, the soft flushed weight of the mounds. Bulma looked at him. He lid there with a calm, almost analytical gleam in his eyes. His hand hovered over one of her breasts and she shivered again, his flesh touching yet not quite. She bit her lip as his hand hovered, a slight sparkle of energy flowing from his fingertips. The blue ki barely touched her, yet the electric feel of it made her gasp. It wasn't at all painful. Her back arched slightly, bring her breast fully into his palm. A slight deep chuckle came from his throat and his hand gently squeezed and rubbed her breast, the ki gone. A moan ripped from her throat, his hand warm and strong.

~Electrical Storm~

His fingeres played with her nipple, twisting and rubbing it, making it harder. Her eyes softly closed, her hips jerking at the touch. She felt him lean in and close his hot mouth around the nipple. Moaning, she reached down and ran a hand in through his hair, half of it dry, half still damp, some of his hair fell on her skin, the tips tickling her flesh. He sucked at her breast, his mouth working the nipple and the surrounding flesh. His hand moved to the other breast and gave it treatment. He was playing it slow, moving and working at his own pace, loving her slowly. She breathed in, smelling his musk and the scent of rain and lightening. Her nipple escaped his mouth with a popping sound. Vegeta then leaned over her and took her other nipple in his mouth, silently licking and sucking. His hand free, it roamed down the plains of her flat belly, smoothing over her sides, his thumb playing with the indentation in her stomach. She gave a soft sigh, her hips undulating. A dark chuckle rumbled in his chest as he worked. The hand his head hand lid on now grasped her shirt, with a tug, it was ripped off of her. She gave a short gasp of indignation which was lost as he gently bit her nipple.

~Electrical Storm

Baby, don't cry~

The thunder rolled outside, the rain falling down to weigh heavy on the ground, but nether of them cared. They were lost in each other. Vegeta played homage to her breasts, licking and suckling on them, anointing each globe of flesh with his lips. She'd never been so romanced before, so loved. He was playing everything attention, his hand softly rubbing her stomach as his lips kissed and caressed, teased and sucked. His teeth worried her soft skin but his tongue would swipe out and bathe the small hurts, licking the little wounds he gave her. He was in no rush to have her which made it all the more thrilling, he was taking his time, doing everything right. Her hands were still deeply buried in his hair, her fingers massaging his scalp. A low rumbling sound came from his chest as he worked. It stayed, not a growl, not a groan or moan, but a purr. She smiled slightly. Her prince was purring for her. Her fingers traveled down to the nape of his neck, her fingers playing with the smaller strands of hair there. He chuckled and made his way down from her breasts, but not without giving each nipple a parting lick. He moved over her, her legs spreading to accept him. He settled then, his chin resting on the flat slope of her stomach. He planted soft kisses on her stomach, down around her hips over her belly button, to whish he bit gently, tugging the flesh with his teeth. She wiggled beneath him, that action sending shivers through her body.

She watched him, his eyes looking straight up at her, the heat and the desire that were held in them making her blush. The smirk came and then his attention went back to the task at hand. He popped open her jeans and pulled the zipper down with his teeth, all the while looking up at her. Her hips lifted as he grabbed hold of her jeans. Smirking he pulled them and her underwear off her in one clean jerk, tossing them to the floor. Reaching up and worked her bra off too, leaving her naked before him. Sitting up, he glanced down at her, his eyes moving over her curves, her lines, the flat plains. His knees pressed into her inner thighs, opening them up, spreading her legs wide. That smirk still on his lips, his eyes never leaving hers, he moved down, his mouth was level with the pink flesh of her womanhood. He took in a deep breath and groaned, her female musk enticing him, producing cracks in his control. His eyes still on her's, he brought his tongue out and dragged it along one of her wet lips. His nose buried in the soft patch of blue curls on her mound and he flicked his tongue slowly along her folds. She gasped, her hips jerking. Her hands clenched at her sides as he took his time tasting her, lapping up the moisture that had been building up since he first entered the room. She felt warm, the air in the room felt heavy, their scents lifting and mixing in the air.

~It's hot as hell, honey, in this room

Sure hope the weather breaks soon~

He clasped his hands on her hips, holding them down, not letting her move. She groaned in frustration and then let out a panting sigh and his tongue slid slowly into her. It darted in and out, very slowly, drawing out more moisture. He flicked his tongue along her inner walls, taking his time as he ate his fill of her. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, it was maddening, what he was doing to her. She was so close but not close enough, she could feel the razor edge of mind blowing pleasure so close. She groaned as his lips and tongue left her inner heat and then moved slightly up to latch onto the tiny nubbin above it. Gasping, she clawed at the sheets, as his tongue flicked her clit, his lips wrapped around it, his mouth sucking it in. The sounded of his sucking and lapping at her vibrated in her ears. She was close, her back arched, she couldn't stop the moans now, high pitched and needy, everything was drawing tight , the pressure built and that's when he did it. He purred again, the vibrations flowing through his lips hitting her clit. That was all it took.. The thunder crashed, she screamed out his name, her back bowed, breasts thrust upwards, stomach tense. Shivers ran through her , shaking her to the core as her orgasm washed over her like a white flame.

He cleaned her, lapping slowly and quietly at her core, taking up all her essence on his tongue. When she had calmed and come down from her pleasure high , he moved up and lid on his side beside her. He watched as the glow filled her flesh, as the red flush flowed over her skin. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked up at him, her blue eyes hazy with pleasure. She squirmed with an aftershock and then let out a soft sigh. There was no smirk on his wet lips, just a very intense look in his eyes. He tilted his head and then leaned down, kissing her opening her mouth, letting her taste herself on his lips. She moaned softly and then reached down the edge of his towel. Breaking the kiss, she tugged him back down onto her. "I need you, Vegeta, I want you in me, oh, god take me please."

He smirked . Reaching down he un-wrapped the towel from his hips, tossing it to the floor. In the soft light from the lamp she studied his body. She seen it lots of times, but now she drank the picture in. He was all worked muscle and lean trim lines. Everything about him radiated power. His muscles flexed as she eyed him, his stomach tightened. She could see his nipples starting to bead. She smirked. She knew she was the only one who could get that kind of reaction from him with just a look. She then looked down to one of the main prizes. Hmm, he was just as she remembered him, thick now, hard from all the foreplay. She didn't even need to touch him. He had admitted to her the biggest turn on he got was from pleasuring her, know he could do that to her. He felt her pleasure, made it his own. He was ready for her. Purring , he tilted her head up , looking into her eyes. With a growl he moved over her, weighing her down with his body, laying on her, letting her feel his power, his weight. Her pushed her legs further apart and wrapped them around his hips. Raising his head, he looked into her eyes and he tilted his hips, pressing the tip of him to her heat. Resting his arms at ether side of her head, he paused, the tip just barely entering her. Bulma frowned and wiggled her hips. He growled softly and she stopped. He looked deep into her eyes and then whispered to her" Ra'noth sah chenathra, Ca'ceth." With those whispered guttural words, he slipped into her slowly, filling her, sinking down to the hilt. She gasped, both at the entry and those words. He had spoken them once to her before. They were Saya, his native tongue. It meant "Yours for all time, Beloved." Tears prickled her eyes as those words sunk in. In his own way, he told her he loved her, that he was hers always. He settled here , on her , inside of her. It was glorious, this feeling. He would never get used to it and he would always crave it. Her body molded to him, holding him in a wet warm glove. He pressed his forehead to hers, calling up his control. He didn't want to ravish her mindlessly like a male in rut. He wanted to please her , make her moan out his name.

She wrapped her legs tighter about him, urging him to move. With a low groan , he did, slowly, his thrusts long and drawn out. He pulled out to the tip and then drove in again to the base, slowly loving her. As he did this, his mouth played with her throat, sucking it, nibbling the tender flesh there, marveling at the sounds, the husky moans , the stifled sighs that escaped her mouth. He grit his teeth, this pace too slow, but he wanted to draw out their loving, make it last, to slowly show her how he felt about her. She moaned, tilting her head to the side, her eyes opening as she watched the rain continue to fall outside. The thunder and lightening had stopped but it still rained.

~The air is heavy, heavy as a truck

Sure hope the rain will wash away our bad luck~

She turned her head again, raising it slightly, her lips brushing his ear." God, Vegeta, please, I need you. Oh God please Vegeta, faster, feels so good." She whispered, her voice sounding raw, husky, needful. His hips stopped thrusting as he looked up at her. Intense desire and love glowed in his black eyes. With a quick sweep, his hands fitted under her ass and he turned, rolled over taking her with him. There they lay now, him his back, her atop him, straddling him, his length still deeply embedded within her. She gasped, this causing a new angle within her, his length pressing into the deep spot of pleasure within her. Placing her hands on his chest for balance, she gasped again and then looked into his eyes. He lid back against the pillows.

"If you want it , Woman, take it." he said roughly, a growl in his voice. His fingers flexed on her hips as he lifted her up slightly and then let her fall down again on his length. She moaned and then started to lift and lower down on him, her head thrust back, her back arched. She placed a hand on his stomach to hold her up while the other skimmed her own stomach and moved up to a breast, cupping it. She heard a growl come from him, letting her know he liked what he saw. She glanced back at him. His eyes were closed to slits, his throat worked, his hips rose slightly, thrusting with her. She was amazed. He was giving the control over to her, letting her take him, letting her have control over their love making. He just lay there and enjoyed it, letting the pleasure sweep through him.

~ If the sky could crack

There must be someway back

For love and only love.

Electrical storm

Electrical storm

Electrical storm~

She rode him hard and fast and she rode him slow and languid. He growled beneath her, his fingers tightening around her hips. She took his signal and started to move faster, taking him deeper inside her body. She moaned with the sensation. Her pleasure increased when she heard him moan. She opened her eyes to see his head thrown back against the pillow, throat exposed, eyes tightly clenched together, teeth bared in a grimace, tightly gritted. Grinning, she moved faster, her hips rocking. The bed creaked with her movements. Her nails dug into his stomach as her other hand moved down to where they were joined. Making a vee with her pointer and middle finger she placed his appearing/disappearing length between them, letting his length slide through that space as well as her, the fingers touching his shaft too. The dual stimulation got to him. He roared and gripped her hips pulling them down onto him. She knew from then, he was controlling it. He moved her hips, bring them up and down in a rhythm that had them both moaning. Their moans echoed throughout the room as well as the building. The bed creaked.

Bulma's back arched as she lost herself, her hands coming up to cup her breasts, pinching the nipples. She panted with the thrusts, moaning." Yessssss, oh god, Vegeta...nnnh..uh.. I can't... oh god....please... ah."She was mindless, feeling his hard length thrusting in and out of her forcefully, his control snapping. She knew she would be sore in the morning as well as have dark bruises on her hips from his fingers.

Sweat covered him, blood dripped from his lip where he bit it as he tried not to cry out. It was too much for him, it was too intense so his groans mixed with hers. He opened his eyes to see a goddess above him, her hair wild about her, eyes closed, mouth opened, panting. Her breasts heaved as her own hands massaged them. He could feel his pleasure coming upon him. He growled and let go of one of her hips, his other hand able to keep up the pace. With the free hand , he made the short trip from her hip to her womanhood. His fingers found the hard little nubbin and flicked it, teasing it. She gasped and moaned, she could feel her orgasm coming. He played with her clit till he felt it, the first tiny tremors of her walls, gripping him, tightening around his length. She arched her back, head tilted back as she howled, moaned out his name in her climax. With a deep loud growl, he followed her, his back arched off the bed, her body firmly planted down on him. White light flashed behind his closed eyes as the pleasure swept them both away. They were together, one.

Within a minute or two, Bulma fell from her high, collapsing on him in a boneless heap. His arms, though a bit shaky, wrapped around her. She panted, listening to his heart's rapid beat as well as her own. He shifted slightly, one hand on her lower back, rubbing it, the other in her hair, playing with it, stoking it. When she finally had enough energy to look up, she grinned up at him. She then saw his expression get serious slightly. She frowned and wondered why till he pulled his hand from her hair and gently brushed his thumb across her cheeks, below her eyes. The she realized it. She had cried. He brought his wet thumb up and then licked the tears from it. He then leaned down and licked her cheeks, taking away any tears he had missed.

~Baby, don't cry

Baby, don't cry

Baby, don't cry~

"These are the only tears I ever wish to see fall from your eyes." He said gruffly, his voice a bit rough from his cries of pleasure. She sighed and then snuggled into him, his body a natural heat source. He smirked and then reached over and grabbed the blanket that she had discarded earlier. He pulled it up over them and just lid there, her head resting in the crook of his throat, her hand placed on his chest, over his still rapidly beating heart.

"Are we ok then, Vegeta?" she asked quietly, the scent of their lovemaking in the air. He grunted and buried his nose into her flagrant blue mane. He took a deep sniff and growled, a deep possessive growl.

"We will have our arguments, Woman, but I will never leave you." He said softly, feeling at peace with himself and with everything in his life. " Never again."

She smiled against his chest, feeling that this was a whole new start to their relationship. She cuddled him as they soon found their rhythm of sleep. " I love you Vegeta." she said softly as sleep claimed her.

"I love you too, Bulma." He said as he watched her sleep. He kept awake as long as he could but then let sleep grasp him too. They both fell to dreams in each other's arms, listening to the rain fall.
