Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When It Rains ❯ When It Rains 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings, disclaimers and such: Still own nothing. A tiny bit of lime in this chapter, but nothing too graphic. Thanks for all of the reviews. They mean so very much to me.

When it RainsBy: Kaineko
Chapter 10

Bulma may not have actually organized a party, but that didn’t stop those fools from congregating when they got word. An assorted lot of would-be warriors hadn’t stopped filing in all day. Bulma’s sneaky ass had probably invited them over in spite of Goku’s protests. At least that was Vegeta’s opinion anyway. Honestly, it had taken the prince an enormous amount of control just to stomach them for such a long time. He normally would have just left them to their own devices, but he wanted to talk to Goku before the other man had the opportunity to leave for his mountain home. He remained civil in the interest of not stressing Goku any more than he already was. Also he was still feeling protective of the other Saiyan and always stayed in the background, watching every thing that went on. Eventually they all left except that youngest brat who was hanging out with the prince’s own son and Vegeta and Goku found themselves almost alone on the deck. Only Bulma remained.

“Well, I guess I’ll go ahead and leave you two alone.” She said winking at the prince. He suppressed an indignant growl as she went back inside sliding the glass doors closed behind her.

Goku sat balancing himself on one of the wooden deck rails. He was still trying to process all that he’d learned. Everything that was going on while he was unconscious. He didn’t let on, but he had a great feeling of foreboding about the break-in at Capsule Corp. At least Dende had said that it wasn’t a new threat to the earth, though that did very little to curb his apprehension. Then after discovering about the break-in the night before, his anxiety doubled. There may not have been a threat to the earth as a whole, but he was inclined to believe that something was about to happen. He didn’t believe that they were merely coincidences. Bulma was unable on both occasions to glean any information from the security monitors that had been so skillfully rendered useless. And since he didn’t have any real clues to what was going on all he could do was sit around and wait on the ax to fall.

After Bulma left the two of them, Goku turned his eyes on Vegeta. All of his concerns suddenly seemed insignificant now that his mind was focused on the prince. Something was different about him. Something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on…but his behavior was…well…different. Like for instance this morning in the kitchen, he almost thought that the prince was going to kiss him.

He shook his head denying the thought. But he’d been so damned close to him, invading his personal space. That wonderful scent that he’d awoken to had filled his nostrils again, taking away clarity and reason. It was enticing and frightening at the same time. His face blanched at the thought of sharing any kind of intimacy with the Saiyan prince. The very idea made his hair stand on end. It wasn’t that he didn’t find the prince attractive. Hell, anyone with two functioning eyes could see how sexy the man was. It was something else. Something that Goku just couldn’t put his finger on. But the prince was dangerous, unpredictable and that only led to one thing. Vulnerability.

Vegeta watched the emotions play across the other warrior’s face. He could sense the confusion as the other man tried to make sense of what was going on, while failing miserably. Vegeta stood and walked across the short distance between them.


Goku regained focus, coming out of his reverie. “You had something to say this morning?” Goku said picking up where they left off when they were last alone.

“Yes, I do. But first tell me how are you feeling? Are you up for flying?”

Goku arched his eyebrow at the prince’s expression of concern before dismissing it. Weeks of idleness did atrophy the muscles and weaken the body, but it would take more than that to significantly weaken Goku. “It shouldn’t be a problem.” He answered.

“Good, then follow me.”

Without another preliminary, the prince flew off. Goku followed Vegeta into the warm night sky. Vegeta flew slowly. The slow pace just as much for Goku’s sake as it was to give the prince a few more moments to reflect before everything changed between them. And he was sure that everything was about to change. He just hoped that his hunch had been correct.

“Where are we going?” Goku asked, but Vegeta remained silent. Whether he hadn’t heard, or chose not to answer, Goku didn’t know, but he decided not to ask again.

When they finally landed they’d flown quite a distance away into an isolated mountainous area on the coast of the mainland. At such a vantage point they could see everything in a breathtaking panorama of magnificence. Water stretched as far as the eye could see, the pale shimmering moon reflecting off its surface and casting everything in the faintest blue hue. At this elevation the temperature was at least 10 degrees cooler than in the city though neither man seemed to be affected.

“Do you know this place Kakarrot?” Vegeta asked as he took in the other man’s look of astonishment.

“Yeah. I know it very well. The question is how do you know it?”

Vegeta smirked. It’s what he’d expected, hoped for really. That Goku wouldn’t have forgotten this place. “Tell me first how you are familiar with it.” The prince said.

“Well…” Goku began. “…when I was younger, often I would feel…” he hesitated not really sure if he wanted to share, but after a moments thought continued anyway, “…I would feel lost. Like I just didn’t fit in. It was so hard to be around all of my friends…Bulma, Krillen, Yamcha… and know that I was different. That something about me just screamed that I was odd. Sometimes, I just needed to get away for a while and often I’d end up here and just sit for hours contemplating my place in life.”

Vegeta knew the feeling of not belonging. He often felt it now among so many humans. But at least he knew why he didn’t fit in. He couldn’t imagine how Goku must have felt knowing that something was different, but not having the foggiest notion of what or why.

Goku continued. “I always believed that I was on top of the world when I was here, and I always left feeling a little better. But I haven’t been here in years. Not since…” He paused to think about it. “Not since before you came to this planet the first time. But how do you know of it. I’ve never shared this with another person.”

Goku frowned watching the prince’s smug expression as he again felt like he’d exposed himself. Just as he was truly starting to feel self-conscious the prince spoke.

“When Saiyan babies are sent to purge a planet, you know that because they leave before they are able to understand their mission, everything is transmitted subliminally. It’s important to have, within that message, certain key details. A type of protocol to ensure success.”

Goku nodded in understanding. Vegeta had spent many evenings explaining their culture to him.

“Well, one of those key details is a set of standard coordinates and plans for recovery after the mission is complete. Of course we wouldn’t have just left them on a desolate planet indefinitely. If Vegetasai hadn’t been destroyed, you would have been retrieved shortly after you were scheduled to have cleared the planet.”

“I guess it’s a good thing that I lost my programming, or I would have been all alone for many years.” Goku said, still not sure where the conversation was leading.

“Perhaps. I must explain first that each planet has a coordinate system that is measured by latitude and longitude. Each intersection of these points corresponds to a specific location on that planet. Because the scale of the longitude and latitude of a planet is proportional to its size, every round planet, no matter its size would have had this same set of coordinates. It is the perfect way to designate a common point that is valid no matter which planet it refers to.”

Vegeta paused for a moment and allowed the information to sink in. It wasn’t that he didn’t think that Goku could understand; it was just that he knew the younger man hadn’t been formally educated and might not understand as quickly as someone already familiar with geography. But to his pleasure Goku nodded signifying that he understood and for the prince to continue.

“Well in your programming was a set of coordinates that correspond to the latitude and longitude of the place that you were to wait for retrieval. It’s standard protocol to wait on the nearest inhabitable landmass to 30 degrees N., 130 degrees E. On this planet this volcanic mountain just happens to be situated 5 miles from those coordinates. It’s the closest inhabitable landmass.”

Goku remained silent, soaking in the information that he was just given. “So you’re saying that I had some intuitive memory of that protocol and that’s why I came here?” He asked.

“It would seem so. I think that when you came here, subconsciously you were longing for our home world. And you stopped after I arrived and you realized that there wasn’t going to be any rescue vessel to retrieve you.”

Vegeta had merely assumed the latter part and he was probably correct in his assumptions.
Goku would have never guessed that in a million years. But it made perfect sense to him. All those years, something deep within his subconscious was still alive, and drove him to seek his place. But his place hadn’t been in this world, but on Vegetasai. He’d never realized that what he longed for was reconnection. But something didn’t make sense.

“Vegeta, I don’t remember anything of my original mission. So why would I remember something so basic as this when my main objective escaped me? And how did you know I’d remember this place?”

“Well, I didn’t know that you’d remember this place. I only hoped that you would or at the very least coming here would trigger some memory. And as far as why you remember it. Well… I really can’t say for sure. It’s a bit odd, it’s almost like your memory wasn’t completely erased, but merely repressed.”

“But why did you bring me here in the first place? You must have had some reason for it.”

Vegeta sighed. This was the beginning of things being different. “Well in a way, this place is relevant to what I wanted to discuss with you.”

Goku leaned against a tree for support, his arms crossed waiting for the prince to explain.

“It’s really ironic Kakarrot.”


“Irony. In our culture it was an insult to be sent off-planet to purge as a child. It signified that you were pitifully weak and utterly useless as a potential warrior in adulthood.”

Vegeta caught the hurt look that flashed across Goku’s visage. He wasn’t trying to hurt him, but he needed to make him understand his reasoning for what was going on.

“In other words you were expendable. The strength of the inhabitants one was sent to purge was also a direct reflection of the expectations of his potential. The weaker you were, the weaker the inhabitants of the planet you were sent to purge. Only 3rd class children were dispatched in this fashion, and like you most never returned. No one cared that many died in the process since it was, though privately, viewed as a means of weeding out the weak.”

Goku’s face paled a bit. He knew that he’d been on the bottom of the hierarchy as a child, but he didn’t realize that his own people had considered him useless. It definitely wasn’t the most uplifting news he’d ever received. “So why do you tell me all of this?”

“Isn’t it obvious? It goes back to irony. Though I wasn’t born 3rd class, I too was dispatched as a child to purge planets. It was an utter insult, a slap in the face for a royal elite child to be treated the same way as a common 3rd class child. Like you I was “weeded out” of the Saiyan society because like you I never returned. How ironic that we both ended up being the only remainders of a race that we were culled from. At birth we were caste completely different lots, yet we ultimately shared the same fate. I realize now that it’s hardly coincidence that we both ended up on one of the weakest planets in the whole damned galaxy, supposedly a reflection of our own weakness.”

Vegeta paused and watched the other man absorb his words before he continued. “Yet it only appears weak at face value. Damn if it isn’t actually one of the most resilient planets I’ve ever encountered. It reminds me of you. You are also not what you seem at face value. You are, in the eyes of these humans, a nice guy. But there is more underneath that façade. Underneath that is a truly powerful Saiyan warrior; better than any of those that condemned you to a shameful lot. And underneath even that is a mysterious man, and enigma really.”

“Vegeta, I…” Goku started, but Vegeta held up a hand to silence him. He’d been waiting too long to get this off his chest and he didn’t want to be interrupted.

“Kakarrot, I too am not what I appear at face value. I looked for myself, and underneath my layers of arrogance and pride I found something that I never really believed even remotely possible. I found the ability to actually care for someone other than myself. I don’t know how, or why, but I do know that it’s there. And I’ve discovered that of all the people I could care for on this mudball…that I care for you. The parallel of our lives has certainly been a lot of things…ironic, dramatic, tense, unpredictable, illogical... But the one thing that I don’t believe that it is, is coincidence. In the grand design and scheme of the universe, our lives were meant to run parallel, and then intersect. It has just taken me a lot of time to realize it, and even more time to accept it.”

Goku was left utterly speechless. Was Vegeta saying what he thought he was saying? The younger man’s face drained completely of color, and suddenly his tongue was thick in his mouth. Vegeta took his silence as encouragement to continue.

“What I am saying Kakarrot is that…I care for you as more than just a convenient punching bag or an icon of our dying race.”

Vegeta couldn’t believe how extremely difficult this all was and he couldn’t read Goku’s reaction past the stunned expression, which he’d expected. But he’d come this far, and he wasn’t about to be a coward and back out now. He’d never be able to look the woman in the face again if he did.

“I care for you as one would for a mate. I want to be with you, Kakarrot. I’m offering you more than I’ve ever offered anyone else. I…I’m offering you myself.” There. He’d said it. It had taken more pride than he’d ever thought he’d be willing to expend.

Vegeta stepped forward and as if attempting to seal the truth behind his words he fisted his hands into Goku’s soft midnight hair and drew the younger man into a slow sensual kiss.

Somewhere between Vegeta’s words and his actions, Goku’s mind stopped functioning properly. He leaned down into the kiss only registering how deliciously soft and sweet the other man’s lips were against his own. The only sounds that could be heard throughout the area were Goku’s low sweet moaning at the electric tingle caused by Vegeta’s touch. His carnal desires and not his brain, which was still M.I.A., now dictated the younger man’s actions. Minutes turned into an eternity as his mouth was taken by the prince’s own sweet lips.

Vegeta had dreamed of this day for a very long time and now he could barely control his desire for his formal rival. He tasted sweet, like that single drop of honeysuckle that was only enough to tease but never enough to truly satisfy. It was apparent from Goku’s scent that he wanted Vegeta in return. The older Saiyan was determined now that he’d conquer Kakarrot this day, just as he’d always known. But his motives had shifted and instead of wanting to cause the other man immeasurable pain, he now wanted to cause him unimaginable pleasure. The prince’s free arm wrapped around Goku’s waist, and drew the other man’s body against his as his fingers traced light teasing circles around Goku’s missing tail.

Goku froze as his body was thrust forward into Vegeta’s. He could feel the prince’s rather obvious erection firmly pressed against his thigh and those deceptively gentle caresses around his former tail by hands that were inconceivably powerful. His mind picked just that time to return from vacation as he realized his situation.

‘I care for you as a mate. I want to be with you Kakarrot.’

Vegeta’s words rang through his mind, bouncing all around in an eternal reverb that he couldn’t seem to stop. ‘Vegeta wants to be with me…me as a mate. How in the hell is that possible?’

This just couldn’t be happening. He tried to make sense of it by dissecting the situation. Forget the fact that Vegeta is a prince and he is a 3rd class since a hierarchal system is wholly irrelevant between the last two remaining members of their race. Forget the fact that Vegeta is also a man, since he’d never really had that prejudice anyway. But he couldn’t forget the fact that this was Vegeta, of all people declaring feelings for him. That was cause enough for concern. Sure Goku had been the one to always preach the value of reform and second chances, but Vegeta just wasn’t exactly the loving, caring type. For the first time since he’d met Vegeta, he felt truly intimidated and fearful of the slighter man. Thoughts of Vegeta’s volatile nature flashed through his mind and he quickly decided that he didn’t want any parts of that. He had no intention of allowing himself to be that vulnerable with someone that could hurt him so easily. He couldn’t fully explain why, but indescribable fear shot through him and nearly made him ill.

Goku’s low moans turned to whimpers as he tried to pry himself away from Vegeta iron grip. The prince was immediately aware when Kakarrot’s scent changed from arousal to fear and he registered the other man’s attempt to break free.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he released the kiss, but not the hold.

Goku finally loosened Vegeta’s grip from around his waist and managed to put a little distance between them “I…I.”

Vegeta looked at him in confusion.

“I really don’t know what to say…I’m speechless.” Goku fumbled lamely.

Vegeta stepped forward, a little closer to Goku and was surprised when the other man stepped back. They stared at each other for a long moment, the silence so complete it was almost deafening. Vegeta stepped forward again attempting to lessen the distance between them, and Goku stepped back trying to preserve it.

“Well? What’s wrong Kakarrot?” Vegeta asked. Why had the man gone from obviously aroused to fearful in a matter of minutes?

Goku turned away in an attempt to hide the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes. He just couldn’t face this right now. He hated fear and vulnerability.

“I won’t be vulnerable,” he mumbled to himself.


Goku felt that it would be good if he put some real distance between the two of them. He simply had to get away. He couldn’t think straight while standing so close to the man.

“Vegeta…I’m sorry, but…I just…I have to go.” And with that he IT’d himself to his home.

Vegeta stood on that volcano staring at the space the other man had just occupied. What had he done wrong? Kakarrot had wanted him, he could tell by the other man’s aroused scent. But in a matter of minutes he went from arousal to fear. Had he unintentionally hurt him? Vegeta went over the scene in his mind trying to find the answer, but it didn’t present itself. When he finally gave up on finding the answer he flew back to Capsule Corp, utterly devastated by the rejection that he hadn’t anticipated.


The Saiyan prince moped around for days after the incident. He hadn’t heard anything from the other warrior, thinking that maybe Goku was just caught off guard and didn’t know how to react, but would reconsider and contact him. But so far, nothing. His family wasn’t exactly expecting him to be cheerful, but they hadn’t seen him in such a foul mood in ages. Trunks steered clearly away from him whenever possible, as did Bulma. But on this particular evening, the prince was the one seeking her out instead of the other way around.

Bulma didn’t need Saiyan senses to feel the presence that entered the room where she was hunched over a lighted table looking at blueprints of JAI’s new design. She’d been swamped with work coming up on the new product premier, but not so busy that she hadn’t noticed Vegeta’s foul mood. So it came as a bit of a surprise when the man who’d been even more anti-social and caustic to be around than normal appeared in her lab. Bulma didn’t acknowledge him at first, waiting to see if he’d announce his presence or simply stand there.

Vegeta knew that Bulma was aware of his presence, but for whatever reason she hadn’t acknowledged him yet. That really pissed him off, but he was really trying to keep his temper in check because he had a specific reason for being here and he’d learned long ago that it was nearly pointless to argue with or demand things from Bulma. That tactic absolutely never worked. Finally after several long moments she finally looked up from her work.

“Do you need something Vegeta?”

“I need the GR fixed.” He’d destroyed the main control panel 3 nights ago but hadn’t even bothered to tell Bulma or demand that she fix it.

Bulma looked at the prince closely and sighed. “What’s wrong with you Vegeta? You’ve been acting awfully sour lately.” She asked.

Vegeta ignored her question. “When can you have the machine fixed?”

Bulma could play that game too. “Answer my question first and then we’ll discuss the GR.”

Vegeta bristled but knew that Bulma didn’t back down easily or often. Better to play ignorant. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. There isn’t anything wrong with me.”

“Okay, now that we’ve aired the bullshit, let’s try the truth. What’s wrong with you?”

“I told you there isn’t anything wrong with me. Now are you going to fix my machine or not?”

“You’ve been walking around in a pissy mood for a couple of days now. You’re giving everyone an even colder shoulder than before. And I know you destroyed the gravity room three nights ago, but for whatever reason you’re just now getting around to demanding that I fix it. If I didn’t know before I definitely know now that something’s wrong with you. Now we can sit here and play these word games until you get tired, or you can tell me now and save yourself the trouble. Either way doesn’t make me a bit of difference.”

‘Bitch.’ Vegeta thought hating when someone gave him an ultimatum. He pushed his weight from the wall, preferring to leave than give in to her demands.

“Screw it. I’ll train in the yard.”

“Better yet, why don’t you go train with Goku? Fighting him always seems to put you in a better mood.”

Vegeta paused at the mention of the other man’s name, and as if a switch was flipped Bulma suddenly realized that maybe the prince’s mood had something to do with her friend. It made sense. He only ever got really unbearable when he was annoyed by, upset with, or pining over Goku.

Bulma never had been so easily put off. “You’ve been acting strange for half the week. Ever since that night Goku…” She trailed off as he cast a glare at her that would melt steel.

“Did you talk to him? Did something happen between you two?” She asked following after him into the hallway outside of her lab.

“Yes woman. I talked to him.” Vegeta said sarcastically.


Vegeta was torn between wanting to forget that the other Saiyan even existed, and trying to figure out why he rejected him. He’d been warring with his feelings over Goku’s reaction every waking minute since that night. While he’d been reconciling his own feelings, he’d never once gone over the possibility that Goku wouldn’t want him. But that’s the strange thing. He’d known that Goku had wanted him in return. If he hadn’t smelled the other man’s arousal so strongly, then he would not be so sure. But the fact was that he had smelled it…that obvious shift in pheromones that signaled his willingness. It was like a beacon, signaling for him to continue. Then in the blink of an eye, it had turned to fear, trying desperately to push him away. What the hell was that all about? He hated to play these games with Bulma because he never seemed to win, but maybe she could shed some light on the situation.

“And… I don’t know. I think that maybe he’s afraid of me.”

Bulma frowned. She’d never known Goku to be afraid of much. “What makes you think that?”

Vegeta was not about to tell her that Goku had pushed him away while he was kissing him and that his scent had changed from aroused to afraid in a matter of seconds. He didn’t want to seem that pathetic.

“Trust me, I just know.”

Goku, afraid? That just didn’t make sense. But just as she thought of it every single one of Vegeta’s threats against Goku over the past years flashed through Bulma’s mind. She knew that her friend was a somewhat literal person, and that somewhere in his subconscious he’d probably taken those words of hatred to heart. Maybe Goku didn’t even know that he’d harbored feelings of apprehension toward the prince. He’d never actually shown it.

“Gee Geta. I can’t imagine why he’d feel intimidated by you.” She said sarcastically.

Vegeta growled. Maybe talking to her wasn’t such a good idea. “Damnit onna. You’re the one that suggested all of this crap.”

Bulma sighed. She hadn’t meant to piss Vegeta off with her comment. She just couldn’t resist. “I know Vegeta. But I never said that it was going to be easy. Can you honestly think it’s strange for him to be even a little bit cautious? Especially since you two haven’t always had the friendliest relationship.”

She watched him as he crossed his arms defensively. Apparently she’d struck a chord with him.

“Vegeta, you’re just going to have to try harder. Woo him a bit. Gain his trust.”

“Damnit onna. I will not beg him. I have my pride.”

Bulma’s eyes blazed with anger. He was just being stubborn.

“Feh, your useless pride! Your shield that you hide behind when you’re too afraid to face reality. You say that showing a little humility in order to win over the one that you love is pathetic. I say that running away from the challenge when it gets a little difficult is even more so.”

Vegeta fixed her with his hard stare. “Kami woman! I am not running away from anything. I am the prince of all Saiyans. I.do.not.cower!” He said placing great emphasis on those last four words.

Bulma however was not impressed by his declaration. “Whatever your highness. All I’m going to say is that your zealous pride will ultimately be your downfall.” She said turning and heading back toward her lab. “And you better pray to Kami for a big enough throat when it comes time to swallow it.”


His days zipped by in a jumbled blur and suddenly it was Friday night and as usual there wasn’t much on TV. Still Goku sat perched on his couch flipping aimlessly through channels. Every now and then something would catch his attention, but never long enough for him to have watched an entire show. His mind really wasn’t on that anyway. He’d been thinking non-stop of Vegeta since that night.

What had become of his life in such a short time span? He honestly couldn’t say but he knew that everything was crumbling around him at an alarming rate. His wife’s betrayal, bout with insomnia, brush with death, and to confuse things even more Vegeta’s confession of feelings.

But Goku wasn’t usually given to confusion. He normally reacted to his life instinctually, rarely giving things much thought. And when he did make decisions they were so swift that they bordered on instinct. He was no good at handling these situations; even his reactions to Vegeta were confusing.

At first he’d been more aroused than he’d ever been before in his life. Almost painfully so. But after that what had happened? He couldn’t really explain the feeling that had come over him suddenly. It felt like his air was being cut off and he was quickly suffocating…nearing death. Fear, unimaginable and very real had stolen over him and he knew that he had to get away. He’d never been so afraid of something in his life. As unsettling as that was, it was still undeniable.

It’s not like what Vegeta was offering was truly horrible. It was just that for the first time since Namek, trust was a real issue. He’d always known that Vegeta wore many different masks. Proud, stubborn, arrogant… And Goku had always wondered what was truly hiding under those masks.

‘I care for you as one would for a mate. I want to be with you, Kakarrot. I’m offering you more than I’ve ever offered anyone else. I…I’m offering you myself.’

Was that really the sound of Vegeta’s mask of pride shattering as he confessed feelings for his long-time rival? Could Vegeta really be trusted? Were his feelings just filled with lust, or were they true? Was he seeing yet another of Vegeta’s masks or was it the real Vegeta this time? He couldn’t be so sure what he’d seen, but he did know that he’d never forget the feeling of being pressed against the other Saiyan’s body. The scent of Vegeta’s arousal was almost tangible once again just from thinking about the incident. He could almost smell the other Saiyan’s pungent scent in his nostrils…feel his warm breath ghost across his mouth before sealing his lips in a passionate kiss…

“Hey dad, how’s it going?”

Gohan’s voice startled Goku from his thoughts.

“I’m in the living room.” Goku called back, trying to will away the blush from the realization of where those thoughts had been going. Only after he was sure that he’d recover did he stand to go greet his son.

‘Something sure smells good.’ Gohan thought as he peeked into the oven to see what was cooking.

“It’s lasagna.” Goku said as he walked into the kitchen.

“It sure smells good.” The younger man said, voicing what he’d just been thinking.

Goku smiled at the compliment.

“So how have you been feeling, Dad?” Gohan asked. That was the whole reason for his trip in the first place. To check on his father. Secretly he’d been worried that Goku was suffering depression and maybe his overdose had been intentional, at least on a subconscious level. Of course he’d never actually suggest that aloud, but the thought had crossed his mind. Maybe his dad needed professional help. But surely any psychiatrist would lock him up if he accidentally let slip that he was a powerful alien, formerly married to a demanding human that hasn’t stopped ragging him since he returned from the dead for the 2nd time. No, he didn’t think that would go over too well.

“Okay I guess.” Goku answered, though something in his voice sounded off to the demi-saiyan.

“You sure dad?”

Goku nodded.

“And sleep…?” Gohan asked.

“…is still scarce, but I’m managing. And don’t worry, no pills this time.”

“Good.” Gohan said.

Silence stretched for a moment.

“Hey you wanna stay for dinner with me? I made plenty for both of us.” Goku asked. He’d been so lonely lately, and would really appreciate some company for a while. Vegeta would have normally eaten dinner with him at least twice this week, but that of course hadn’t happened. So he’d been completely alone since that night.

“Well, I really wasn’t going to stay long dad.” Gohan said and immediately regretted it when he saw his father’s hopeful expression fall.

“Don’t you have to work tonight anyway?” He asked Goku.

Goku just shook his head. “No, I lost my job.”


“Well, after I didn’t show up for a few days and they couldn’t contact me, they assumed that I’d quit and hired someone else.”

“Yeah, but didn’t you explain what had happened.”

Goku nodded. “Mr. Sawa said that he’ll keep me in mind if anything else becomes available. But they didn’t have anything else open.”

“Oh.” Gohan hadn’t planned on staying long, assuming that his father would be leaving for work soon. He had made other plans for the night that he really didn’t want to break.

“If I’d known dad, I’d have planned on staying a little longer. But I had some other plans for tonight and I was just stopping through before I went home to get ready.”

“Oh. What you got going on tonight?” Goku asked.

“Nothing much.” Gohan said, but he couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

“It seems like something to me.” Goku kidded.

“I’m just going out with a friend.” Gohan answered, but a blush spread across the bridge of his nose giving away that it was more that just having dinner with a friend. Gohan was going out on a date. He simply left out the part about what they’d probably be doing after the date.

“A date huh?”

Gohan nodded blushing even more deeply.

Goku simply assumed that Piccolo was the only person that could make Gohan blush so. Everyone knew of their mutual attraction, and Gohan’s numerous attempts to court Piccolo and the Namek’s constant protests.

“That’s great, how’d you ever get Piccolo to agree after that theatre incident?” Goku asked, only realizing his mistake when his son’s smile faltered a bit. He’d never even entertained the thought that his son was dating someone other than the Namek.

“I wish it were Piccolo.” He mumbled under his breath. But his father heard him perfectly.

“Is there something going on with you and Piccolo?” Goku asked, concerned about his son’s feelings and able to clearly see that mention of the Namekian warrior affected him. He probably wasn’t the most qualified person to give relationship advice, especially since his love life was such a mess.

“Well, we had another argument. He can be so damned stubborn at times. I know he wants to be with me, but he’s too afraid that it won’t work out. How the hell would he know if he refuses to even try?” Gohan said.

Gohan’s statement caught Goku off guard. He realized that his son’s situation was a lot like his and Vegeta’s. Goku wondered if he was being as stubborn toward the prince’s advances as Piccolo was being toward his son. He didn’t think that he was. He just didn’t want to be vulnerable. That wasn’t a cop out was it? He had a legitimate reason for refusing Vegeta…didn’t he?

“Well, who are you going out with tonight?” Goku asked, wanting to avoid the subject he’d been pondering.

Gohan thought about Ian. He couldn’t replace Piccolo, but he at least got his mind off the green man every once in a while. And not to mention he was sexy, and great in the sack. Of course he wasn’t about to share all of that with his father.

“Oh he’s just a good friend. We go out sometimes, hang out…you know just pass time. It helps me keep my mind off Piccolo.” Gohan said, leaving it at that.

Goku thought about what Gohan had just said. Would Vegeta find someone else to keep his mind off of him? What would he do if that happened? Goku became depressed at the thought. Maybe he was being too harsh in rejecting Vegeta. But he still couldn’t shake his need to protect himself from vulnerability. He had allowed himself to trust Chichi, and she’d walked all over him. He just didn’t think he could allow the same thing with Vegeta. And the man was just so damned dangerous. Vegeta could hurt him far worse than Chichi ever could. And not just mentally this time, but physically as well.

Goku shook his head. ‘No, I can’t allow myself to be that vulnerable.’ He thought.

“Dad? You okay?” Gohan asked breaking the silence that had spread between them.

“Yeah, just thinking.” He said.

Gohan watched his father for a few more moments, hoping that his father really was okay before he stood and pushed his chair in. “Well, dad I really need to get going. Call me if you need anything.” Gohan added.

“Okay.” He replied and watched his son leave through the back door. When the latch clicked, he suddenly felt desperately alone.


The weekend flew by as usual, and Monday found everyone back on the same old grind. Bulma watched Gohan chat with Ian at the conference table in her office. They were the only three left in the room after the meeting that had just adjourned. She’d noticed that they had become a bit cozy, but she didn’t comment on it. Gohan was an adult and could make decisions for himself. She thought it was ashamed though that he hadn’t been able to resolve his issues with Piccolo. They would have made such a good couple. ‘Just like Vegeta and Goku.’ She thought.

“Gohan stay for a minute.” Bulma said.

Ian took the cue and left the office, closing the door behind them and leaving the two old friends alone.

“How has your father been doing lately?” She asked.

“Well, he says that he’s fine, but I’m not really convinced. Something still seems off with him.” He added thinking back to a few nights ago when he’d stopped by.

Bulma thought back to her conversation with Vegeta more than a week ago. She’d urged him to be more persistent in trying to catch Goku, but apparently he hadn’t taken her advice. ‘Stubborn bastard.’

Maybe she should take things into her own hands. Prod them along a bit. Of course she didn’t tell this to Gohan. She wanted to talk to Goku first and see if she could get him and Vegeta to at least talk to one another again. Bulma thought for a moment and then smiled deviously. She knew the perfect way to do it.

“I’ve been meaning to get over there to see about him for myself. I think I’ll go see him this afternoon.” The blue-haired woman added.

“That’s a good idea. He seemed lonely when I went to see him. I’m sure he’d love a visit from you.”


It had started out to be one of those days where you get up really late then loaf around in pajamas all day though with the intention that you’re going to get dressed and really start the day at any minute. Of course you never do and by 6:00 you realize it’s pointless to get dressed now since it’s so late in the day. Though it hadn’t actually been raining, the cloud-blotted sky hindered the sun’s warming rays and made everything feel dreary.

Goku padded barefoot across the cool wooden floors to answer the incessant pounding at his back door.

“Bulma? What brought you all the way up here on a day like this?” He asked as he swung the door open for his friend.

“Well it’s nice to see you too Goku.” She said taking in her friend’s haggard appearance and wrinkled pajamas. After stomaching Vegeta’s less than cordial behavior for the better part of a week and finding out from Gohan that her friend wasn’t faring any better, she decided that she’d intervene in the situation if for nothing more to bring a little peace into her own house. Not to mention that she was a busybody.

He let her in the house and offered her a seat at the kitchen table, as he stood propped against the sink.

“So Goku, will you be ready this weekend?” She asked.

Confusion flashed across his face. “Ready for what?”

Bulma smiled. “I figured you’d forget with everything that’s been going on lately. It’s a good thing I thought to get you ready myself.”

“Bulma, what are you talking about?”

“Capsule Corp’s annual product premier and charity gala. You know…the one we sponsor every year.”

“Is it time for that already?”

He’d always gone to the gala before, mainly for the free food and to make Chichi happy. Besides, it was always a lot of fun to see who would win the charity raffle for a complete set of CC’s newest product line which he knew would include some of Gohan’s designs this year. But it had completely slipped his mind.

“Well Bulma…I don’t know about it this year.” Vegeta might be there and he just wasn’t ready to face the other man so soon.

Bulma knew exactly why Goku was being apprehensive. She could practically read the hesitation on his expressive face. But in actuality that was her whole reason for trying to get him to come to this party. Vegeta and Goku just seemed so perfect for one another. Bulma was by far one of the most open-minded people and the fact that they were both men wasn’t even on her mind. Apparently it wasn’t an issue with Vegeta either. She wondered if it were an issue with her long-time friend. She wanted to talk to him about it, but thought that maybe it would be best broached subtly. Gohan was right. Goku seemed to be in a fragile mental state, though she could only guess why.

“How have you been feeling Goku?” She asked changing the subject completely.

“I’m doing okay.”

“Goku…I’m concerned about you. I’ve been your friend for a really long time and you know that you can talk to me about anything right?” Goku nodded.

“Tell me…honestly. What’s going on with you? How are you holding up since…” She stopped short of saying it. Trying to gauge his emotions by the look on his face. She had to make sure first and foremost that it wasn’t his ex-wife that was giving him grief.

“…since Chichi left me.” He finished for her, taking a seat across from her at the table.

“Don’t worry Bulma. I think I’m over that now. It’s not as bad as it was in the beginning. Really it’s not that bad at all. I have more freedom and its much more peaceful around here. But on the other hand…” He trailed off.

“On the other hand what?” She prodded. Now she was getting somewhere.

He chewed on his bottom lip, not sure if he wanted to admit this to anyone, but not really seeing a reason not to. If anyone would understand, it was Bulma. “On the other hand it’s a bit lonely around here now. I know my kids have lives of their own, and I don’t want to impose on them more than I already do. But sometimes…sometimes I wish it were more than just me and four walls. You know?”

Bulma nodded. “Yeah, I do know Goku. But you know that it doesn’t have to be that way. You’re welcome at Capsule Corp. any time, day or night.”

“I know, but it’s not the same.”

Bulma sighed. She didn’t know any other way but to be blunt. “I understand what you mean Goku. But what I don’t understand is if you’re so lonely, then why did you push Vegeta away?”

Goku couldn’t hide his shock. Where had this line of questioning come from? “Kami Bulma, you know about that?” Goku couldn’t believe that the ouji had told Bulma what happened between the two of them.

“Yeah, I do Goku. But don’t blame Vegeta. He didn’t have to say a word for me to know. I could read it in his actions. I have known both of you too long to not see the obvious feelings that you two have for one another. So tell me. Why did you reject him?”

“I…I” He stammered to form a coherent thought.

Vegeta was of the opinion that Goku was afraid of him, though he didn’t really say why he thought that. It was plausible, but Bulma wanted to hear it from Goku. “Come on Goku. I’ve known you for far too long, and I know how you feel. So why did you push him away?”

Goku looked her in the eye. She wanted the truth, and not some half-assed excuse. That would never get passed her insightfulness anyway. He raked his hands through his hair in a calming motion and thought before answering.

“I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately myself. I’d like to say that I’ve never even allowed myself to entertain the thought of the two of us together in any way other than friendship. Somehow it just seems like a dangerous prospect to place us together with our power and virtual opposite personalities. But it wouldn’t be true. I am attracted to Vegeta in the worst way. It goes beyond the raw sex appeal. It’s much more profound than anything so superficial. Even before Chichi left me I could feel it. So I know it’s not just some confused rebound emotions. I have fantasized about being with him on more than one occasion. The main reason I enjoyed sparring so much was out of a desire to be near him. The only times since Chichi left that I wasn’t so lonely was on those nights that we spent just talking to one another over dinner.”

That’s what Bulma had thought, but still it didn’t answer the fundamental question. “So what’s the problem Goku?”

Goku took a deep breath. He knew what the problem was, but he didn’t know how to resolve it. He didn’t know if it could even be resolved.

“I entertained the idea of us together when I was with Chichi because it was just a fantasy that I knew would never happen because I’d never be unfaithful to my wife. But now that she’s out of the picture and he has expressed interest I don’t know if I’m brave enough. In all honesty Bulma, the thought of being in a relationship like that with Vegeta scares the shit out of me. I don’t want to be vulnerable to someone that could hurt me, and has on many occasions expressed a profound desire to do so.”

‘So Vegeta was right after all. Goku is afraid of him.’ She thought. But she knew that Goku really didn’t have any reason to be afraid. Vegeta would just as soon cut off his own hand than to hurt Goku.

“Vegeta cares greatly for you Goku. He cares for us all, though he’d be hard pressed to show it most of the time. But for you he made an exception and dropped his pride. Whether you know it or not you hold a special place in his heart. In all the years that I’ve known Vegeta, I can count on one hand the number of times he called me by name. As a matter of fact he has never really addressed anyone by name. It’s always the cueball, the pervert, the Namek, the brat, the half-breed, or the pathetic loser ningen.”

Goku smiled as a picture of each one of their friends flashed through his mind along with Vegeta’s pet monikers for them.

“But you Goku. You have always been Kakarrot. At first I think it was out of reverence for your race, but I honestly think that it has grown into more than mere reverence. There’s a kind of passion in the way he says your name. Unlike anything that he has ever uttered before. I have never heard anything more passionate from him.”

Goku had never thought of it that way before.

“Besides Goku, all of those idle threats are in the past. They can’t hurt you now if you don’t allow them. Vegeta is not that same man that he was and he wouldn’t hurt you now. Not you. His one desire.”

Goku was near tears. Was he really willing to push Vegeta away? He thought about Gohan and Piccolo. Could he live with himself if he pushed Vegeta into the arms of another? “I know it in my heart Bulma, but I can’t get it through my head. My mind is screaming danger warnings at me.”

Bulma smiled. “And since when have you, Son Goku, listened to the danger warnings from your brain?”

Goku smiled. His first genuine, weight-off-my-shoulders smile in ages. That seemed to melt away some of the tension he’d been feeling. Maybe he was making a federal case out of nothing.

“Maybe you’re right.”

“Of course I am. So will you consider giving him a chance?”

Goku nodded. “I’ll consider it.”

“Good, and will you consider coming to the premier? Gohan wouldn’t want you to miss his debut, and I’d certainly miss you if you weren’t there this year. You are, after-all, my oldest and dearest friend.”

Bulma always did know how to turn on the charm. “Since you put it that way Bulma, how could I resist.”

The blue-haired woman smiled and clapped her hands together in victory. “Great…my tailor will be over at three to take your measurements.”

Goku’s face paled. “What? Why?”

“Because Goku…though I absolutely looove your orange gi, I don’t think it, or any of your other clothes, are appropriate for a semi-formal affair.”

“But Bulma…” he whined. He really didn’t want to dress in a suit. He absolutely loathed restrictive clothes.

“Don’t worry about it Goku. I promise it won’t be anything too formal.”

“Alright.” He agreed. He never could deny her anything.

Bulma smiled to herself. She’d see those two together if it killed her. Now all she had to do was return to Capsule Corp. and convince Vegeta to come to see Goku without stepping on his pride. Boy did she have her hands full.


A/N: I’m pleased with this chapter. Next chapter should have some action in it. It’s about half done now, but I’m such a perfectionist so I check over all of my words carefully to make sure they convey my true meaning. Maybe I should loosen up a bit.

Anyway, let me know what you think about the chapter so far. Oh and that stuff on longitude/latitude. Just use your imaginations.
