Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When It Rains ❯ When It Rains 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings, disclaimers and such: Thanks to all my reviewers from last chapter. I must say, I was a bit disappointed that I received so few, but to those that did review I really appreciate it. I almost started to scrap this story, since it takes some much time (that I really don’t have) to write one of these chapters and to receive so few replies. But I decided that I wouldn’t do that to the people that have so graciously reviewed. Thanks again.

There is a bit of drama and a tad bit of violence in this chapter, but then the whole story has been pretty angsty (not a real word). So anyway, enjoy.

When it RainsBy: Kaineko
Chapter 11…

Bright blue eyes scanned the city below from within the top floor office of one of the largest structures in downtown West City. It was Friday afternoon, and Bulma really had too much work left before the premier tonight. This was not just one of the most important annual premiers for her company, but it was also her chance to help her friends resolve whatever issues they had so that they didn’t miss out on the chance of a lifetime. Bulma sighed...’I guess I’m just a romantic at heart.’ Before she could travel any further down that thought path the intercom on her desk buzzed, breaking her from her thoughts.

“Yes Ian?”

“Bulma, I’m about to leave for the afternoon to get ready for the premier tonight. Is there anything else that you need me to do before I go?”

Bulma had given him half a day off to prepare for the product exhibit and press conference. She really could still use him at the office, but she’d have to make due without him. Well there was one thing…

“Before you leave I need you to call and confirm the order with our caterers. I made a last minute increase to the order, and I want to make sure everything is running smoothly.”

She’d finally succeeded in talking Vegeta into coming, and with him and Goku as well as the demi-Saiyans; she knew it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Okay. Anything else?”

“One more thing. Call Ramill’s and find out what time they’ll be delivering an order to Son Goku in the East district prefecture. I need to call him and make sure he stays put.”

The line was silent for a moment. Bulma almost thought they’d lost their connection until Ian spoke up.

“I’ll get right on it.” He said before the connection actually was severed. Had they been in the same room, Bulma would have felt a chill from the malicious smile that spread on Ian’s lips.

Ian left Capsule Corp shortly after he’d finished his tasks. He had a lot to do and only a little time to do it. He picked up his cellphone deftly dialing the number while darting through traffic.

Randall’s voice came on the other end. “Hello.”

“Hey, listen there’s been a slight change of plans.” He said.

“Exactly how slight is slight.” Randall asked.

Ian chuckled. “You know me too well… I’ve moved the date up to today. The perfect opportunity to carry out the plan just presented itself and I can’t possibly pass it up.”

“Okay what’s the plan?”

“There’s a delivery scheduled to Goku for 5:00 from Ramill’s. It’s an upscale tailor on South Second Street. Intercept it and deliver it yourself. Use this as your opportunity.”

“Okay, I got it. Don’t worry, I know what to do.” Randall said before the connection was severed.


Goku sat watching TV, trying to calm his nerves. He wasn’t really paying attention but the warm glow and chattering voices were a welcome change to the typical quiet loneliness. Bulma had said that the tailor would be there with his clothes at 5pm. In the meantime all he could do was wait. At least he’d already showered so he wouldn’t have to do anything but slip on his clothes and leave. The drive from his mountain home into the city would take a little over an hour, but he didn’t think Bulma would be too pleased if he simply flew over in his expensive clothes. Chichi always yelled at him for that, saying that by the time he arrived anywhere he smelled like outdoors, whatever that meant. Of course he could always IT himself closer to the city and then drive the rest of the way, but he didn’t want to get there too early.

As much as he hated to admit it he was petrified. Could he really go through with seeing Vegeta again after what happened the last time? Goku had thought about Vegeta’s offer as he’d promised Bulma he would. He’d never meant to hurt the prince, he’d just been so stunned by the whole situation. Ironically, he’d always felt so comfortable around Vegeta except for that night when he’d kissed him. And even then his body had responded to Vegeta’s touch in a way that it had never responded to anything else. Vegeta was able to bring out the extremes in him and in many ways he liked it even if it did leave him frazzled. Suddenly he was brought from his thoughts by a rapid knocking at his door.

‘Good, the tailor made it on time.’ He thought.

Goku opened the door to greet an average build man with short brown hair and round wire-rimmed glasses covering translucent hazel eyes. He held a burgundy garment bag in one hand and a small box under his arm.

“Is this the Son residence?”

“Yes I’m Son Goku.”

“I have a delivery from Ramill’s. May I?” He asked indicating that he wanted to bring the items inside.

“Oh sure.” Goku said allowing the man to come inside. He took the clothes and box from the man, hanging the garment bag over the door.

“I’m new to all this.” Goku said. “My friend had these clothes made for me.” He said chattering away nervously.

The deliveryman smiled. “Why don’t you try on the clothes and I’ll make any last minute adjustments.”

“Oh, okay.”

Goku took the bag into the other room, and several minutes later he came back dressed in a very comfortable black suit.

“Hey it feels pretty good.” Goku told the tailor.

“I think that the collar needs a little adjustment in the back, turn around and I’ll fix it right up.” The man added.

Goku did as the man requested. He shivered as the tailor’s cold fingers brushed against the exposed skin of his neck. For some reason he suddenly felt very uncomfortable, though he couldn’t explain why.

“You know I think, it’s fine.” Goku said.

“Just one more adjustment.” The man added.

Suddenly Goku felt a sharp pain as something pierced the skin of his neck. He grabbed his neck in pain and spun around clumsily to see what had happened.

“What did you do?” He slurred, trying to see straight, but everything was spinning wildly out of control.

“Just relax.” The man said. “Everything will take effect in a moment.”

Goku grabbed for the man standing in front of him, but his balance was off. “What the hell did you do to me…?”

The man just sidestepped the Saiyan’s grab and smiled. It was the last thing that Goku was aware of before total darkness.


Bulma noticed Vegeta’s foul mood from across the crowded room. She’d been too busy before greeting and schmoozing to really focus on him. Now that there was a slight lull in her activities she could check on him.

Vegeta was standing in the back corner of the ballroom on a slightly raised platform. From his vantage point he could see the entire room including every entrance and exit. Though the room was absolutely huge and teaming with a sea of people, he was sure that Goku hadn’t appeared yet. Nearly every one of those pathetic losers was there though, some mingling with the crowd, others congregated in the bar area. It never ceased to amaze him, the kind of people the woman called friends. Pushing that thought aside he tried to focus on his previous thoughts. Mainly where Goku could be. That was the only reason that he’d come. Bulma had practically forced him to come saying that Goku would be here and that he wanted to see him to clarify some things. At first he’d vehemently refused to see the man that had flatly rejected him. His pride was at stake after all. But he couldn’t deny the desire to see Goku again and perhaps find out why he was so afraid of him.

“Hey Vegeta. What’s going on? Where’s Goku?”

“You tell me onna. I haven’t seen him all night.”

Bulma looked at her watch. He should have been there ages ago. It was nearly time for the food to be put up and the actual product presentation to start. If he didn’t show soon, he’d definitely miss all the food.

“That’s odd. I can’t imagine what could be keeping him. When I called him this afternoon, he said he’d drive over after the tailor delivered his clothes.”

“He better hurry up. I can’t stomach too much more of this nonsense.”

Bulma became a little worried about her friend. Though it wasn’t unheard of for Goku to be absentminded, she was sure that he wouldn’t deliberately not show to something this important.

“Well, I’m going to look around a bit and see if any of the guys have seen him.”

Vegeta shrugged. It was useless, he knew for a fact that Goku hadn’t been there, but if she wanted to ask around, he wasn’t going to stop her.

As Bulma made her way through the throngs of people, she spotted her assistant near the entrance surrounded by several of the ladies from Research and Development. She’d heard that they started a little wager to see which one could catch his attention first. The poor fools. It seemed that Ian liked boys, apparent from his closeness with Gohan. But they could try she supposed.

“Hey Ian. I see you finally made it. You look really good.”

“Thanks Bulma. So do you.”

Bulma stifled a snicker as the other women eyed her with contempt.


Yamcha was standing across the room talking with Krillen, Tien, and Master Roshi when he spotted the familiar blue of Bulma’s hair from the corner of his eye. He frowned as he noticed her chatting animatedly with some guy who could undoubtedly charm the panties off any woman. He’d secretly been biding his time to try and reconcile his lost relationship with the CC heiress since she and Vegeta had called it quits ages ago. But maybe he’d waited too long and some other man had stepped in to fill the void.

“What’s up Yamcha?” Tien asked noting his friend’s sudden inattentiveness to the conversation. When he didn’t respond, everyone followed his line of sight transfixed on their long-time friend.

Krillen laughed, “If you’re feeling that jealous, why not go and butt into their conversation.”


Yamcha turned beet red as he realized that they were all laughing at his expense. “Nah, I was just wondering who that guy was.”

They really couldn’t see who Bulma was talking to. He was turned slightly away from them and only his profile could really be seen.

“Beats me. Probably just some business associate.”

“Probably, but I think I’ll go introduce myself.” Yamcha said walking off with obvious intentions.

“That guy’ll never change huh Master Roshi?” Krillen kidded. But the old man didn’t respond. Instead the old turtle hermit’s attention was riveted toward Bulma as well.

‘He looks so familiar…where have I seen him before?’

He was brought out of his thoughts as Tien nudged him. “Not you too Master. You know Bulma would kill you if she caught you staring like that.”

Master Roshi hid his uneasy feeling. “Haha, yeah you’re right. She’s too intimidated by my manly prowess.” He joked.

“Intimidated huh? More like repulsed.” Krillen whispered to Tien who laughed behind his hand.

Master Roshi glanced back toward the Blue-haired woman. Yamcha now stood completely blocking his view from the man Bulma had been talking to. Master Roshi just shrugged. It really wasn’t that important he thought before rejoining the conversation.


“Hey babe, how’s it going?” Yamcha asked as he sidled next to Ian and Bulma, effectively butting into their conversation.

Bulma smiled to herself. Yamcha was so obvious. He only called her babe when he felt jealous. Typical, she thought. She could only get his attention when he thought that someone else might be getting close to her.

“Hey Yamcha.” She said noticing the mistrusting look he was casting at Ian, who just smiled in return, also able to see Yamcha’s intentions.

Bulma decided that she could humor the man a bit and so she introduced the two men. “Ian, this is my old friend, Yamcha. Yamcha this is my assistant Ian.”

“Your assistant. You never told me you found a new one.” Yamcha said.

“I did. You just didn’t pay any attention.”

“Oh. Well nice to meet you.” Yamcha said extending his hand which Ian took. He was really only being pleasant.


The two men made more small talk before Bulma cut in, remembering that she’d been looking for Goku.

“Hey Yamcha, have you seen Goku?”

Yamcha didn’t have to think about it. “No, I haven’t seen him. Why?”

“Oh, its just that he said he was coming and I was hoping he hadn’t forgotten. Maybe I should check with the other guys. Maybe someone else saw him.” Bulma said.

“Your best bet is to check with Gohan or Goten. I’ve been talking with Krillen, Tien and Master Roshi pretty much all night so they probably haven’t seen him either.”

“I’ll try to find one of them.” Bulma said.

Neither one noticed Ian’s demeanor change as they continued talking. He glanced in the general direction that Yamcha had come from. Sure enough, there was Krillen and Tien talking with Master Roshi.

‘Damn!’ He hadn’t anticipated this. He just assumed that the old man would be dead by now, or at the very least wouldn’t be associated with Bulma or CC. Ian cursed his own sloppiness. Suddenly Roshi looked in his direction catching his eye for a moment. Ian quickly turned his head hoping that he hadn’t been recognized, but feeling like he most likely had been.

‘Shit. This changes everything.’

He quickly turned to Bulma. “If you’ll excuse me Bulma, I just remembered there’s something I need to do.”

“Oh, yeah sure.” She said and watched as he left.


Master Roshi only rejoined the conversation half-heartedly. Something felt wrong… If he had any hair, it would have been standing on end. His sixth sense told him that he was being watched. He turned his head at the strange impulse and immediately caught sight of Bulma’s blue hair as she talked to Yamcha. Just as quickly his eyes caught the stranger again, only this time the man was looking at him in return. He watched as the stranger quickly turned back toward Bulma and said something before leaving.

‘Where do I know him from…?’ Roshi thought. ‘Those eyes…They look so famil…wait. No, that can’t be right… He looks just like an older version of… But he’s dead.’

Roshi looked up again to see the man disappear through the south entrance.

“Dear Kami!” He said, catching the attention of all those around him. He quickly ran toward the same exit, stumbling over people as he went.

“Musta been some hot babe to get old Roshi moving like that.” Krillen commented.


Ian started his car and pulled out his cellphone all in one motion. As he took off from the convention center he dialed a familiar number.

“Yeah?” Came the reply on the other end.

“Randall. Look we’ve got a little problem. I didn’t factor in the old man, Roshi.”

“Factor him in? What happened?”

“He saw me, and I’m sure he recognized me.”

“Shit, Ian. I knew something was going to go wrong. Nothing ever goes perfectly.”

“Don’t worry.”

“What do you mean ‘don’t worry’? This changes everything.” He said, unknowingly echoing Ian’s earlier thought.

“Look, the plan is still salvageable. Just don’t lose your cool now.”

“Well, what do you plan on doing?” Ian asked.

Silence for a moment as Ian quickly reworked a few things. “Can you initiate the transfers tonight?”

“Yeah, but once they find out that Goku’s missing, it’ll only be a matter of time before they put two and two together.”

“Then go ahead and take care of that. I’ll get the last piece to finish this and I’ll see you later tonight. Just have everything ready when I get there.”

“Just don’t screw this up Ian.” Randall added.

“Stop worrying. This will all be worth it in the end.” Ian said before he ended the call.


Vegeta watched the commotion unfold across the room as Roshi shoved his way through the crowd, unsettling drinks and pissing people off.

“What the hell?”

He’d never seen the old man move so fast. As he watched Roshi make a mad dash for the doors a thought crossed his mind. He’d been meaning to corner the old coot and demand to know what he was hiding about Goku. He didn’t really know what had frazzled Roshi, but he really didn’t care. What he did care about was that maybe the man could shed some light on Goku, help him figure out the puzzle.

Vegeta stepped off the platform he’d been standing on and made his way to the exit with decidedly more grace than the old master. He caught up to the panting man in the parking lot mumbling to himself.

“I must be seeing things. I just don’t believe this…”

“Believe what?” Vegeta asked startling him.

“Oh Vegeta. Nothing. I just thought I saw someone I knew a long time ago.”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes watching the sweat bead on the old man’s face. He scrutinized Roshi’s nervous behavior and equally appalling scent before deciding to let it slide. He knew he was holding something back again, but this situation hardly concerned him. Instead he wanted to know about Goku.

“Whatever. Look I want to know what it is you’re hiding about Kakarrot.”

Roshi shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Bullshit. The other day when you to gave us that crap story about Kakarrot’s personality changing because he hit his head… I know you weren’t telling the truth. So what I want to know is what are you hiding?”

To the turtle hermit’s credit, he didn’t allow Vegeta to intimidate him. Instead he started back to the party. “Vegeta, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s all as I said before.”

Vegeta followed Master Roshi back into the building, still not convinced, but not able to threaten the information from him either. When they entered the room, Vegeta followed Roshi toward where Bulma and Yamcha were standing talking. When the genius saw him she fumed.

“What’s wrong with you pushing through the crowd like that? Thanks to you I have several cleaning bills coming for spilled drinks and ruined clothes.” Bulma fumed.

Roshi ignored her ranting. “Bulma, who was that you were talking to?” He asked.

The seriousness in his tone was enough to make her forget her anger. “My assistant…why?”

“It’s just that…”

Before he could finish one of the program directors ran up to Bulma carrying a clipboard and looking frantic.

“Ms. Briefs, the presentation should have started 5 minutes ago. Were have you been?”

“Oh man. Sorry. I’ll see you guys in a bit.” Bulma said running off with the lady.

“Wait, answer my question.” Roshi called out, but Bulma was already out of earshot.

“Damn! Yamcha do you know that guy’s name?”

“Um…she introduced me, but I wasn’t really paying attention. Why, what’s going on?”

“Nothing.” He said not offering more. If his suspicions weren’t correct he didn’t want to open up a topic that was better left unvoiced. “I just need to talk to Bulma as soon as she gets finished.”

Vegeta turned toward the stage where Bulma had finally started her presentation of CC’s new technology. He was pissed that he couldn’t intimidate any information from Roshi, and still anxious that Goku hadn’t shown up. But surely if he waited around these fools for a little while, when Goku did actually show up he’d be sure to spot him.


Revenge is a great motivator, however destructive it may be. At times the very thought of its sweetness was the only thing that kept him drawing breath, and its destructiveness is what he sought. He’d been patient, biding his time, planning, preparing, and now all of that was about to pay off. He’d repay Goku 100…1000 times for what he’d done. The bastard would know no mercy, as Ian had known none. Only pain, fear, loneliness, and betrayal. He would die by his hands, but not until he’d paid. Goku would not be merely broken, but ultimately, irreversibly shattered.

Ian pulled his car into the parking garage of the Lakefront Condos and got out. Goku’s sins would be visited upon his family as well. No one would escape Ian’s dangerous wrath. They were all guilty by fucking association. By the mere fact that they brought that fucker happiness. But Ian’s hate was a powerful distorter, able to mutilate their feelings, simply by manipulating their pitifully selfish minds. He’d already corrupted Chichi, taken her from Goku and manipulated her into leaving him destitute. He’d had Gohan, and could only imagine the naïve boy’s guilt when he found out that he’d given himself so freely to the man that only wanted to destroy his father. Too bad he hadn’t had the chance to get to Goten…the near carbon copy of his father. That son of a bitch Briefs hung around him too tough. But it was enough to Ian that he’d destroyed Goku’s family. The youngest boy would never be able to forgive the older and the older would never forgive himself. Things for the Sons were thoroughly fucked and would never be healed. All ironically accomplished with a healthy contribution from the fool’s best friend Bulma.

Everything was weaving together beautifully like a well-written song even though it wasn’t exactly as he planned. Ian never was one to let slight hitches stop him from his ultimate goal. He’d been waiting too long for this, and he was so fucking close that he could taste it. Tonight would be the culmination of years of preparation and scheming and he’d once again wield power to dominate the one person that, more than any, deserved his contempt.


Chichi reached over and grabbed the phone on her nightstand.


“Hey Chi.”

Chichi smiled as Ian’s voice sounded on the other end.

“Were you sleeping?” He asked.

Chichi sat all the way up in bed, resting her back against the headboard and letting her book fall in her lap.

“Oh, no…actually I was just reading. How are things going there, I haven’t heard from you in a few days?” Chichi said. It had actually been about a week since she’d last heard from her lover, because he’d been out of town on business. So his call was unexpected.

“Actually, I’m back in town. Things went more smoothly than expected, so I wrapped up early. I left right after my last meeting and my plane just landed. I can’t wait until morning to see you.”

Chichi smiled into the phone. She’d never had anyone so anxious to see her. “Well, are you coming over?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m less than an hour away from your house now, can you be ready when I get there?”

“Ready? Ready for what?” She asked.

“I want to take you somewhere. I have a little surprise, and I just can’t wait for you to see it. After that we can go have a late dinner. I know a great little restaurant where they play live jazz late into the night.”

“Oh, well, I thought you just wanted to come over for a while.”

Ian could hear the hesitation in her voice so he put on the charm. “Well, I want to do something special for you. I haven’t seen you in so long…I really missed you.”

How could she refuse such an offer? And it wasn’t even that late, she reasoned glancing at her bedside clock.

“Okay, I’ll be ready.” She said, already swinging her legs out of bed and walking toward her closet with the phone still cradled to her ear.

“Then I’ll see you in a while.” He said before he hung up.

An hour passed seemingly in minutes, but Chichi had managed to go from ready for bed to ready for fun without a hitch. Quickly she smoothed the spaghetti strapped emerald green dress that clung closer to her curves than her own skin and left absolutely nothing to the imagination. She had found she liked it that way, feeling more attractive and feminine than matronly and utilitarian like in her old clothes. Her silky ebony locks were partly pinned up with a great bulk of it falling down between her shoulder blades, caressing the bare skin of her exposed back. All in all, she was a beauty to behold.

She was startled as the sound of the doorbell chimed throughout the apartment. Chichi looked at herself in the mirror one last time before she answered the door.

“My kami Chi…” Ian said. “You don’t just look like an angel, you look like heaven itself.”

Chichi felt her cheeks heat at his words. He was exceptionally romantic. At times it was almost overwhelming.

“Thanks Ian, you look rather sexy yourself.” She said noting the tailored suit he must have worn to his last meeting.

He smiled. “You ready?”

She nodded grabbing her purse and heading out the door. Chichi smiled at the night watchman, Peter she thought his name was, as she left the building in Ian’s arms. It was already past 10 and the thrill of leaving so late washed over her in a giddying rush. Damn, it felt good to be carefree. Even something so simple as a late night date caused her to soar with exhilaration. They got into Ian’s car and quickly left heading away from Lakeland.

The ride was smooth, the only sound coming from the soft music playing through the radio. Chichi settled more comfortably in her seat, enjoying the peaceful drive. She leaned her head against the window taking in the sights that surrounded her. What she could see of the city from the expressway that circled it seemed to go by in a dizzying blur. Flashes of city lights and dense evening traffic slowly morphed to rolling hills, crowded trees and sparse travelers. Chichi didn’t realize until then that they were headed outside of the city. Though it seemed a bit odd to her that this place was so far out, she didn’t mention it at first. But as the tree line grew denser and the only illumination was that afforded by the pale moonlight, Chichi’s curiosity grew.

“Uh Ian… Exactly where are we going again?” She asked.

There was a stretch of silence between them before he spoke.

“We’re almost there.” He said not offering more.

Moments later they exited the expressway and drove a little ways down a lonely country road before turning off onto a narrow side road that Chichi would never have even noticed. The road was old and she could tell rarely used by the thick canopy of trees that hung low, almost touching the car at times and completely blocking out the moonlight. It was so dark that she could barely see anything in front of them even with the high beams on. Again she questioned their destination and again he assured her that it was just a little further.

“You trust me don’t you?” Ian asked.

“Well, yes…but.”

“Then don’t worry about it. Everything is fine.”

Less than 10 minutes later they drove into a large clearing in the middle of what Chichi could only describe as the woods. There was a large multi-story building made almost entirely of faded gray concrete situated in the middle of the clearing. A swift river ran along behind the building, nearly invisible in the darkness save for the slight shimmer of the moon’s reflection on the surface.

Glancing over at Ian, she watched as he got out of the car, walked around to the other side and helped her out.

“Ian, exactly where are we?” She asked.

“Come on, I have a surprise for you.” He said encapping his car after she was out of the way.

She looked at her surroundings. Chichi could say with some certainty that the building looked abandoned. Even with the poor lighting she noticed large tufts of grass growing in the cement cracks of the parking lot indicating that the space hadn’t been heavily used in quite a while.

“Are you sure this is safe? I mean it just feels so…” She trailed off not able to describe the weird feeling.

“I’m positive.” He said grabbing her hand and trying not to let his exasperation leak into his voice. They entered the building through the solitary set of heavy metal doors and walked slowly down a poorly lit hallway. It was closed-in and dungeon-like in its coldness. Chichi suppressed an involuntary shiver. She didn’t really know what was going on. Ian said that he wanted to show her something…a surprise of sorts. But she had no idea what could be so exciting in an old place like this. Then again, she had talked with him before about finding a large space to convert into an art studio and gallery for some of his clients. Could this old building possibly be what he had in mind? Granted Chichi wasn’t an expert, but this seemed so far out of the way and utterly creepy. Surely this couldn’t be it. But then what else could it be?

Relaxing a bit at the thought, she started to assess the area for its potential instead of only focusing on its overall dreariness.

Ian gripped her hand a little tighter as they continued their way down the long corridor. They stopped in front of another set of steel double doors.

“What I want to show you is in here.” He said before pushing open the double doors.


No one had ever seen Roshi so unsettled. Not for anything as trivial as a lost girly magazine or as serious as the earth in jeopardy. Both of which were of the same magnitude to the old hermit. So it would go without saying that everyone congregated around him trying to figure out what had him so disturbed. Roshi looked toward the stage, not really listening to anything that Bulma was saying. Somehow they had all migrated backstage, waiting on Bulma to finish up. Trunks and Gohan had already joined the blue-haired woman onstage to help with the new JAI line that Gohan had been an intricate part of. Goten was standing just off from the stage watching the presentation.

Vegeta leaned against a wall with his arms crossed. “Boy, have you seen your father tonight?”

“Um…no.” Goten offered. “I didn’t know if he’d actually make it or not. It was always mom that dragged him to these things. He never actually came on his own.”

Vegeta bristled at the mention of Chichi. He still didn’t have any use for the bitch and felt the world would be a better place if she dropped off of it. He quickly covered his reaction by shrugging at the boy’s comment. The group was relatively silent after that.

Suddenly Vegeta’s acute senses picked up a faint, but familiar scent. He pushed himself off the wall and followed the cool scent of fresh spearmint to a little alcove around a corner from where they stood. He wasn’t at all surprised at who he say standing there looking conspicuous with his large frame pushed into the small space.

“You know as big as you are, you should probably try hiding in a larger space.” He said, not even trying to hide the smirk that played on his lips.

Piccolo scowled at the shorter man in front of him. “I am not hiding. I merely don’t want to be seen.” Piccolo retorted.

“That sure sounds like hiding to me.”

Piccolo growled. Vegeta ignored it.

“What are you doing here anyway? I thought you hated these public gatherings.” Vegeta asked.

“I could ask you the same thing.”

Vegeta folded his arms, briefly thinking of the real reason he was there. Of course he wasn’t about to admit that. “Well I’m here because the onna would nag the fuck out of me if I didn’t come. And most times it’s not worth the trouble to refuse her.” Vegeta said. “But seeing as you don’t have that same problem, I can only think of one reason…or should I say one demi-saiyan that could bring you out in a crowd.”

Piccolo didn’t reply simply because what Vegeta said was true. He had come to see Gohan. Even though their relationship was understatedly strained at the moment, he still wanted to support his young friend’s efforts and this was important to Gohan. Vegeta’s voice once again cut into his thoughts.

“You know, you may as well come out and suffer the presence of these humans with the rest of us. Not that I care, but you look pretty suspicious stuffed in that little cubby. So if your intention is to divert attention away from yourself, you’re failing miserably.”

As if to reiterate his words, someone walked by staring warily at the two men.

Vegeta simply smirked, then walked back around the corner. This time Piccolo was right behind him.


Chichi stood in confusion for a few tense moments before suddenly cringing in shock. Beyond the double doors was a large room; surprisingly well lit in comparison to the hall they’d just entered from. There were no windows in the cold gray room and not very much furniture considering the scale of the space. Only a few cabinets, some long tables, and a couple of chairs. But the décor wasn’t what grabbed Chichi’s attention. Instead it was the shock of familiar black hair on top of a head that she knew all too well. Lying on what appeared to be a waist-high table of sorts was none other than Goku. From her vantage point she could really only see the top of his head, but there was definitely no mistaking who it was. Was he unconscious?

“Ian?” She said a little uncertain as she took one step closer to the prone figure before stopping. This was so far from what she’d expected to see, it was mind numbing. Her usual confidence had all but deserted her at the sight.

“Surprise.” Ian said from behind her causing her to turn around and stare at him. She’d never seen this particular look on his face. Cold, cruel, calculating, and oh so tauntingly sarcastic. He grabbed her hand and started pulling her farther into the room. On instinct she tried unsuccessfully to jerk her hand away.

“Come now Chi.” He admonished. “None of that.”

“What the hell is going on here?!” She screeched, once again finding her voice.

“Well…” Ian started out as if he were merely discussing the weather. “Let’s just put it this way. You’re about to be party to a little…reunion of sorts. You’re not the only person dear Goku here has rubbed the wrong way and I intend to have my revenge. You see, you were always just a pawn in my little game. Just one way to get back at Goku. But I must say, I did enjoy every minute of it.” He said winking seductively.

Chichi narrowed her eyes, suddenly furious at being so blatantly used. She wanted Ian to pay for what he’d done. It was as she glanced at Goku again, that she noticed that he was chained securely to the table. Well, securely if he were a mere human. For the first time she was actually grateful for her husband’s Saiyanity and her confidence returned tenfold.

“You know when he wakes up, you’ll have hell to pay. Do you honestly think those chains are enough to hold him?” Chichi couldn’t help but allow a little cockiness to leak through into her voice.

“Perhaps that would be true, if we hadn’t taken a few preventative measures.” Another voice said from behind her. Chichi whirled around as much as Ian’s grasp on her wrist would allow her and came face to face with a man she’d never seen before.

“Who are you?”

“Ah me?” He said pointing to himself as if he needed to clarify. “No one really. Just someone with an interest in seeing Goku suffer.”

Suddenly remembering what he’d said as he walked into the room chichi asked. “What exactly do you mean by preventative measures?”

“Aren’t you just full of questions. Well, since you asked. The band on his head,” he said indicating a thin black band wrapped like a second skin around Goku’s head and weaved under his hair. “Let’s just say it keeps our Saiyan in line.”

Chichi gawked at his reference to Goku’s race.

“Oh, don’t think that we don’t know what he is.” Ian said causing the woman to face him again.

Chichi still didn’t know why all of this was happening. This man that she’d thought she knew was not at all what he’d seemed. For whatever reason he’d kidnapped Goku…though she couldn’t figure out how…and was holding him captive chained to a bed like some animal. And surely she was in danger as well. Suddenly jerking her arm away from Ian she stepped away from him and the other man, hiking up her dress a bit and crouching into a fighting stance.

Ian laughed. “Don’t delude yourself, Chi.”

“Bastard!” She snarled. “Don’t presume me weak merely because I’m a woman!”

In the split second that it took for the comment to fully leave her mouth, Chichi went from standing, to finding herself pinned to a wall by Ian’s hand around her throat. Her feet dangling inches off the ground. She dangled there shocked for a moment before she realized her position and started to struggle, trying to pry his fingers from around her neck.

“Really Chichi. You give yourself too much credit.” Ian said. He held her there for a few more moments, applying slightly more pressure to her neck. It would certainly be bruised afterward. Just as she was sure she’d lose consciousness he released her to fall crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath.

Ignoring the woman before him, Ian turned to Randall. “How long before he wakes up?”

Randall glanced at his watch, calculating the last dosage of sedative he’d given the Saiyan.

“No more than a few hours tops.”

Ian eyed Chichi, still lying on the floor. “ Good. That gives me plenty of time to have a little fun with our other guest.” He said bending forward and grabbing Chichi once again before dragging her, struggling feebly, through a side door.


Bulma was smiling brightly as they made their way off the stage. Everything had gone exceptionally well, with none of the little mishaps that normally plagued the unveiling of new technology such as malfunctions and product failures. Bulma was more than pleased.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?” She asked her friends that were milling about next to the stage.

Roshi didn’t waste any time. He had to know if his suspicion was correct. He grabbed her arm lightly, pulling her off the platform. Bulma would have complained if it weren’t for the serious look that seemed somehow odd, on his face.

“Bulma is there somewhere we can talk?” He asked.

Bulma’s heart was thumping in her chest. Something had to be wrong…Roshi wasn’t acting himself.

“Yeah, sure. I think there’s a little dressing area in the back.”

They all followed her around the corner, equally curious to know what was going on.

“Okay, so what’s this all about?” She asked once she’d closed the door behind her.

“Tell me…who was that man you were talking to?”

Bulma looked a bit confused.

“Right before the presentation.” Roshi clarified.

“Well, he’s my assistant.” She answered wondering what was so special about that.

“Who, Ian Mori?” Trunks asked.

Master Roshi gasped at the name. ‘Ian…after all these years I thought you were dead. To have you show up here…’ Roshi abruptly cut off his own train of thought.

“Hey, do you know the guy Master Roshi?” Yamcha asked.

Silence filled the air. Then tension was so thick it was almost choking. Roshi didn’t answer right away, instead rubbing his eyes behind his glasses and plopping down in one of the chairs.

Vegeta started to speak, wanting to break the silence. He really wasn’t interested in that pathetic human that worked for Bulma. He hadn’t liked the man when he first met him, and not surprisingly his feelings hadn’t changed. All he wanted to do was figure out a way to get Roshi to spill about what he knew about Goku. Little did the prince know that his wish was about to come true. However before he could say anything to speed up Roshi’s dramatics, the old hermit started to speak again.

“When I saw him, I thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me. You know age catching up. But then when he looked at me and I saw recognition in his eyes…” He sighed.

“Yes, I knew him once. A very long time ago.” Roshi said answering Yamcha’s earlier question.

“But I knew him as Ian Son.”

“Son? As in…?” Gohan started.

“Yes. Goku’s older brother.”


A/N: I think it’s a pretty good chapter. So now everyone knows who Ian is. Next chapter will be the explanation of Ian’s hatred toward Goku and the long awaited meeting between Ian and Goku. (Uh Oh!)

Email me: Kaineko(at)hotmail(dot)com