Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ all this pain, does it go away? ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so please don't sue. I also do not own 'Long, Long Way To Go' which is owned by Def Leppard.

Yaoi! If you don't like it, don't read it!
Thank you so much for the reviews!! Some more twists and turns in the plot this time. Enjoy!

When love and hate collide by Star Spangle Mistress

"And that was the latest from the awesome group the Redjacks, please stay tune for more great hits…"

The radio was turned off with a soft click. Goku smiled to himself proudly knowing that was his son that was just singing on the radio. It had been over five years since his youngest son left to venture the world on his own. Four years since he lost his wife. Grief stricken, Goku didn't have much to comfort him when he found himself living alone. Many a night he walked the small home thinking to himself trying to ward off the nightmares that would never leave him alone.

To say that he found solace in the arms of his once enemy would be an understatement. Vegeta would stop by at least once a day to check on Goku always stating that he needed a sparring partner or what not just to get the younger saiyan out of the house. Love didn't really strike until months later; it was a day that Goku to this day still could not get out of his head.


The Son house was quiet, too quiet for Goku's tastes. It was the holidays once again, but this time he was spending them alone in the snow-covered valley. He hadn't seen his youngest in almost a year and his wife had been buried no less then half a year. His eldest Gohan had invited him over to spend the holidays with his family claiming to start a new tradition. He also turned down the invitation from Bulma.

He had found himself looking at old photo albums bringing back fond memories and some not so fond of remembering. The last picture he had of Goten was one with him and Trunks together both smiling mischievously at the camera just after Trunks' high school graduation. But that only brought back the memories of finding out his son was brutally beaten within an inch of his life from the young lavender haired prince. Vegeta had taken the youth to the hospital before coming back and telling Goku what had happened. While the last photo of ChiChi nearly crushed his heart. The doctors had told him it was just natural causes, but Goku blamed it on himself. With a soft sob he tossed the pictures and albums back in the box before leaving the house.

Goku walked away from his home in the middle of a blizzard not caring if he lived or not. It wasn't until nearly eight hours later that the prince of all saiyans found the young saiyan by chance covered in a thick blanket of snow. Vegeta had braved the blizzard to check on Goku that day just because Bulma had wanted her long time friend to come over but he never answered his phone. Glad that he had actually listened to Bulma's ranting, Vegeta took the frozen orange form into his arms and back to the Son home. After stripping the younger one out of the wet gi, he placed him into bed and piled on the blankets to warm Goku up. Hours and hours of waiting only resulted in a still shivering Goku.

"You damn baka Kakarott!" Vegeta cursed as he stepped out of his boots and pulled off his pristine white gloves and crawled into the bed next to Goku, running his hands over still cold limps and torso.
"Nappa use to say that body heat was the quickest way to warm someone up. Guess I get to prove that theory eh Kakarott? You know you're colder then Bulma's ass on a warm summer day?" That put a quirky smile on the prince's lips as he smothered Goku's cheeks in his hands.

"Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again you hear me? Not while I'm still alive to beat your ass." That remark elicited a small dulcet moan from the saiyan beside him. Dark eyes fluttered open and focused on even darker eyes directly in front of his face.
"It's about time Kakarott."
"Wha…what happened?"
"You got stupid and decided to go play in a blizzard."
"That's why I'm so cold." Goku shivered but not knowing if it was from the cold or the intense stare that Vegeta was giving him.
"Hn, you're lips are still a little blue." The prince said taking in the ragged condition of Goku's face. Before he could blink again, cold lips touch warm soft lips in a light almost phantom kiss.
"Bah Kakarott if you're going to do something do it right like this!" Lips meshed together in a sweet explosion of need leaving both saiyans breathless when Vegeta broke the kiss.
"Whoa! I…" Goku mumbled out as he brought two fingers to his lips.
"Uh huh." Was all the younger saiyan could say at the moment, too stunned to say anything else.
"Good I'll keep doing it so you don't say anything stupid you baka!"

~End flashback~

"Kakarott!" Goku jumped from the kitchen chair in a start. Vegeta stood in front of him with a scowl on his face as he looked at the younger saiyan.
"Geeze Geta, you didn't have to scare me did you?" Goku whined out as he took his seat again.
"Of course I do, I've been talking to you for the last half hour. What the hell were you thinking about?"
"Us. Goten. Just a lot of things really."
"Miss the whelp do you?" Vegeta asked softly looking down at his mate with a sad expression on his face. Goku slowly nodded before putting his head on top of his arms resting on the table.
"Well he's off playing rock star or something now. He found his life."
"Yeah, but I thought his life would be closer to home at least. Oh well, what were you saying?"
"I was telling you that I saw Trunks today." The name made Goku tense slightly.
"Seems he destroyed his apartment in a fit of rage a few weeks back. He's living at home with the onna again."
"Who pissed him off this time?"
"That's the thing Kakarott, he wouldn't tell Bulma why he did it. I think the past is starting to catch up with him."
"What do you mean by that Vegeta? What past?"
"Think about it. I bet my royal title that half breed son of mine heard or even saw your son doing his music trash. Saiyan instincts are just too strong for him. He knows that he wants to mate with your son, but his human side won't allow it."
"So basically his saiyan side is telling him one thing while the other is telling him the exact opposite? That's going to drive him insane."
"Exactly unless they get together."
"I doubt Goten will except Trunks back in his heart. Especially after what happened."
"I don't think your son has stopped pining over my son Kakarott. Have you heard some of the songs that have been coming out from him? All sappy ass love songs, so don't tell me he would not except it."

"Ok Goten, I need you to start over from the beginning. Had some tape problems in here." Ashley called out of the intercom of the recording booth. Goten sighed before shaking his head. He had been in the dank little room for the last five hours singing the same song over and over. Each time the song becoming harder for him to sing. Ashley gave him a nod before the music started flowing into Goten's headset.

"You held my hand and then you slipped away. And I may never see your face again.
So tell me how to fill the emptiness inside without love, what is life?
And anyone who knew us both can see we always were the better part of me
I never wanted to be this free, all this pain, does it go away?
Then every time I turn around and you're nowhere to be found I know"

Ashley gave the thumbs up in the booth as the tapes recorded his singing voice. Goten smiled weakly wishing he was singing to Trunks instead of the old microphone that was suspended from the white ceiling. Here he sat on an old barstool singing his heart out to no one.

"To you I wish you everythin' and all the best that life can bring.
I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh, yeah. And even though I feel the pain I know that I will love again.
The time will come, oh, and I'll move on."

On the last line Goten took off the headset, tossing it away from him as if it had burned him. Grabbing his jacket off the chair he was out the door in a hurry.

"Hey! Where are you going?" His manager yelled out of the sound booth at the retreating form of her number one star. Goten stopped before tuning back around with tears welling up in his eyes.
"I can't sing that song no more Ash, live with it. I have to go get Leilani." Goten kicked the door open with enough force to break it off the hinges before escaping out into the chilly air.
"I know it's hard Goten, but I think I can do something about it." Ashley whispered out as she watched him leave.

Several blocks away Goten found himself walking the same street he walked many of times before when he first arrived. It was appropriately named, 'boulevard of broken dreams'. Turning a quick right, he climbed a small set of stairs leading to an apartment just above an old Chinese restaurant he liked to visit. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door as he rocked back on his heals slightly as he waited. The sound of locks and a chain greeted him as the door finally cracked open.

"Yeah it's me Makina, can I come in?"
"Sure, sure come in. I wasn't expecting to see you until this weekend." The small woman stuttered out as she opened the door wider to let the taller man into the run down apartment. Goten looked around before going to the couch placed under two huge windows that over looked the street below.
"So what brings you here so early?"
"I came to get Leilani." The woman nodded her head sadly as she walked past Goten going towards the next room. There were some hushed voices before a clatter made the young saiyan glance up in that direction.

"Daddy!" A little dark haired girl squealed out as she ran from the room jumping into Goten's lap. Goten's eyes lit up as the girl threw her arms around him hugging him ferociously.
"How's Daddy's little angel? Staying out of trouble?" Two blue eyes looked up and a huge smile graced the girl's lips.
"Uh huh." She nodded, her pigtails bouncing with every bob of her head.
"Good. Get your things, you're going to stay with Daddy for awhile." The small girl cheered as she climbed back off of his lap running towards her bedroom to collect her things. Makina stood with her arms folded against her chest watching her daughter run off.

"What do you mean by staying with you for awhile?"
"Just what it means. She's going to be staying with me indefinitely."
"What? Goten don't be an asshole!" The woman snapped out with venom laced in her voice.
"Hey, I'm not the one using the child support I send on drugs am I? You and I both know what happened that night three years ago was a mistake, a huge mistake. But I take care of my mistakes. Here, this is the court order saying that your parental rights have been revoked. Clean yourself up and you can see her again."
"Why the hell are you doing this to me? Haven't I been through enough already?"
"Sorry, but that's the way it works out." Goten sighed out as his daughter came back in the room with her bags packed and her favorite teddy bear stuffed under her arm.

"Ready to go pumpkin?" Goten asked placing his hand on top of Leilani's head.
"Yep! Here you can take Mister Fuzzy." Small hands thrusted the chocolate colored bear into Goten's hands.
"Alright, go say good bye to your mother. We need to be leaving."
"Bye Momma!" The small girl chirped out, as she was squeezed into a hug.
"You be good and listen to your dad. I love you." Silent tears started to fall on the older woman's face.
"I will Momma, and I love you too." Makina broke the hug and watched as her baby walked out the door with Goten not far behind.

Taking a cab to Goten's apartment half way across town, father and daughter made their way inside the cluttered living room.
"Wait right here ok? Daddy needs to get some things real quick."
"Why?" The innocent voice of Leilani asked, as she looked around wide-eyed.
"We're going on a little trip."
"We're going to Daddy's home."
"Huh? This is your home."
"No sweetheart it's not. This is just a place where Daddy keeps his things. Home is far away where you have an uncle an aunt and a cousin named Pan. It's also the place where my Daddy lives."
"Wow. Will they like me?"
"No, they won't like you." Goten replied watching his daughter's face turn sad. He kneeled down lifting her chin to see her eyes.
"They'll love you."

So what do you think? More twists and turns then your grandmothers knickers in a twist? Or am I just confusing everyone? Tell me what you think!